Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Reality check for PEers -- visit a bodybuilding forum

My thumb is really big and beefy now!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

For those who sometimes find themselves insecure after spending too much time on a PE forum, I would recommend visiting a bodybuilding site for “therapy.”

I sort of misinterpreted Para-Goomba’s intention when reading the title of the thread and I was close to vocally agree: Yes, I’ve also noticed at the gym that a bunch of small-dicked guys are trying to compensate through bodybuilding! :D

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"


Originally Posted by tpmitch
Porn is what is really raising the bar. And we all know about the Big Penis Book (so not cool). I think it is just speeding up natural selection. Humans already have the largest penises out of all primates. Several centuries from now, average will be 10 x 8.

All in all, pressure to have a big penis is nothing compared to the pressure women face to look good. We judge every inch of them. That’s coming from a stone cold anti-feminist.

Holy crap I hope the average won’t be 10x8 because girls will have to start growing mutant pussies to take all that !! Lol that would be funny, right now guys are like is my dick small? Is it big enough? Well in the future it’s gonna be turned on the girls. Is my vagina big enough to take the average cock? Theyll get turned down for having a tight one hahaha

Erect Length 8.500 inches , Erect Girth5.700 inches, Flaccid Length 5 inches, hang Flaccid Girth 4.2 inches, Erect Width 1.814 inches,

Erect Volume 21.977cubic inches


I am surprised by the posts on here that complain about 8” or so being not big. That’s freaking huge, statistically anyway. If someone wants to be on the quest to be the biggest, then by all means do it. It’s your johnson. But I’ll bet dollars to donuts you’ll lose.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Things get a little out of hand here sometimes. Over the years, the standard for a big dick seems to have steadily increased in the penis-discourse at Thunder’s Place. Now it is not uncommon to see new posters worried about whether a 7x6 (or even an 8x6) dick will be “large.” The norms keep creeping upward, as PEers obsessed with being the biggest (that she’s ever had — that she’s ever seen — or maybe even the biggest out there, period!) feed each other’s anxieties by posting their PE progress and photos of the huge cocks they’re building.

For those who sometimes find themselves insecure after spending too much time on a PE forum, I would recommend visiting a bodybuilding site for “therapy.” Google around for bodybuilding forums, and read up. You will find guys seriously stating that thighs under 30” are chicken legs. :rolling: That may be an extreme example, but the general norms in a community like that — full of men competing to outdo one another and be the best, the biggest at what they do — are completely unhinged from the everyday reality in which even a moderately muscular, lean man will stand out from 95% of the fat-ass population.

It’s gotten far more extreme than back in the day, when I used to workout. Steroids have really gone high-tech; not only that, guys do really extreme shit like “stacking” various roids cycles, so they overlap. Training is pretty much the same, but the drugs have gone crazy.

Originally Posted by penismith

B.S. Unless the woman is screaming in pain for you to stop, you have got a little weenie. (:

I miss penismith!

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Funny thing is, I want legs bigger than many people’s waist lines… and 30+” is my goal. Haha. I’d rather have a bigger dick than what I have now and have a large body than to have this cursed 4.5ishx4-4.25 dick and weakling looking legs. =)

August 2008: NBPEL 4"

Is anyone on a body building site? I’ve just joined under the user name that I use here. Looking for friends, I ain’t got any :(

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Now it is not uncommon to see new posters worried about whether a 7x6 (or even an 8x6) dick will be “large.” The norms keep creeping upward, as PEers obsessed with being the biggest (that she’s ever had — that she’s ever seen — or maybe even the biggest out there, period!)

This is true. Perspective is skewed, as most girls out there will not be able to take a full 7” length. I think most of the 6” guys don’t realize that. But this is a specialized community. and much as most enthusiast forums are full of “competitive comparison” and even “compounding insecurity”, this is not necessarily all bad. It helps drive discovery and progress.

And furthermore….an extraordinarily large penis is easily concealed, and is not nearly as publicy objectionable as the physiques of some of the over-the top roid freaks.

Current size: BPEL: 7.9" EG: 6.75"

Realistic goal: BPEL: 9.25" EG: 7.5"

Unrealistic surgical goal: 12" x 8.5" :)

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Things get a little out of hand here sometimes. Over the years, the standard for a big dick seems to have steadily increased in the penis-discourse at Thunder’s Place. Now it is not uncommon to see new posters worried about whether a 7x6 (or even an 8x6) dick will be “large.” The norms keep creeping upward, as PEers obsessed with being the biggest (that she’s ever had — that she’s ever seen — or maybe even the biggest out there, period!) feed each other’s anxieties by posting their PE progress and photos of the huge cocks they’re building.

For those who sometimes find themselves insecure after spending too much time on a PE forum, I would recommend visiting a bodybuilding site for “therapy.” Google around for bodybuilding forums, and read up. You will find guys seriously stating that thighs under 30” are chicken legs. :rolling: That may be an extreme example, but the general norms in a community like that — full of men competing to outdo one another and be the best, the biggest at what they do — are completely unhinged from the everyday reality in which even a moderately muscular, lean man will stand out from 95% of the fat-ass population.

You’re right. I visit a friend a few days a week who runs BBQ restaurant who knows I am heavily immersed in the PE realm of obsession here on TP. I exhibit my dick to him half the times I see him during the course of a month to show him how my flaccid looks on days I PE a lot VS a little; I even exhibit my semi erect flaccids to these two teenage *Big cock* obsessed girly girls who work for him. I have sends pictures of my best erections to his phone, for the purpose of those 2 size queens to drool over it. Ever since he showed them the pics, when they are in cigarette breaks they take me to the back of the building by the garbage dumpster to give them an eye-full of PE manipulated cock.

He will go on delivery’s often and I always go with him, and this is when we usually talk about PE and I show off my progress…I used to think and justify the reason I show him my cock is to motivate him to PE, which is a real reason, but I realized another reason is make myself feel better. So he has seen it really swollen. He also has shown me his normal flaccid which is around 4 inches long and 3.5-4.0 inches in girth; I really don’t know why he shows me it…..I would guess he is seeking my approval of if it is small or normal. This all goes on in the delivery truck mind you. I always tell him the truth, that his flaccid is very standard and that “if you where to pull down the pants of 10 men in your restaurant at any given moment during a day, 7 out of 10 men will be similar, slightly smaller, or slightly bigger and 3 out of 10 men will either be ridiculously smaller or ridiculously bigger then you.” I consider this a fair assessment. Wouldn’t you guys think that a 4 BPFL * 3.5-4.0 FG is normal?

He has a really big dick head though, which is bigger then mine, but makes his dick look a little goofy when it is erect IMO; but he is lucky to have around 5.3 inches of girth in his dick head to please the ladies. I always told him if he did PE his dick will eventually look exactly like the porn actor Chris Charming, who he has never heard of. I watch so much porn that I know the names of all the mega big dick porn stars and know what types of personalities they have based on the video clips I’ve seen; I know who is serious, who is funny, etc. My friend knows about TP and claims to have registered while he was drunk one night and completely forgot his password and TP alias.

My friend and the 2 sluts that work for him see me as the big dick or the abnormally hung guy I wound assume. My friend thinks it is amazing what I accomplished considering he has seen my cock erect before I started PE but he definitely thinks Im obsessed but in a “good way” as he would say. He doesn’t show any signs of envy but I’m sure he is a little envious. I always tried to get him to PE but he never started. He has jelqed a few times though…what a shame my efforts to persuade have failed.

My friend claims to get up to 7 bpel which is hard to believe, but why would he lie. He also says he is 4.6-4.7 in EG, so his dick is overall not below average. And to give you a taste of my world….. It is around 1:30 A.M. where I am in the Midwest and I have been sleeping since 3 P.M. I sleep in early and pull all nighters for school some days. So I haven’t done any PE since 8 A.M. this morning, which is rare for me to go this long without some PE and my flaccid is around 5.5 * 5 FG and it looks ridiculously skinny to me since Im used to looking at the 6 * 5.5 FG giant flaccids. The longer I go without doing PE or getting in an erect state…the smaller my flaccid gets…go figure right. Try explaining that to my twisted OCD PE manifested thought process.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Clubber
You’re right. I visit a friend a few days a week who runs BBQ restaurant who knows I am heavily immersed in the PE realm of obsession here on TP. I exhibit my dick to him half the times I see him during the course of a month to show him how my flaccid looks on days I PE a lot VS a little; I even exhibit my semi erect flaccids to these two teenage *Big cock* obsessed girly girls who work for him. I have sends pictures of my best erections to his phone, for the purpose of those 2 size queens to drool over it. Ever since he showed them the pics, when they are in cigarette breaks they take me to the back of the building by the garbage dumpster to give them an eye-full of PE manipulated cock.

He will go on delivery’s often and I always go with him, and this is when we usually talk about PE and I show off my progress…I used to think and justify the reason I show him my cock is to motivate him to PE, which is a real reason, but I realized another reason is make myself feel better. So he has seen it really swollen. He also has shown me his normal flaccid which is around 4 inches long and 3.5-4.0 inches in girth; I really don’t know why he shows me it…..I would guess he is seeking my approval of if it is small or normal. This all goes on in the delivery truck mind you. I always tell him the truth, that his flaccid is very standard and that “if you where to pull down the pants of 10 men in your restaurant at any given moment during a day, 7 out of 10 men will be similar, slightly smaller, or slightly bigger and 3 out of 10 men will either be ridiculously smaller or ridiculously bigger then you.” I consider this a fair assessment. Wouldn’t you guys think that a 4 BPFL * 3.5-4.0 FG is normal?

He has a really big dick head though, which is bigger then mine, but makes his dick look a little goofy when it is erect IMO; but he is lucky to have around 5.3 inches of girth in his dick head to please the ladies. I always told him if he did PE his dick will eventually look exactly like the porn actor Chris Charming, who he has never heard of. I watch so much porn that I know the names of all the mega big dick porn stars and know what types of personalities they have based on the video clips I’ve seen; I know who is serious, who is funny, etc. My friend knows about TP and claims to have registered while he was drunk one night and completely forgot his password and TP alias.

My friend and the 2 sluts that work for him see me as the big dick or the abnormally hung guy I wound assume. My friend thinks it is amazing what I accomplished considering he has seen my cock erect before I started PE but he definitely thinks Im obsessed but in a “good way” as he would say. He doesn’t show any signs of envy but I’m sure he is a little envious. I always tried to get him to PE but he never started. He has jelqed a few times though…what a shame my efforts to persuade have failed.

My friend claims to get up to 7 bpel which is hard to believe, but why would he lie. He also says he is 4.6-4.7 in EG, so his dick is overall not below average. And to give you a taste of my world….. It is around 1:30 A.M. where I am in the Midwest and I have been sleeping since 3 P.M. I sleep in early and pull all nighters for school some days. So I haven’t done any PE since 8 A.M. this morning, which is rare for me to go this long without some PE and my flaccid is around 5.5 * 5 FG and it looks ridiculously skinny to me since Im used to looking at the 6 * 5.5 FG giant flaccids. The longer I go without doing PE or getting in an erect state…the smaller my flaccid gets…go figure right. Try explaining that to my twisted OCD PE manifested thought process.

Don’t let those setbacks stand in your way, he needs to see the light, keep trying Clubber!

Clubber. I’m well impressed you managed to type that without putting a “no homo” in anywhere. Most guys would have said it an irritating number of times.

I expect a few might still make the comment though. This post is a not so subtle attempt to head off such posts. ;)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

My friend needs to start PEing because I think the main reason he drinks a lot is because he hates his penis. He hasn’t had sex for 2 years since he broke up with his girlfriend of 7 years. They started going out in high school.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by firegoat
Clubber. I’m well impressed you managed to type that without putting a “no homo” in anywhere. Most guys would have said it an irritating number of times.

I expect a few might still make the comment though. This post is a not so subtle attempt to head off such posts. ;)

I really don’t care what other people think. That no homo stuff is really retarded.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg


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