Thunder's Place

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someone please help, NUMB head


someone please help, NUMB head

I am so so down right now, I was doing just fine with PE for years and then I finally did hanging, did all the right stuff and was really safe. I did it for a week last month and the last 2 days I noticed my head was really numb. So I stopped, 2 weeks later I tried it again, most of the feeling had come back, this time I did 3 10 minute hangs at 5 lbs, my head was number than the 3 weeks before! It’s been a week and it’s still numb, not as bad, but I am having a hard time getting it up from the loss of feeling and numbness. My penis looks fine, it never got dicolored or cold. Is this perminant, someone please tell me they have gone through this before and over time got most of the feeling back and numbness to go away.

I bought a heating pad today and will use it daily, drinking a lot of water, and taking a lot of vitamens. What else can I do. I not going to do any PE until months after it’s gone. And no more hanging! My god this wasn’t worth it! I feel so bad for my girlfriend, I have such a low lobedo right now.

I think you need some rest. From what I have seen, these types of things usually clear up with time.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...


Hanging should not bother your head unless you doing something wrong. Take some time off bro and than before you hang if you do again make sure you have good equipment and you know your doing it right.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


What kind of hanging device were you using?

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

You will recover! Just rest and it will come back don’t panic. I had numbness for about 2 weeks from over use with the Penimaster. It must be your hanging technique? I will repeat Kogs’s question….what contraption are you using? I hang with the Bib and rarely have problems. I went numb once for only a few minutes from hanging too long.

NUmb head

I was using the captains wench. It was comfortable and felt ok. Maybe I was tightening it too tight, I don’t know, I made sure I never felt weight being pulled on the head, I kept it in the middle of my penis when stretching. But I remember my head was getting really expanded when I was doing it, not hard, but fuller than it should.

This numbness is a horrible feeling, I hate it. Should I not have sex or get hard on for a while? Cuase I got a hand job from my girl last night and woke up with the numb head again. This really really sucks.

I’m sure it’ll go away. Just take a break and let it recover for a few.

I’ve never used the Captain’s Wench, but maybe someone familiar with it will come along and have some advice.

In the meantime, calm down and relax. You’ll be fine. ;)

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Ophiosaurus, did you do anything to help the numbness go away over that 2 week period time? I’ve been told that doing hot and then cold wraps will somehow help, I haven’t noticed if it has, I get a tingly feeling it the head big time when I go from cold to hot/warm. The numbness isn’t as bad when I keep it warm, am I doing the right thing? Hot wraps and heating pads? I just started this week.

Thanks for the quick replys guys. I really appreciate it.

I say you just need to let the tissue heal on its own. Some warmth and light cold may help but who knows what is best. Just listen to your body and it will repair itself :) . Treat it gently when its healing.

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Avoid sex, masturbation and PE for at least a week (I know that may be tough). It will get better. My condition cleared up in two week and I have full feeling now. You nerves have to regrow and they will. I know what you are going through because I was in a panic state too. I am back with PE full force but more cautious. My event happened in October (2003).


It sounds like you are putting too much pressure on your dorsal nerve. Althought the nerve ending (bundle) is right under the glans, the nerve itself (obviously) runs throughout the entire penis. Nerves have amazing healing ability unless they are completely severed, so take some time off and feeling will return to normal. You probably feel numb again after the hand job because it damaged a nerve while it was still in a state of healing. Nerves are damaged on a regular basis all throughout the body (on a microscopic level) with normal activities, so don’t freak out about all of this. When you start back, start back in slowly with hanging and pay careful attention to where you feel the pressure while you are hanging and how you feel after that session. Perhaps try putting an extra layer of wrap around the top of your shaft or using a different (more “cushiony” … if that really is a word) type of wrap to see if it helps. Keep us posted bro.


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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

> someone please tell me they have gone through this before and over time got most of the feeling back and numbness to go away.

I have, and yes you will recover. But it can take some time.

The best advice I can give you is don’t rush back to hanging. These things can be scary, and you wonder if you’ll ever fully recover feeling or be able to hang again. Don’t fret.

Take a few weeks or a month off, then start back with some light manual stretching and jelqing. See how it goes. If ok, try hanging light weight (a couple pounds) for a short set - not more than 10 minutes or so. Work up from there slowly. If the numbness returns, stop and rest a few more weeks before trying again. That’s what I had to do.

Even after you have fully recovered, shorter sets may be best for you. Stick to 15 minutes max and get in the habit of touching the head every few minutes while you hang to monitor sensitivity. If it starts to go numb, end the set immediately.

Thank you guys so much to the encouragement, I feel 10 times better. My girlfriend got us a bed and breakfast at the coast this Saturday night, I hope I don’t have troubles downstairs, bad timing to get a numb dick. She spent alot of money, and shes expecting the usual/more so from me. I guess I could take a bunch of ginsing or something. Damn it. Damn it you numbness.

Originally Posted by MustBeDreaming
But I remember my head was getting really expanded when I was doing it, not hard, but fuller than it should.

MBD, like the other guys I have to go ahead and recommend you rest. Take a good two weeks off (yes it sucks, but do you really want a broken penis for life?)

Now, what exactly are you using for a wrap? How tight is it? I’m asking these seemingly asenine questions because a slight adjustment in wrap can make for a world of comfort during the hanging session. Try this: Wrap as you normally do and sit for about 10 minutes without a hanger attached. Check on your glans. If it’s swollen or engorged, then that means you’re wrapping too tightly and you need to unwrap and try again. You should be able to sit for 20 minutes(without a hanger attached), free of swelling. But…don’t try this until you’ve had some time off, eh?

Hell yes, of course I’m not even touching my dick right now, I’m scared to death that I may have perminantly lost sensation when the numbness goes away. Yes I was wrapping to tight and tightening way too tight. If all feeling does come back I will try and hang again months from now. In a month depending on how I am doing I’ll start out doing light PE sessions, very very light stretching. I’m not even thinking about PE right now, I just want the feeling to come back and numbness to go away. I used a heating pad all last night while I was sleeping, today the numbness is less noticeable and have a bit more feeling than yesterday, so this is helping a little bit.

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