Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration

Latest after the peel — the areas remaining dark began to itch like Hell. I did some research and found several sites discussing hemosidern and itching (but none dealing with hemosiderin on the penis skin). Apparently, the “rust” caught in the skin causes irritation (and itching) with many people that devolpe it through causes such as weakened blood vessels, etc., and it seems it often devolps in peoples’ legs.

The good news is after this incredible itching, my remaining hemosiderin deposits are diminishing naturally (and itching less). I think the shedding of the outer layer of skin, with the resulting of the under layer being moved up, has freed the new sub-strata to get contact with fuilds that are dealing with the deposits (just a guess). A couple areas, right at the border below the circumscion scar still have a more noticable darkness — maybe less circulation. Friday will be day 14 since the application of the acid which caused my initial peel. Not sure If I want to do another peel — may not be necessary. I will keep folks informed as this developes.

Update. Since application of the acid on evening of January 6th —and leaving it on too long (tried to get all areas to “frost”), and completely peeling at day 5, and most by day 4, here is what happened.

Skin looked great — a little pink — and hemosiderin deposits remained, but by my estimate, maybe only 1/5 as bad, and mainly on the underside and the circ scar area. Then, it began to itch like hell — at the areas of the hemosiderin deposits.

Here is where it got scary. The skin of the penis then became sort of thick, dry and appeared to not very elastic — when flaccid it sort of bunched up in a not natural looking state. This caused me much concern (permenant disfigurment was my fear). All the while it kept itching, but this was dimishing, along with the hemsiderin deposits.

Fortunately, the skin now appears to be back to normal. And, the hemosiderin is still clearing up. I do not think I will need another peel. The only area that still shows a noticable sign of the deposit is on the circ scar, and this seems to be slowly going away.

At this point, I am not planning on another acid application. I am going to give it time to see if it clears up on its own. It is clear enough now that I have no apprehensions on showing it to the oppisite sex.

I think the reason for my reaction was because I left the acid on too long, causing the lower strata of skin to also be affected. I think I did what the medical sites refer to as a medium peel (maybe on the verge of a deep peel, but I do not think so), and what Hobby did is referred to light peel. If anyone even thinks about doing this, and using the acid soltion like I did versus Hobby’s use of wart remover, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. I advise you not to overdo it. It turned out great for me, but if you do overdo it you may not be so fortunate.

Lastly, I said I would nominate Hobby for President if this worked. Consider this my nomination. I am very thankful to him for his great post — it did work. And the results are fantastic.

Did you keep the new skin moisturized during the peel and for a few days after?

I had some minor itching as the skin peeled. Not bad, but mildly annoying for a couple days. A few times I applied hydrocortisone ointment, which helped.

Originally Posted by hobby
Did you keep the new skin moisturized during the peel and for a few days after?

Some during day 4 and 5, when the skin was rough and shedding. Then again after the skin went from the normal but pink stage to the look of The Thing from Fantastic Four.

Originally Posted by hobby
I had some minor itching as the skin peeled. Not bad, but mildly annoying for a couple days.

I had this itch, too, during the peel. But I then developed a different itch a couple days after the peel — and it persisted through the period from when the skin looked normal through the Thing period. It seemed to be focused only on the areas with the hemosiderin deposits. My itching has now gone away.

I have the same problem as you do now.can you outline the basic steps you have taken, because you redid your format alot.

This thread is among the most revolutionary on the Thunder’s Place forum. Indeed, I might go so far as to say that it is nearly as revolutionary as the site itself! The main worry I had about PE was doing tons of work to get the dick I wanted, but having to explain to girls why it looked like it was coated in dirty iron rust.

When I venture out into more advanced exercises like clamping, I plan on using a discoloration-avoiding method I learned here involving using an ice-pack after clamping to flush the discolored fluids away, and then “warming-down” the traditional way. I understood, however, that probably wouldn’t be close to perfect, and I would still get a bronzing effect, which I really would prefer to avoid.

This was the key that was missing in order to make me more willing to get started on a routine. I wasn’t really interested in gaining just an inch or so from the newbie routine (I would go from being slightly under average to, well, average… big deal), and thus was only willing to put the work into it if there was a supposed way to avoid discoloration from the next step.

Thanks to Hobby, Huff and alffie for their breakthroughs in penile hemosiderin removal. This is a *huge* contribution to Thunder’s, and I hope that all continues to go well in all your endeavors.

Originally Posted by Sudomma

I have the same problem as you do now.can you outline the basic steps you have taken, because you redid your format alot.

I am not sure to whom you are addressing this post — me, Hobby or Huff. I bought the salycitic acid in 15% and 25% — not wart remover. I used it in a time frame beyond what was recommended. The recommended time frame was 60 to 90 seconds. I went through some scary times, but everything has turned our great. I still have some discoloration in the lowest areas (when your member is drooping flaccid), primarily around the circ scar and below that next to the glans. I still think it may be gradually diminishing (wishful thinking?) — placing overall discoloration below 5% from where I started. I am now thinking I may have to do one more application on these areas, BUT I WILL FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS THIS TIME.

Originally Posted by SilentRob
Thanks to Hobby, Huff and alffie for their breakthroughs in penile hemosiderin removal. This is a *huge* contribution to Thunder’s, and I hope that all continues to go well in all your endeavors.

No thanks needed for me. I thank Hobby and Huff. This thread saved me. For Sudomma, this is the site I ordered the stuff from. If you use it FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS and also do something with your areas you want to protect. I fried my scrotum from the liquid flowing down while I kept applying the acid over and over again. Someone suggested Vasoline, which I think is a good idea.

Originally Posted by Sudomma

I have the same problem as you do now.can you outline the basic steps you have taken, because you redid your format alot.

Hobby, he may have something here. There is a lot of reading to see what you discovered was the best way to resolve this. Do you suggest a new thread which cuts to the chase?

Originally Posted by alffie

Hobby, he may have something here. There is a lot of reading to see what you discovered was the best way to resolve this. Do you suggest a new thread which cuts to the chase?

I have re-thought my above post and changed my mind. Anyone who is thinking of doing this should completely read this entire thread — maybe three times.

SilentRob, thanks for the kind words. It is nice to finally have a solution to this bothersome PE side effect.

Alffie, I agree with your rethink. :)

Hey guys, I read the first 4 pages of this thread and I figured you would never figure a cure. Well I have one for you and I’ve done it myself about 2 times and plan to do it again soon.

It’s called aloe vera gel, I bought this huge bottle of it. I’m not a girly guy, but I had a little acne on my face and I tried using aloe vera as a night mask. I did this overnight for about three days, well my skin started peeling and I removed all my blemishes. My face really cleared up.

I later tried it on my bff (best friend forever) :) because he was getting a little stripey through stretch marks, it was pink/brown in stripes. I applied the gel and it burned like a mother, I fought it, and left it on all night, the next morning I washed it off in the shower. I didn’t pe for three or four days because my dick was so sore, I tried beating off but it hurt too bad. Eventually it will start to accumulate this dry skin around it DON’T PEEL IT! Wait till it comes off naturally. Well after three or four days it all peeled off in the shower and my bff was looking sharp.

NOTE! Don’t plan on any engagements with the ladies because your dick will look crazy!

Aloe Vera Gel my friends, you can get a big ass bottle at wal-mart for under $10, probably good for 100 peels

Started 8/2005 6.25" length 5" girth

Currently 7.25" length 5.75" girth

Final Goal, 8" length 6.5" girth (shou

Just Say No

Originally Posted by SilentRob
This thread is among the most revolutionary on the Thunder’s Place forum. Indeed, I might go so far as to say that it is nearly as revolutionary as the site itself! The main worry I had about PE was doing tons of work to get the dick I wanted, but having to explain to girls why it looked like it was coated in dirty iron rust.

Not anymore my friend, it will no longer look like a zebra, a hairy bear, or a pink flamingo!
I also suggest that when you normally pe, use vasalene jelly, it works a lot better, but be careful, that shit’s messy, I wouldn’t use it in the shower or the hot tub. Just stretch in a hot shower/tub, then get out and dry yourself off real fast, do your jelqing and then wipe all the jelly off with a towel and finish the shower, make sure you use lots of soap to remove any excess jelly. If you don’t, your shower will get really slippery and you’ll have to explain it to your mom.

“Son, why is the shower so slippery?”

“Uhhh.. I spilled some oil in the shower.. When I was cleaning my.. Car part thing.”

“You were beating off again! Weren’t you!”

“No mommy, I wasn’t beating off!”

“You little lieing antichrist” (smack, smack)

"No mommy, noooooo!”

Started 8/2005 6.25" length 5" girth

Currently 7.25" length 5.75" girth

Final Goal, 8" length 6.5" girth (shou

Originally Posted by babiesaredumb
Hey guys, I read the first 4 pages of this thread and I figured you would never figure a cure. Well I have one for you and I’ve done it myself about 2 times and plan to do it again soon.

It’s called aloe vera gel, I bought this huge bottle of it. I’m not a girly guy, but I had a little acne on my face and I tried using aloe vera as a night mask. I did this overnight for about three days, well my skin started peeling and I removed all my blemishes. My face really cleared up.

I later tried it on my bff (best friend forever) :) because he was getting a little stripey through stretch marks, it was pink/brown in stripes. I applied the gel and it burned like a mother, I fought it, and left it on all night, the next morning I washed it off in the shower. I didn’t pe for three or four days because my dick was so sore, I tried beating off but it hurt too bad. Eventually it will start to accumulate this dry skin around it DON’T PEEL IT! Wait till it comes off naturally. Well after three or four days it all peeled off in the shower and my bff was looking sharp.

NOTE! Don’t plan on any engagements with the ladies because your dick will look crazy!

Aloe Vera Gel my friends, you can get a big ass bottle at wal-mart for under $10, probably good for 100 peels

Interesting. Never would have guessed the stuff folks to sooth a sunburn would also have a substantial exfoliation affect. Thanks for the post.


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