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Revolutionary Clamp Design


Revolutionary Clamp Design

This new clamp design has allowed me to clamp much more comfortably and achieve much more engorging of my penis.

Previously I had to watch porn and kegel to keep the penis engorged, with this I can clamp and forget about it.

All it is is a cable clamp with pipe foam instead of whatever you normally wrap with before clamping.

Give it a try if your current clamping setup is leaving something to be desired.

This setup can be a little bit difficult to use at first, so what I recommend is this:

1. Put the foam in the clamp and clamp it down 1 notch.
2. Get a boner and lube it up, lube up the foam too.
3. Slide the clamp down to your base and tighten it while kegeling.
4. Push the clamp down even farther so it stays put, tighten it more if you can.

For you guys that are 5.5”+ in girth you may be too thick to use the medium sized clamp for this, I just measured 5.5” MSEG while clamped it is very tight for me to get on.. Try the large sized cable clamp with foam if this is too small.

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After some more experimenting I have found 6.5” is a good length to cut the foam to initially, 6” is slightly too small in some cases, for example when using multiple clamps and you don’t want it so tight.

As clamping is definitely not safe for newbies, I’ve moved the thread to the Main Member Forum.

Thanks for posting clear pictures stereomike. That looks quite comfy and saves lots of wrapping time. :up:

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“Lube up the foam”?

I like the idea of a padded clamp, but maybe you should still wrap your tool first. I don’t like the idea of a lubed clamp.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

“Lube up the foam” - I take my finger with a little lube on it and rub it along the inner portion of the foam, not totally needed but makes the process easier if you are sliding the clamp down your erect shaft.

You can put it on directly at the base without lube if you are limp, but I still find the lube useful for adjusting where the clamp sits on your skin. You can pull skin down towards your scrotum by pulling on your scrotum to get a good skin stretch on the penis during the clamp session.

I don’t think wrapping is needed at all with this technique, in fact, wrapping would probably make your shaft too thick to clamp using the foam, unless it was a very thin wrap, especially if you are 5.5”+ EG

Whiskey, I suspect with 5.6” EG you may be slightly too thick to use this design, try putting it on at the base when you are limp, only 1 notch down, that might be your only option without moving up to the large clamp.

I’m curious to hear how other people find this technique, look forward to feedback / improvements!

Where do you get the Cable Clamps? I’ve been to Wal-Mart and couldn’t find any and the employees were of no help. Thanks

Originally Posted by Geefhoust
Where do you get the Cable Clamps? I’ve been to Wal-Mart and couldn’t find any and the employees were of no help. Thanks

Try Home depot, or lowe’s.

I am going to have to try that out. I already use wrap when I clamp but this looks more comfortable.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

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6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

I would hardly call this revolutionary new design but would save a little time wrapping, seen it done before with mouse pads though.

Originally Posted by Audacia

I would hardly call this revolutionary new design but would save a little time wrapping, seen it done before with mouse pads though.

Agreed, something like that has been done long before if I recall correctly.

Originally Posted by Geefhoust
Where do you get the Cable Clamps? I’ve been to Wal-Mart and couldn’t find any and the employees were of no help. Thanks

They usually have them hidden in the part of Wal-Mart that gets to see very little traffic. Try around night lights, Extension cords, also near sink faucets I have seen them.

I planned on making a clamp just like you did but ended up learning to clamp no wrap and it is working out amazing for me, if I ever have trouble in the future I will probably switch to what your doing thanks for the guide.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

I plan to use a slice of my ex-girlfriend’s yoga mat cut to size.

Very clever Bro, nice going I will have to try it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by bluray
They usually have them hidden in the part of Wal-Mart that gets to see very little traffic. Try around night lights, Extension cords, also near sink faucets I have seen them.

Yeah, I checked all of those areas and also asked the employee working in that area but he said he didn’t recall seeing anything like that. I will try Lowe’s today, they should have them. Thanks

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