Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Secret World of a Small Penis

We all have a secret life, me thinks.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Well, I am 6’4” and just beginning my PE because of my view on my own penis. I am pretty small compared to the porn professionals, 5.7 BPEL 5.4 EG.

I have never really had a complaint about my penis. Most would say I have a nice thick tool. I am hoping to at least get to 7 inches. I hope my girth will grow past 5.5 inches.

Finding out there are guys out there like me, makes me feel like I am not the only one. It’s a good feeling! Most of the time, I don’t care about other guys’ size until I have sex with a woman.

If you can dream it, you can do it!

This bump was unneccessery but sine you are a newbie it’s alright.

Welcome to TP and don’t worry about growing your dick. Trust me and thousands of people on this great site, as long as you do your routine and stay consistent, it will grow.

Good Luck and have fun. We all need to start somewhere sometime.

"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." -Bruce Lee

I was just trying to say that I know what it is like and nice to know the guys who suffer from the same anxiety I do about a small penis. I apologize M-Audio!

If you can dream it, you can do it!

Originally Posted by audioace
Well, I am 6’4” and just beginning my PE because of my view on my own penis. I am pretty small compared to the porn professionals, 5.7 BPEL 5.4 EG.

I have never really had a complaint about my penis. Most would say I have a nice thick tool. I am hoping to at least get to 7 inches. I hope my girth will grow past 5.5 inches.

Finding out there are guys out there like me, makes me feel like I am not the only one. It’s a good feeling! Most of the time, I don’t care about other guys’ size until I have sex with a woman.

You got really good starting stats and should be able to get to your goal pretty easy, your girth is really good so do a lot of jelqing.

STATS: BPEL-7.5 EG-5.6 BG-5.8 -- MT Goal reached

Goal: 8 x 5.75

My Pictures My Progress

Haha as someone with a 4inch dick (erect, lol) I find it amazing that people are complaining and being insecure about 6+ inch penor..

I’m be moar than happy to have a 6in “normal” dick than a 4in stump.. :D

Nice boost

Good gains! But aw crap now I’m stuck in this world right now. I did lose all hope intill I found this place believe it or not I’m really happy that I did. The thing is not everybody knows what goes on in the mind of a guy who have a small junk, well people, what I’m about to tell you is shocking, so prepared yourself. You know if you go to the penitentiary (The big boy house) you know what you could come back with a “marble” believe it or not but you can actually take 1 dice and 1 Popsicle stick and transform it into a ball, first you start shaving the dice into a ball with the stick doesn’t matter how big the ball is depending on how big the person wants it after its done (the marble) the other guy will make a cut on your dick but he cuts it open with the stick where ever you want the marble to be. You will automatically faint (of course) as soon as the cut is made the marble will be inside you the next day, sewed up the next day too. I guess it will give the women more feeling of “girth” which the guy doesn’t have, it will hurt you when you do your business but it will give her pleasure but in the long run its just tearing up her pussy. The End. Hey you want real insight right, well this is the defintion of a man who is insercure about his dick. I’m sorry if I affended anyone in anyway, don’t worry I don’t have the marble but I know half of my friends who have been to the big boy house has got this. And honestly, I REALLY AM GLAD I FOUND THIS PLACE such a relief. This is 100% a real story and I’m 100% a real person telling you guys this, Just ask yourself which one would you really do? Have a Goodday, and think about it.

Sounds a good way to take secticemia, tetanus and some other terrific illnesss which I don’t even know.

Well, Thundersplace is just a bit a lesser evil. :D

Hey do whatever floats your boat

Originally Posted by anon771
So true man. Even that my flaccid is still small. My erect one has become a respectable 6.9 inch and I already feel in another world. Totally.

I thought today a few time’s about Thunders. As you can see you and I aren’t the only person’s he changed live’s from without seeking money.

Maybe some will laugh, but his contribution to men (if you think good about it) is so big that I consider him together with some other greatest people on earth.

And I hope he reads this. ThunderSS; As soon as I reach 8” we must meet. I will fly from Holland to wherever you are to personally thank you and spend some time with you. If you agree..

Ahh the dutch curse, we are tall but average in the crotch. I’m american of dutch descent grandparents came to america early 1900s, so I feel you

Originally Posted by twitch552
Haha as someone with a 4inch dick (erect, lol) I find it amazing that people are complaining and being insecure about 6+ inch penor..

I’m be moar than happy to have a 6in “normal” dick than a 4in stump.. :D

I don’t think grown up men are complaining or are insecure about their 6inch penis. I dare say only young men who has been influenced a lot by porn would have this view, and grow out of it when they get a better grip on reality. But, even if you are 4 inch or 8 as a starting point, we’re all browsing this forum for the same reason. To get a bigger member.

Thanks for the encouragement. I want to achieve the same feeling. Lately I’ve started working out to get back in shape and get my body to a place where I want it to be. It is time to start PE as a lifestyle choice and not be lazy about it. I’ve been on and off for a couple of years now and not seen any gains simply because I was too lazy to continue it for the long term. I started, saw some gains, then stopped. Needless to say, they never stayed. I won’t give up any more because what I get is transient and a facade, whereas what you have is real and tangible. Thanks again for the inspiration!

FL: 4 1/8 in FG: 4 in GROW GROW GROW!!

BPEL: 6 in EG: 4 3/8 in

Goal: 7 1/2 in x 5 1/2 in

Cool thread man, I have some issues with it too. I have a comfy 7” BPEL, but my girth is my curse at 4.5” and it was definitely smaller when I was younger. I was 6’1 at 130lbs in high school with a skinny ass dick to go with it. Needless to say I did not pick up women easily and the ones I did, it never felt tight enough, and I never heard or saw the reactions I saw in porn (yes, even knowing it was fake), I progressively got better at being a lover, more confident outwards, and I’ve been working on my physicality. I’m 6”3 now at 29yrs an 175lbs. I look better and P/E is helping me feel better. I’ve got a long ways to go, so threads like this help. I can’t wait to feel that mental relief you described, it feels so far away some times.

Thanks a lot for this post , in the fact I had the same ideas and today everything had vanished and forever, so thank you :)


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