Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Sparkyx: What you say about nightime and morning wood is true I think for men whose Testosterone is in the normal range and for men whose T and hormone levels have not been stressed by the natural aging process. At 60, I find that without cialis, I have very little nighttime and morning wood. The yahoo hypogonadism2 board is filled with men in my age category and even younger men who report poor wood nighttime, morning and spontaneously because of low T, higher estrogen, and a host of other hormonal levels in men affected by the aging process.

Nevertheless, what you say about overtraining resulting in poorer EQ is correct, even if men my age (and maybe even younger men) have cialis/tadalafil in thier bodies. I’m just pointing out that older men may have to look for their own tailored PIs and appropriate PE regimen indigenous to thier age and hormonal levels. You younger guys out there, enjoy your youth.

Originally Posted by thinktank
I’m just pointing out that older men may have to look for their own tailored PIs and appropriate PE regimen indigenous to thier age and hormonal levels. You younger guys out there, enjoy your youth.

Thats the working definition of PIs…YOUR OWN Physiologic Indicators. If you read carefully I always say “improved” EQ, meaning whatever your BASELINE of EQ is…proper PE will “improve” it.

It is impossible for anyone to specifically chart what your exact EQ will be, like saying you will now get 1 hour a nite of erections….but what I can confidently say is your EQ baseline will get better with proper PE. Thats what I have said all along, and continue to stand by it.

EVERYONE must look at their own abilities and capacities to PE and tailor the force/time in RESPONSE to their PIs…that is ENTIRELY the point of the thread.


Thanks for all of this information and taking the time to communicate your experiences. Although it seems I was on the same track, this gets me years ahead by benefiting from your experiences and thoughts.

If I would have searched for “indicators”, I wouldn’t have posted “Stretched Flaccid Measurements” recently.

Thanks again.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Hey Chrono!

Thanks for the thanks.

This is like science…science got where it is by discoveries setting the foundation for more discoveries.

As a community, we are building on the discoveries of others, saving time as you said, and allowing us to make further discoveries. Hopefully you bring back what you discover, to our community and move the Art and Science of PE further along.

I see a day, it the not too distant future, where any guy who wants to enlarge his dick will have an damn near guaranteed shot at it, with little to no risk of injury. All it will take is willingness to learn and the disciple to apply the methodology.

I have been thinking about the day you describe as well.

I really hope the day you describe comes for the sake of other men, and those who love them. (Sounds sappy).

To be honest, I really don’t need to grow bigger. My wife has told me straight faced many times that a big part of the reason she married me was the size of my penis. Although I don’t think it is big, it really satisfies her, and she really can’t fake or hide this for the 10 years we have been together. I am just trying to get some bonus size for her, as a gift, and she is curious to see what the increase will feel like.

I will be donating to this forum. If you have any other ideas on how we all can help, please post.

I guess maybe what we all can do is not be embarrassed to tell our male friends about this site.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

I am with you on most of that. I too never felt small, always was fairly big, I just want to be bigger to see if I can make my wife totally lose her mind when I do her to a tender turn. :)

I know that for some guys, it has been a painful issue, that prevents them from feeling fully like a man. Women can at least get breast implants, but penile surgery is really sketchy…at best.

So, I too look to see where I can help here, and I try to share anything that I find has validity. I feel I am getting closer to a fully functional concept capable of responding to any variable…maybe not a theory that will cover ALL methods of PE…but certainly the lower force methods.

As far as telling my male friends…NOT AN F’IN CHANCE! If somehow they let slip that they are ashamed of their dicks for being small, sure I’ll turn em’ on to Thunders…but Sparkyx will forever remain anonymous.

Not tell even one friend?

What if you were in the dark about Thunders and found out a really good friend had attained good gains over the years and hadn’t clued you in?

Just kidding, I completely understand. I only have one person I am comfortable with telling about Thunders. But if he has one friend, and so on.

I think that the next step in the whole PE thing becoming mainstream might be the power of jelqing as a maintenance routine. There are so many out there with flagging EQ as they get older that the mainstream health establishment may latch on to jelqing just for maintenance.

But I am not holding my breath.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Great article, very informative

Great read Sparkyx - yes, it should be compulsory reading for newbies.

In ‘natural’ bodybuilding there is a popular saying that ‘there is no such thing as ‘over training’ as long as you get enough rest and enough of the right food’. For most NBBs this remains true as it is quite difficult to train SO hard as to out strip good eating and plentiful sleep.

However, for PE’ers the ability to over train is far greater I believe. A really gruelling workout in the gym is just that - ‘gruelling’. But handling ones penis in a heightened state of arousal is far from unpleasant and therefore can easily make us indulge in our hobby too enthusiastically far too soon. :)

01/OCT/2007: BPEPL: 7.00, Base Girth 5, Mid G: 4.5, Under glans G: 4.25.

01/NOV/2007: BPEPL: 7.25, Base Girth: 5.25, Mid G: 4.75, Under glans G: 4.50.

Ultimate goal: 8" x 6"

Originally Posted by Saul Penmidden
Great read Sparkyx - yes, it should be compulsory reading for newbies.

In ‘natural’ bodybuilding there is a popular saying that ‘there is no such thing as ‘over training’ as long as you get enough rest and enough of the right food’. For most NBBs this remains true as it is quite difficult to train SO hard as to out strip good eating and plentiful sleep.

However, for PE’ers the ability to over train is far greater I believe. A really gruelling workout in the gym is just that - ‘gruelling’. But handling ones penis in a heightened state of arousal is far from unpleasant and therefore can easily make us indulge in our hobby too enthusiastically far too soon. :)

Good commentary.

I find there is a remarkable range in PE. Some guys are able to do ungodly amount of PE and still get rock hard nite wood.

If I go from 5 minutes of jelquing and 2 minutes clamping to an increase of 1 minute each…its enough to totally eliminate nite wood for a few weeks until I adapt, it just amazes me. Its just freaky the range of how guys react!

I think this is why many guys have found they are having all kinds of problems gaining. If they are following a normal “newbie” routine, but are more on the sensitive side of the bell curve, they are left wondering why they are not only NOT growing, they find they are becoming temporarily impotent.

What if you are working very very little on PE but are still seeing gains? Should you stick with a weak routine that is give you positive PI’s or look to push harder to see if more and quicker gains come? Thanks for the nice post and looking out for us.

Originally Posted by dhhh
What if you are working very very little on PE but are still seeing gains? Should you stick with a weak routine that is give you positive PI’s or look to push harder to see if more and quicker gains come? Thanks for the nice post and looking out for us.

There is nothing “weak” about a routine that is working. Thats the highest definition of positive PIs…gains!

Chances are if you try and increase it, the gains will slow or stop. I usually advise not changing a routine that is working…classic newbie mistake.

This is posted from Chrono’s excellent thread here;
Movin On Up

Its some concepts I have been considering.

First of all, congrats and really,really well done.

By "break over point" I was referring to the amount of time needed to finally get progress started.

Lets say a beginner can only do 3 minutes of jelquing before he decreases EQ, yet needs 5 minutes before its enough to stimulate gains. If he starts with the 3 minutes, he will see improved EQ, but not much gains. After a few weeks he is able to do more and soon is up to 5 minutes with great EQ, now having reached his "break over point" he starts to see gains.

Yes, I find hard erections have a stress effect on the penis. For some guys, its a very small effect and has almost no effect on his PE. For some guys it is a large effect and will throw his PE into neg EQ or PIs.

Now, I think for most guys, a few minutes of edging is easily tolerable, but for many, if you go for long edging sessions, it gives you the same stress as a PE session, but without any gain potential.

Thats again why I stress the physiologic approach. You can’t just do a routine from someone else, you must READ what effect it is having on you and make the appropriate changes, or else you greatly decrease your chances of success.

Getting back to hard erections, it seems that nite wood doesn’t have this stress effect, rather seems to have the opposite effect. This is why I have speculated that nite wood may be a critical aspect of cementing gains. Why nite wood has such a different effect compared to edging…I can only guess.

Perhaps nite wood is self regulating, and edging isn’t.

I think that PE or penile stress causes micro damage to the penis, and my guess is that smooth muscle is the first to be injured. I think it releases some type of chemical signal that leads to smooth muscle contraction, hence the "shrinkage".

Maybe nite wood, because it is not being controlled by the conscious mind and external stimulation (eg porn and stroking) it only continues as long as there is no or very little of that chemical signal. Therefore, you get all the benefits of increased blood flow and possibly GH and it shuts down at the very first indication of tissue stress, only to repeat later in the nite.

Edging or masturbation on the other hand can go deeply into mild tissue damage before you stop. And this isn’t tissue damage that contributes to growth, it is just smooth muscle damage and very little force to stretch tunica in a productive way.

This is all just wild speculation on my part, but it is not without some thought going into it.

I’ve seen several references to body building when referring to some PE topics. Some I can understand the use of general wisdom, others get quite specific. I could have sworn I read somewhere that PE is very different from muscle building and that much of it can not correlate just because one is a muscle, the other is a lig. If that is correct, wouldn’t the “no pain, no gain” someone mentioned earlier be a gross misnomer?

It sometimes gets confusing trying to keep all the facts straight, so I’m just trying to make sure I’m on track with the facts.

Oh, and superb thread. Sometimes there’s so much to read that you miss some really good ones. I’m glad I didn’t miss this one :-)

Originally Posted by sparkyx

I think this is why many guys have found they are having all kinds of problems gaining. If they are following a normal “newbie” routine, but are more on the sensitive side of the bell curve, they are left wondering why they are not only NOT growing, they find they are becoming temporarily impotent.

Recently I’ve been advising newbies that the Newbie Routine is a ceiling, not a floor, and that it should be employed along with monitoring PIs. There’s no harm to going slower or doing less than the Newbie Routine, except for possible ineffective (or less effective) PE and slower gains. That’s better than prematurely ending gains because you are overstressing and toughening tissues rather than expanding them.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


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