Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
Honestly man, I would not sweat a small flaccid length. You’re confidence and state of mind is being affected because of the size of your soft penis but in reality this wouldn’t matter unless you were walking around naked, which then it would matter for about 5 minutes until you’re being tackled and tazed by police men (if you’re in the US). Your flaccid length is fine how it is, and any girl you’re in a relationship is with think the same, as long as you treat her right and fuck her better. My ex used to be fascinated on how my tiny flaccid (about 1.5 inches then) could grow to 6.5 just by her touching me. Don’t let it affect you, don’t let it sway you from going after girls, be confident on what you have now and nothing will be able to stop you.
Your comment is very heart felt and I appreciate it. But its not only the 5 seconds I’m naked. When I wake up the morning after sex my penis is so small its crazy, like 2 inches tops. Plus I love the beach and basketball, both of which, you can see my penis through my shorts. I know girls will act like they don’t care but it just kills me because sometimes my flaccid is so big Id show ANYONE, and thats what kills me. Me and my future wife/gf deserve a penis thats normal. But 90% of the time it looks like it belongs on a preteen.
I’m beginning to think it could maybe all be fixed with a blood thinner , or some everyday anxiety prescription, I have always been the nervous type even though you would never guess it from my personality. Like I previously said. I have been researching penis gains for over 2 ears and have heard it all. From my experience, I will let everyone know the key to a hard erection, Is relaxing your penis and your mind, Not subconsciously clenching , and not trying to orgasm every time you get a semi erection. I wish someone could give me advice as good as this, but for flaccid size.
Its very annoying when I get my desired flaccid length from what I thought was something I did or some food I ate only to be let down a week later.
PS I know many men would kill just to get an erection and am thankful for all my blessings. I know it could always be worse but the answer is so simple probably, considering I do it accidentally every once in a while.