Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question on the importance of being fully erect vs just engorged while clamping


Question on the importance of being fully erect vs just engorged while clamping

Hey fellas. This subject was talked about breifly to my knowledge about clamping with a full erection for max expansion vs clamping without the concern for being fully erect but just making sure to stay engorged past normal erect size.

I’ve been reading a lot of info on BIB and Big Girtha’s way of clamping and there way diffinitely strikes my interest.

Bib sez that when clamping with his Uli Thing device that it’s actually not good to get fully erect and rigid at all. Bib suggest only to get semi erect then clamp off out going blood while keeping incoming blood flowing into the penis by kegelling.

Big Girtha also suggest the same thing with cable clamping. Big Girtha sez that after getting fully erect and clamping off out going blood, he just goes about his business and if his erection subsides it’s ok as long as his engorement stays.

That method is very interesting and sounds a lot safer then clamping with a full erect rigid penis and I’ve tried it a few times.

However though. My problem is when not worry about staying fully erect and aroused, I don’t get maximum expansion. I do get expansion that’s fatter then my normal erect girth but it’s not the max expansion that my dick is capable of.

My unclamped midgirth is 5.8 inches. When I clamp the way Bib and Big Girtha suggest, my midgirth reaches 6.25 inches in the clamp on my third set which is pretty good expansion.

However. When I clamp with a full rigid 100% erection and stay fully aroused by looking at porn, my midgirth reaches 6.5 inches in the clamp on my third set.

Now basically I’m trying to find out what Im missing here since Bib’s method has granted him a perminant 1.5 inch gain in girth and Big Girtha has gained 2 inches in girth with just staying engorged without worrying about staying rock hard in the clamp.

I don’t know if Bib post here anymore so I don’t expect an answer from him but I am hoping Big Girtha helps me out with this question and any other members that have made good girth gains by clamping for engorgement without worrying about staying fully rigid and erect.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Last edited by saiyan22 : 05-19-2011 at .

I like clamping fully erect and edging to porn to get maximum expansion. But when I clamp, it is part of a routine that I know has a set time limit.

I guess if I wanted to clamp all day or for extended time periods, I would probably start off erect and then just let it do whatever it wants to as I go about daily activities.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
I like clamping fully erect and edging to porn to get maximum expansion. But when I clamp, it is part of a routine that I know has a set time limit.

I guess if I wanted to clamp all day or for extended time periods, I would probably start off erect and then just let it do whatever it wants to as I go about daily activities.


For any of those who have the time to get through the Clamping thread it may be noted that I’ve kind of changed my mind about a lot of stuff. Because that thread spans many years we’ve all learned a lot. I know I have. Things I said on the first page, like the use of multiple clamps are wrong. I now strongly suggest only one clamp clamped at the base. I still stick the 10 minute rule, although I feel one can pretty much do as many of these sets as their individual dicks can handle, but as far as staying erect for the entire set v/s letting it subside: I have some mixed opinions. I actually do both

Ever dick is different, of course, and we all respond differently to the clamp. I get PMs all the time on this staying hard in the clamp deal. If one has the time and diligence to set in front of porn and stay completely erect for the entire session of 10 minute sets there may be some advantages, but I feel in the long run they are probably not all that effective. It does feel like you are accomplishing more by staying hard. That is, the set or session feels and looks more productive, but for me staying completely hard has never been that effective as far as permanent gains.

If you clamp using porn or PE partner, (highly recommended) and stay stimulated, the engorgement feels and looks much bigger, and in Saiyan’s case even measures bigger, but in my experience once you pop the clamp and massage away post lymphatic faux girth you’ll find the little bit of difference in engorgement makes little difference. But it probably doesn’t hurt anything as long as you have the time and stay vigilant.

Downside to Staying erect:
More time consuming, harder to multi-task.
Probably more dangerous, or more likely to cause injuries.

The Upside:
Feels and looks, at least temporally, more effective. definitely more effective if you incorporate sex with PE and end the session with an orgasm. (Also Recommended.)

Aggressive Girth Routine
What I do now is, clamp off an erection.
Sit in front of porn and keep myself stimulated, usually with two of the Big Thumper vibrators, one under the balls and one on the shaft mid-shaft keeping watch for numbness. These big back massagers also contain a heat element, so it is an easy way to keep constant heat on the shaft and balls.

Darkness (Discoloration) or coldness doesn’t concern me, but when I start feeling numb I jelq in more fresh blood, if it gets to the point of tingling I end the session. During the first two of the three 10 minute sets I try to get as close to orgasm as possible, without going over the edge (Edging) On the last set I will edge right up to the last few minutes and either pop the clamp a couple of clicks and shoot or shoot into the little woman doggie style with the clamp still on but loosened to the minimum setting. (First click).

Then I jelq in fresh blood, clamp it off and let the erection subside, while multitasking. Once the erection subsides the pressure is off and it is easy to forget you are clamped, especially if you are running around the house doing shit.

Set an egg timer, always especially if multitasking. Even though the erection has deflated and you feel no pressure, you will still be engorged, very engorged. Sometimes I spend the entire evening in this swollen, flaccid, clamped state; only popping the clamp when the egg timer goes off. After massaging away any numbness I re-clamp and continue.

In more aggressive sessions I pump first for 30 minutes at 10hg before I start these clamping sessions. (Not Recommended)

Even though this thread is in Main, I still feel compelled to warn everyone, these are very extreme girth sessions that I have slowly worked up to over a very long period of time. My dick has become very tough and seems to handle the abuse, probably why I can’t gain anymore erect length. Your dick may not be as resilient, so use the utmost caution.

After these very aggressive girth sessions I always end with a Jergen’s hand lotion massage and with forcing one of the lead weights over the swollen doughnut where it locks down snug against the fat pad. I recommend Jergen’s because it is water soluble and can be rinsed away to keep the ring in place. Then I run an hour then swim laps cooling down that trapped faux girth in the chilly swimming pool, letting the lead weighted swollen dick hang out and down through my shorts leg while I swim. (Private Pool Recommended) I honestly feel these rather extreme cool down swims have cemented my girth gains because even after a two year hiatus I never lost girth gains. I did, however lose some erect length, and now I can’t get that erect length back because my dick appears to be too thick to stretch, especially at the base.

My urologists still bitches at me that clamping is very dangerous and she’s not too sure how safe these cool down swims are. These days I tend to agree with her completely. But I do it anyway.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 05-20-2011 at .

Awesome post Big Girtha. I appreciate you chiming in with your years of experiance and expertise.

Yeah with 100% erect clamping I have made some good perminant gains but I always question the safety of 100% erect clamping. I say this because when you think about it, you are using a constrictor device to put pressure at the base of the erect penis to trap blood in it. When you have a full erection to the point of full rigidness, this can’t be good to have a hard constrictor device enclosing and squashing the rigid and erect tunica tissue at the base of the penis just for the sake of stopping outflow of blood while keeping the inflow of blood coming in to expand the tunica beyond normal erection levels.

I’m thinking potential injury and scarring could happen right at the base of the dick were the constictor device is enclosing and compressing rigid tunica tissue. It’s funny how I’m talking about the negatives with full 100% erect clamping even though that’s how I clamp and that’s what’s been giving me perminant gains and maximum clamped expansion. LOL. I guess I’m just looking at in the long run on what’s safer.

Now as far as clamping the way Big Girtha and Bib suggest, expansion goes from 5.8 inches midgirth to 6.25 inches midgirth on the third set which isn’t max expansion for me because when I clamp and stay fully erect and rock hard I hit 6.5 inches on my third set.

Although I’m not getting max expansion by letting the erection subside, the important thing is in the end, not getting rock hard is definitely a lot safer and probrabley easier on EQ. Also like Big Girtha was saying. I’m guessing the extra expansion that 100% erect clamping provides could be fluid build up since staying rock hard in the clamp the whole workout is more stressful on the penis then letting the erection subside. Fluid build up comes about because of extreme stress on the penis.

I guess by clamping and letting the erection subside, one could look at it as an all day cock ring workout or ADCs/all day clamping where you would clamp it off and work around with a engorged semi erection.

I guess also by clamping and letting the erection subside like Bib and Girtha suggest, one could do way more sets since the stress will be less then full erect clamping. I’m thinking of trying Bib and Big Girtha’s method for a month and see what happens.

I normally do 3 fifteen minute sets of full erect clamping for my girth workout which equals 45 minutes of clamp time.

Starting this Monday I will clamp the way Big Girtha suggest but instead of my normal 3 fifteen minute sets, I will double the sets to make up for the fact that instensity is will now be lower since i won’t be staying fully erect anymore in the clamp or uli thing.

What I’m hoping is to reach my maximum expansion levels in 5 or 6 sets using Girtha’s method as oppose to reaching my max expansion levels when clamping 100% erect for only 3 sets.

So basically more time but less intensity to ensure safety of the penis and EQ.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Last edited by saiyan22 : 05-20-2011 at .

You guys seem to be knowledgeable about this..Im not clamping yet…but maybe im not understanding completely..Isnt the whole point to clamping..being fully erect and basically exerting full expand the penis.or am i wrong?

Originally Posted by saiyan22
instead of my normal 3 fifteen minute sets, I will double the sets

Are you sure that is safe? Most people advise against sets longer than 10. Some say 15 mins max, but that is pushing it.

I know you are chasing an ideal right now, don’t forget PE is a marathon, not a sprint.

I know Girtha advocates this kind of thing, but personally I think BG might be the exception to the rule. He is incredibly conditioned, and I think his dick may be tougher than the rest of us mere mortals.

Last edited by sta-kool : 05-20-2011 at .

Hey sta-kool. The I’m pretty conditioned as well. I’ve been PEing for almost 3 years with hanging, ads, pumping and clamping. Clamping for fifteen minutes at a time works for me. It’s after the fifteen minute mark where the glans start to go numb. 10 minutes is just a general rule to follow to stay on the safe side. Keep in mind that it takes a little over 20 minutes of non fresh blood flow before tissue death starts to take place.

Hey alexmmm. That’s what I figured as well. When I clamp and stay rock hard the whole time, I get more expansion but Bib and Girtha say that staying rock hard isn’t neccessary as long as your penis is engorged beyond your normal erect girth. I’m interested in Bib and Girtha’s method because it is definitely a lot safer and easier on EQ.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Originally Posted by saiyan22

Hey alexmmm. That’s what I figured as well. When I clamp and stay rock hard the whole time, I get more expansion but Bib and Girtha say that staying rock hard isn’t neccessary as long as your penis is engorged beyond your normal erect girth. I’m interested in Bib and Girtha’s method because it is definitely a lot safer and easier on EQ.

Thats where im confused..Doesnt your penis have to be pretty much “rock Hard”…to push it beyond its normal girth.I would think if ur only 90%…ur not really forcing the issue.

When I first started clamping I would make sure there wasn’t any blood flowing either in or out. I clamped that way for about a year or so. Then I switched to the method of being tight enough for expansion past my current girth, yet still being able to kegal blood in. When I use the latter method I was able to clamp for longer period of time.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by saiyan22
Hey sta-kool. The I’m pretty conditioned as well. I’ve been PEing for almost 3 years with hanging, ads, pumping and clamping. Clamping for fifteen minutes at a time works for me. It’s after the fifteen minute mark where the glans start to go numb. 10 minutes is just a general rule to follow to stay on the safe side. Keep in mind that it takes a little over 20 minutes of non fresh blood flow before tissue death starts to take place.

Maybe I misread you - I though you were doubling your set time from 15 to 30 minute sets.

Still I would say be very careful, bro. You are only issued one dick.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

Sometimes I spend the entire evening in this swollen, flaccid, clamped state; only popping the clamp when the egg timer goes off. After massaging away any numbness I re-clamp and continue.

Hmm… so this changed from the 10 min clamped / 10 min free routine you used to do.

Out of curiosity, how many minutes is now an out-of-clamp interval?

Does the massage also include firegoat rolls - or is there any other efficient way you recomend?

Thank you

Hey Saiyan, the following is bibs experience.

Do not get an actual erection during Extreme Uli’s, that does no good. If you get too much blood in the shaft before tightening, you cannot cut off the backflow and the super engorgement cannot occur. It is the last few turns of the Uli thing that provide the super engorgement.

Never get a true erection when clamping off with the Uli Device. Wrap, let the shaft fill, perhaps a bit of stimulation, attach the Uli thing, tighten slowly, continue to let blood enter. When it gets fairly full, continue to tighten the Uli thing. Which completely cuts off outgoing blood, and most if not all incoming blood.

It takes practice both in wrapping tightness, and amount of blood in the shaft. But it does not take long to get it down.

Hey Pillars. Yeap. That’s the exact thing I read as well on Bibs forum. I was intrigued when I read this and when I discovered that Big Girtha follows the same principles I became even more intrigued.

Bib and Big Girtha are one of top guys that have made the biggest girth gains on Thundersplace. Since they have made such tremendous midgirth gains using this method, they are definitely on to something. I’m going to try this method with my Uli Thing Device this Monday and continue to do it for 1 month and see what results from it.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Originally Posted by sta-kool
Are you sure that is safe? Most people advise against sets longer than 10. Some say 15 mins max, but that is pushing it.

I know you are chasing an ideal right now, don’t forget PE is a marathon, not a sprint.

I know Girtha advocates this kind of thing, but personally I think BG might be the exception to the rule. He is incredibly conditioned, and I think his dick may be tougher than the rest of us mere mortals.

I don’t know about 15 min being the max. I’ve been doing some sort of clamping since day 1 so that’s 3 years worth of conditioning. Now I do 1 1 hour clamp set, some days even longer. For the past year I’ve been doing these 45min-1hour clamp sets pretty much everyday and I still have my dick and it still works better than it ever did before PE.

As for erect vs non erect clamping. Initially when I started as a newbie I would do it non erect and it worked. It worked very well in fact until the gains stopped. Then I switched to full erect clamping and the gains started again and they’re still coming. I guess the general rule is do only what you have to to gain (as little as possible) so that when the gains stop you still have room to up the intensity. This applies to all PE not just clamping.

Start Jan08 7.20 X 5.35 BP ----> NOW 9.75 X 6.50 BP

8.75NP 6.8BaseEG. The Krod Pics thread

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
On the last set I will edge right up to the last few minutes and either pop the clamp a couple of clicks and shoot or shoot into the little woman doggie style with the clamp still on but loosened to the minimum setting.

Dunno, this sounds more like a script for a porno shoot than a PE routine.

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