Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Jelq City!

Cheeva, when jelqing for length, essentially what you are doing is stretching WHILE jelqing, right? Wouldn’t a normal stretch just be better to achieve this? I mean, I never seemed to understand jelqing for length. In my view, if you want a stretched penis- you stretch. If you want to push blood into your dick, you jelq. Or is the point of “New Jelq City” to kill two birds with one stone. I must say though, I hate jelqs when i’m not plump because I feel more prone to injury, and don’t really achieve that great of a stretch anyways.

For me this type of semi-flaccid jelqing gives a very intense stretch that I can’t achieve any other way. There is a completely different feeling in the unit after this kind of jelqing vs. normal stretching. I think there are several reasons for this: 1) After warm up the friction of jelqing keeps the unit warmer than standard stretching. 2) The ligs and lower portion (base) of the shaft are isolated better with this type of jelqing. 3) It is difficult (for me at least) to hold standard stretches beyond 30 seconds or so without creating too much stress on the glans. With “jelq stretching” I get a much more intense stretch than standard manual stretches can provide, and the entire unit gets a good workout. Basically I’m starting the stretch from the very base and slowly extending it down the entire shaft until I’m at FSL, holding briefly, and repeating. This causes the unit to feel more pliable than simply pulling the unit out to FSL and holding until the glans starts to go numb.

So I think there’s an advantage to having a warm, pliable softie with just a little blood in it to work with, and doing jelq-oriented length work in this condition. :)

Cheeva -

It’s been nearly three months since you started this thread. Have you seen any solid results from regularly incorporating this technique into your routine? As I mentioned previously, I do something similar to this on occasion, but I would like to hear about your results to help see if I should include this exercise as a staple in my routine.


"This is my boomstick!"

Originally Posted by wherezmyname
Cheeva -

It’s been nearly three months since you started this thread. Have you seen any solid results from regularly incorporating this technique into your routine? As I mentioned previously, I do something similar to this on occasion, but I would like to hear about your results to help see if I should include this exercise as a staple in my routine.


I for one have had great results. Call it 1/4 inch in BPEL since Cheeva reminded me to jelq this way. I was stuck for about 6 months before. Looks like it is still working as of today.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

When I started out doing PE seriously about a year ago (around the time I joined Thunders), I experimented with a variety of jelqing techniques, including the “traditional” 50-70% way as demonstrated in the videos. But the method outlined in the OP is the way seemed to work best for me—to feel most natural, and to yield the best results. So I would attribute all of my length gains (~1 inch) to having this type of jelq as the foundation of my routine. It’s only recently though that I’ve become consciously aware that I’m not doing “normal” jelqs.

Perhaps, as chronostone suggested in a previous post, much of the confusion arises from discussion of erection percentages. To me, any rigidity in the unit starts to hinder length gains when jelqing. You should be able to stretch your unit straight down to full FSL (or very close to it.) There should be enough “give” to allow you to easily bend your unit mid-shaft to a 45 degree angle. To my mind, anything above 40% and this is either not possible or very dangerous, because there would be rigidity in the unit. So I suppose I think of 45-50% as semi-erect, i.e. too rigid to safely stretch straight down or bend at an acute angle.

Given it a try today. 30 NJC + 2 25-second squeeze-stretches + 30 NJC.
I made them at about 20% erection - a big, but still soft flaccid. About 8-12 seconds each. As I’m uncircumsized, and my shaft gets a little thinner towards the top, I had to Kegel some blood into penis before nearly each move. That doesn’t increase erection level much, just more blood. It gives significant head and less significant upper shaft expansion, and thus, gives me girth to hold my stretch against. When erection rose somewhat too much, I would not Kegel before move for 2-3 reps, until it was not possible to hold stretch without additional blood.

I felt some ligament stretch, but not very much, actually. Probably, it’s just because massive head expansion produced much more sensation. Also, I need a way to efficiently heat up penis base and ligs - I currently use a youghurt bottle with 3 holes cut out - 1 for dick, 1 for water in, 1 for water out. It’s easy to use and protects balls from hot water, but doesn’t allow to heat base and ligs, really.

After workout, that’s the most expanded view of my dick I’ve ever seen after workout. Though, lymph buildup is quite massive as well, but nevertheless, both length and girth are great. I had trouble getting it in and out of my heating bottle - have to enlarge dick hole.

All in all, I’m impressed. That’s the way to go for me till NY. Then, it will be time for some pure stretch. But it’ll be alternated with NJC for sure.

What I like very much about NJC is that it provides length grow while allowing to follow TGC theory and support proper quality of blood circulation.

Big thanks to cheeva!

Do you guys think it can be just as effective with dry jelq?


I think the main factor to worry about would be sore skin.

I’ve done NJC wet way, but didn’t use much lube, and it dried near the end, so it was more like dry jelq at the end.

I am uncut, and have gained even more skin due to wet jelqing. So, I would really like to avoid wet jelqs as much as possible.

Would pulling my skin back and holding it still with the other hand at the base help reducing the effect of skin growth? I really want to give this NJC thing a try, but am very concerned of more skin growth.

Dry jelqing is quick; you can do it in the bathroom at work. I have to say it’s more for girth and plumping up.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

Now wet jelqing is better for vascular and erection strength.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

Wouldn’t wet jelq decrease the intensity of the stretch, since it is slippery, so you grip won’t be as firm. As a result, not pulling as much.


For me, it doesn’t. As I kegel before stroke, the head enlarges greatly during the move, and at the end of stroke, it doesn’t slip anymore.

I understand that wet and dry jelqs would yield gains in different parameters. What I wanted to find out originally was that if dry jelq would work for this particular method of jelqing (jelqing at only 20% erection).

I’ve been doing these for a couple weeks. I experimented on days when I was 100% flaccid to days where I was 20-30% flaccid. I noticed my penis looks much fuller (better worked out) after doing 20%-30%. Is it best to do these at 100% flaccid or is it possible to do FSL doing 20%-30% level?


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