Thunder's Place

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Stretching or hanging preferable to gain length?

Stretching or hanging preferable to gain length?

I have a BibHanger but i see that many guys here gain a lot with stretching so is stretching better than hanging?

Well, I only stretch currently, but I can say this:

It would seem to me that it would be most beneficial to do both. Stretching provides a more intense pressure, but hanging provides tension over a longer timespan. It would make sense that the best way to use them in conjunction would be to hang to your point of fatigue (and your lower-weight sets afterwards of course), then after your hanging sets, stretch some throughout to day to provide an intense stretch to the already stressed/weakened tissues. I am a newbie to PE, so you may want to take this advice cum grano salis especially if I am corrected by a vet or someone with more personal experiece. I am not sure how much one should really worry about overtraining unless you are trying to use enough weight/stretch force to pull the damn thing off. :p

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

I both hang…mostly hang 4 hours a day total 6 days a week right now…7th day I only hang an hour in the morning. No matter what day of the week it is, I stretch every few minutes or free minute I can. I think stretching as often as possible is the best for length whether you hang or just stretch.

l have just introduced stretching to my hanging routine and I have found that the intensity occurs more so whilst stretching rather than hanging.

However, I do not know whether it is better to stretch after hanging or before, currently I stretch ater my hanging, but I find that there is less tension and I have have to yank harder to get some ‘pull’ , which I think is good.


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