Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I had been pumping for a good bit,

I have two cylinders, a 1.75 and a 2. I felt like I was just about ready to go to the 2 but something is really weird when I pump now. I can pump for no longer than 10 min at under 5hg and my skin looks awful. Red spots everywhere and on the bottom side near my sack is the worst. My jelq lube is the vein oil so I don’t know if I’ve mixed up too strong a batch or what. Why would my skin look so bad after that short of time?

Originally Posted by G263

What’s the vacuum level you are pumping at? Does your pump have a gauge?

He does say under 5hg in his post.So im assuming he has a gauge.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

I know my skin got funky when pumping with olive oil. Wondering if what you’re using is causing a reaction.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Yeah I don’t know what causes it.. I haven’t exceeded 10 min lately and my skin still looks awful

I do normally pump after breakfast which I have a fat cup of coffee, don’t know how that is correlated tho I guess.

I made the vein oil several times, varying the amounts of each extract, and what I found that one of the extracts definitely gave me a red rash. I eventually found out that the lemon Grass extract can cause irritation initially and usually subsides once your skin becomes use to it. Hope that helps.

I’m convinced it is the oil, I poured it out. Had a great pump session yesterday with just olive oil and minimal spots. Hadn’t had a good one in so long I got off in the tube lol. Couldn’t release the pressure fast enough

I only pump, and i can say it’s your oil/lubrificant. I can’t pump with same kind of lubrificants too and when i take a lot of coffe my erection get better but my skin if i pump get more dark. Btw, now that i have 28 my skin get darken everytime. =/

I’m using this one now and it’s helping:

And is good to warmup.

Originally Posted by jl39

I’m convinced it is the oil, I poured it out. Had a great pump session yesterday with just olive oil and minimal spots. Hadn’t had a good one in so long I got off in the tube lol. Couldn’t release the pressure fast enough

I used to use a Bio Oil-based concoction containing: rosemary, peppermint, and lemongrass oils as a pumping lube. I played around with the blend and ultimately created an oil lube that provided wonderful sensations (cooling/warming and tingling), but it also produced unwanted side effects: redness, rashes, and somewhat raw-like spots. I hated to give it up, but knew I had to. I now use Arnica Gel. It doesn’t provide the sensations, but serves as a very adequate lube that provides a good seal, is beneficial to penis skin health, and makes clean-up very easy.

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