Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Small Glans and Foreskin Restoration

Glen Delta,

“I think an uncut cock looks very nice and I could use that extra quarter inch the doc cut off.”

I hate to inform you, but if you have been circumcised as an infant, you have a lot more than a quarter inch of penile tissue missing due to good ole doc.

I just discovered that my girlfriend has cheated on me about a year ago. Also, she has been talking to the same guy recently. The way I found this out is because I installed a key logger on my computer over a year ago that she doesn’t know about. The only reason why I used the key logger was because she gave me good reason to distrust her.

I can hardly believe that after a year of checking up on her she finally showed her true colors! I’m going to be dumping her ass very soon! Also, I for surely won’t be doing any PE on her behalf any more. From now on, it’s going to be all for myself and any future women (not woman). Also, building that monster truck is starting to sound pretty good.

A word of advice for all men here on thunder’s - Women are not to be trusted! They love big cocks and they will do almost anything to be fucked by them!


As a gay dude I don’t know anything first hand about opposite sex relationships. That being said, it is my strong opinion that all of the guys here need to do PE for themselves first. Most of the drive for penis enlargement is to improve your feeling and image of yourself. If you feel more self confident you have much more to offer your sex partners, male or female. This is not being selfish. It is being honest, realistic and proactive with an issue the, if not addressed, will haunt us forever.

I’ve always been in open relationships. This was established from day one. With no children an open relationship is not difficult. My last, and longest experience living together, just ended after ten years. He didn’t have an affair but decided he wanted to be single again. We still get along and have joint custody of two dogs. Cheating was never a possibility nor an issue.

The circumcision problem can be serious. I devoted only a year to restoration and gained some skin. I am fortunate to be what I call semi-cut. Once I got my PA piercing, however, I gave up foreskin restoration because the piercing gets in the way. I used a PUD (prepuce restoration device) and a Tug_a-Hoy. I recommend restoration to anyone who is serious about it. I have made peace with my mom about it. If anyone reading this is pregnant and is thinking o circumcising their son please, please consider not doing so. let him decide when he is an adult. I may return once again to foreskin restoration if I can figure out a way to get around the PA.

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5

You know how neutering your dogs or cats calms them down? Well i think circumcision calms guy down the same way.


Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

Originally Posted by SwingerNYC
Problems included erectile problems, ejaculatory difficulties, anorgasmia, difficulty with adequate stimulation during vaginal intercourse”

I was circumcised when i was 16 and I would say that I have lost about 50% of those feelings i used to have. Its like I dont even have the same dick anymore. It really is saddening to me that I did that to myself. Im restoring now and will keep doing it till i get most of that sensation back.


Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth


What was the PUD you were using?

What sort of results were you getting? Did it take long to get things moving?

I fully intend to restore my foreskin, but i’ll wait until I reach my PE goals first I think…

See Ya,


I’m currently using the TLC Tugger and I like it. It does pinch at times, but I can usually wear it for 1-3 hours before needing a break. I’m using the ventless method which is more for ADS, but I get a good tug on the skin because I was cut so tight. With this method it seems to pull on the shaft skin. I do not believe I have enough “inner” skin to pull on and still keep the TLC on while performing daily activities like walking.

My question is in regards to the foreskin and hanging(which I also do with some regularity). Should the hanger be attached behind the circumsision scar?



I’m no expert at hanging, but I would definitely recommend placing the hanger behind the circumcision scar to prevent any further nerve damage to your remaining sex tissue.



What is a PA piercing? I’m guessing it’s some sort of stud placed through your glans. What in the world ever prompted you to put a piece of steel in your dick?

My guess is that this sort of behavior is a result of infantile circumcision. I haven’t ever heard of an intact man having this done to himself.

I’ll bet that you would still be able to successfully t-tape even with the piercing.

Would it be possible to use the stud as an attachment for light ads style pulling? I’ve wondered if it would be surgically possible to temporarily install a hanger attachment in the tip of each corpus cavernosa chamber. If possible, once the lengthening was completed, then it could be removed. To me, if possible, this would be much preferred over having ligament surgery performed for length gains.


H0gg - tomarctus has posted pics of his unit, with the PA, in the Members Pics forum.


You’re right, Hog, as a hanger, you ALWAYs place the hanger past the circ scar, otherwise, the hanger will ride over your glands which will make for big trouble. NEVER is the hanger to rest on your dick head. Have any of you ever heard about the foreskin restoration tube that’s used in conjunction with pumping? It’s something I’m very interested in. I’ve seen several posts on Thunders about guys wanting to get a circumsized, I always write them and tell them DON’T DO IT!!!!! It’s ironic that the recent posted pictures I’ve been seeing, there seems to be a trend among the younger guys to be uncut. I’m really glad their parents didn’t buy into the bullshit about being uncut equals odors, disease and infection. Guess their parents have heard about baths and showers:-) ~ Unfortunately, my wife and the Doc won out on the argument and our son is circumcized, something I truly regret allowed being talked into. Glenn


I’ve been trying to PM you….clear your private messages so I can PM you….

Glenn Delta,

Good to see you around.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Okay…..I just ordered my rejuveness medical tape…..I’m ready to go here….

I think this will prove to be the most effective ADS stretcher around. I mean look, most men that restore report length gained, and some girth, just from restoring and they don’t even PE. (I think shaft skin grwoth is one of the biggest limiting factors when trying to gain length.) Coupled with the fact that we actively-PE this can be big. Literally.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Ok im trying to absorb all this, just read a majority of this post. My question is: when is foreskin restoration optimal. After reading this post it seems the best time to do it is now? not after i get the lenght/girth gains im looking for? is this correct? Doesnt it become a little more difficult to do some of the exercises (stretch and jelq once the foreskin is removed?



I believe it all depends on your particular situation or your particular circumcision. It’s obviously a lot easier to do pe with more shaft skin/foreskin. For me the most optimal time to do foreskin restoration is asap. Right now I’m doing both (pe and foreskin restoration) at the same time with quite a bit of success.


Definately agree with Hogg. They will work synergistically IMO. You figure like I said earlier, one of the biggest limiting factors to length gains are skin growth. Your foreskin restoration program will act as a highly effective ADS. Add that to your hanging or jelqing or whatever you do for length. 1+1=3.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


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