Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Because over half of TP members reported starting sizes would be in the top 5%. Even adjusting the TP data down by 0.375” to account for self-reporting bias, would still have over half of TP members starting size in the top 10%. If the review’s results were NBP, it would resolve this large discrepancy between the two distributions.
Self reported bias measures about half inch, comparing them with not-self reported. So let’s say the real average is 13 cm, add half inch and I think that’s enough to screw everything, although I haven’t done the calculations. But people self-reporting are probably also pushing stronger against theirs fat pad.
Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
I lived most of my life with a 5.5” BPEL and got no indication it was above average, from sexual partners, or from locker room observations. I now have 6.6” BPEL, and I also have no experiences that make me think this is in the top 3-4% of length.
Locker room looks at flaccid lenght not BPEL? I think 6.6 BPEL isn’t far the size of most porn actors. Some of them despaced as ‘monster cocks’ are actually even smaller probably.
I am not saying the study is 100% correct though. But I remember at lest two studies, one on NIgerian males and the other on Italian males, which gave the same average or slightly lower. Have you seen their sources BD?