Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Small Glans and Foreskin Restoration

Originally posted by lm2
Hmm, what about this restoration cone device. It seriously sounds like a pain in the ass doing all that with tape and stuff…

http://www.tlct … .com/prodRC.htm

This is what I use. T-Tape was too annoying, and the Tugahoy
costs too much. I love my TLC Tugger.

Since picking up on this thread only a couple of day’s ago, I have not thought of much else. I was circumcised two and a half years ago (age25), and now realise that I may not have needed a full circumcision. My situation is a little different from the ones I’ve read here, so I’ll explain.

Before I was cut a couple of year’s ago my foreskin was very tight around my glans, actually it covered the whole of the head but for a little hole of about 3 or 4mm enough to pee through. Since a very young age maybe 11 or 12 I new this was not how it was suppose be. I don’t know how I new it wasn’t right, but I just did. I don’t think I’d seen any porn by that age but maybe I’m wrong and that’s how I knew.

This had a big impact on my life, and was responsible along with my small size for many missed opportunities. I just didn’t want anyone to find out I had a small and weird dick and I would just not let myself get into any situation that would require me to do so, be it with girls or in a locker room situation, even going to the toilet was an ordeal.

Anyway, since the age of about 17 I had really wanted a circumcision so that my little purple friend could be freed into real world after being kept prisoner under such horrible conditions, he wanted to be free. Well, for eight year’s I would dream about having a circumcision quite a lot but never had the bottle to go and find out about it. How I wish I was on the net by then maybe I could have got partially cut. Then one day when I had to drop my pants in front of the doc, he noticed this and just booked me into hospital to be cut. I was still very insecure at this time and I didn’t even question him, I just nodded and said okay.

I was exited and shit scared at the same time, didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I was very nervous on the day of the op, and after about an hour of being in hospital I just got off the bed and walked out, booked a cab and went home. Trying to avoid that dreaded situation again you see.

Anyway I finally had the op done a few months later and it just felt so good to think I was kinda normal. This was a very emotional time for me after a long time of thinking I was a freak.

So to the present day and after reading this topic I realise loss of sensitivity and hardness in the glans is starting to happen to me and maybe I should think about giving this a go. I’ve got a lot of reading and thinking to do before I know what I want to do. Thanks for the links everyone there’s lots of information to soak up.

I apologise for the long post, I’ve never really spoke to anyone about it and this just seemed to be the right place to get it off my chest. Thanks for reading if you get this far and thanks to roadhog for starting the thread.



Did you experience something similar to what Super_Ectomorph does as he explains it in his "details of an erection" thread? details of an erection?

Don’t get too down on yourself about having this done in your adulthood because you are still much better off than if your mother would have chose this for you in your infancy (with out your consent) . Although, if you would have known better and you absolutely wanted to have circumcision, I agree that a moderate/partial one would have been much better verses what doc automatically handed out to you.

Even if you were small sized back then like you say you were (it may have ended up being even smaller had you been circumcised as an infant), I’ll bet that at least everything worked well sexually like nature intended it to. Can you imagine being small and not working well combined? Even with a "small" well functioning natural dink, I believe there is still a lot that one can do for his gal’s satisfaction.

It’s odd how you mention your feelings of being a freak. Ironically I had these same types of feelings growing up because of having been circumcised (extremely circumcised). Why do other boys/men/doctors/nurses/mothers/fathers care about what a penis looks like? Similar to a vagina, it’s function is more important than it’s appearance in my books. We wear clothes in this society so why does it matter to anyone? Really, when you think about it, nobody should care or pay any attention to what’s between your legs (unless it’s your gal).

At least for now murph, if it works well and you are able to have the same kind of orgasm that you formerly had to being cut, I wouldn’t dwell on this too much. Although, time will take it’s toll on an exposed glans/remaining inner mucosa. If you have great erectile ability, go for the size gains first and then worry about foreskin restoration later.


Hey r0ad_h0gg.

My foreskin totally covered the head of my penis apart from a tiny hole about 3 or 4mm as I said. That may even be an exaggeration as to how big the hole was. When I used to pee, the end of my penis used to balloon up as a result from the urine not being able to drain through the hole fast enough. I’ve just noticed something to compare the size to. When you next reply to a post, look at the message icons above your reply, you see the little click boxes (circles) next to the icon, well that was about the size, max.

There was no way this would have stretched, the hole was just too small. Also, when I had an erection the skin would be really tight and looked pretty thin. If I’m honest about it I would say I feel more pleasure being cut as I can feel more during sex now my glans are exposed. I must also say that my are less sensitive now than they were soon after being cut.

So to sum it up, I’m not sure I’ve experienced the feeling of sex with a “normal” foreskin. I’m sure I haven’t actually because as I’ve mentioned sex feels better now than it did before. Don’t get me wrong though I did and still do enjoy sex as much as the next man, but I just don’t experience these intense orgasm’s that are talked of.

Thank’s for the reply r0ad_h0gg, you seem very knowledgeable and passionate about this subject.



When you had sex before your circumcision, it sounds like your foreskin wasn’t retracted over your glans during thrusting. This being the case, you definitely didn’t get the feeling out of it that you could have.

You probably received a fairly moderate circumcision which explains why after two and a half years you still have good feeling. Although, if you could have had sex with a retractable foreskin, I think you would have had the mind blowing orgasms.

You could compare a tight foreskin to a tight vagina. Eventually over time if it’s used enough, it will gradually loosen up enough to be very enjoyable.


Murph, thanks for talking about your experience. My seven year old son has the same condition you had. As you know, it’s called phimosis . My son’s penis does the same thing you described, where the foreskin balloons up when he pees.

I have no intention of ever getting him cut, and intend to let him make that decision — if at all necessary — when he’s at an appropriate age. We saw a urologist a few years ago and she gave him some steroid cream to rub on it. The cream is supposed to thin the skin so it stretches easier. He was too young then to understand that he needed to try sliding his foreskin down when he applied the cream. I’m reminded here I need to get him another appointment.


you are correct in thinking the foreskin didn’t retract when thrusting. Not in the slightest. You are also right about the moderate cut. I have seen some pics with the circ scar half way down the shaft. My scar is about half an inch from the glans.


I didn’t actually know the condition was known as phimosis until you mentioned it just now. My parents never spoke to me about it, I’m not even sure if they know. I was also to scared, embarrassed, insecure to ask anyone about it. If I would have had a computer before the operation I’m sure it would have been the first thing I would have found out about. Too late now anyway, it’s done.

I’m glad you know of your sons condition so that you can explain these things to him and help him understand what the problem is and what he can do about it. I just wish my parents would have spoken to me about it and helped me understand what was wrong. I suppose I kind of blamed them in a way for not telling me there was something wrong with me, maybe they didn’t even know. I feel guilty for blaming them all the same.

thank’s for the replies

Road Hogg,

you said:

“The one problem that I can think of though is if you pull on the inner tissue too much it will start to feel really funky after a while, but maybe one could just grin and bear it for the extra benefit. Give it a try bbs. One thing they say is the new tissue won’t contain any more touch receptors than you already have remaining, but it would still be nice to have back the original surface area of this very thin and special tissue.

When your remaining inner mucosa along with your glans becomes sexually sensitized sex will blow your mind! “

Did you pull on the inner skin (mucosa) or outer skin?? Why do you say it will feel funky?

Are you completely restored yet or are you still in progress??

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Sorry about sounding so glum at the end of my last post, I make it sound like I’m racked with guilt.That’s not the case, I’m actually a very happy chappie at the moment.:)
I will take your advice r0ad_h0gg and concentrate on P.E for now and worry about my foreskin later.

take care.


You asked “Did you pull on the inner skin (mucosa) or outer skin?? Why do you say it will feel funky? Are you completely restored yet or are you still in progress??”

It’s hard to explain, but if I pulled too hard on the inner mucosa, it got really weird feeling. You should try to restore/grow this tissue of coarse, but maybe just don’t pull on it with as much force as the outer skin. Try it and see, you will like it.

In answer to your other question, no, I’m not completely restored yet. Just remember, I had a very long way to go with foreskin restoration when I first started this because of my extreme snip job. Although, so far bbs, when my foreskin is covering my flaccid glans, it hugs it really tight, so I must have been doing a good job restoring. I believe this is what you are concerned about with the inner mucosa, so that it will end up looking good, right? If you could grow your inner mucosa out to the tip of your flaccid glans, so that the circ scar ended up right at the end of your covered glans (just barely visible), that would be ideal.

I never know if I want to do foreskin stuff or PE stuff, it’s a toss up. The foreskin growing feels good to me, but the PE feels good to my girlfriend. What should I do, deny her a big dink or deny myself great orgasms? For right now, she wins, I am going for the big dink.

Thanks to Im2, biggerandbetter, and you bbs, I am going to try using the tlc tugger. Maybe this could be the answer for doing both PE and foreskin restoration at the same time providing it doesn’t obstruct my feeble flaccid blood circulation.


OK a couple of things:

1.) I checked out that TLC tugger and it seems cool except that forgive me if I’m wrong, but you CAN’T really dictate what type of skin (with precision) you are restoring. It seems that the OUTER skin will be restored instead of the mucosa (INNER skin) that me and road hogg were just talking about…

Is this the case?

2.) Road Hogg Said:
“It’s hard to explain, but if I pulled too hard on the inner mucosa, it got really weird feeling. You should try to restore/grow this tissue of coarse, but maybe just don’t pull on it with as much force as the outer skin. Try it and see, you will like it. “

How do you dictate the level of pull witht the tape? Isn’t it kind of set at the adhesiveness of the tape? When you say weird feeling, did it hurt?

“I never know if I want to do foreskin stuff or PE stuff, it’s a toss up. The foreskin growing feels good to me, but the PE feels good to my girlfriend. What should I do, deny her a big dink or deny myself great orgasms? For right now, she wins, I am going for the big dink. “

Why not do both at the same time? It’s all related…

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Last edited by bigblackstick : 12-17-2003 at .


You are a really cool member in this forum (along with many others that I’m getting to know a little).

The way to “dictate” which tissue you put the most force on is by where you stick the t-tape on to your dink. If you put it towards the base, it will pull more on the shaft skin. By placing it closer to the glans, it will pull the inner mucosa (and penile shaft for possible length gains) more than the shaft skin. For the really advanced tuggers (not me), they make irregular t-tapes to get that exact “precision” that you mentioned. Remember, you are undoing what ever skill your surgeon lacked. No infantile circumcisions are perfectly even all the way around. Does this make sense to you bbs?

As far as the stretched inner mucosa feeling, it’s hard to describe, but it didn’t hurt. For what ever reason I just naturally seemed to pull on that part more than the shaft skin. It makes you realize how much different that tissue (whatever’s left of it) is compared to your shaft skin.

I hate to disappoint any one here, but I just ordered the tlc tugger with all of the necessary accessories (over $100.00). Hopefully, with this device (unlike t-taping) I will be able to do PE training and foreskin restoration at the same time.

Once I reach my PE goals, maybe then I will go back to precision t-taping for a really good finished look.


Last edited by r0ad_h0gg : 12-17-2003 at .

Road Hogg said:

“The way to “dictate” which tissue you put the most force on is by where you stick the t-tape on to your dink. If you put it towards the base, it will pull more on the shaft skin.”

When you say this you are only referring to a few centimeters if that right? Surely you don’t mean to pull from the base completely…..

“By placing it closer to the glans, it will pull the inner mucosa (and penile shaft for possible length gains) more than the shaft skin. For the really advanced tuggers (not me), they make irregular t-tapes to get that exact “precision” that you mentioned.”

Well, when it comes to my dick, precision is what I’m after…I will attach the tape to the exact point where the inner mucosa meets the outer skin. That way it will be the inner mucosa skin being restored and grown and not the outer thicker skin.

What exactly do you mean by irregular t-tapes??

“As far as the stretched inner mucosa feeling, it’s hard to describe, but it didn’t hurt. For what ever reason I just naturally seemed to pull on that part more than the shaft skin. It makes you realize how much different that tissue (whatever’s left of it) is compared to your shaft skin. “

Do you or anybody else have any diagrams that illustrate the different types of skin?

I want to make sure we are talking about the same thing. Also, I want to make sure I get as close to the glans as possible to make sure I pull on the inner skin.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

From what I gathered when I was looking up foreskin restoration on the different sites, the ideal place to put the t-tape or any other tugging device is about 1/3 down the circ scar, or a cm. or 2 behind the glans.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

new member,

so that would be on the inner skin (mucosa) and not the outter skin right?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


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