Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Small Glans and Foreskin Restoration


<<When you say this you are only referring to a few centimeters if that right? Surely you don’t mean to pull from the base completely…..>>

No, it’s actually more like a few millimeters one way or the other from your poe for the right pull.

Don’t worry about it so much. Just start doing it and eventually you will get really good at it like anything else. There was a time that I could actually make and apply t-tapes fairly precisely while I was driving my semi truck (scary hey?).

You are going to need to grow a lot of shaft skin also, so maybe to start your restoration, you should apply the center of the t-tapes right on the the circ scar (where the two different tissues meet). If you end up needing more inner mucosa tissue to get the finnished look that you desire, you can always favor pulling on that later into your restoration.

bbs, if you are really concerned with doing a near perfect job restoring, it can be done, but not easily. By concentrating your pulling effort on the inner mucosa it will prevent further pubic hair migration onto the base of your dink and also it will help to keep your dink in the extended state for better PE gains.

One way to grow shaft skin with out hair migration would be to have a base ring that held the tension instead of the normal elastic strap. The base ring would keep the pubic hair in place while exerting tension on the shaft skin. Think of it like hooking t-tapes up to a jes extender.

<<What exactly do you mean by irregular t-tapes??>>

These are used to correct an irregular circumcision. If you’ll notice, your scar may be uneven, jagged, crooked, etc. Irregular t-taping puts more tension on one side verses the other to cause things to straighten out. When I first started to restore, I couldn’t believe how far off everything was. Just by using regular t-tapes though, things will naturally straighten out pretty well on their own.

After the skin starts to relax on the shaft (if you’re cut tight), it’s amazing how much damage you will notice that was done to your dink from your infantile circumcision. I was so surprised with all of the cut marks and indentations I discovered, I wondered if I was circumcised twice.

<<Do you or anybody else have any diagrams that illustrate the different types of skin?>>

You have all of the information and diagrams that you could ever need right at your finger tips bbs. Maybe by doing a search on Google for “inner mucosa” would fetch something up?

If anybody disagrees with my advice to bbs, please don’t hesitate to comment. I guarantee that there are many men out there who know a lot more about this than I do.

If you can follow through with this bbs, I personally guarantee that you will find sex more pleasurable beyond your wildest dreams. Give it a little time though to take effect (at least three months), and you will see what I’m talking about!


“You are going to need to grow a lot of shaft skin also, so maybe to start your restoration, you should apply the center of the t-tapes right on the the circ scar (where the two different tissues meet). If you end up needing more inner mucosa tissue to get the finnished look that you desire, you can always favor pulling on that later into your restoration. “

Yea, I might just start out pulling on the innner mucosa from the beginning though.

“bbs, if you are really concerned with doing a near perfect job restoring, it can be done, but not easily. By concentrating your pulling effort on the inner mucosa it will prevent further pubic hair migration onto the base of your dink and also it will help to keep your dink in the extended state for better PE gains. “

Yes, this is what I will do!

“After the skin starts to relax on the shaft (if you’re cut tight), it’s amazing how much damage you will notice that was done to your dink from your infantile circumcision. I was so surprised with all of the cut marks and indentations I discovered, I wondered if I was circumcised twice. “

Yes, this definately sounds like my dick!…..But I will get everything worked out…

I will keep you posted……Let me get all my supplies together

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

restored foreskin


I wonder how a restored foreskin behaves in comparison to a regular one.
Are there any dissadvantages from it?
A the elastic band is still missing, does a restored foreskin roll back involuntarily more often?
I am thinking about restoring, but I dont want to end up with a weird looking or weird behaving foreskin.

Any differences?

Thanks for advice


It all depends on how good of a job you do restoring it. Sadly, it will never be as good as your original, but it will be a big improvement over what you have now. This should explain things better:

The “Lost” List

Many people think circumcision removes nothing more than a little extra skin. However, the fact of the matter is that circumcision removes several critical components of male sexual anatomy. This list enumerates everything currently known to be lost when one is circumcised. Included are notes on whether these losses can or cannot be amended by foreskin restoration.

The information contained in this list may be upsetting to some, but we feel it is important and necessary for those considering restoration to understand as fully as possible the anatomy/biology/neurology of what has been removed and/or destroyed.

It should be pointed out that circumcisions performed in North America may be more severe than those done elsewhere. In the United States, most hospital circumcisions are done to the Bris Periah standard of removing every ounce of foreskin and, in a large percentage of cases, some shaft skin.

Although several of the items in this list are not restorable, there are many significant gains to be realized by restoring one’s foreskin. For information on these gains, please see the Benefits page.

Please note that although circumcision and foreskin restoration involve issues of physical health and well-being, nothing appearing on this website is intended to be medical advice. If you want medical advice or have a medical problem, contact a doctor.

Foreskin The foreskin comprises roughly 50% (and sometimes more) of the mobile skin system of the penis. If unfolded and spread out flat, the average adult foreskin would measure about 15 square inches - the size of a three-by-five index card. This highly specialized tissue normally covers the glans and protects it from abrasion, drying, callusing (also called keratinization), and contaminants of all kinds.
Click here to view an animated graphic illustrating foreskin mobility.

We refer to the process we undergo as foreskin restoration but we don’t actually grow new foreskins. What we do instead is to extend the remaining skin on the shaft of the penis. The non-surgical techniques we use induce the skin to grow additional cells, and over a period of time the shaft skin will gradually extend to cover the glans. The extended skin looks and behaves and functions much like a natural foreskin.

[Sources: 1. M. M. Lander, “The Human Prepuce,” in G. C. Denniston and M. F. Milos, eds., Sexual Mutilations: A Human Tragedy (New York: Plenum Press, 1997), 79-81. 2. M. Davenport, “Problems with the Penis and Prepuce: Natural History of the Foreskin,” British Medical Journal 312 (1996): 299-301.]

Frenar Band, or
Ridged Band The frenar band is a group of soft ridges near the junction of the inner and outer foreskin. This region is the primary erogenous zone of the intact male body. Loss of this delicate belt of densely innervated, sexually responsive tissue reduces the fullness and intensity of sexual response.
There is no known method of restoring the frenar band.

[Source: Taylor, J. R. et al., “The Prepuce: Specialized Mucosa of the Penis and Its Loss to Circumcision,” British Journal of Urology 77 (1996): 291-295.]

Gliding Action The foreskin’s gliding action is a hallmark feature of the normal, natural, intact penis. This non-abrasive gliding of the penis in and out of its own shaft skin facilitates smooth, comfortable, pleasurable intercourse for both partners. Without this gliding action, the corona of the circumcised penis can function as a one-way valve, making artificial lubricants necessary for comfortable intercourse.
The return of this natural gliding action is one of the primary benefits of foreskin restoration. In many cases, wives of restoring men were initially doubtful about restoration but came to value it highly when their husbands had grown enough new skin to effect greater levels of comfort and pleasure during intercourse.

[Source: P. M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, “The Case Against Circumcision,” Mothering: The Magazine of Natural Family Living (Winter 1997): 36-45.]

Meissner’s Corpuscles Circumcision removes the most important sensory component of the foreskin - thousands of coiled fine-touch receptors called Meissner’s corpuscles. Also lost are branches of the dorsal nerve, and between 10,000 and 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types. Together these detect subtle changes in motion and temperature, as well as fine gradations in texture.
There is no known method of restoring Meissner’s corpuscles or other specialized sensory nerve cells. However, restoring and restored men almost universally experience tremendous increases in sensitivity, in part because the highly sensitive nerve cells in the glans are no longer buried under several layers of keratinized skin.

[Sources: 1. R. K. Winkelmann, “The Erogenous Zones: Their Nerve Supply and Its Significance,” Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic 34 (1959): 39-47. 2. R. K. Winkelmann, “The Cutaneous Innervation of Human Newborn Prepuce,” Journal of Investigative Dermatology 26 (1956): 53-67.]

Frenulum The frenulum is a highly erogenous V-shaped structure on the underside of the glans that tethers the foreskin. During circumcision it is frequently either amputated with the foreskin or severed, which destroys or diminishes its sexual and physiological functions.
If the frenulum is amputated, there is no known method of replacing it. If only a small portion of the frenulum is left, it is probably no longer functional as a tethering structure. There is no known method of attaching it to a restored foreskin, but some men have reported stretching the frenulum remnant as they stretched their foreskin.

[Sources: 1. Cold, C, Taylor, J, “The Prepuce,” BJU International 83, Suppl. 1, (1999): 34-44. 2. Kaplan, G.W., “Complications of Circumcision,” Urologic Clinics of North America 10, 1983.]

Dartos Fascia Circumcision removes approximately half of this temperature-sensitive smooth muscle sheath which lies between the outer layer of skin and the corpus cavernosa.
There is no known method of restoring amputated portions of the dartos fascia. However, the new skin may duplicate dartos fascia muscle tissue if it is present in the remnant skin that is being stretched.

[Source: Netter, F.H., “Atlas of Human Anatomy,” Second Edition (Novartis, 1997): Plates 234, 329, 338, 354, 355.]

Immunological System The soft mucosa (inner foreskin) contains its own immunological defense system which produces plasma cells. These cells secrete immunoglobulin antibodies as well as antibacterial and antiviral proteins, including the pathogen killing enzyme lysozyme.
Once removed with the foreskin, there is no known method of restoring this immunological defense system.

[Sources: 1. A. Ahmed and A. W. Jones, “Apocrine Cystadenoma: A Report of Two Cases Occurring on the Prepuce,” British Journal of Dermatology 81 (1969): 899-901. 2. P. J. Flower et al., “An Immunopathologic Study of the Bovine Prepuce,” Veterinary Pathology 20 (1983):189-202.]

Lymphatic Vessels The loss of these vessels due to circumcision reduces the lymph flow within that part of the body’s immune system.
While some lymphatic vessels remain, there is no known method of restoring those that were removed during circumcision.

[Source: Netter, F.H., “Atlas of Human Anatomy,” Second Edition (Novartis, 1997): plate 379.]

Estrogen Receptors The presence of estrogen receptors within the foreskin has only recently been discovered. Their purpose is not yet understood and needs further study.
There is no known method of restoring the foreskin’s estrogen receptors.

[Source: R. Hausmann et al., “The Forensic Value of the Immunohistochemical Detection of Oestrogen Receptors in Vaginal Epithelium,” International Journal of Legal Medicine 109 (1996): 10-30.]

Apocrine Glands These glands of the inner foreskin produce pheromones - nature’s powerful, silent, invisible behavioral signals to potential sexual partners. The effect of their absence on human sexuality has never been studied.
There is no known method of restoring apocrine glands to the penis.

[Source: A. Ahmed and A. W. Jones, “Apocrine Cystadenoma: A Report of Two Cases Occurring on the Prepuce,” British Journal of Dermatology 81 (1969): 899-901.]

Sebaceous Glands The sebaceous glands may lubricate and moisturize the foreskin and glans, which is normally a protected internal organ. Not all men have sebaceous glands on their inner foreskin.
There is no known method of restoring sebaceous glands if they were present.

[Source: A. B. Hyman and M. H. Brownstein, “Tyson’s Glands: Ectopic Sebaceous Glands and Papillomatosis Penis,” Archives of Dermatology 99 (1969): 31-37.]

Langerhans Cells These specialized epithelial cells are a component of the immune system in the penis.
There is no known method of restoring Langerhans cells to the penis.

[Source: G. N. Weiss et al., “The Distribution and Density of Langerhans Cells in the Human Prepuce: Site of a Diminished Immune Response?” Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 29 (1993): 42-43.]

Natural Glans Coloration The natural coloration of the glans and inner foreskin (usually hidden and only visible to others when sexually aroused) is considerably more intense than the permanently exposed and keratinized coloration of a circumcised penis. The socio-biological function of this visual stimulus has never been studied.
The glans ranges from pink to red to dark purple among intact men of Northern European ancestry, and from pinkish to mahagony to dark brown among intact men of Color. If circumcision is performed on an infant or young boy, the connective tissue which protectively fuses the foreskin and glans together is ripped apart. This leaves the glans raw and subject to infection, scarring, pitting, shrinkage, and eventual discoloration. Over a period of years the glans becomes keratinized, adding additional layers of tissue in order to adequately protect itself, which further contributes to discoloration.

Many restoring men report dramatic changes in glans color and appearance, and that these changes closely mirror the natural coloration and smooth, glossy appearance of the glans seen in intact men.

[Source: P. M. Fleiss, MD, MPH, “The Case Against Circumcision,” Mothering: The Magazine of Natural Family Living (Winter 1997): 36-45.]

Length and Circumference Circumcision removes some of the length and girth of the penis - its double-layered wrapping of loose and usually overhanging foreskin is removed. A circumcised penis is truncated and thinner than it would have been if left intact.
Many men have kept detailed records of their measurements before, during, and after restoration. There is an increasing consensus that foreskin restoration enhances penile length and circumference.

[Source: R. D. Talarico and J. E. Jasaitis, “Concealed Penis: A Complication of Neonatal Circumcision,” Journal of Urology 110 (1973): 732-733.]

Blood Vessels Several feet of blood vessels, including the frenular artery and branches of the dorsal artery, are removed in circumcision. The loss of this rich vascularization interrupts normal blood flow to the shaft and glans of the penis, damaging the natural function of the penis and altering its development.
There is no known method of restoring arteries and vessels that were removed during circumcision. However, many restoring men have noticed that the new skin is more richly vascularized than the older skin of their penis. We have no medical explanation for this phenomenon.

[Sources: 1. H. C. Bazett et al., “Depth, Distribution and Probable Identification in the Prepuce of Sensory End-Organs Concerned in Sensations of Temperature and Touch; Thermometric Conductivity,” Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 27 (1932): 489-517. 2. Netter, F.H., “Atlas of Human Anatomy,” Second Edition (Novartis, 1997): plates 238, 239.]

Dorsal Nerves The terminal branch of the pudendal nerve connects to the skin of the penis, the prepuce, the corpora cavernosa, and the glans. Destruction of these nerves is a rare but devastating complication of circumcision. If cut during circumcision, the top two-thirds of the penis will be almost completely without sensation.
There is no known method of restoring dorsal nerves.

[Sources: 1. Agur, A.M.R. ed., “Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy,” Ninth Edition (Williams and Wilkins, 1991): 188-190. 2. Netter, F.H., “Atlas of Human Anatomy,” Second Edition (Novartis, 1997): plate 380, 387.]

Other Losses • Circumcision performed during infancy disrupts the bonding process between child and mother. There are indications that the innate sense of trust in intimate human contact is inhibited or lost. It can also have significant adverse effects on neurological development. Additionally, an infant’s self-confidence and hardiness is diminished by forcing the newborn victim into a defensive psychological state of “learned helplessness” or
“acquired passivity” to cope with the excruciating pain which he can
neither fight nor flee. The trauma of this early pain lowers a circumcised boy’s pain threshold below that of intact boys and girls
[Sources: 1. R. Goldman, Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma (Boston: Vanguard Publications, 1997), 139-175. 2. A. Taddio et al., “Effect of Neonatal Circumcision on Pain Responses during Vaccination in Boys,” Lancet 345 (1995): 291-292.]

• Every year some boys lose their entire penises from circumcision accidents and infections. They are then “sexually reassigned” by castration and transgender surgery, and are expected to live their lives as females.

[Sources: 1. J. P. Gearhart and J. A. Rock, “Total Ablation of the Penis after Circumcision with Electrocautery: A Method of Management and Long-Term Followup,” Journal of Urology 142 (1989):799-801. 2. M. Diamond and H. K. Sigmundson, “Sex Reassignment at Birth: Long-Term Review and Clinical Implications,” Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 151 (1997): 298-304.]

• Every year many boys in the United States and elsewhere lose their lives as a result of circumcision - a fact that is routinely ignored or obscured.

[Sources: 1. G. W. Kaplan, “Complications of Circumcision,” Urologic Clinics of North America 10 (1983): 543-549. 2. R. S. Thompson, “Routine Circumcision in the Newborn: An Opposing View,” Journal of Family Practice 31 (1990): 189-196.

Edited by hobby: Please include the source URL when pasting parts of a webpage.


Thanks Guys for this great thread. It shed a lot light for me. I was cut as an infant. I always wondered why the head of my jimmy was so rough and lacked the sensativity that I thought it should. I’ve only orgasmed about 4 times from oral sex, in my intire life. ( 33 yrs. old) I now know why. Thanks again.

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

restored foreskin


Following your text makes clear that most of the features of a natural foreskin are lost forewer, anyway. What me may get back ist the gliding action and increased sensitivity to the glans. You think that is worth it?

Please tell me something about the differences in behaviour of the restored foreskin.
You wrote that it depends on how good the restoration job is done?
So, how is it done best?
Or is this a matter of genes?



If you read this whole thread you will understand the method in which I feel is the bast way to restore. Hell yes it’s worth it! It may also cause your penis to have much better blood circulation which could possibly help many other potential problems. The added feeling during sex that’s one can experience from restoring is indescribable to me (heaven).


I’ve sort of followed this thread from the beginning and have been meaning to make some comments and ask some questions. Now that it’s basically turned into a FR tutorial I was going to let it go, but your last post has brought me back.

I am very familiar with foreskin restoration, having done it myself over the past five years. I’ve been inconsistent, but am now 3/4 covered when flaccid. I’m also very familiar with human anatomy since it’s part of my profession to know such things. I understand and fully support you when you talk about the sexual benefits of having a foreskin and how restoration can make a large difference to those circumcised as infants. I can even understand when you say that having a “tight” circumcision as an infant might prevent full growth of the penis and perhaps be part of the reason someone has a less than optimal size as an adult since the circumcision may have interfered with the full growth potential.

However, I’m having great difficulty understanding why you believe having a foreskin has any effect on penile blood flow or circulation. It does not make anatomical sense. The foreskin is skin. Specialized yes, but skin nonetheless. Please explain how having or losing this skin makes a difference in the circulation of blood through the entire penis. Or have I misunderstood your position?


Having the restored skin might not increase blood flow or circulation, but having the original foreskin definately will….There are nerves and veins that run through the entire foreskin. When this is chopped, the entire blood flow system is then reduced or corrupted. Clearly, one can see the benefit of not getting circ’ed.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

wasup guys,

Circumcising the penis restricts growth right? Could this mean that we are not really enlarging our penis but restoring it to its intended size??

Peing since--November 2003

I want to make clear to everybody that in post 64 The "Lost" List is something that I simply copied and pasted from the Internet because it’s something that I agree with. I felt that this list would fully answer darien’s questions.

Here’s a link that tells it like it is, it claims that the penis can end up being 25% shorter due to infantile circumcision:

http://www.eye. net/eye/issue/i … s/feelings.html


>> However, I’m having great difficulty understanding why you believe having a foreskin has any effect on penile blood flow or circulation. It does not make anatomical sense. The foreskin is skin. Specialized yes, but skin nonetheless. Please explain how having or losing this skin makes a difference in the circulation of blood through the entire penis. Or have I misunderstood your position? <<

A penis depends on good blood flow in order to stay healthy and also for it to have and maintain size. If you took the blood flow away from a penis, there wouldn’t be much left over to look at. It’s all so damned laughable. What do urologists do to a penis that is having trouble erecting? They map out and check the blood circulation by several different means, in which some of them are very advanced methods. How many intact men do you think need this kind of treatment? My guess would have to be very close to zero.

As I grew up (before and after puberty), I can clearly remember always having a cold flaccid penis, even in a room temperature environment. Also, my ball sack seemed to almost always be sucked up tight. The funny thing is, that after I did foreskin restoration in my early thirties, this problem is no longer apparent being that my penis now has more size and warmth due to improved blood circulation.

bbs is right about major reroutes and disruptions of the normal blood flow in a circumcised penis (especially infantile). Have you ever seen what they do to stop an infant from bleeding to death after they’ve "accidentally" cut into an artery? They use an electrocautery gun to burn the nuisance vein or artery shut. How could anyone expect normal blood flow after that?

As far as the penis having better vascularization due to having a foreskin (natural or restored), it does make very good sense to me. One thing I notice is that when my glans is cocooned in penile skin it naturally stays warmer and as a result of the glans being kept warmer my balls will drop. When the glans gets cold, the balls tighten. The thermostat for the testicles is mainly in the glans, although the scrotum skin is temperature sensitive also. Is it not plausible to suspect that this erroneous reading caused by circumcision can possibly effect fertility?

Tighter skin tension produced by a drastic circumcision could also be another reason for decreased flaccid blood circulation. Although, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. Our bodies are marvelous works of art that the medical industry really doesn’t know nearly as much about as they claim to.


Originally posted by r0ad_h0gg
A penis depends on good blood flow… for it to have and maintain size.

Flaccid or erect and what are your sources for this information?

What do urologists do to a penis that is having trouble erecting? They map out and check the blood circulation by several different means, in which some of them are very advanced methods. How many intact men do you think need this kind of treatment? My guess would have to be very close to zero.

I have yet to find "circumcision" listed as a cause for ED in any of the sources I’ve looked at. I have no idea what the ratio is of cut to uncut men who have ED, but I’ve learned that men all over the world suffer from it and that includes Europe and Japan where circumcision is rarely done. But are we talking about erections?

As I grew up (before and after puberty), I can clearly remember always having a cold flaccid penis, even in a room temperature environment. Also, my ball sack seemed to almost always be sucked up tight. The funny thing is, that after I did foreskin restoration in my early thirties, this problem is no longer apparent being that my penis now has more size and warmth due to improved blood circulation.

Is foreskin restoration the only thing you did? Do you agree that using a t-tape and elastic strap could be a mild form of PE? Perhaps that’s the reason your penis has more size. Please, again, explain how having a foreskin, even a restored one which is just stretched shaft skin, could make any difference in actual penile veins and arteries and their ability to carry blood to the tissues.

bbs is right about major reroutes and disruptions of the normal blood flow in a circumcised penis (especially infantile).

He is? How does the removal of and interruption of the flow of blood in the tiny veins and arteries in the skin at the end of the penis have any association with the main arteries and veins which provide blood to the penis and are located in the pelvis and perineum at the "other end" of the penis? This is like saying if you interrupt blood flow in a finger the arm will shrivel and not function properly. Your suppositions don’t make anatomical sense.

Have you ever seen what they do to stop an infant from bleeding to death after they've "accidentally" cut into an artery? They use an electrocautery gun to burn the nuisance vein or artery shut. How could anyone expect normal blood flow after that?

As a matter of fact I have the opportunity to see infant circumcision almost every day. The procedure is performed where I work. Electrocautery is rarely, if ever, used. Even if it was, the area effected is far away from the normal penile blood supply.

As far as the penis having better vascularization due to having a foreskin (natural or restored), it does make very good sense to me. One thing I notice is that when my glans is cocooned in penile skin it naturally stays warmer and as a result of the glans being kept warmer my balls will drop. When the glans gets cold, the balls tighten.

This could be an ambient temperature thing. You do understand that the reason the testicles are able to move closer to or away from the body is to keep them at the optimal temperature for sperm production? It is regulated by the relationship of body temperature and ambient temperature as sensed by the dartos muscles of the scrotal wall. The temperature of the glans has nothing to do with it.

There are five main anatomic features that allow the testes to remain cool: 1) the dartos muscle, 2) the cremaster muscle, 3) the countercurrent heat exchange system, 4) an absent fatty skin layer, and 5) abundant sweat glands. The dartos muscle lines the scrotum and relaxes when ambient temperature is warm. This cools the testes by causing them to lie further away from the body, which is the local heat source. Cremasteric fibers in the spermatic cord act similarly but more directly on testicular distance from the body proper. As warm blood in the testicular artery courses peripherally to the testes, some of its heat is transferred to the cooler returning blood in the surrounding veins of the pampiniform plexus. This is a countercurrent heat exchange system, causing blood in the testicular artery to become progressively cooler as it travels toward the testes. Finally, the absence of fat in scrotal skin allows ambient temperature to cool the testes without intervening insulation, and sweat glands contribute to heat loss by evaporative cooling. Source: lecture notes from course HST.071 Human Reproductive Biology , Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The thermostat for the testicles is mainly in the glans…

Please provide a reference for this statement, it’s news to me and the people at MIT (above).

Is it not plausible to suspect that this erroneous reading caused by circumcision can possibly effect fertility?

No, it’s not plausible at all. Circumcision has no relationship to sperm production or fertility.

Tighter skin tension produced by a drastic circumcision could also be another reason for decreased flaccid blood circulation.

Probably only in extreme cases and even then the skin would have to be extraordinarily tight to close off the main penile arteries.

Our bodies are marvelous works of art that the medical industry really doesn't know nearly as much about as they claim to.

I have no need to defend the "medical industry," but I wonder how you know so much more than the physicians, anatomists and physiologists who have been studying the body for centuries.

You haven’t convinced me that you know what you’re talking about. Having a foreskin, natural or not, does not have any relationship to glans size, penis size, erection difficulty, fertility, or anything else you’ve discussed. Please give me some references besides your personal experiences to back up your claims.

Last edited by westla90069 : 12-25-2003 at .

RHogg wrote: “What do urologists do to a penis that is having trouble erecting? They map out and check the blood circulation by several different means, in which some of them are very advanced methods. How many intact men do you think need this kind of treatment? My guess would have to be very close to zero.

Fact is, believe it or not, being cut or uncut has no bearing on the incidence or prevalence of ED except in one case, and that is when the foreskin is too tight, will not allow for shaft and glans expansion so that an erection is painful. The body compensates by permitting fewer erections. The fix for this is easy, without the loss of foreskin. This is indeed “erectile dysfunction” but not in the sense of arterial/venous insufficiency.

Percentage-wise, there are as many cut men with ED as uncut men with ED.

RHogg wrote: “The thermostat for the testicles is mainly in the glans… ”

As the rain in Spain is mainly in the plain? The thermostat for the testicles in mainly in the testicles and for the reasons westla sites.



westla90069 and advocet8,

I know that both of you guys are some kind of medical professionals. Also, I’ll bet you both think that you got me at a loss right now. As it doesn’t satisfy either of you for me to report on my own personal findings, I have been looking for good medical proof on what I’ve been preaching in this thread. As much as you guys are in total denial that there is a relationship between glans temperature and testicle regulation, I’m telling you that there is a connection. This is the main thing that I am going to prove to you guys! I’ll be reporting back as soon as I come up with something good, but for now, I’ve been having a ball on some other threads.


My post was not a personal attack. It was done to stop the spread of erroneous information. There is already a lot of personal theories, urban myths, and misinformation on the forums about a variety of men’s health issues. So when someone begins to encourage others to believe in things that are not anatomically sound, I feel the need to help clear things up.

Please continue your thread on foreskin restoration, but do it in the spirit of improving someone’s sex life and not because you personally feel that having a foreskin will do things that are contrary to known facts or common sense.


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