Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

One question. What about red dots in the glans? I get them from stretching. Are they negative PIs?

Thanks Sparkyx, this thread helped me break a long lasting plateau. :cool:
I had been slightly overtraining.

Long story made short:
The morning wood was weak (maybe 65-70%), so I backed off a little. The morning wood quility improved in a couple of days, a week or so later I had 1/4” girth gain. I had been stuck for over a year.

:rear: Always locked on the target.

Erect: 7.125" non-pressed length x 6.125" circumference

Flaccid: 5.5"x5.5"


Waihung’s short story has made me think a little more about these pi’s. I too have been at a plateau in girth and have noticed my morning wood is only about 50-75% for a few weeks now.

I have made length gains, but that is only due to the fact that I have been stretching more. I’m at 5 days on and two (or sometimes one off), and I also clamp twice a day.

Now that I think about it…this is probably way too much. I’ll go back to 2 on and one off, and only clamp on the second day.

Hopefully I can finally break this annoying girth plateau, as that is what I am after most.

So no morning wood is bad? Because I never really got it that much. I seem to get it more frequently now that I’m out of school and get to wake up on my own will instead of forcing myself to another painful day of school. But really though is morning wood REALLY that necessary?

I rarely look at this thread anymore, so if you have any questions for me, put them here, but then PM me to let me know, and I will answer them.

Its not that morning wood is necessary in of itself…it tends to be an early, sensitive and accurate INDICATOR of overtraining.

Kind of like years ago, they used to bring a canary in a cage down into the coal mines with the miners…the canary was very sensitive to toxic gasses. If the canary keeled over dead, the miners would get out of the mine before they too got sick or died.

Morning and nite wood is a early indicator of overtraining. The other good indicator is EQ or erectile quality. If you find its harder to get an erection, and/or the hardness isn’t what it used to be…you are slipping into overtraining.

Actually, normal EQ could even be considered an indicator that you aren’t doing your PE properly, because most guys that get good gains find that their EQ is far BETTER than normal. Many report that they are now getting “rock hard” erections since doing PE.

So, I think if your not sure, or have forgotten what “normal” is for you…take a decon break for a few weeks and watch what happens. If you find that your EQ DRAMATICALLY improves during the layoff…its a sure sign that you have been overdoing it.

Thats why its very smart to really take note of your normal EQ and bear it in mind as you start your PE journey…and if it takes more than a day to return to it after your PE routine, you should probably cut back.

Great summary Sparky that has never crossed my mind before I will take more notice of my penis after workouts. This little thread has open my mind a lot.


Awesome write up. This is one of the best articles I’ve seen since the LOT theory a few years ago.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

I have discoloration and I endure some light level of pain during the workouts (clamping), but I’m gaining and I have all the positive indicators too.

I think discoloration should be reconsidered. And “pain” should be more clearly identified. (ps: don’t forget “no pain no gain”)

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Thanks, Sparky, for your summary on positives, negatives and neutrals. I’m half way through the newbie routine time period and it is good to keep your “bullets” in mind as I continue, enthusiastically I might add! I have taken only one set of measurements so far, but just visually I know there is a marked improvement!

Sparky does it again this is one of the best summaries I have seen in while. Even had my eye open and saw signs of a negative PI today. I was stretching lightly on a off day and noticed turtleing right after. This negative PI let me know to leave my unit alone on off days.

Thanks again Sparky


Originally Posted by kaan
I have discoloration and I endure some light level of pain during the workouts (clamping), but I’m gaining and I have all the positive indicators too.
I think discoloration should be reconsidered. And “pain” should be more clearly identified. (ps: don’t forget “no pain no gain”)

Gains or loss is the final and definitive PI! If you are gaining, then that allows you the option to interpret light pain and discoloration as neutrals…for YOU.

I think in general, for safety sake, I would rather keep pain and discoloration in the negative category. If some guys like you find it to be a neutral…thats fine.

Remember, the advanced guys have the knowledge and experience to bend the rules. We need to make sure the new guys don’t get seriously injured before they can become advanced guys.

Once again, I rarely check this thread, so if you post a question or wish me to comment, please pm and I will answer.

Thanks for the thanks guys!

Last edited by sparkyx : 10-04-2006 at .

Discoloration is a result of extreme pressure. But extreme pressure is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a matter of if you’re ready to bear it or not.
The amount of pressure and time applied has to be increased gradually in order to see continuing gains.

One may have discoloration, but may be gaining and have quate a healty apparatus at the same time. Discoloration and light pain may or may not be NI, depending on your current situation. Depending on how you do the workouts.

But saying that they always should be avoided would be wrong, as just one counter example renders that void. And there are not just one but several..

ps: I agree with all other negative indicators , BTW.. (numbness, etc…)

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by kaan

One may have discoloration, but may be gaining and have quate a healty apparatus at the same time. Discoloration and light pain may or may not be NI, depending on your current situation. Depending on how you do the workouts.

But saying that they always should be avoided would be wrong, as just one counter example renders that void. And there are not just one but several..

ps: I agree with all other negative indicators , BTW.. (numbness, etc…)

Let me requote from my reply, “Gains or loss is the final and definitive PI! If you are gaining, then that allows you the option to interpret light pain and discoloration as neutrals…for YOU.”

It is part of the PI concept that you must ultimately interpret your PIs in view of gaining or losing. If you are gaining, then it allows you to interpret what you see in light of that. This means for guys like you, or others who are seeing negative PIs yet are making good gains…you can see them and not need to cut back.

Overall, I stand by my postion that as far as offering GENERAL advice by way of an article, I will leave pain and discoloration in the negative catagory. If you read carefully I am not saying “always avoided”.

I am attempting to give a helpful guideline, while incorporating the ability to interpret in light of your own personal experience. Its part of the concept.

Greetings Sparkyx,

As usual, a really well thought out and cogent thread that’s a pleasure to read and ponder. For what it’s worth to others, my personal experience from July of 2005 until May 2006 tends to reinforce what has been presented here.

Except for wrapping using the Therap wrist band for maybe 3 days a week and even that on a hit and miss basis, I gained length. The wrist wrap and some kegels were my only form of PE during that extended time period. I was doing a lot of hard physical labor in constructing a building by myself over that time period. I thought about PE, I visualized PE, but because of the construction activities the only PE that could work for me was the wrap.

Apparently it doesn’t take a lot of stimulation to get a continued physiological response from your unit once you have set the stage. I had set that stage by my earlier PE activities by conditioning both my mind and body to expect positive changes and growth. Just the simple act of wrapping and thinking positively about enlargement as I slaved away on that building project kept me in the game as I picked up about 0.3 inch in length. Go figure.

All the Best,


Then - BPEL 5.9, EG 5.2 - Now: BPEL 7.2, EG 5.6 Listen woman, "Don't bitch at me for burning the candle at both ends - just get me some more wax!"


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