Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Reality check for PEers -- visit a bodybuilding forum

Originally Posted by LongVehicle

I think this phenomenon is actually beneficial to us. Aiming for a 9 instead of 7 helps us get to the 7 - even if we aren’t as happy about it!

Shoot for the stars, land on the moon. :-)


Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony
Shoot for the stars, land on the moon. :-)

Normally I’d agree with the above, but in relation to PE, I’m not sure as to the extent of its usefulness. Personally I’ve always had my goal directly precisely I want to end up

I thuink that suggests that a person’s efforts will taper off as he gets closer to his goal, eg when he’s at 6.8” he’ll put in less effort than when he was at 6 and so if his goal is 9 he’ll still be putting in a max effort right up to and past his goal of 7. I think that’s unlikely, as you near you’re goal surely you’re likely to be motivated by its closeness and gain increased drive to strive to reach it. If it’s still up at 9…:rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Normally I’d agree with the above, but in relation to PE, I’m not sure as to the extent of it’s usefulness. Personally I’ve always had my goal directly precisely I want to end up

I thuink that suggests that a person’s efforts will taper off as he gets closer to his goal, eg when he’s at 6.8” he’ll put in less effort than when he was at 6 and so if his goal is 9 he’ll still be putting in a max effort right up to and past his goal of 7. I think that’s unlikely, as you near you’re goal surely you’re likely to be motivated by it’s closeness and gain increased drive to strive to reach it. If it’s still up at 9.:rolleyes:

Chances are the number will be meaningless when a person reaches a size they are happy with looking down or in a mirror or admiration from a lover so he’s 0.1 inch short of goal he set himself so long back it won’t matter really.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Normally I’d agree with the above, but in relation to PE, I’m not sure as to the extent of its usefulness. Personally I’ve always had my goal directly precisely I want to end up

I thuink that suggests that a person’s efforts will taper off as he gets closer to his goal, eg when he’s at 6.8” he’ll put in less effort than when he was at 6 and so if his goal is 9 he’ll still be putting in a max effort right up to and past his goal of 7. I think that’s unlikely, as you near you’re goal surely you’re likely to be motivated by its closeness and gain increased drive to strive to reach it. If it’s still up at 9…:rolleyes:

I agree, setting higher goal to keep focus on actual goal is pointless because you’d always know what your original goal is.

Originally Posted by tpmitch
All in all, pressure to have a big penis is nothing compared to the pressure women face to look good. We judge every inch of them.

Good point, well said.

OK now back to important matters. Of course I had to measure my thigh - 22” (well. maybe 21.5 =P). Perhaps we need a new measurement standard: diameter of thigh *should* be your penis length. So I *should* be 6.84 but I’m 7.5 - RIGHTEOUS!

Thus, to the dude with 30” thighs - you *should* have a 9.5” dick - do you? LOL

Or BPEL/D(thigh) - bigger is better. I score .35 but the guy with the bigass legs only gets .25. Can you say weanie?

(Remember, boys and girls: math is FUN when you have too much coffee!)

Originally Posted by Tweaking

UpTo7…I love your sig, I think I might go kill myself over the time I put into make all the number look nice and lined up in mine ;(

My previous signature was very much like yours, but I decided to redesign it and keep it simple. :)

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Things get a little out of hand here sometimes. Over the years, the standard for a big dick seems to have steadily increased in the penis-discourse at Thunder’s Place. Now it is not uncommon to see new posters worried about whether a 7x6 (or even an 8x6) dick will be “large.” The norms keep creeping upward, as PEers obsessed with being the biggest (that she’s ever had — that she’s ever seen — or maybe even the biggest out there, period!) feed each other’s anxieties by posting their PE progress and photos of the huge cocks they’re building.

For those who sometimes find themselves insecure after spending too much time on a PE forum, I would recommend visiting a bodybuilding site for “therapy.” Google around for bodybuilding forums, and read up. You will find guys seriously stating that thighs under 30” are chicken legs. :rolling: That may be an extreme example, but the general norms in a community like that — full of men competing to outdo one another and be the best, the biggest at what they do — are completely unhinged from the everyday reality in which even a moderately muscular, lean man will stand out from 95% of the fat-ass population.

Yes I cringe when reading some stuff on here. The thing with this place is that it is the most understanding helpful forum I have ever seen on the net. For a variety of mens issues. However, there is also a bit of insecurity which gets spread around. This insecurity is like a completely seperate universe compared to being away from PE and the internet etc. It also has alot of helpful stuff, and surveys, and people sharing experiences so it goes both ways. Have we established that we all care way too much about our dicks yet?

I have never signed up to a bodybuilding forum before, but have read a few here and there when they come up in searches about things you might be trying to learn about. I noticed the chicken legs thing. I also noticed that they say NO HOMO alot.

“You have a really nice body I’d like to fuck it.. NO HOMO”. I don’t know, but a part of me thinks you can’t be 100% straight if you feel the need to say NO HOMO all the time. It’s pretty funny though.

Originally Posted by firegoat
Clubber. I’m well impressed you managed to type that without putting a “no homo” in anywhere. Most guys would have said it an irritating number of times.

I expect a few might still make the comment though. This post is a not so subtle attempt to head off such posts. ;)

I made the post above before reading this!

Originally Posted by drabbuhmot
Good point, well said.

OK now back to important matters. Of course I had to measure my thigh - 22” (well. maybe 21.5 =P). Perhaps we need a new measurement standard: diameter of thigh *should* be your penis length. So I *should* be 6.84 but I’m 7.5 - RIGHTEOUS!

Thus, to the dude with 30” thighs - you *should* have a 9.5” dick - do you? LOL

Or BPEL/D(thigh) - bigger is better. I score .35 but the guy with the bigass legs only gets .25. Can you say weanie?

(Remember, boys and girls: math is FUN when you have too much coffee!)

Hahahaha. Nice work.

I read a poll, actually more then once, that stated that generally woman prefer a Bruce Lee type of Physique to any other. I can see it. Muscular, low fat, great definition, slim waist line, obvious one who has that type of build takes care of himself. I personally like a little bit more muscle mass then he had. But really, since after the early ‘80’s, from Lee Haney forward, I think the Mr. Olympia contestants look ridiculous, not to mention how they are sabotaging their health. Too much of a good (man) thing?

This SMBC webcomic marries bodybuilding and penis size.. Unfortunately Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Story

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

Originally Posted by megalomax
This SMBC webcomic marries bodybuilding and penis size.. Unfortunately Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Story

Ahhh you have no idea how good it is to see that strip again, been looking for it for ages!

The aim: to be unable to fit in a cigar cutter.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Things get a little out of hand here sometimes. Over the years, the standard for a big dick seems to have steadily increased in the penis-discourse at Thunder’s Place. Now it is not uncommon to see new posters worried about whether a 7x6 (or even an 8x6) dick will be “large.” The norms keep creeping upward, as PEers obsessed with being the biggest (that she’s ever had — that she’s ever seen — or maybe even the biggest out there, period!) feed each other’s anxieties by posting their PE progress and photos of the huge cocks they’re building.

For those who sometimes find themselves insecure after spending too much time on a PE forum, I would recommend visiting a bodybuilding site for “therapy.” Google around for bodybuilding forums, and read up. You will find guys seriously stating that thighs under 30” are chicken legs. :rolling: That may be an extreme example, but the general norms in a community like that — full of men competing to outdo one another and be the best, the biggest at what they do — are completely unhinged from the everyday reality in which even a moderately muscular, lean man will stand out from 95% of the fat-ass population.

As a guy who started with an average penis and an average body and now has an 8x6 penis and thighs over 30 inches, this is my new favorite thread. Hahaha. But seriously. Why not aim high and see what your genetics are truly capable of? It worked for me. I know it’s worked for a lot of other men on here as well.

I will preface this by saying that I have competed in bodybuilding (but never had the right mind set, always felt more at home powerlifting), and I have trained and consulted for many physique competitors, male bodybuilders and female figure competitors mostly. I do not agree with Para-Goomba’s characterization of the sport, except to say that what wins these days at the Olympia is no longer aesthetically pleasing - they look more like muscular livestock than very muscular, but very athletic, human beings.

I do not, however, believe the very mentality that fuels their constant accumulation of muscle is wrong. Nor is it wrong to not be satisfied with what you have and want to improve yourself in whatever way matters to you. I think the problem with the “look” of modern bodybuilders is more an issue of the judging slowly evolving (devolving?) to favor “mass monsters” ever since Dorian Yates, not Lee Haney as mentioned earlier - he still looked damn good and had a small waist despite his extreme mass and muscularity.

The other problem is the changing drug regimes of athletes. That is the inclusion of massive doses of HGH and IGF-1 which have caused the distended, but ripped, abdomens you see on stage nowadays, even at amateur shows now!

But the bottom line is, even if the judges have forgotten what it looks like to be very muscular but still look good, bodybuilding is, at it’s heart, a competition. Of course everyone is going to want to be bigger and better than the next guy. I don’t see a problem with this, and, in fact, it takes a very determined, disciplined person to achieve what the pros achieve.

One last thing: at the professional level, 30 inch thighs are chicken legs. :)


Edit: even among half-decent amateurs, 30+” legs are pretty common and don’t stand out a ton, except at small shows. If you are at nationals and want to place well you better have legs bigger than your waist and striated glutes. Otherwise you are just there competing for fun. This sounds extreme, but it’s the nature of the beast.

Last edited by rootsnatty : 08-28-2014 at .

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