As to the 15%, I think this is a good idea. The key is to see the frost, I think. You could apply the solution, and then wait either 90 seconds (the maximum amount of time they recommend), or until you see the frosting. I had a hell of a time getting the bottom of my penis to frost. Then, I thought I over did it — too much frying. But, it turns out it did not remove as much color as it did on the top. I think the skin is thicker on the bottom, maybe due to fluid building up there after pumping, and then sort of congealing. I think this acid treatment only hits the top layer of skin, and the more you use it only makes the top skin leave faster (me — 5 days, and most of it by 4 days, and hobby’s took 7 days). Both of us still had remnants of hemosiderin. I don’t think I could have fried my dick more than I did — 12 minutes, with much of it at 25% to get the frosting — and still my skin still has basically the same multicolors that hobby has while using only the compound W formula.
The sites I visited in researching this seem to indicate the 25% (or 30% or 40%) is used later, after the initial peels — maybe means the skin gets tougher to peel?
As to the way it looks, no amount of warning will prepare you for this. It looks fucking scary!
Originally Posted by chad66
Good work Alffie!I’m pleased to hear it’s all gone smoothly. I think when I come to peel I will take my time. I am closest to Type I skin - Never tans, always burns (extremely fair skin, blonde hair, blue/green eyes), so I think perhaps I should begin at 15% acid for a short period and note the effects. It sounds like there is a scary few days where your dick looks a lot worse, but I’m glad guys like you and hobby have described it so it won’t come as a shock. My concern is still that no-one here appears to have done this on an uncut dick. Looking at the foreskin, it looks pretty thin, with veins that look very close to the surface. I also have a couple of papillae (tiny white bumps) that seem just under a thin layer of skin. Obviously I don’t want to burn anything but skin off, so I will take the cautious approach when the time comes. But thanks for posting your results.