Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Secret World of a Small Penis


Those crawling, not ok feelings are more common than you might think.

Those of us here who do the work and see gains are a tiny fraction of the population.

Each of us has had those moments where we feel like shit about our penis, and those of us who visit here are truly the lucky few.

I wish I could tell my friends and my two boys, but how?

None of my friends would ever take me seriously again.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

No more Small Penis ,flow the excisess like your shadow, one day you will be big ,once i was 4 inch and now i’m more than 6 inch long , believe me penis excisess works :D

2 inch grows, it works. I will continue throughout life :D

Originally Posted by a-unit
Those crawling, not ok feelings are more common than you might think.

Those of us here who do the work and see gains are a tiny fraction of the population.

Each of us has had those moments where we feel like shit about our penis, and those of us who visit here are truly the lucky few.

I wish I could tell my friends and my two boys, but how?

None of my friends would ever take me seriously again.

I told my two brothers about PE. They basically laughed and scorned the idea. I told my best friend. He was responsive, and grateful.(I was sure all three would keep my confidence.) I let my son know in so many ways, that his penis is like everything else. God wants us to love and improve ourselves. God does not get butt-hurt if we humans take dominion, if we are fruitful, multiply, and empower ourselves. In this way we show the glory of life, or God if you don’t mind. Anyways, it’s not like you start life with treasure and gold and jewels and perfection just spilling all around you. Those things are rare, vaunted, attained by the truly brave. Nothing wrong with being the high achievers on these scales.

I feel less guilty having shared the possibility of cock improvements with multiple, trusted people. If only I knew about this at twenty!!!

By the way, if anyone wants to always feel great about their dick,they should wear an extender for 9,000 hours. That is such an estimate, probably low-ball.

Start: 5.75 x 4.5 Current: 7 x 5.25

Such Spartan training is for the champ. -Bruce Lee

^^^Sorry to get off topic here, but how ‘taught’ do you pull the penis when you wear your extender, Devotion?

Do you feel that just a light tug to gently expand the penis while still allowing decent bloodflow could be effective? Or do you think that it works best if you really tug/stretch your flaccid out pretty far before you lock in the extender?
I realize the answer differs from person to person, but was just wanting to know how you personally handle it, Devotion.

As for sharing PE with my friends/family…since the jelq really gave me long lasting (probably life long) pains and possible sexual dysfunction if I want to consistently have sex multiple times for days on end, I’d have to say that I’d be very hesitant to recommend anything but manual stretches and hanging to friends. Maybe pumping too. If it were my own kid, first of all I wouldn’t chronically stunt his growth with stimulant drugs like my parents did, so I’d let him receive his natural cock with healthy growth. I’d also make sure he had plenty of cardio/bodyweight exercise from a very early age, to maximize his testosterone output from the onset of life and throughout puberty. Even then, I still would be careful to mention the manual stretching/hanging until he was old enough to be done naturally growing, like around >20 or so. Also at this age you’d hope they would have the discipline to properly PE without hurting themselves, although this is a very dangerous, narrow road to tread on. As someone else here has wisely put it - with PE you’re constantly dancing on that fine line between growing your penis and hurting it.

Last edited by Smalljay : 09-10-2013 at .

Hello. I´m going to dust this amazing topic and give thanks to Ophiosaurus.

I started PE on July 5th. I´m starting with almost same size as you, and reading your post encouraged me a lot. I´m 5.5 NBPEL and 4,3 EG.

I have all the issues that you mentioned before (shower, doctor, getting naked in front of people, or even talking about the subject) because my flaccid size is really small, and after doing sports it´s baby size. Every time I see a guy naked, his dick is bigger than mine. It´s so frustrating.

But then I find people like you that encourage me. Thank you.

Medidas iniciales JULIO 2016

14 cm NBP x 11,5

Post sobre mis avances

Since someone decided to necro this thread i decided to read the whole thing.

Not sure whether it’s more interesting or sad that 3/4 of the guys posting in this small dick thread are average or above according to every reliable study.

Makes me think the problem is in their heads, not their pants.

Forum rule #69. Your avatar must be of a woman's ass.

My adventures in PE:Damnit

Your story was also my story, Ophiosaurus.
Awesome thread.
PE is one of the processes of my liberation.

Isnt it obvious that majority of men would feel like this when all of media puts heavy emphasize on this matter?
Dont you think those in control of the media are trying to mentally control us by subjugating us through various means? Do you think my last statement/question is far fetched? Do you think its unlikely when the statistical average is known and still, an unrealistic size is being promoted (pop culture/media)? Do you not see any evil intent behind that?
Thats why I usually say turn off the TV, the internet, ignore newspapers, stop consuming the poison, get out.
*Puts on tin foil hat

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal

I’m not sure what media you’re watching but i haven’t seen anything lately regarding the need for a monster dick or putting someone down for being average sized on tv or in any media i read. Only on these forums do i see guys wanting an 8x6 or bigger dick and thinking that’s what’s required for a woman to want to be with you.

Really who cares what the media is saying. I know i couldn’t give a rats ass what some public figure/celebrity or whoever is saying is “cool” at the moment.

Please tell me that you realize that the media has and always, like so much in this world, revolves around $$$$$.

Tell the guys their dicks are to small, that they’re not good enough. Followed by the need to buy this pill, get this surgery, etc.

Just imagine being a woman where they’re constantly told every part of their body is less than ideal :(

PS. I hope you didn’t take my comment as saying something was wrong with anyone in this thread. Quite the opposite in fact. Their sizes are all fine and most were actually average or above.

Forum rule #69. Your avatar must be of a woman's ass.

My adventures in PE:Damnit


I think the reason that people do PE is to be the best. Most people are fine sized, but good enough isn’t good enough. Being the best is the way to go, which is why we all tug our dicks. I am 1 month in, and positive that if anyone walked in on me they would think I was having a physically challenged masturbation session.

Originally Posted by Fornestruct
positive that if anyone walked in on me they would think I was having a physically challenged masturbation session.

Haha. That genuinely made me LOL :)

Forum rule #69. Your avatar must be of a woman's ass.

My adventures in PE:Damnit

Originally Posted by DamnIt
Since someone decided to necro this thread i decided to read the whole thing.

Not sure whether it’s more interesting or sad that 3/4 of the guys posting in this small dick thread are average or above according to every reliable study.

Makes me think the problem is in their heads, not their pants.

I agree with you on this. I’ve always had insecurities about my size. I came here and read until I started reading the same things over and over again. I have learned a lot.

My problem is that when I was younger, I had an issue with turtling. It was embarrassing. It left deep scars. After two weeks of jelqing, I had a 4.5-5 inch flaccid hang and flaccid girth of about 4.5-5 inches. The things I’ve learned here have helped me psychologically in such a good way. I’m no longer as insecure as I was. I just always assumed that every other guy was hung like Lex Steele and I was inferior. Those urological studies have put things in perspective for me. I’m getting gains and making progress. It appears as I’m helping people here as well and that’s what’s important.

4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

very nice feedback, i hope someday ill become like you i just started doing PE 1 and 1/2 month ago, but i dont see any progress yet, maybe .25 on length and girth i just dont feel it, because i dont take a pic

Started June 16, 2016 - BPEL: 5.75'' EG: 4.75''

Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5''+

Originally Posted by DamnIt
Since someone decided to necro this thread I decided to read the whole thing.

Not sure whether it’s more interesting or sad that 3/4 of the guys posting in this small dick thread are average or above according to every reliable study.

Makes me think the problem is in their heads, not their pants.

Of course it’s in my head. Nearly 300,000 of 7s here with psychological issues.

But at least we are seeking help.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Why men want to have a big unit is easy to understand. It’s so basic psycology.

Your basic instict as an animal is to transmit your genes to the next generation.

So you think that having a bigger reproducing unit makes you a better candidate for females to choose…..

Starting messurements: 6.0 BPEL , 4.80 MEG ---- June/15

Milestone :7.1 BPEL , 4,85 MEG ---- June/16

Goal (Maybe??): 8.0 BPEL , 5.5 MEG


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