Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Should I grow a 10" cock or stop at 8"

12 is a good figure, they would call you footlong or something similar

How long is your leg?
Make it a tripod and you’re sure to get hired by the Porn Industry.

Then nobody can contend with you as the Porn King.

Just go for girth after you hit 8, thats what I did :) .

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:

Mr. F, It’s our male ego wants lots of length. The ladies are far more concerned about the girth.
If you begin girth work now and gain another half inch of length as a ‘by-product’ you’ll have enough length to reach the CDS of almost all women. But the girth is more important; a small girth increase is a BIG volume increase.

You’re going to get similar replies on this thread to your ‘The size at which a penis is too big’ thread, also currently active. We spend a lot of time on Thunder’s, so we spend a lot of time thinking about our dick size. The ruler tells me I’m growing but my brain says ‘not nearly big enough yet’.

Sometimes I have to take myself out of the equation and ask not what I want but what the majority of my partners are likely to want. Cristo above is right when he asks do all men like women with huge breasts?. Most men like breasts larger than average but not dominating.

There is more to lovemaking than just vaginal penetration. The largest cock possible for vaginal penetration does not give maximum versatility in positions, nor is it particularly good for oral, and makes anal impossible.
So a very large cock is probably not what most women want. It probably reduces your sexual options and pleasure. All for the sake of the ego. Should you go for 10? That’s between you and your ego. Every time this debate comes up, men and women settle on 8x6 as the optimum.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Like the others have said, you have to realize when is enough.

8x6 isn’t famous for a reason - it’s the all-good measurement. It’s like the max number in length as well as girth (though you could give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most) for the very great majority of women (95%) (- this number is derived from many many many many months of reading on this site, and from years of well, being alive).

You can go for 10” if you want, but you’re going to have to go through a sh*tload of women to finally find one that not only can take it, but is willing to take it. You have to look at both sides of the coin. I’ve posted in the other thread: “The size at which a penis is too big”, and really think you should look at the statistics I mentioned. Remember as I stated, I didn’t get them from some survey, nor read them anywhere. They’re from me reading, I’d say, every damn thread on the topic, and from what I’ve heard many many times in real life just being alive. I’ve known a lot of people, and like I said in the other thread, I wouldn’t put out statistics like that if I truly didn’t feel they represented the real-world.

Like I said, 8x6 isn’t famous for a reason. It’s the all-good measurement. It’s like max number in length as well as girth (again, though you could give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most) for the very great majority of women (95%) of them. If you’re wondering why I say/where I got 95% from, I’ll quote exactly what I said in the other: “The size at which a penis is too big”.

Originally Posted by Endow
So… it breaks down like this then, according to consensus in not only this thread, but many other threads I’ve read on this same topic:
95% of women would have a max of 8x6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
4% of women would have a max of 8.5 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
1% of women would have a max of over 8.5 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)… keep in mind that the very few women who actually have a max beyond that measurement, which would only be relevant with only 1% of women, could just as easily have a max of 9x6.
If I was to actually record this it’d likely then look something like:
.5% = a max of 9x6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
.3% = a max of 9.5 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
.15% = a max of 10 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)
.05% = a max of anything over 10 x 6 (give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)

“The Size At Which a Penis is Too Big” thread
and here’s the post in that thread where I covered the statistics, which I derived from MANY sources.

Hope this helps!

No dedication + No self-discipline = No Gains. This goes for working out as well. It\'s elementary math kids.

Starting Date: 1-17-05 - EL: 6 in. EG: 5.125 in. ... or 5 2/16 in. ..FL: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in. FG: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in.

14th Check-In Date (much 'rest time' so far): 10-01-06 - EL: 7 1/16 in. EG: 5 9/16 in. ................ FL: 5.00 in. ... or 5 in. FG: 4.75 in. ... or 4 12/16 in....1st Goal: EL: 7 in. EG: 5.75 in ... or 5 12/16 in.

Do you really think the cutoff for all women is 6’ girth? Or did you just leave it that way to simplify the numbers?

I’d say obviously all women CAN take more in a pinch (childbirth). So I’m sure a few out there would prefer 7 over 6. And furthermore, has anyone ever head of a woman not being able to adapt and take 5’ or less without discomfort?

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Bro let me tell you from experience it just gets harder and harder to grow dick the longer you PE


Does that also count when you have had long breaks?

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

I suggest growing a 8.5 inch cock, then make yourself a website where you tell everyone it’s 11.

Originally Posted by Ike
I suggest growing a 8.5 inch cock, then make yourself a website where you tell everyone it’s 11.

Pfft…already been done…and may I add, poorly.

Why not actually grow an 11 inch cock, and claim its only 8.5?
That would be different.

Originally Posted by Murche
Do you really think the cutoff for all women is 6’ girth? Or did you just leave it that way to simplify the numbers?

I’d say obviously all women CAN take more in a pinch (childbirth). So I’m sure a few out there would prefer 7 over 6. And furthermore, has anyone ever head of a woman not being able to adapt and take 5’ or less without discomfort?

Yes, it was in-part a way to simplify the numbers (it could’ve been a damn long ass list if I broke down the girth in 1/8” ‘s, etc.), though remember, ‘twas for this reason that after each girth measurement ‘x6’ I put “(give or take 1/4-1/2” girth at most)”. I really came pretty close to using 6.25 as the max measurement for girth to tell you the truth, but I decided to stick with the even 6” girth since I’d heard the 6” girth measurement preference more often both on here and in real life many times.

Also, try to remember that it’s supposed to represent the max for the very great majority of women - I’m talking about ~93%+, not ~5% that may prefer 6.5” or 7” girth.

No dedication + No self-discipline = No Gains. This goes for working out as well. It\'s elementary math kids.

Starting Date: 1-17-05 - EL: 6 in. EG: 5.125 in. ... or 5 2/16 in. ..FL: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in. FG: 4.5 in. ... or 4 8/16 in.

14th Check-In Date (much 'rest time' so far): 10-01-06 - EL: 7 1/16 in. EG: 5 9/16 in. ................ FL: 5.00 in. ... or 5 in. FG: 4.75 in. ... or 4 12/16 in....1st Goal: EL: 7 in. EG: 5.75 in ... or 5 12/16 in.

Originally Posted by Murche
I’d say obviously all women CAN take more in a pinch (childbirth). So I’m sure a few out there would prefer 7 over 6. And furthermore, has anyone ever head of a woman not being able to adapt and take 5’ or less without discomfort?

I don’t mean to be rude, but newsflash: childbirth is fantastically painfull. Sex is not painfull. I fully agree with the 8x6 being the TOP end. Most women are going to be much more into the emotional end of lovemaking than the physical end. It has little or nothing to do with you cock. This has been more or less stated numerous times on this site, by women. I guess our insecurities just won’t let it go.

Starting: 6.5 X 5 EBP 4 X 4.1 Flaccid .........................Break: 7.563 X 5.5 EBP 5.25 X 4.375 Flaccid

Restart: 7.12 X 5.12 EBP 4.5 X 4.5 Flaccid

Goal: Somewhere between "Oh my God!!" and the end of blowjobs.

Get all you can in my opinion… I had eight and I’ve lost .25 to .5 inches in the past month. So I’ll be happy if I cement at 8”… 10 inches is just my dream. I don’t think I can really do it without, well… a lot more work than I can really do.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

I always toughed that cause I am only 30yo and I love PE, will I continue with this until I am 60+, and how large am I then?

My wife once told me that she could imagine me as a old man running around the house chasing her with a huge 12 inch boner :D some day in the future. It would be a funny sight :D

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Originally Posted by anon771

Does that also count when you have had long breaks?

That is the big question that hasn’t been tested enough. I had lost some girth after a year plus of hanging and after bad bruising took three months off and than I started a girth program and did gain my girth right back. So I’m not sure if extended breaks can break plateau’s but I’m leaning towards yes.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ve just joined this forum and I’m very happy because this place is a huge source of information about PE and sexual life:)

Also I’ve just started doing PE. I’ve read this thread and I have some questions.
After reaching my goal, can I stop doing exercises? Will my penis’ length and girth decrease?

I’ve read that vagina size is:
Length - 3.5" to 4"
Diameter - < 1"

Length - 5" to 6"
Diameter - 1.5" to 2.5"

Length - 8" to 9"
Diameter - 2.5" to 3"
So vagina size shouldn’t be a problem, more often woman isn’t ready for man. But I’m not sure, what is your opinion?

You can find this article on Vagina size
Also this article seems to be interesting Penis and vagina

Btw, I’m going to change my goal, 8x6 instead of 8x6,5. I don’t want to start conversation with girl saying "Can you handle 8x6.5 dick?" lol:)

This thread was very helpful!

Start time: 16.02.2005 NBPEL 6.6 EG 5.12 - No PE at the moment, but building ADA in progress.

Last edited by neochrysaor : 02-14-2006 at .

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