Originally Posted by Phoenix7672
I sometimes think comments on size work much the same way as they do for height. Average is around 5’10”, but even if you are 6’2” most girls aren’t going to walk up to you and say “you’re tall”. Now, if you are 6’9”, then they likely will…same way how a 7.5”x5.5” likely won’t be commented on, meanwhile a true 9”x6” always would.
Not necessarily true. In our country is feminism and many of them would not encourage too many positive remarks towards a males attractiveness or his cock size.
If you are one of the biggest or the biggest she may say “well I’ve seen some bigger”, it’s simply to take you down a peg or two if you allow it.
Also if they are happy with you in the relationship they will tell friends that you are bigger than you are.
If they are unhappy and after a breakup they will call you smaller than you are. FG hit it on the head, this is what a lot of American women do.