Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Reality check for PEers -- visit a bodybuilding forum

Originally Posted by tpmitch
There’s a book called The Big Penis Book. It’s been mentioned in other threads. It basically is a response to The Big Breast Book. It has pics of huge dicks (mainly from the 70’s). John Holmes is in it as well as other freakish, sick, monster dicks. It will either make you laugh or make you cry.

Is there any kind of online version? This sounds like good motivation!

(Goes off to search).

Originally Posted by penismith
Ever notice how women having sex in porn tend to look just as happy with the average sized guys as the big guys. I know that that is blasphemy around here but take a close look and you will see what I mean.

Also, evolutionary arguments are tricky. They can’t be tested. Just guesses really. I will offer another one. Humans have large brains in relation to their body so a larger vagina is required for us than for that of many other mammals and the penis sizes of humans are just fitting a Gaussian distribution.

So, head size is driving up vagina size which is driving up penis size but most penesis in the distribution will satisfy most vagina.

Good looks correlate with health because health because healthy development results in good facial as well as body symmetry in people.

Penis size doesn’t seem to correlate with health, intelligence or creativity so I very much doubt that it is an evolutionary driving force. Probably more of a side effect.

Yea, but I still kind of want a bigger dick. Why? Beats me!

A good portion of the new porn that comes out is all about big dicks. And the shot of the woman’s reaction to a freak cock is almost as important as the money shot.

Originally Posted by tpmitch
A good portion of the new porn that comes out is all about big dicks. And the shot of the woman’s reaction to a freak cock is almost as important as the money shot.

Subjective. :) &

Shock? Excitement? Genuine?

That book is quite shocking. I’m pretty sure there’s a couple of 10s in there. In bodybuilding terms: 300 pounds at 10% bf :)

Originally Posted by tpmitch

A good portion of the new porn that comes out is all about big dicks. And the shot of the woman’s reaction to a freak cock is almost as important as the money shot.

They always over do it.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
As a regular of the 95%, it ain’t easy being lean.

Oh trust me Thunder, I fully expect to be joining the fat-ass crowd within a decade or so ;) Makes me want to add on another inch through PE to pre-empt the fat pad gains :D

Originally Posted by Penismith
by there reactions you would think that the dude unzipped his pants and a cock with wings comes flying out and proceeded to flutter about the room. (:

:rolling: You are one funny dude, P. Smith. Glad to have you back ;) Interesting idea about why humans have big penises, by the way.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
This sounds like good motivation!

Yeah man, if you can be inspired by the huge dicks (or huge muscles) to work harder toward your own goal, then good for you. :up: It’s just sad when men lose touch with the fact that most penises aren’t too big, and most bodies are actually quite flabby.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle

I think this phenomenon is actually beneficial to us. Aiming for a 9 instead of 7 helps us get to the 7 - even if we aren’t as happy about it!

Originally Posted by DickVanDyke
I think being happy about what you have is more important than what you have.

I second DickVanDyke. Threads appear here regularly about what your goals for PE are. I think my usual answer is 1/4” more in each dimension than what I have now .

Goals should be for encouragement, and should be reachable. If you reach your goal, you can always set a new one. Goals that are too far away can be discouraging.

It’s kind of like weight loss. How do you lose 20 pounds? One pound at a time. If you just keep losing that pound, you’ll get to where you want to be. Is it better to lose five pounds, one pound at a time, or to go for losing 20 pounds, get discouraged, and dive into that next half gallon of ice cream?

And time also factors into both of these - weight loss or PE. How many times have we seen someone join here and ask about whether they can gain an inch over the summer, or by Christmas, or some other arbitrary gain in some arbitrary time frame? How many of them actually get that inch, and how many either get discouraged and quit because they’re not gaining fast enough, or hurt themselves trying to force the ruler to match the calendar? But if you get into good healthy diet and eating habits, or a good solid PE program, you’ll be better off than you were when you started.

And flexibility is important. In the Pumpers forum, one of the members is not going to have the chance to pump over the next several months. Instead of being discouraged by that, he’s looking at it in a positive way. He can change things up by doing some manual exercises, and then in several months, he can get back into pumping afresh.

So, for me, saying that I continue to seek additional gains does not keep me from enjoying the ones I’ve got.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
It’s just sad when men lose touch with the fact that most penises aren’t too big, and most bodies are actually quite flabby.

It is. And you can be complacent, or you can do something about it. But it’s bad to be discouraged into doing nothing because you’re falling short of perfection (and I know that’s not what you’re saying).

I remember seeing a very large man wearing a very small bathing suit on a beach once. At first, I thought how inappropriate that was, and then I reconsidered. Do only the young and perfect bodies deserve to enjoy the sun? He surely would have benefited in so many ways by losing some weight, and unless he was severely delusional, he already knew that. But on that day, he was what he was and he was enjoying the sun.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 06-22-2008 at .

Working on your personality is important too. If you are 7-incher with a brain and she actually cares about you she’s not going to leave you for an 8-incher who sees her in a bar and starts making allusions to how big his cock is and starts trying to get her drunk lol. We should start giving women a little more credit.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Oh trust me Thunder, I fully expect to be joining the fat-ass crowd within a decade or so ;) Makes me want to add on another inch through PE to pre-empt the fat pad gains :D

:rolling: You are one funny dude, P. Smith. Glad to have you back ;) Interesting idea about why humans have big penises, by the way.

Yeah man, if you can be inspired by the huge dicks (or huge muscles) to work harder toward your own goal, then good for you. :up: It’s just sad when men lose touch with the fact that most penises aren’t too big, and most bodies are actually quite flabby.

Glad your still here!

I want a 30” cock.

Present: 8.75" BPEL, 9.25" BPSFL, 5.3" EG

Goal: 1' BPEL, 6.5" EG

Originally Posted by djufo
I want a 30” cock.

To wrap around your thigh?

Originally Posted by sneakfreaky

Working on your personality is important too. If you are 7-incher with a brain and she actually cares about you she’s not going to leave you for an 8-incher who sees her in a bar and starts making allusions to how big his cock is and starts trying to get her drunk lol. We should start giving women a little more credit.

Some deserve a little more credit, Sneakfreaky. Some earn it. Others do not.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I want a bigger thumb! Makes it easier to stick in your ear and extract your brain.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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