Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Jelq City!

These low erection/flaccid jelqs are wet jelqs. When doing wet jelqs you need to use lube. How can you get such a grip hard enough that you can stretch the ligs? Don’t your hand slip down the penis when using lube?

Turns out my EQ wasn’t as good today as I expected so I tried this variation of the jelq. I was impressed, I think I’ll incorporate it into my routine until I think I have maxed out my length gains. :)

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

Started doing these a few days ago and really diggin them. Working the ligs better than most manual stretches I’ve tried. Thanks for sharing cheeva

Thanks for this concept cheeva! I’ve been doing this for a while now and I feel like it has been working out well for me but I do have a couple questions for ya if you have a second.

1: I’m uncut and I’m starting to grow some extra, and unwanted, skin. Any thoughts on how to avoid this?

2: Do you think doing some manual squeezes or even clamping at very low erection levels would be beneficial? I’m shooting for length right now, but lets face it I just want to be bigger, so I wouldn’t complain about girth gains.

I wanted to bump this back up, since it seems to be the main “jelqing for length” thread (and I hate stretching).

This thread is full of people saying they’ll try it out. Any results to report etc, anyone consider this their main length exercise?

I finally got into a period of PE again in December (which only lasted a few weeks), and I used this together with regular jelqs in a low intensity routine. Already after that short and light work the ruler did show some increase in BP length (about 4-5mm I think), but I don’t consider it “official” since it might have been because of increased EQ etc. Either way, there’s always the chance that the increase came from the regular jelqs, too.. I’m starting back up now and hope this can be my main length exercise.

This seems like quite a positive method to increase length. I’ve just had a 4 - 5 month stint of doing a bog-standard routine (stretching, normal jelqs) and found that the only length I gained was due to better EQ.. I think. But the main problem with stretching for me is that it’s really uncomfortable to put any pressure on the ligs. So I decided to have a week off and shall be starting from scratch with this method, so I’ll keep anyone interested in this method posted.

I don’t understand how a lower level of jelqing would benefit length gains. I understand the Ligament stretching side of things, but isn’t the point of jelqing to expand the blood chambers or something along those lines. When I jelq at a higher erection level, I see the blood expand my penis forward, but when I am at a lower level, I see no expansion. Is Cheeva still around so that I could PM him? Also how do you know what level your at, obviously completely soft is 0 and completely rock hard is 100, but if my penis is about 3 1/2 flaccid and 6 erect does that mean that 4 3/4s is my 50% level?

I have been jelquing since october 2010 with an higher erection level and I have see a gain of 0.5 cm in girth and no gains in length.. could jelquing shorten units??

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

I think I accidentally stumbled on a pretty effective grip during my session today. As I mentioned in my progress report, I’m guessing it isn’t brand new but I don’t think I’ve come across its description yet on the forum.

To quote what I wrote in my progress report:

A bit tough to describe, but it’s an overhand grip in which the side/under part of your thumb is to one side of the shaft and the underside of the bottom of your index finger is on the other (as well as the underside of the bottom part of the hand that’s in between the thumb and index finger, with the webbing between your thumb and index finger on the top part of the shaft facing you). The closest thing to it is probably the grip you’d use to open a bottle, except of course you’re squeezing a bit and pulling straight out as opposed to twisting. I’m going to go ahead and venture to guess that neither I invented it nor am I the only person who uses it, but I’ll go ahead and call it the Bottle Opener Grip (BOG for short).

I had been experiencing a pretty tough, inefficient session until I stumbled upon this technique. The more standard grips started working better for me as well once I started mixing in these BOGs. Anyone ever heard of or tried something similar?

On and off since 2007

Started (October 2007) at: 5.5 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Last Did PE (March 2012) at: 6.00 BPEL x 5 EG

Originally Posted by growing09
I think I accidentally stumbled on a pretty effective grip during my session today. As I mentioned in my progress report, I’m guessing it isn’t brand new but I don’t think I’ve come across its description yet on the forum.

To quote what I wrote in my progress report:
A bit tough to describe, but it’s an overhand grip in which the side/under part of your thumb is to one side of the shaft and the underside of the bottom of your index finger is on the other (as well as the underside of the bottom part of the hand that’s in between the thumb and index finger, with the webbing between your thumb and index finger on the top part of the shaft facing you). The closest thing to it is probably the grip you’d use to open a bottle, except of course you’re squeezing a bit and pulling straight out as opposed to twisting. I’m going to go ahead and venture to guess that neither I invented it nor am I the only person who uses it, but I’ll go ahead and call it the Bottle Opener Grip (BOG for short).

I had been experiencing a pretty tough, inefficient session until I stumbled upon this technique. The more standard grips started working better for me as well once I started mixing in these BOGs. Anyone ever heard of or tried something similar?

It sounds a lot to me like you are describing just an overhand grip. Does your palm face away from your body or towards your body? Are you making a full circle with your finger and thumb? Or are you only jelqing the sides and the top of the dick? Sounds interesting, just a couple questions I had to confirm how you are doing it. Thanks!

Originally Posted by PatientlyGrowin
It sounds a lot to me like you are describing just an overhand grip. Does your palm face away from your body or towards your body? Are you making a full circle with your finger and thumb? Or are you only jelqing the sides and the top of the dick? Sounds interesting, just a couple questions I had to confirm how you are doing it. Thanks!

No prob.. these things can be difficult to describe, so questions are good. It is an overhand grip but not the standard ‘OK’ grip. I am not making a full circle with my finger and thumb, as the underside of my penis (around the urethra) is fully exposed. The grip is tightest on the sides of the shaft and only light contact is made on the top side of the shaft (mostly the webbing between the index finger and the thumb). The index finger is actually arched/bent downwards (similar to how it would be when you’re opening a bottle) and the thumb is pretty well extended, also as it would be when opening a bottle. Mess around with it a bit next time you jelq and I’m pretty sure you’ll get the gist.

On and off since 2007

Started (October 2007) at: 5.5 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Last Did PE (March 2012) at: 6.00 BPEL x 5 EG

Has anybody been trying these recently?

I recently finished a decon break and am currently 5 weeks into a ~13 week routine which includes low erection downward jelqs. Measurement day is Sept. 11th, 2011 and I’ll post the results. If I gain some length I will continue the routine while slowly increasing my stretching and jelqing durations.

Started: NBPEL: 14 cm, BPEL: 16.5 cm, MSEG: 13 cm

Currently: NBPEL: 16.75 cm, BPEL: 19 cm, MSEG: 13 cm

ST goal: NBPEL: 17.25 cm and BPEL: 19.5 cm by Sept. 11th, 2011

Great thread! It will sure help in my upcoming length routine

Start: 17 Feb 2012, 8.25bpel x 4.92mseg; bpfsl=??; fl=6.5x4.5

Current: 29 April 2013, 8.875bpel x 5.8mseg; bpfsl=9.25; fl=7x5

Goal: 9NBP x 6.25mseg and the best EQ ever!

I realize that this thread is a rather old one. I have been jelqing since late November. My erection level has been rather low. I jelq in 5 directions: left, right, up, down, and straight. I do 100 jelqs in each of the 5 directions. I also do helicopters between each set. This is preceeded by 1 minute stretches: left, right, up, down, and straight. Each stretch is preceeded by helicopters and thigh slaps to a count of 20. From December 26 to Jan 25 I have experienced a 1/4 inch gain in BPFSL. I would say that this routine is working for me. I have noticed no girth increase, which is what I want. I have noticed a plumper and longer flaccid hang also. My routine is 5 days on, 2 days off.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p


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