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Not Gaining From Clamping?

Not Gaining From Clamping?

I’ve been clamping for about 2 weeks now maybe closer to 3.

I started at 4.9 girth and now I’m at around 4.7. My flaccid is still about the same usually some days it’s really small but it just really depends on the day and how I feel and what I’m doing.

My clamp routine is pretty simple 100 jelqs 3 sets of 8 minutes clamping.

I have gained absolutely nothing so far and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Any routine I should follow or any tips? I’m lost.

I will admit I haven’t seen solid gains yet either, but I’m 6 months in and it seems it takes that long to become conditioned enough to get intense work in without damage. (I no longer get red spots at all, just “redness”)

2014: 8.4 x 5.5

2022: 9 x 6.2

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
I’ve been clamping for about 2 weeks now maybe closer to 3.

I started at 4.9 girth and now I’m at around 4.7. My flaccid is still about the same usually some days it’s really small but it just really depends on the day and how I feel and what I’m doing.

My clamp routine is pretty simple 100 jelqs 3 sets of 8 minutes clamping.

I have gained absolutely nothing so far and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Any routine I should follow or any tips? I’m lost.

If you’re measuring smaller I’d say classic signs of overwork.
How many days on/off you doing ?

1. You are overtraining - measuring a smaller girth.

2. you are only clamping for 2 weeks, haven’t you learnt anything about PE yet?

3. You haven’t given any background about what your previous routine was; or what your current PIs are besides your flaccid being the same.

4. You didn’t mention what you experienced during clamping, how it felt, etc. All very important criteria for judging what is going on.

You are like a patient going to a doctor and saying you feel unwell, please cure me. If you don’t help us, we can’t help you.

Two weeks is barely enough time for conditioning for any type of PE, much less getting hardcore results. Possibly recalibrating expectations might be helpful and reorienting toward a more long-term campaign mentality.

For example, I just returned to hanging in May. After some conditioning for several weeks along with schedule adjustment (seeing what would work, what I’d put up with, etc), by late June I had gotten back into the swing of it. At that point I started to make weight progress and work at reaching fatigue.

OK, that is all hanging terminology and so on, but I follow that up by saying that I won’t be doing any measuring until the end of August. So that’s what - the better part of 3 months (give or take) that I’ll be doing some PE before measuring? Point is, I am in this for the long run, I know it works (based on past experience), and waiting to take a measure just keeps my head down on the task. I am not anxious about it.

I say all this because honestly a few weeks is nothing over which to expect the body to do anything. Keep at what you are doing (assuming it is sound; if not, change it) and instead ease the mind on making expectations. Because growth will come.

EDIT: Btw, I will be doing air clamping at the end of my PE campaign (the final piece). I bought an air clamp some time ago. Because I have some healthy respect for not blowing up my internal plumbing, I am really going to take my time working with the clamp and seeing how the pressure feels and all that. That is going to take some time, but I’m cool with it.

Last edited by BusterHymes : 07-10-2015 at .

Ok I do understand I did not include enough information, I was really tired last night and fell asleep right after posting that, my apologies.

I do not think I’m overtraining, much more the opposite.
My PI’s are good I have morning and night wood and erections through out the day. I have no pain or tenderness, a lot of veinage, no dis coloring. The only negative PI I have is a smaller flaccid at times, usually after gym which is understandable, and sometimes thinner girth.

I think I am under training which is not allowing any progress to happen, even minimal progress. Maybe I could be clamping wrong and using a bad wrap.

I experience darker coloring which is normal but it is never black, more dark red and maroon and I feel a great expansion however I always think I could get a better expansion than what I achieve by using a different wrap so I will be picking up something else to wrap with.

I clamp every other day and I jelq 100 times 4 second strokes each time I jelq.

Should I add in more girth work on clamp days? Or stick to just jelqs and maybe clamp every day, 3 on 2 off.

Opinions are definitely welcome.

I know I’m not supposed to double post but I thought of something. In bodybuilding in order to grow a specific muscle you hit it different ways in different spots like for chest you could do incline bench, flat bench, pullovers, dip chest variation, incline flys, and flat dumbell flys. That workout would mostly hit upper and mid chest.

So in PE should you hit multiple girth workouts that hit multiple areas like maybe some ulis, squeezes, horse squeezes or something then clamping? I think that could benefit better as long as you weren’t overworking and doing to much of one exercise. Thoughts?

Started roughly: 6.3 x 4.4

5/21/2015: 7.2 x 5.3

3/06/2017 (have not done PE for 12+ months) 7 x 5 - 5.1

Later you can add other exercises while you clamp.

Now you’re just getting conditioned.

Do you ever feel soreness in the shaft after/during a session? ( A bit like soreness after a regular work out.)

Read the clampers’ threads (Bigyrtha (spelling?) , longvehicle, drilla9, tntjockey, houstonwoods etc..).

I hear you, Liquid. I would say that, more than a bunch of different ‘angles’, it is best to be good and effective (and consistent) with one, or maybe two. And if two, they should be complementary. Meaning that #2 affords something that #1 just can’t do. Or why else do it? Above all be consistent and have great form, like strength training.

I think my greater point was, what kind of actual growth are you expecting after two weeks? It is certainly understandable to want to make sure we have technique down, so go by that ‘feeling’ that you expressed. Take care not to overload your mind with expectations, was all. By avoiding that, you safeguard both your friends ;-)

I am sure you’ll work it out.

I do feel sore after workout yes. And I admire biggirtha and his gains and posts, would love to talk to him haha. Hopefully I can get up to just 5.2 I’ll be happy then.

I didn’t expect any gains after 2 weeks just maybe expected some showing of something going right, I see posts where people gain .5 inch of girth after like 3 months of clamp or less, makes me inspired and disappointed, but I shall press on!

Started roughly: 6.3 x 4.4

5/21/2015: 7.2 x 5.3

3/06/2017 (have not done PE for 12+ months) 7 x 5 - 5.1

Take all the claims with a grain of salt. Not saying they are all untrue (although I would wager several are), it’s just that every body is different and responds as such. Just keep pressing and clamping on, as you say ;)

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
I know I’m not supposed to double post but I thought of something. In bodybuilding in order to grow a specific muscle you hit it different ways in different spots like for chest you could do incline bench, flat bench, pullovers, dip chest variation, incline flys, and flat dumbell flys. That workout would mostly hit upper and mid chest.

So in PE should you hit multiple girth workouts that hit multiple areas like maybe some ulis, squeezes, horse squeezes or something then clamping? I think that could benefit better as long as you weren’t overworking and doing to much of one exercise. Thoughts?

Like Walter said just condition for now, it is a marathon not a sprint :) .

I have definitely found a multi-hit approach to be the reason for most of my gains, I used a pump for many months but until I coupled that with dry jelqs (be careful of turkey neck) or clamping I didn’t see any changes.

For me a couple of months of pumping and then bringing in clamping made my girth increase very noticeably. Before, the pumping just gave me a false girth with edema, but the clamp made it really solid, slightly different kinds of directional pressure I think.

Think of clamping as something that will yield permanent gains about a year from now. You simply don’t have enough time in. I would not increase the length or intensity during your first 3-4 months of clamping.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Alright thank you guys, I’ll keep pressing on.

What exercises would you recommend to go with clamping? Dry jelqs are hard for me since I’m circumcised.

Started roughly: 6.3 x 4.4

5/21/2015: 7.2 x 5.3

3/06/2017 (have not done PE for 12+ months) 7 x 5 - 5.1

Edging after clamping is all I did. Helps to reinvigorate your penis with fresh blood. It also is a barometer to indicate if you went to intensely during your session.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

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