Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Secret World of a Small Penis

This is mostly my story to 6-4 210 lbs. Small flaccid and all insecurities that go with it. What I’m describing was 30 + years ago. I was always sweated up and felt lousy the rest of the day at school because I didn’t want to take a shower after gym class. I’d rather throw on pit spray and take the chance of smelling bad then let classmates see my dick. I didn’t want it getting spread around that I was small and then have girls laughing at me in the hallways.

I didn’t go out for JR. or SR. High football because of having to shower after games and I absolutely love american football. I wasn’t bad at it either because I played in elementary school (no showers) and alot of sandlot games. It takes a toll on everything you do. I just hope that now I can change those feelings because of this great website.

(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625

(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87

2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50

Hmmm! I’m not so sure any of the posters in this thread have any idea of what a small penis really is.

Think I’m small now? You should have seen me in Jr. High, High School, and College as my so-called “puberty” dragged on and on…

I played sports, made Varsity teams, and showered nude in front of everybody anyway. Fortunately, with one exception no one said anything because I was tall and well muscled in spite of my lack of sexual maturity… Weird. I just assumed a surly look like I might punch anybody who made an issue of it.

Of course, I avoided dating COMPLETELY until I was a senior in College and started drinking REALLY HEAVY!

People in this forum say I should trim to look bigger. WRONG! I’d rather the little worm disappeared in the “forest” than was right out there for everyone to inspect (like it was during my 10 year puberty—when I had little or no hair!).

Originally Posted by upthere
Ya I’m 5 foot 6 and it’s true women expect more from bigger men. I mean I’m only 5.5 length and 5.25 girth and I’ve never had any complaints. In fact last weekend I spent the night with a woman who pulled it out, smiled and said I was well equipped. I just shave the hair and it just looks bigger on a smaller man than it would on a bigger man. Anyway just started PE 2 weeks ago and noticing a difference. My goal is modest just a half inch in length and .25 in girth and I’m a happy man.


You took the words right out of my mouth! Although I’m the same height as you - weighing in at 220lbs at 10% body-fat - & I can honestly say, I have NEVER had any complaints from any girls or women either, although I started out at a mere 5.25 VEL x 4.5 VEG.

I’ve also heard many women talking about going after tall big built guys because the logic seems that if he’s tall & big physically, then he MUST be well endowed in the lower department or vice versa for all short & small guys! I can see how much pressure this can be for some tall big guys who don’t measure up.

Now THERE is hope for guys of different height or stature, creed or colour which comes in the form of TP’s. We’re all here for the same reason…a longer & thicker package! All we have do is read, learn & apply & eventually results WILL come.

- Lee Beast

Thank you for the encouraging words. I have been performing PE for two months and have seen little improvement. While looking through a few of the forums, I now see there is hope.

Thanks man, that was a huge confidence boost for many of us, and the newbies. I knew about PE back when I was 16 years old, and in High School. I feel so stupid for not being committed. I would have hit the 9+ mark by now at 21.

I know what it feels like to have no confidence. PE has helped a great deal.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Sonic, don’t worry, 21 is a great age to start.

Kingpole - Do you get more self confidence from your physique or your cock enlargement?

Ophiosaurus - thanks for the story and a great thread.

Cheers guys.

Guys, someone said that women expect a bigger dick on a bigger dude so imagine the pressure I’ve felt being 6,8’ and quite broad shouldered (I’m tired of all the people asking me if I play basketball ;) ).

What a great inspiring post, so great that I had to post for the 2nd time.. I’ve been reading threads on this site really often since I’ve joined thunder’s site, and even started the newbie routine when I first joined , but never had the privacy to practice PE. March 1st I’ve started the newbie routine for the second time and haven’t let up since then. I do it about 4-5 days a week and altough I haven’t measured yet , my penis does look bigger. I’m gonna wait until the end of march to see if I’ve gotten gains.. But I have to tell you again that it’s posts like these that inspire to never give up no matter what, cause there is hope after all.

Thanks to thunder and to all the others who share there experiences, this site is more than just PE, it gives a lot of confidence just reading most of these posts!

I had no idea a small penis caused so much trouble and hurt.
I do know what it is like being ugly though :)

It ain’t a walk in the park I’ll tell you that much.

Originally Posted by sonicjelqs

Thanks man, that was a huge confidence boost for many of us, and the newbies. I knew about PE back when I was 16 years old, and in High School. I feel so stupid for not being committed. I would have hit the 9+ mark by now at 21.

Yea man, I was about 16 too when I learned about it. I didn’t put too much thought into it b/c I thought it was bull. I downloaded the manual again (now at 21) and will continue until I explode (8 or 8.5.). My balls are hanging lower and I have a bigger flaccid. Thunders Place is inspiring me to do it as much as I can now. I am 6’2, 230 and am currently between 6.5 and 7 on a good day, but being the stature I am, my flaccid *does not look porn like*. I did play football in high school but didn’t have to shower (or I might not have finished?) who knows. I want that porn penis b/c ultimately I want to have hot sex with many hot women from around the world <I>and</I> for *LIFETIME CONFIDENCE*.

Originally Posted by anon771
So true man. Even that my flaccid is still small. My erect one has become a respectable 6.9 inch and I already feel in another world. Totally.

I thought today a few time’s about Thunders. As you can see you and I aren’t the only person’s he changed live’s from without seeking money.

Maybe some will laugh, but his contribution to men (if you think good about it) is so big that I consider him together with some other greatest people on earth.

And I hope he reads this. ThunderSS; As soon as I reach 8” we must meet. I will fly from Holland to wherever you are to personally thank you and spend some time with you. If you agree..


Originally Posted by thalumberjak
Yea man, I was about 16 too when I learned about it. I didn’t put too much thought into it b/c I thought it was bull. I downloaded the manual again (now at 21) and will continue until I explode (8 or 8.5.). My balls are hanging lower and I have a bigger flaccid. Thunders Place is inspiring me to do it as much as I can now. I am 6’2, 230 and am currently between 6.5 and 7 on a good day, but being the stature I am, my flaccid *does not look porn like*. I did play football in high school but didn’t have to shower (or I might not have finished?) who knows. I want that porn penis b/c ultimately I want to have hot sex with many hot women from around the world <I>and</I> for *LIFETIME CONFIDENCE*.

Just donate :)

Originally Posted by anon771

So true man. Even that my flaccid is still small. My erect one has become a respectable 6.9 inch and I already feel in another world. Totally.

I thought today a few time’s about Thunders. As you can see you and I aren’t the only person’s he changed live’s from without seeking money.

Maybe some will laugh, but his contribution to men (if you think good about it) is so big that I consider him together with some other greatest people on earth.

And I hope he reads this. ThunderSS; As soon as I reach 8” we must meet. I will fly from Holland to wherever you are to personally thank you and spend some time with you. If you agree..

Originally Posted by mighty sparrow


What, exactly, are you laughing out loud about, Mighty Sparrow?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Bro, can you tell me your routine? Maybe it would also work for me..

Thanks in advance.


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