Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pre-Stretching Tunica to allow more Girth Expansion

While slightly off topic, I thought this might be indirectly related because of its relation to expansion and gains.

I think OP said at one point you need to expand beyond your elastic limits to see permanent gains.

So the theory here is to pre stretch. Part of the idea of warming up is to put you in a more elastic state. (Also, to avoid injury, but not touching on that).

Wouldn’t both these things increase your elastic limits, as well as, providing increased expansion.

For instance muscles stretch less and injure easier when there cold. Therefore, exceeding elastic limits. Does it stand to reason we can reach elastic limits easier while cold and see gains, albeit with less overall expansion?

Originally Posted by MajicWand

For instance muscles stretch less and injure easier when there cold. Therefore, exceeding elastic limits. Does it stand to reason we can reach elastic limits easier while cold and see gains, albeit with less overall expansion?

It has it positives and negatives..
You will need more intensity/stretch/weight to expand when cold but the range to exceed elastic limits are shorter.
The range to fail the tissue is shorter too though. With heat it’s a more gradual curve towards failure.

The concept of cooling down while still being expanded might be a good way to get the benefits of both.
I like to use ice cold water pumping after a heated very expansive session. Feels like “freezing” the expansion..

Recently I have begun bundled stretches and find the two way stretching of the tunica to be a very good way to effectively put the tunica under duress, in many ways more effectively than hanging, in my experience.

A five minute bundled stretch leaves my dick sore for hours.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
Recently I have begun bundled stretches and find the two way stretching of the tunica to be a very good way to effectively put the tunica under duress, in many ways more effectively than hanging, in my experience.

Oh yeah it targets longitudinal and circular layers at the same time. Very multi dimensional.

I more or less started hanging around 5.5 lb and bundle there too. Can’t bundle that far cause of the hanger but also big difference to just straight down hanging.

If you are going for girth you might try girth focused work after bundling? Should be easier to get expansion after bundling.

I don’t see why bundled stretches are only for girth.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"


this is a very interesting thread.

I didn’t read much on thundersplace lately and it is great to see that new ideas get tested and developed.

The tiger trap is a really interesting concept for sure. Great thinking behind it ;)

What really interests me: Can you do high intensity - short duration workouts without risking a plateau or injury when using a tiger trap ?
The intensity seems very high and risky.

At this stage of my pe-career I am looking for workouts/exercises that help to develop a efficient and fast way of doing stealth pe.
I think the tiger trap would fit nicely in such routines (IPR).
Btw I just started girth work.
When I am conditioned enough or hit a plateau, I will try the tiger trap for sure.
Really looking forward to experiment with that torture device from hell ;)
All in the name of science…hahahha

Will be interesting if the high intensity works out for me.

I tried to induce similar effects beforehand with different exercises.
The main one is myofascial unlocking (a very low intensity exercise).
Myofascial Unlocking just helps to create much better temp gains and I used it as a warmup.

It is done by massaging one side chamber from the base up to the head at 100% EQ in overlapping circles with the thumb.
I do about 10-20 circle motions on a spot for 10-15s then move upwards to the next one on the shaft.
The pressure point should be on most convect point of the chamber.
Then move blood upwards while moving up to the next circle position.
Intensity can be increased by side bends.
You need a constant 100% EQ for this exercise.

By unlocking the tunica more expansion is possible.
Following exercises can profit from the added elasticity of the tunica.
Especially girth exercises tend to produce better temp gains.

Good exercises I used in the past for tunica work are:

vertical tunica expansion
2-point stretches / Tunica Tugs / Strap Extender/low-mid-eq jelqs.
Pretty straightforward. These are good for length.

Horizontal expansion
girth exercises (i.e. constriction,horses, squeezes, pump etc).

So if I want to induce a multi-dimensional expansion of the tunica (i.e. for later intense girth work), I like to prepare the tunica (unlocking) beforehand.
In the past I used for this low-tension bundles in my extender (20-45 Min), myofascial unlocking and/or low- to mid-eq “flaccid” bends in all directions (1 to 5 fingers).
The combination of all these exercises create better and longer lasting temp gains in mass and volume when followed by exercises inducing vertical or horizontal expansion.
To achieve the unlocking effect I use a low-intensity approach ( warm up) and combine bundled/fulcrum stretches with myofascial unlocking.

That is why the tiger trap is so appealing to me:
Accomplishing the same effect (multi directional expansion of the tunica) in a very short time frame by doing only one exercise.
Then use the temporary multi-dimensional expansion for following exercises afterwards (i.e. cockring clamping, towel raises, high EQ jelqs, pumping, horses, squeezes, uli etc for girth or low-mid EQ jelqing, tunica stretches for bpel).

I think myofascial unlocking and unlocking via bundles (or fulcrums with low EQ i.e. low/mid eq bends) could be very beneficial for trapping too as a warmup.
Tunica Unlocking is very underrated and overlooked in my eyes.

Dickerschwanz is definitely going into the right direction.

" PE is a helluva drug. "

Hey guys,

this thread got me thinking hard the last days.

I really love the concept of the tiger trap.
Regarding my pe-approach in general and the high intensity that comes with the exercise, I won’t incorporate the tiger trap unfortunately in the near future.

Nevertheless I would like to work the tunica in a same fashion as the tiger trap.

In the last days I asked myself, how can I create a similar multidimensional effect on the tunica in a safer way and using less intensity.

So following idea grew on me:

As I described in my last post, I did well experimenting with bundles in the extender before tunica workouts.

What I will try next is using fulcrum points while being bundled in the extender.

This should be easily constructed. Cut a pipe in half and use it as „fulcrum bridge“ and place some of them on the upper- and underside of the extender rods.

If this works well for manipulating the tunica in a multi-dimensional way, you could even further increase the intensity by using a shoelace, zip tie or something similar to pull the shaft sideways in between the two fulcrum points (or use a object and put it between the rod and shaft like the tiger trap).

This would be something similar to the tiger trap only done flaccid.
Of course the intensity wouldn’t be as high ;)
Therefore high intensity exercises are probably needed to follow up to create gains.

One advantage of the extender would be that you can increase the time under tension as you like.
Moreover you could use warmth (i.e. IR Light) to its fully extend to make it even easier to manipulate the tunica.

All in all, I imagine that the idea is worthwile as long as it is used as a tunica pre-workout manipulation tool to generate better temp gains in volume for following exercises.

Just started a routine, but will incorporate the concept hopefully soon and report back how it will work out for girth exercises.
Really curious as stretching for girth seems a bit counterintuitive ;)

" PE is a helluva drug. "

thanks for your toughts..

I used 2 fulcrums in my extender some time back. One below my dick and another above. I used pencils.
I also used bundles in the extender in simply strapping in and then turned the whole thing.

Both will decrease the time you can be strapped in a lot. I think 20 minute sets is what I went at most.(Just straight out I could go 1h) .
I didn’t do it long enough to get any real results out of it. (I would say extender only use means 3 weeks daily 4+ hours at least)
But could make sense with some sets before other exercises..

I proposed an idea with fulcrums/balls in a pump with magnets which goes into the same direction:
dickerschwanz - DickerSchwanz pics, logs, ideas..

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

I used 2 fulcrums in my extender some time back. One below my dick and another above. I used pencils.
I also used bundles in the extender in simply strapping in and then turned the whole thing.

dickerschwanz - DickerSchwanz pics, logs, ideas..


thanks for your feedback.
A pencil is a nice idea.
But the more I think about it, I tend to use a fulcrum with a larger surface and less height.
I think a too intense fulcrum could be too much in combination with a bundled stretch as I aim for a relaxation and expansion state that I can be further used for following exercises (tunica unlocking).

If I would aim for gains otherwise, I would use a more aggressive approach to my fulcrum points for sure ;)

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

Both will decrease the time you can be strapped in a lot. I think 20 minute sets is what I went at most.(Just straight out I could go 1h) .

dickerschwanz - DickerSchwanz pics, logs, ideas..

I agree whole heartily.
That is why I use low tension (1000-1200gr).
In gain intensity (1200-1800gr) I don’t have problems either if I use 180s.

I mostly use 180s as they don’t effect EQ afterwards so much as 360s/540s.
Btw I like bundled stretches in general for girth, but not so much for pumping.
I would avoid intense bundles before pumping. Just my experience.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz

I didn’t do it long enough to get any real results out of it.
dickerschwanz - DickerSchwanz pics, logs, ideas..

That is the disadvantage of liking to experiment a lot ;)
Been there so often.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
I proposed an idea with fulcrums/balls in a pump with magnets which goes into the same direction:
dickerschwanz - DickerSchwanz pics, logs, ideas..

Interesting idea.
But the fine tuning could be a pain in the ass (finding the right diameter for the steel balls).

Another idea for a tigertrap could be building a clamp like a snake hanger with a more flexible material (hose i.e) and using cut cockrings glued in as fulcrum points .
For the outer clamps you could use the cable clamps in size large instead of medium for example.

Just a brain storm idea.

" PE is a helluva drug. "

I’ve noticed a major change in girth from hanging plus clamping/pumping right afterward. I think my gains actually prove this theory much better than the average Joe, because the girth changes are most severe in the area of my penis that isn’t clamped into the hanger (Ie., from the base up to around 1” behind the glans, in an area that doesn’t get as much or maybe any tunica stretch).

My dick looks super thick from the base and then it gradually indents (better word?) in the area where the hanger sits. Luckily this isn’t some Frankenstein looking deal, it doesn’t look at all freakish or anything. However, aside from the obvious change in proportions, my penis doesn’t have the same look it did when I started 10 years ago.

I suppose targeted girth work in this area could remedy this effect, or perhaps some vac hanging/ads might even things out. But again, it doesn’t look as strange as it might sound on paper. Great post DickerSwanz!

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Trying this tonight by stretching SO with a rice sock draped over the unit. Going well so far, gonna have to make this a regular thing I think.

[start] 10.15 cubic inches

[goal] 20.3 cubic inches

The level of intelligence I’ve witnessed on this forum has been mind blowing.
The theories and engineering of equipment ect. I am so ridiculously impressed.

I just know that being at this forum with this community is going to absolutely prevent me from doing PE another year with little to no gains, they’re coming.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, fulcrum stretches will suffice as a length tunica stretch before doing my clamped edging work, correct?
It seems I have a 3 layer tunica, because I can do 2 hour long clamped edging sessions and only feel fatigue at the very end.

I’ve read so many pages of threads on this forum but so much of it goes over my head.

Originally Posted by a-unit
Recently I have begun bundled stretches and find the two way stretching of the tunica to be a very good way to effectively put the tunica under duress, in many ways more effectively than hanging, in my experience.

A five minute bundled stretch leaves my dick sore for hours.

I don’t know enough about the physiology of the tunica, but one possible concern with bundled stretches could be creating shearing forces between the two perpendicularly aligned layers of fibers of the tunica, and whether that could lead to possible delamination, or degradation in the robustness and integrity of the tunica.

I tried bundles stretching because I am very interested in base girth gains, but it simply didn’t feel “right”. I’m not at all criticizing people who use bundled stretching, or to bad mouth the exercise, just thinking out loud.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Very interesting theory. I have always done stretches as part of my warm up and have had very steady growth at a nearly 1:1 rate for years now. Recently my girth has grown slightly faster than length which is fine by be. I wonder if the stretches in warmup have contributed to the equal growth rate.

Starting Stats: BPEL 8.2 Inches MSEG 5.1 Inches 08/25/2014

Current Stats: BPEL 10.125 Inches MSEG 6.9375 Inches 11/06/2018

It works so do the work.

Originally Posted by Wanting7x6

Please correct me if I’m wrong, fulcrum stretches will suffice as a length tunica stretch before doing my clamped edging work, correct?

It seems I have a 3 layer tunica, because I can do 2 hour long clamped edging sessions and only feel fatigue at the very end.


It will potentially weaken the tunica directly. The clamping then expands it from inside out. Two different forces that might do the trick for you.

Proceed with caution!


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