Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

Very informative and a great read Sparky! Common sense goes a long way to injury prevention I believe.

First post :

Thanks allot for sharing this info!

This is very precious information, I’ve understood for some time that over/under training would lead to nothing in the end, but how one knows what his unit limits are?
This is exactly what this thread is all about, to understand where you are located under/gaining/over training and make the correct decisions,
Btw-I have also learned that I have been surely over-training, I’ve lost some EQ and morning wood became weaker, I’m going to lay until I get it back

Originally Posted by thisworks9
My questions is: How does sex figure into PE? My guess is it’s probably the same .. Just watch your dick and see what it does .. Check the PIs! Or is there something more you’d like to add?

Sorry I missed this question TW9.
You’re exactly right, you can evaluate anything you do to your dick by the reaction you get. For some guys jacking off and lots of sex doesn’t slow down growth at all. For some guys it can greatly reduce EQ. You just have to see how it effects YOU!

Improve your tender dick, now how can that be done? I will through somethings out there that may actually help de tenderise the tender dick so you can enjoy sex/whacking off more w/o losing EQ or gains.

Grip style, or should I say a grip that is far to tight.
Some guys turtle after sex and lose flaccid length others get more plump. I think Zinc is the link to this one. Every time you ejaculate you lose zinc. If this mineral is not being replenished testosterone does not act the way is should. Also vitamin “C” and Zinc work together to maximise testosterones potential.
Kegels I’m not talking about 5 second PC crap here. You need to focus on the BC and hold that Bc kegel for at least a minute. Build up to it a entire minute.
So can you over do increasing the strength of your dick, yes. This is why im posting this here so you must still watch out for the negative PI’s. Will you get a stronger dick over night, likely not it will take time and practice and good diet. NO BEER! Beer will make a woman out of you in not time. Beer is made with “hops” hops is a sex depressant.

Sparkyx would you like to add to this list?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

thanks for writing this, it cleared some concepts I had gotten wrong (like spots) :)

I dont get it.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Sorry I missed this question TW9.
You’re exactly right, you can evaluate anything you do to your dick by the reaction you get. For some guys jacking off and lots of sex doesn’t slow down growth at all. For some guys it can greatly reduce EQ. You just have to see how it effects YOU!

I was just about to ask this and was looking for the right thread to ask. I had a long break and am sort of back. I am now on a 2 on and 1 off routine. i want to ease my way into it. So I am stretching all dir for about 6 minutes and jelquing for about 5 minutes. Then I do some kegels. I just started last week.

From what I have read here, I should wait for the morning wood to come back before I start again. I do get some morning wood but not all the best. I don´t think waiting would do much good. Can anyone tell me how I should approach to this…

The reason might be that I do have sex with my gf like twice a day if we see each other. And that is like 4 days out of 7. Does that mean that PE will not be effective because of that? I don´t want to sound dumb. Don´t get me wrong. Back in the day, when I started over here, I would jerk off twiced a day before i would go to sleep and had a problem of counting that 3 hours suggested time inbetween routines and cumming. I would literally cum and be able to do a routine in 10 minutes. I am not even 30 so I am still young. Age won´t be the problem.

How would you guys suggest to handle that? See I don´t PE while being with my gf. I can still manage to do the routines, but it is not that regular.
What would be a good routine for me? I am all about getting the best EQ before I chase gains, as EQ is the key to gains.

I feel like this post is quite confusing and hope to get some answers.

Thank you

Started :BPEL 7.0 x 5.5 Now: BPEL 7.6 x 5.8 Goal: NBPEL 8.6 x 6.3 "Don´t let yourself get attached to anything that you are Not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around th corner." --Robert De Niro (talking to Al Pacino in a caffe in the Movie HEAT)

Great post,
Can I just clarify.
Does contraction means your units gets smaller for a short while after PE?
And also I get red spots on the right side of my shaft midway up to that nothing to worry about?


Just a note to guys looking for some questions to be answered by me. I don’t always see this come up on my radar, so post your question, then PM me that you posted on this thread. I will answer fairly quickly, if you don’t I may not see this until quite a bit later and then I’m not sure you are even still around to get the answer.

To answer tonygers, contraction is shorter or smaller or both for a period of time after your PE. It can be minutes up to days. Usually contraction that only lasts for a couple hours or less is fine, its when it carries over until the next PE that you are now accumulating trauma, and will be going backward. Certainly if you are getting contraction that lasts more than a couple hours, I would certainly try cutting back on the PE a bit and see if you could shorten that time frame.

It think ideally that within that same day you should recover from contraction and get SRR (Super Relaxation Response) which indicates that the smooth muscle went from contracting to relaxing. I think SRR is a very good PI!

Thanx Sparkyx for a really useful kind to knowing your own limits and indicators.

Once I’ve got out of the newbie holding pen I’d like to write a brother article to it about the Psychological Indicators of PE Success. I think that’s the other element that really makes the difference.

Great job & take care

Originally Posted by jelqfunuk
Thanx Sparkyx for a really useful kind to knowing your own limits and indicators.

Once I’ve got out of the newbie holding pen I’d like to write a brother article to it about the Psychological Indicators of PE Success. I think that’s the other element that really makes the difference.

Great job & take care

Don’t consider the Newbie workouts a “holding pen”…a proper, simple jelquing and stretching routine, combined with gradual ramping up of time and periodic decons, can take you as far as you want to go!

As far as what Psychology for PE success is required, a determination to never quit until you reach your goal. Combine that with an attitude of “do it, then forget it” like brushing your teeth.

Becoming overly obsessed leads to impatience, frustration, desperation and despondency when it doesn’t go the way you wanted. Just set your goals and just keep at it, and be willing to change up when an approach isn’t working. If you do that, the chances of you NOT succeeding are small, its just a matter of time.

This is really helpful.

Here’s my personal, textbook case of smooth muscle fatigue, for the record:

3 weeks or so into PE (newbie routine: 1 on, 1 off), I skipped my usual rest day and did 2 in a row. The day after, I tried to go again, but couldn’t get an erection.

The day after *that*, I tried to go *again* (with thoughts of willpower and persistence in my head), but after my warmup noticed:

1. My flaccid was bronze-ish all over, and dark (a cold colour, almost blueish) where the skin bunched up,
2. The glans and inner foreskin (I’m uncut) were sickly pale and flecked with red veins, and
3. Overall, the whole penis felt hard, like overcooked pasta.

Figuring this might just be what PE feels like (and full of uneducated enthusiasm) I forced myself through my routine that day.

For the next three days, I couldn’t get an erection (I normally get several per day), and generally felt awful. People commented on it. I’m not sure if the overtraining caused the general feeling-bad, but it sure utterly killed my EQ.

I took 5 days off and recovered, then got back on the routine when my EQ came back - it’s been almost two weeks now and my EQ is way, way up (much better than before PE).

From now on, I’ll only do PE routines when my dick is “asking for it”, I think.

So, lesson learned: a hard, discoloured flaccid is best left alone, and PE (generally) shouldn’t make your dick unhappy. For me, anyway.

Smashed his dick with a hammer and he gained an inch?

I feel like I get more Negative PI’s from girth work than I do from length stuff.

I started hanging a few months back, and expected to see some Negative PI’s as I increased weight, but I didn’t, even though the hanging is more intense than other length work I have done.

I’m beginning to think all or most of my Negative PI’s came from girth work.

Anyone find this to be case?

Hello Sparynx,

I just read this thread and was blown away. This all made a lot of sense too me. I hung 5 months BTC, I got up too 25#, I had the complete wrong idea about hanging. For some reason I thought getting up too a high weight would equate gains. Silly.

I was doing 6 sets a day, when I was at 25#, the 6 sets were: 25,23.5,22,20.5,17.5,15.5,14. Very heavy hanging. Ridiculous. Massive turtle’ing, horrible PI’s, EQ shot.

I woke up and have learned, thanks to some great threads and some common sense. My question is with the 5 months of that heavy hanging, how long of a decon should I take?


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