Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Small Glans and Foreskin Restoration


Hey Stick, long time no see post. How you been? Have you stuck to your nut sac stretching routine? I’m up to 10 rings but I’m looking for an industrial collar to use - they don’t have a tendency to slip off like the rings do. They came off and hit the floor the other day at the grocery store, a lady was standing about 6 feet away, I just muttered something like “damn drapery rings must have worn a hole in my pocket” then I went flying 3 aisles over real quick. You take care,


ROFL….that shit is funny as hell…I’ll bump up the nut sac thread….

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Wow !

For me is so weird to see such a large thread regarding this, never thought this would be a matter of so much discussion, being that I was not circumcised, I encounter other problems, it keeps getting in the way of my jelqing !

I have what you might call “normal foreskin”, it covers my glans like it should and then some, and I keep grabbing more skin than I should in every jelqing, so I end up having to apply more pressure, just enough so I don’t hurt myself, for me to be able to feel the “pump”.

PS I use lots of lube and I’m thinking of switching to dry jelqing.

Best of luck to all of you and yes having foreskin sure has its perks !

Happy growth everyone.

Aiming for "Ouch !, its soo good ! "

BPEL= 5.9" / EG = 5.1" ---GOAL---> BPEL = 8" / EG = 6.3"

This was a very good thread to read. Like most things in life, one does not think about what one does not have. I was circumcised at birth. I don’t think it had anything to do with “religious” reasons. I had my two boys circumcised. Again, had nothing to do with “religious” reasons. I can honestly say growing up I was never around uncut guys. I have a cousin who is uncut. His story is he is uncut only because his mom delivered him that morning and checked out of hospital that evening. I will say this thread has caused me to wonder if I have missed out on something.

If you think you can or think you cant; either way, you are right.

Hi, sorry if my message is difficult to understand, I’m Argentine and Spanish forum on there is not much information on this subject. I was circumcised for phimosis boy, and I am currently restoring my foreskin glans insensitivity. I’m using a tape covered mantenermel foreskin (if not using tape penis is half covered if smaller than normal, in a good flaccid size does not.). Improved sensitivity much (aided by the use of cream for dry skin) but do not think it necessary. You think the method I use has a downside or run some risk?

From already thank you, greetings.

Mayo 2015: ??x?? Después de dos meses de PE Julio: 15 NBP 16 BP x 11.6(abajo del glande) 11.8 (mitad) 12.3 (base) EG

Primera meta: 17 BP x 12.5 EG (tomando desde la mitad). Segunda meta: 18BP x 13.5 EG. Utopia: 20 BP x 15 EG

I don’t know if anyone is still interested in this, but there is a lot of great info on foreskin restoration now.

I am unfamiliar with the term "ADS" used in this quote.

Originally Posted by r0ad_h0gg
In response to WannaBeHung’s question “Wow, some GREAT info r0ad_h0gg. My concern is a little bit different though. Let me try and explain my situation, and you can tell me how you would assess the problem.”


I have had the exact same problem as you describe - the CC gets hard but the CS stays soft. My penis was this way from as early as I can remember as a result of my circumcision. In this state the sex isn’t nearly as good for the woman as it could be - you can screw the heck out of her like this and it won’t make her come. I know how to help you with this - you will be able to get an extremely engorged mushroom head with out a ring.

The way nature works is quite simple to understand. When you have a sexual dysfunction, would it make sense for the glans to become hard first without a hard shaft or the opposite? The glans is the last thing to erect. You aren’t getting to the full stages of an erection. Although, you can still penetrate a female for reproduction - right?

Your problem is insufficient blood flow to your genitals. This problem will never correct itself if you smoke or chew snuff. Somehow you have inadvertently narrowed your penile arteries (circumcision, smoking, etc.) which prevents a full erection. If you can get the blood to flow down there, you will be able to have an amazing erection that will lock itself up and stand straight up on end. In this state, the whole penis along with the glans will also become larger than you are used to seeing. You won’t believe your eyes if you ever get this to occur. Don’t buy into the crap about having a congenital venous leak. This is most definitely a problem caused by circumcision but the medical industry claims that some males are born with a congenital venous leak. Bullshit!

The way I was able to achieve a full glans was to quit smoking for two months and wear an ADS for half hour wearings as many times as I could everyday. With in two weeks, the ADS opened up my penile arteries and I got an erection bigger then I have ever had in my life. Also, just jelqing alone can help this if done correctly. Circumcision has a natural tendency to reduce blood flow to the penis and if you combine this with smoking you’re screwed.

It doesn’t look as though you have any extra skin when erect. Foreskin restoration will also help your penile/genital blood flow. The t-tapes act as an ADS. Unfortunately, there’s no real easy way to do restoration. Do a search for “pill tube method foreskin restoration” on the web. To me, this would be an easier way, but I prefer t-taping. What ever you do, don’t waste your money on any of the foreskin restoration devices - I think they are all a waste of money as you can easily make what ever it is that you will need. Also, some of the devices are very dangerous to wear.


I apologize for my ignorance but what is this “ADS” that you are speaking of? I haven’t seen this term yet and this thread is very helpful as I’ve been dealing with decreased blood flow due to circumcision as well. Thanks in advance for your response!

I re-grew my foreskin starting when I was 14. Virtually every erection was so painful. My entire penis was rigid (like the part of a drum you play to make noise on). My penis is just so much more comfortable now. I am really glad I did it. The only way to be successful doing this is for tugging to re-grow your foreskin is as mundane as brushing your teeth.

I am kind of in the same situation now with lengthening my penis. So far I’ve lengthened my flaccid penis by about 3.8cm. I am hoping to gain about that same amount again. I’m using the Sizegenetics. To accommodate my foreskin I purchased VLC. It is so helpful.

Sorry if I missed the response to this… I tried to real along and through the 9 pages.

at the start of the thread one of the things that was mentioned was the small glans… being 1 inch less than the girth of the mid shaft.

I am not circumsized.. but I am also a good inch less in girth at the gland than I am mid shaft. Pumping off and on for the last year has helped that a little bit ( Not much )

So I will ask this question:

What techniques and exercises can I use to specifically increase the size of my glans more than my shaft? I would like the exercises to be permanent.

Thank you in advance.


You guys talk a lot about foreskin restoration, but personally I don’t want to have to do that but I need to do something because my glans hurt all the time with friction/rubbing. I’ve used bacitracin, vaseline, aquafor, and doing nothing, but still my glans are so sensitive and red and seem so raw even though I’m trying to be very careful. Do you guys have any suggestions?? Thanks I may look into foreskin restoration but that would be more of a last resort sorta thing.

Trever harris

Originally Posted by Trever
You guys talk a lot about foreskin restoration, but personally I don’t want to have to do that but I need to do something because my glans hurt all the time with friction/rubbing. I’ve used bacitracin, vaseline, aquafor, and doing nothing, but still my glans are so sensitive and red and seem so raw even though I’m trying to be very careful. Do you guys have any suggestions?? Thanks I may look into foreskin restoration but that would be more of a last resort sorta thing.

Do you wear underwear, if so what type?

There are some de sensitizing creams available. Their primary purpose is to reduce sensitivity for guys with premature ejaculation, but may be something you could try, however the red/raw aspect is perplexing and this cream may not help with this.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Thanks For Replying

I wear cotton underwear, yeah I went to a urologist and he said there was nothing he could do for me after I explained everything to him. At this point I am just really pissed off. I don’t know what else I can try to help this? Would epson salt baths help? Would another cream/ointment be better? I don’t know if anyone on here has experienced this but would appreciate the help.

Trever harris

What exactly did the urologist tell you? Any guidance of what it could be? Did he agree it was a physicalmissue or suggest there may be mental aspects? Had he ever seen it before? Any instructions or thoughts of possible treatment? Suggest another route for treatment, medical specialist or other? Any specific time frame or incident which caused this situation?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

If I was in this situation I would try the Epsom salts short term an the would try the foreskin restoration as a permanent fix.

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

Reply To 32 Headquarters

Originally Posted by 32quarters
What exactly did the urologist tell you? Any guidance of what it could be? Did he agree it was a physicalmissue or suggest there may be mental aspects? Had he ever seen it before? Any instructions or thoughts of possible treatment? Suggest another route for treatment, medical specialist or other? Any specific time frame or incident which caused this situation?

The urologist pretty much said the only thing that this reminded him of was someone who is newly circumcised. He said he has seen people who had experienced the same hypersensitivity after getting circumsized, but I have always been circumcised. Also, it’s not only that it’s hypersensitive, the glans are pretty chaffed and I can’t even rub my finger across them without them turning bright red and stinging a bit. He said bacitracin should help, but I already tried that early on for like 2 weeks and nothing changed. He said it most likely was caused from using a lot of soaps in the area growing up and also from working out a lot in tight restrictive spandex. So that kind of combined to make the area hypersensitive and redish/discolored a bit. He said pretty much there is nothing he can do for me, I was really confused when he said that. Like did he not want to help me out? Anyway, he said nothing “appeared” to be abnormal, but I literally don’t know what to do because I can’t keep having to workout/exercise/play sports in pain like this. Plus how am I supposed to have s*x when I can’t even walk around my house without wincing when the tip barely touched my cotton underwear. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Trever harris


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