Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Secret World of a Small Penis

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
It should be required reading for those members who are 5.5 - 6 and think they are too small.

I started at 6 1/4” bpel, and I had all of the same fears and insecurities, being a significant grower, as the OP and others in this thread. The biggest and most immediate benefit of PE has been the significant improvement in flaccid hang. What a difference it makes in my sense of self-image!

You can still have good sex with a penis below average, if the girl is worth having she doesn’t care much of what size it is as long as you know how to use it. My ex girlfriend came every time during penetration. I’ve only had sex with my current girlfriend once and it wasn’t that good for me because I got no stimulation through the condom but she really liked it. In serious relationships girls don’t wanna have sex with your dick but with you, no matter how small or large.

Beginning size jan 2010: BPEL 5.5 (14 cm), EG measured at root: at least 4.3 (11.0 cm) BPFL: 3.1 (8 cm)

23/3 2010: BPEL - 5.75 (14.6) , EG root 4.4 (11.2), Middle 4.4 (11.2) BPFL: 3.3 (8.5 cm) 20/5 2010: BPEL - 5,9 (15.0) EG root 4.5 (11.6), Middle 4.4 (11.2), NBPEL 5.1 (13.0), BPFL: 3.5 (9.0cm) Short-term Goal: NBPEL 6.0, EG root 12.0 cm Long-term Goal: NBPEL 7.0 EG Middle 5.5 (14.0)

What a truly inspirational thread.

Hear hear Thunder!

I started around December last year about 5 EL and ~4.3 EG and gained 0.5 inch in a month or less. I stopped cos I got lazy. I’m starting again because of this inspirational thread. Cheers :]

Edit: inspirational thread not post :P

My story abbreviated version:

I am still waiting for my results am only into this six months and have gained .2 or .3 maybe.
I still am a little pee shy about peeing in public places and at new friends that are female.
I never dated the hot girls from my high school. That way they wouldn’t see my cock or be able
to say anything. I did manage to become a ladies man even back than. But it was only when I was
drunk or on drugs. It seemed like I could change my personality and not obsess on things like my small 5.5 inch penis. I could get everyone extremely drunk by instigating a quarters game. This
put less of a focus on people talking about penis size. I thought that if I fucked as many girls as
possible and could somehow make them orgasm I would be a macho man who could feel good
about his penis size. I learned how to stimulate woman with the penis I had but there where those whores that were the exception who I couldn’t.They either had huge dick boyfriends or used
a lot of vibrators in their pussy.
Anyways I never really hung in with the in crowd although I was tall and had money. I always seem to go with the party people. I fit in better there. Than I experimented with all kinds of psychological drugs to fix my mind to think I had a big penis. That never seemed to work either.
So I guess I was known as a druggie and party man in my high school and college years. I did manage to finally get some of the hottest girls at clubs. Due to becoming a master bser and hanging with other bsers. I later became an alcoholic and addicted to cocaine due to the excessiveness of always wanting the drugs and alcohol to get laid too.
Went to AA for many years. That never really seemed to work either. I would relapse. Than I worked as a strip club manager. That send my world spiraling even further down. Although it was fun for a season or two. I met all these hot woman and dated many too. It seemed like these woman were more excepting of my size for the most part than even regular woman. I{ think
maybe because they have had so many partners.
So now I have found God and had a Spiritual experience with Jesus. That helped me to finally
quit the drugs and alcohol when nothing else could. Or Id be dead by now for sure.
This forum is great and I hope I can gain an inch or two just to be above average.


Very good!

“The Secret world of the small penis”
Oh how true… So much of what has been posted sounds like my life experiences, (excluding the addictions. Thank God).
Feelings of being the only one, well it sure seemed true in gym class… School athletics, I was an athlete but not for high school, gym was enough shame/ embarrassment after 8th grade, no more organized basket, or football for me. But I sure played pick-ups, in street clothes, often guys would ask, “Why aren’t you on the school team?”, after my side had just buried them. Well the guys posting on this thread know why…Really missed that part of high school even today at age 59.

“Da Bear” & others ., I think several posters have given you some great advice…I would add that you should review Vincent Van cock’s thread on his Root medicine ( understand the’s the “clit”, he is stimulating”) & this website link or well as learn to have some useful appendages other than your penis, such as tongue, fingers/ thumbs. You should study woman orgasm, for example, you may be surprised to learn that many “actually” a large percentage of women never orgasm vaginally…so your penis is off the hook there…try this for example . Try This & Report Back - Literotica Discussion Board …All this should give you plenty of confidence to give it a go, especially if your girl is into you the guys above said. It probably isn’t the “penis” that is going to shake it for her, as much as holding her close, kissing her all over ( esp deep long mouth/ lip kisses), while you are stroking your best down below…ok? Also, as a father of 2 girls, I can tell you how fragile their egos really are. So while, you are thinking my “joint’s to small”, she has to many other issues milling around her mind about herself ( dimples on legs or other regions, nipples or breast different, to much hair, not enough, makeup not right etc., etc., etc.,? To be concerned that your penis is too small. So you wanting her and making her feel great about herself relieves many of those issues temporarily. So she is more than willing to overlook a size issue you “can’t control what mother nature gave you” especially after you overlooked and never mentioned her multiple faults….No matter how hot she is, this is true…. More than 95% of the time…
If you have been on this site, you know the scientific studies of the “true average”…as hard as it was for me to believe, this info alone gave me some solace. So here I am married 35 years 3 kids, and doing PE for me…as my wife says she was happy with my penis…5.5” BPEL & 4.5” EG…starting unit….seemed like it never grew in “high school then I met the “ Thunders site”. I started P E just about 90 days ago…Currently 7.75 “ BPEL & 5.125 EG….. My wife never had an orgasm vaginally in all these years, unless I used other appendages on / near her clit first as a heavy warm-up. But since, I became 6.75” or so, she had a vaginal orgasm with only my penis.. So that was really a red letter night, cause that meant she wasn’t into to it at first, {Cause the other tricks were off limits… when she thinks “just being close is enough for her tonight”}. But now, she gets off without that, I am satisfying her like that on a regular basis now. When, I look down & I see my larger “joint”, {but still not showering at the gym, ( insecurities – Girth), that I visit six days a week}, I feel better about myself inwardly, knowing that I am nearly 8 inches long & sometimes hang 5.5 flaccid ( my original erect length).
…So “Defunk” and the rest of yah, get to work, eliminate those anxieties, I wouldn’t post it if it weren’t happening. Why waste my time? Goals & visualizations are important in all modes of life. I surpassed my length goals…to be just above average, (but not girth goals), as I worried my wife couldn’t take more. Now, that I had reached a “two-fister”, so far no complaints, in fact the other night, I said “you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed the change.(not telling her how much I actually have grown = (83% increase in volume), so what does she do to check it out> get ruler?, but go down there and engulf it with her mouth, I was sure she couldn’t do that anymore, actually I was shocked she still could. Then coming back up she says, see there, not much difference. (Unwilling to admit to me it had grown). WTF, so I tell her, “Well I ‘ll just have to keep on growing till you can tell the difference then!!
Great thread everyone, hope in some way I am of help for your motivation too!

Originally Posted by Twofister
“The Secret world of the small penis”
If you have been on this site, you know the scientific studies of the “true average”…as hard as it was for me to believe, this info alone gave me some solace. So here I am married 35 years 3 kids, and doing PE for me…as my wife says she was happy with my penis…5.5” BPEL & 4.5” EG…starting unit….seemed like it never grew in “high school then I met the “ Thunders site”. I started P E just about 90 days ago…Currently 7.75 “ BPEL & 5.125 EG….. My wife never had an orgasm vaginally in all these years, unless I used other appendages on / near her clit first as a heavy warm-up. But since, I became 6.75” or so, she had a vaginal orgasm with only my penis.. So that was really a red letter night, cause that meant she wasn’t into to it at first, {Cause the other tricks were off limits… when she thinks “just being close is enough for her tonight”}. But now, she gets off without that, I am satisfying her like that on a regular basis now. When, I look down & I see my larger “joint”, {but still not showering at the gym, ( insecurities – Girth), that I visit six days a week}, I feel better about myself inwardly, knowing that I am nearly 8 inches long & sometimes hang 5.5 flaccid ( my original erect length).
…So “Defunk” and the rest of yah, get to work, eliminate those anxieties, I wouldn’t post it if it weren’t happening. Why waste my time? Goals & visualizations are important in all modes of life. I surpassed my length goals…to be just above average, (but not girth goals), as I worried my wife couldn’t take more. Now, that I had reached a “two-fister”, so far no complaints, in fact the other night, I said “you can’t tell me you haven’t noticed the change.(not telling her how much I actually have grown = (83% increase in volume), so what does she do to check it out> get ruler?, but go down there and engulf it with her mouth, I was sure she couldn’t do that anymore, actually I was shocked she still could. Then coming back up she says, see there, not much difference. (Unwilling to admit to me it had grown). WTF, so I tell her, “Well I ‘ll just have to keep on growing till you can tell the difference then!!
Great thread everyone, hope in some way I am of help for your motivation too!

Inspiring post, twofister! I love the fact you get a blow job to measure. I’d keep saying “I think I’ve grown, honey!” hahaha

Starting stats- BP 5x4.5 (2002) Current stats- PBEL 7.25x5.25 (2012) PE is a marathon, not a sprint!

Originally Posted by Twofister
(.)5.5” BPEL & 4.5” EG…starting unit….seemed like it never grew in “high school then I met the “ Thunders site”. I started P E just about 90 days ago…Currently 7.75 “ BPEL & 5.125 EG…(.)

Dude, if I read you correctly that makes it 2.25” in length and .625” in girth gained in 90 days? I can’t help but being a tad skeptic there.

Originally Posted by tartempion
Dude, if I read you correctly that makes it 2.25” in length and .625” in girth gained in 90 days? I can’t help but being a tad skeptic there.

Agreed. Check those measurements again, make sure you are doing them in the same position as before. 2 inches is hard to come by ever even after 2 years, but 90 days? That’s like all of puberty over again in 1/10 the amount of time.

Yeah me two.But I went hard at it no days off.My weenie was so sore for those first 10 weeks.Typical NEWBIE too Gun hoe! I had to cut back on sex.with the wifey. But I wasn’t about to let a small pleasure interrupt a long term goal / gains, especially when I was having such success.{!} I think my second month session lasted nearly 4 hours of stretching & Jelging a day. To much stress for sure, BUT I figured, I’m 59 only have a few years left and I am not happy with the dick I had for 40+years or so SO I went at it hard!! MY QE measurement was what the Engineer guy said, I f you have a “woody” in the morning you’re good to go! SO that was my MANTRA! Some days it hurt like hell to get started, much like waking out of bed in the morning after your 45 or so, but after you get moving around, the pain subsides.So did the pain in my dick while I worked it out each day.

Also I was one of the lucky ones with the “LOT” pointing down.I forget the angle but stretches straight pull down are recommended.. Like someone had posted when you feel that tendon pop, you’re on your way.. The first one, I didn’t realize what happened, I think I quit for the day wondering if I had f*ked up my dick.But that next morning, I awoke with a hard- on, so I went back to business. When the second one went, I had that knowledge & was expecting it, actually pulling to get one. The Lot test really aided in the gains, so I focused on the recommended stretches.. Also my LOT the expectation was early fast gains were possible..

Now I must admit that maybe my beginning was not BONE pressed hard enough, could account for a 1/4 inch of it..
But one thing I did when I stretched was used an 8” ruler every time & every day. I haven’t changed rulers now & while stretching 1/2 the head/ glan exceeds the ruler.I haven’t been able to exceed that level now for 3 weeks.stuck for now.Also if you check out my gains list, the increase gains have slowed.ratz!

As for Girth, I remember exactly when the first quarter inch came. I was in the shower, and I felt this “shiver” down in the penis, I said to mysel;f what was that all about, so when I was out of the shower, I measured and to my astonishment, the flaccid girth grew 1/4” inch..

But my tenacity level is much lower now, I must admit.cause like I stated above, I was concerned I would reach bottom at one point on the wife. So I did a “silent” test with her once a week. Then afterwards I asked If I had hurt her or anything.Which she must have thought was strange as she never gave me that indication.

Every day I would not stop stretching until I had reached the previous days peak or exceeded it. At the end of every week I insisted that I achieved a new high length.. OR I didn’t quit for that day/ Friday (my end of week). Also I posted my weekly levels from the data sheet I keep along with all the PE data from other members (EX-CELL spread sheet). An eighth or even a tenth, I would settle for BUT never less than. Probably accounts for why I was always so sore.Also I would do 2 sessions one in the morning & one after my gym workouts before dinner. I believe, I have posted several of the erect weekly changes & the flaccid levels that I have logged.. I am now beginning my 13Th week & I have my Friday measurements for each week..
Now I suppose I could be lying to myself & to you.but then why do I need to do that? ANSWER: I DON’T!

Now I know guys have posted Pics.but quite frankly I have NO intention of doing that EVER!

Hey Higher-one, we have had a few “private posts” thanks for the compliment. Yeah I couldn’t get over it either.In fact since I started PE.I was trying to avoid that type of contact from her, until I reached a point where I thought she would have a difficult time with it.Boy was I wrong..

Maybe Higher-one will vouch for me as a “straight shooter”.But Tartempion take it or leave it.I could care less about your skepticism.
Only posted this for incentive for all the guys that started less than average LIKE they too can get that “freaking” monkey off their back like me! Even though I still feel him tugging & scraping my back about my girth!.

2 Fist-er..

Beginning 5.5” BPEL 4.5”EG, current 7.75” BPEL x 5.125” EG.

Copied EX-Cell below:

User Name Erect Length Erect Girth Flaccid Length Flaccid Girth Width Volume Submit Date % inc + Fl.Length
2fister 5.5 4.5 3.75-4.0 4? 8.863 10/19/2010 5.7
2fister 6 4.875 4.0 - 4.25 4.25 11.347 10/29/2010 128% 6.25
2fister 6.5 4.75 4.125 4.25 11.671 11/8/2010 132% 6.75
1 mo. / PE 6.625 4.875 4.25- 4.5 4.5 /4.5 12.262 11/19/2010 138% 7.5
Week #5 6.7 4.875 12.443 11/28/2010 140%
Week #6 6.8 5.1 4.75 13.677 12/4/2010 154% 7.75
Week #7 7 5 4.5 - 4.875 4.5 / 4.75 13.926 12/11/2010 157% 8
Week #8 7.375 5.125 4.5 - 4.875 4.675 15.415 12/17/2010 174% 8.25
Week #9 7.5 5.125 4.5 - 5.0 4.75 -4.875 15.676 12/31/2010 177% 8.5
Week # 10 7.625 5.125 4.75 - 5.0 4.8 R.10532 15.937 1/8/2011 180%
Week # 11 7.75 5.125 4.75 - 5.0 4.75 goal wk#11- hit Monday now if on Friday? 16.199 1/14/2011 183%
Week # 12 7.75 5.125 4.75 - 5.375 4.75 goal-wk#12- hit Monday now if on Friday? 16.199 1/21/2011 183% Doctor Flaccid stretch = 8”

PS: tartempion & humpty..

One more thing: My wife calls me OCD.. { She is clinically incorrect however), I am like that with everything.. Once I start it’s 110% no let a fever!
Set a goal, see the goal, then make it happen!
Best quick example: having 85 % free throw stats.for Jr high ( middle school) basketball.
You want to shoot that percent, you don’t just wish it to happen, ( at least not for me). I placed a tarp under the hoop tied to 2 volley ball poles, so most of the shots rolled back to me. Then I shot 500 to 1000 free throws a day every morning at the club gym for three summer months while most kids were swimming and having fun. Some guys are just naturally talented, but guys like me, work harder, scrap & scrape for everything they becomes second nature.That’s mystery.

I do think, I was lucky to have that “LOT” that experiences good gains & early..

As for measuring the same.Everything is relative..
I have a left hernia that swells up sometimes as bigger than a gulf ball. It begins popping out as soon as I get up in the morning. So I must lay down to measure & push it back in to get an even bone press measurement each time. When I forget that, I come up short, up to 3/4” less than the last time of measurement.So I started with my back on the floor & I continue the same.. I read where guys think it’s cheating.oh well.I have no you my I can play fair by standing and measuring? Hows that? PS you can have the pain that comes with it too!!

Happy & 2 fist-ed just the same!

I’m 4.0BPEL and about 2inches flaccid..

I sometimes wonder if it’s even possible to have sex.. Lol

It is possible.
Somewhere on this site {women size prefrences topic} I read from 2 separate women that they had sex with different guys I would imagine. That were no bigger the 2/3rds their pinkie finger.Now they weren’t all that thrilled, but they slept with the guy..
Based on your post your current size is much bigger than that.
My pinkie is 2.75” x 1 inch, so you are twice that big.Those guys (yet smaller than my pinkie, went out there & got laid!

Now my middle finger is a tad smaller than you described & young women can have trouble taking that sometimes.Way back in the day.of the horse & buggy LOL.when I was young. They would sometimes say “be careful”..
Also.. I think Zane-blue (I believe it was) a regular poster and a great resource for Thunder said her cutoff “minimum” is 3 inches.. So you are over that.too.

So it’s possible and now you can grow!
Best of luck. This site should provide plenty of encouragement.
Hope to find you on this board, one day posting that you are now double your volume.!
If I can increase my volume by 83% so can you!& I have just begun to work the girth!


Thanks. Nice post!


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