Thunder's Place

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Pre-Stretching Tunica to allow more Girth Expansion

Interesting point dickerschwanz,

What is an effective way of consistently achieving plastic deformation during stretching especially for newbies?

"Penis Enlargement (PE) is a Personal Endeavor for Personal Enhancement to Progressive Excellence which takes Commitment, Consciousness, Comprehension, Competency, and Consistency to Succeed"


Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Good one lol, look at the idiot with bad memory in post #2 from your link ;) . Everything was already mentioned in PE and sometimes by yourself.

"Wantsmore’s Fulcrums stretches, A and V stretches, bundled stretches. Stretches which hit directly on the tunica."
Is what you mentioned in the thread working especially well for stretching the tunica.

Inflicting girth expansion via flaccid exercise sounds intriguing but kind of hard to do isn’t it?

Not caring about the longitudinal layer will possibly still reap gains, even with higher % girth exercises, as the longitudinal-layer will still stretch along with the expansion from below. My idea is just that with it being weakened it might increase chances of more girth gains.

I think o-bends/semi erect bends are the closest to flaccid girth work I know of that still could be efficient. The bundled stretch is an other one, marinera’s dry jelqs with an afb hanger (Extreme PE : Routine For Girth) but who knows if he was trolling there, and a last one I’m curious about is flaccid/low EL pumping , if you think about it most of the pull in a cylinder is in the girth direction (dynamic pumping/high hg or constant with low hg, need to experiment there). Of course A/V and wantsmore’s or any fulcrum stretches would be hitting on the tunica lengthwise to allow for more expansion in terms of girth.
In the other thread you touched on a point which makes sense as well, the longitudinal layer may need to be stretched girthwise. If we all agree on this we can stop making a difference between outer "length" layer and inner "girth" layer, the image of the balloon is a nice one and my point would then be that to work in one direction or the other (no differences between outer/inner sheath) it is best to limit the one we have no interest in. To gain length or girth all the tunica and penis has to adapt to grow and adapt to the new length and girth.

Interesting. It is my first day working girth into my regiment via jelqs.

I first spent 10 - 15 minutes warming with heat pad and hanging with the cock coil ads

Next I did about 50-100 jelqs

Now I am hanging heavy for about 15 minutes.

Very intense and good feeling.

Originally Posted by k9er
What is an effective way of consistently achieving plastic deformation during stretching especially for newbies?

Going beyond the elastic range. :)
The elastic range is the range in which the tissue will recoil/revert back to its original size.(like with an erection)
Finding out when you reach the plastic range is one secret to gains. All while making sure you don’t go too far into failure/rupture range(broken dick).
There are basically two ways: “low intensity - long time” and “High intensity - short time”.
Extending is rather low intensity and done within the elastic range but is done for hours and the tension adds on. Manual stretches can be high intensity and can take only some minutes to go beyond the elastic range.

The force and/or time needed is different for everyone depending on a multitude of factors. Obviously a newbie would need less force then a veteran.
I would start with low intensity and increase time gradually and only after maxing that out increase intensity. Its a bit a game of narrowing down what works for you and what not. You will never know the perfect force/time especially cause it changes down the line.

To narrow the range you would observe your PI ‘s, track expansion and measurements.

Of course at some point Rest or no-rest comes into play too. Constant inflammation of tissue without allowing proliferation and remodeling of the tissue will result in failed or hardened tissue/scars.(search for IPR theory for more on this)

As a newbie you are best advised with starting a newbie routine and then observe what works for you.

Originally Posted by Walter5169
I think o-bends/semi erect bends are the closest to flaccid girth work I know of that still could be efficient. The bundled stretch is an other one, marinera’s dry jelqs with an afb hanger (Extreme PE : Routine For Girth) but who knows if he was trolling there, and a last one I’m curious about is flaccid/low EL pumping , if you think about it most of the pull in a cylinder is in the girth direction (dynamic pumping/high hg or constant with low hg, need to experiment there). Of course A/V and wantsmore’s or any fulcrum stretches would be hitting on the tunica lengthwise to allow for more expansion in terms of girth.
In the other thread you touched on a point which makes sense as well, the longitudinal layer may need to be stretched girthwise. If we all agree on this we can stop making a difference between outer "length" layer and inner "girth" layer, the image of the balloon is a nice one and my point would then be that to work in one direction or the other (no differences between outer/inner sheath) it is best to limit the one we have no interest in. To gain length or girth all the tunica and penis has to adapt to grow and adapt to the new length and girth.

marinera’s thread there is great with some good posts and sound theory behind it especially regarding fulcrums:
marinera - Extreme PE : Routine For Girth
marinera - Extreme PE : Routine For Girth
marinera - Extreme PE : Routine For Girth
I’m convinced, this makes sense, and the fulcrum stretches for girth I will include in my routine, before doing expansive work with internal blood pressure. I don’t like the AFB hanger jelq stuff though. Sounds cumbersome.

Im not sure if I agree with the notion on disregarding the layers and their differentiation completely. I said in the thread:

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
The longitudal fibers with girth work will increase their spacing and buckle.
While the circular layers actually elongate.

Yeah,the outer-longitudinal-"length"-layer will increase size in some direction if the inner-circular-"girth"-layer is increased below it.
We might not notice it in length measurements as the outer-longitudinal-layer fibers simply got wider.

But, pre-weakening the outer "length" layer prior to girth work is still a viable option. If its pre-weakened with length work it might easier give away to "spacing and buckle".

It’s like increasing a differently shaped balloon inside another tighter/rigid balloon. The outer balloon will give away at some point even if its more rigid then the inner balloon.
But if you would pre-stretch the outer balloon before expanding the inner balloon, the inner balloon would easier expand. Makes that sense?

Part of my theory here is that the outer layer seems to be more rigid, restricting the inner layer. I think it can only be that way cause otherwise the shape of the penis would with some men be more wide then long.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Going beyond the elastic range. :)
The elastic range is the range in which the tissue will recoil/revert back to its original size.(like with an erection)
Finding out when you reach the plastic range is one secret to gains. All while making sure you don’t go too far into failure/rupture range(broken dick).
There are basically two ways: “low intensity - long time” and “High intensity - short time”.
Extending is rather low intensity and done within the elastic range but is done for hours and the tension adds on. Manual stretches can be high intensity and can take only some minutes to go beyond the elastic range.

Thanks dickerschwanz. After over a year of stretching, I’m just beginning to understand some of the nuances of perfect stretching, such as this concept of achieving plasticity. Understanding this concept will be very valuable for newbies.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
marinera’s thread there is great with some good posts and sound theory behind it especially regarding fulcrums:
marinera - Extreme PE : Routine For Girth
marinera - Extreme PE : Routine For Girth
marinera - Extreme PE : Routine For Girth
I’m convinced, this makes sense, and the fulcrum stretches for girth I will include in my routine, before doing expansive work with internal blood pressure. I don’t like the AFB hanger jelq stuff though. Sounds cumbersome.

Im not sure if I agree with the notion on disregarding the layers and their differentiation completely. I said in the thread:

Yeah,the outer-longitudinal-“length”-layer will increase size in some direction if the inner-circular-“girth”-layer is increased below it.
We might not notice it in length measurements as the outer-longitudinal-layer fibers simply got wider.

But, pre-weakening the outer “length” layer prior to girth work is still a viable option. If its pre-weakened with length work it might easier give away to “spacing and buckle”.

It’s like increasing a differently shaped balloon inside another tighter/rigid balloon. The outer balloon will give away at some point even if its more rigid then the inner balloon.
But if you would pre-stretch the outer balloon before expanding the inner balloon, the inner balloon would easier expand. Makes that sense?

Part of my theory here is that the outer layer seems to be more rigid, restricting the inner layer. I think it can only be that way cause otherwise the shape of the penis would with some men be more wide then long.

Oops yes I forgot to add that last part but have agreed on it many times and was what was suggested in the other thread . But then working on length prior to girth work could facilitate girth expansion of the girth layer by weakening it :) , which is why I’ll agree that fulcrum work (or bundled stretches) followed by girth work possibly done with restricted length sounds intelligent. Experimenting would be the answer though, if doing fulcrum stretches prior to erect clamping leads to massive increase in expansion then why not.

Yes we are basically repeating marinera’s ideas there, I’m sure other people had those ideas before, but it’s still interesting to give them more importance and trials nonetheless.

Last edited by Walter5169 : 04-23-2017 at .

Makes oodles of sense. The same notion is at work in the Ninja IPR Protocol that posted here: xenolith - Finding xeno: a penis tale

Using the TT, TTr and multiple cable clamp exercises prior to performing PE4F pumping is intended to cause discreet locations of tunica trauma over the as much of the shaft as possible, then follow that with short duration, high intensity tunica tension to stretch out all of those areas of tunica trauma.

It’s worked great for me; I know that I can grow indefinitely with this knowledge. Really think tunica disruption is the way to post-newbie gains…and disruption of such tough tissue requires that forces be focused in order to actually achieve disruption. How does one do this? Multiple cable clamps, TT and TTr. There may be other ways, I’d love to know of them if the exist.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith
Makes oodles of sense. The same notion is at work in the Ninja IPR Protocol that posted here: xenolith - Finding xeno: a penis tale

Using the TT, TTr and multiple cable clamp exercises prior to performing PE4F pumping is intended to cause discreet locations of tunica trauma over the as much of the shaft as possible, then follow that with short duration, high intensity tunica tension to stretch out all of those areas of tunica trauma.

It’s worked great for me; I know that I can grow indefinitely with this knowledge. Really think tunica disruption is the way to post-newbie gains…and disruption of such tough tissue requires that forces be focused in order to actually achieve disruption. How does one do this? Multiple cable clamps, TT and TTr. There may be other ways, I’d love to know of them if the exist.


Hi Xeno,

By PE4F I take it you mean cycles of pumping pressure followed by no pressure. From memory you were doing 30 seconds pressure followed by 15 seconds of no pressure. But I can’t remember what pressure you are using. As the interest in IPR has grown, pun intended, recently it is becoming hard to remember where information is posted. Do you find this method reduces fluid build up?

During my last I phase I was 2 x 8 min set of pumping at 10 hg. This is after 2 x 8 minute multiple clamps sets. (6 clamps one set and 5 the next.) But the fluid build up was significant. I would end the session with a final 1min at maximum pump, which is about 24hg. Then I take a length measurement on the tube for comparison to know when the I phase is ending. I.e. growth stops.

One minute at 24 hg doesn’t cause any spots or any negative effects that I can tell. So for my next I phase, 19th May, I was toying with the idea of 1min at 24 hg followed by 1 min at no pressure and repeat 8 times.

Your thoughts?


Originally Posted by Shaunbaby
Hi Xeno,

By PE4F I take it you mean cycles of pumping pressure followed by no pressure. From memory you were doing 30 seconds pressure followed by 15 seconds of no pressure. But I can’t remember what pressure you are using. As the interest in IPR has grown, pun intended, recently it is becoming hard to remember where information is posted. Do you find this method reduces fluid build up?

During my last I phase I was 2 x 8 min set of pumping at 10 hg. This is after 2 x 8 minute multiple clamps sets. (6 clamps one set and 5 the next.) But the fluid build up was significant. I would end the session with a final 1min at maximum pump, which is about 24hg. Then I take a length measurement on the tube for comparison to know when the I phase is ending. I.e. growth stops.

One minute at 24 hg doesn’t cause any spots or any negative effects that I can tell. So for my next I phase, 19th May, I was toying with the idea of 1min at 24 hg followed by 1 min at no pressure and repeat 8 times.

Your thoughts?


Sounds excellent; very well informed; to me.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I’m a newbie, I’ve been training 1 month and a half of training. To me for example the stretches damage my EQ. What would be recommended? Eliminate stretching or do too little?
I have to say that this last week does not stretch any day and my EQ improved notably as well as my PIs. Many nocturnal erections.

I know the case of a user who did not stretch even once in 11 months and grew 0.6 ‘in girth.




Celtíbero 92, clearly stretches and what I propose here are not a 100% pre-requisite to have girth gains.
The longitudinal tunica layer will stretch with girth work in the girth dimension too. But as it is aligned in the length direction it will resist that circular expansion more then the circular tunica layer.
Its more about maximizing potential, especially if your longitudinal part of the tunica is too hard compared to the circular layer.
Im not sure if pre stretching in intensities that down the EQ are needed. It might not be needed at all for a newbie going only for girth.
it is expected to have have eq problems stretching and in a way it might be another hint at the theory being right.

If the longitudinal layer is weakened it might not be able to get 100& rigid thus not allowing a good EQ. I’m not sure if that is the reason for EQ problems through stretching but it kind of fits the picture.
Advanced girth methods like clamping and ULI’s and maybe even low intensity pumping are still able to “fill in” the girth expansion necessary even if overall EQ is down.

Last edited by dickerschwanz : 04-24-2017 at .

Yo peeps. I’m biased. Straight up. But having stated that, I want to make sure my homies are clear on something. The Tiger Trap is the straight dope. It’s primary design objective was to cause longitudinal deformation. It accomplishes this by means of multiple fulcrums which, upon impingement of a tumescent shaft (no worky without full on erection), causes longitudinal strain in the tissues trapped between each fulcrum. Both layers of tunica are strained. So are the CCs and CS. Bonus: it also causes radial strain.

I don’t care how tough your tunica is, four wingnuts and you…is that five wingnuts? :chuckle: …WILL strain it.

I don’t know how to make it any more clear: a PE practitioner interested in post-newbie gains would be wise to build, and well served in that interest, by a Tiger Trap.

Just xeno laying signposts to cool, cool water for those thirsty for gains.



originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Xeno, it all comes together for me now. The TT allows quiet some application of the proposed thesis in OP.
Others trying to follow should check this:
xenolith - Finding xeno: a penis tale
and this:
Strain ellipse mechanics adjacent to clamps
(obviously advanced veteran PE stuff)
The Tiger Trap would induce a heavy impact to the longitudinal layer, locally where the TT is applied.
Any further expansion, even if its just normal clamping, afterwards, would allow the circular layer to expand at the site of impact much more. (of course the TT while beeing clamped would already do some impact to the circular layer)

This would allow precision targeted girth work!
Inflict a plastic deformation impact at the longitudinal layer where the TT is applied. Any further expansive girth work like clamping would have the most impact at the pre-impacted-TT-points as these pre-stretched points would allow the circular layer beneath to expand more.

I noticed that when doing clamped bends at certain spots, further sets of clamping and pumping will create bigger expansion right there. I mean its logic of course but finding why and how to go further gives some more options like your TT. A bend is rather wide and broad, so the TT would be much more pointed and targeted.
Could this result in some insane possibilities for shaping of our tools via different shaped TT’s? Like creating a bumped or ribbed texture? :D

I mentioned it before in xenos thread but I reckon there’s potential in having the faces of the TT shaped like the tread on some tires.

Consider how they are designed to disperse water from the centre out to the sides, should work in a similar way on semi erect penis.


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