Thunder's Place

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Effects of Hanging on Length and Girth?


Effects of Hanging on Length and Girth?

Bib (and others) If I understand you correctly, you theorize that hanging “stretches” various connective tissues and that these tissues vary in strength. Some tissues stretch at one weight while others take more. When a tissue is stretched it is then important to encourage it to heal in the new extended state. This being done with frequent stretching.

If this correctly states your theory it would seem that max weight hanging only need be done until that stretch is made and then lighter weight to “train” the tissue. Possibly frequent manual stretching between hanging periods. Am I describing this correctly? If I am not mistaken, in previous posts you seemed to advocate as much work as possible. Do you still feel this way?

Also, I can clearly understand how and why hanging would increase length… but… how about girth? I can’t remember your before stats… something like 4.5x3.5? and your current stats of around 9x6 (outrageous to say the least). How much (if any) do you feel the hanging helped with the girth?

Also, as somewhat of a newbie, what is a “ULI” thing? What is the process of doing “uli’s”?


>Bib (and others) If I understand you correctly, you theorize that hanging “stretches” various connective tissues and that these tissues vary in strength. Some tissues stretch at one weight while others take more. When a tissue is stretched it is then important to encourage it to heal in the new extended state. This being done with frequent stretching. <

Actually, parts of individual fibers fail. They break or extend. Then they are healed in a stronger state. Each individual part of each fiber has a stress failure point. As the next limiting fiber area fails, others take up the slack.

>If this correctly states your theory it would seem that max weight hanging only need be done until that stretch is made and then lighter weight to “train” the tissue. Possibly frequent manual stretching between hanging periods. Am I describing this correctly? If I am not mistaken, in previous posts you seemed to advocate as much work as possible. Do you still feel this way? <

Yes. You are mostly correct, but it needs a couple of clarifications. The max weight vs training issue might be misunderstood.

There should not be a huge failure. I am talking about many very small failures. So that with continued stress, new failures should occur against the next limiting factors while the ‘old’ failures are being healed. The amount of controlled damage that has occured is manifested in the amount of soreness, and if too much, the amount of pain.

>Also, I can clearly understand how and why hanging would increase length… but… how about girth? I can’t remember your before stats… something like 4.5x3.5? and your current stats of around 9x6 (outrageous to say the least). How much (if any) do you feel the hanging helped with the girth? <

I started at <6 x 5. Now, 10.5 x 6.5-7.25. My girth increased at the base from hanging about 1.5 inches. This was on the first third of my penis. Nothing toward the head until I started ULis.

>Also, as somewhat of a newbie, what is a “ULI” thing? What is the process of doing “uli’s”? <

I think a good explanation is in Sizes FAQ. Ulis as I use the term is the process of creating tremendous internal pressure in the major chambers by various means. I did it using an Uli thing or a hanger. Others simply use their hands.


Bib, thanks for the answers. Like most guys I definitely WANT a bigger dick. I have been PEing for 4 months and gained 0.75” BPEL and 0.10” EG. I also just ordered a bib starter. I gotta say that testimonials such as yours are huge motivators. I mean HOLY SHIT 4.5” gained!!! I have gone from 5.75 to 6.5 bpel and am THRILLED. Of course some is never enough and I hope to reach at least 7.5 x 5.5. I am also very interested in gaining girth as my current 4.5 seems well below average.

Sorry that I “assumed” your starting size at 4.5”, I had read your very helpful post at (the ez board is UP again!) and you had mentioned 9” EL and I had just subtracted the 4.5” gain I had read about elsewhere. Are your measurements BP?

Thanks again for your tremendous contribution to an area so many of us men (and our women) are interested in!

PS. How long will it take to ship my bib starter?


You have to realize, my gains are off the curve as far as the general population of PEers. I just am extremely lucky having a lot of penis inside my body to begin with. Lengthening the ligs brought out a lot, probably in the area of two inches or more. Also, I did a tremendous amount of work to get it. More time than most people have. Having said that, someone will gain more one day if they have not already.

Two to three inches is not uncommon however, and I am sure there are many lurkers who have gained that much or more.

>Are your measurements BP?<


>PS. How long will it take to ship my bib starter? <

All the orders I received since I went on Xmas vacation went out today. I had to work like hell to get them all out. Also, I ran out of Theraband already and Mrs. Bib had to go find some and buy at a huge price. You should receive confirmation sometime tonight.


Bib, yes I understand your gains are exceptional. My guess is that standard PEing ie jelking is good for 1” to 2”s and streching ie hanging is good for another one to two (more?) depending on individual physical conditions such as lig tightness and erectile tissue within the crotch area. Sound reasonable?

Girth is another matter. Some, such as Uli, report tremendous gains. Didn’t you say that you only saw head and near head girth gains after beginning to do power squeeze type excercises? Are the girth gains noticeable flaccid? Do you feel that there is more tissue or that the existing tissue expands more when erect?

I also recall your mentioning staying wrapped after hanging and experiencing extended periods with a partial erection. Do you feel this allowed only the length gains to be maximized or was girth enhanced by this as well? Do you think the wrapping as just described would be more or less effective than a stretching device of some type?


>Bib, yes I understand your gains are exceptional. My guess is that standard PEing ie jelking is good for 1” to 2”s and streching ie hanging is good for another one to two (more?) depending on individual physical conditions such as lig tightness and erectile tissue within the crotch area. Sound reasonable? <

I am not certain there is a limit to the amount of gain. Also, I am not sure that everyone can gain. It all depends on the strength of the important tissues and the amount of time and effort one has to expend. It also much depends on the individuals risk/reward frame of mind. How badly do you actually want a larger penis? I decided very early, after I had some gain and knew it was possible, that I was going all out. There were times that I took chances. I did things that were not really healthy, or pushed the envelope more than I should have. But then, I acheived way more than I ever thought posssible.

>Girth is another matter. Some, such as Uli, report tremendous gains. Didn’t you say that you only saw head and near head girth gains after beginning to do power squeeze type excercises?<

I already had the girth toward the base. All I tried to gain was toward the head . I only did Ulis. No power squeezes. Unless a power squeeze is an Uli. I don’t know what a power squeeze is.

>Are the girth gains noticeable flaccid?<

Yes. I never measured my flaccid girth, but it is very obvious.

>Do you feel that there is more tissue or that the existing tissue expands more when erect? <

Both. There is more tissue and it expands a lot more than prePE.

>I also recall your mentioning staying wrapped after hanging and experiencing extended periods with a partial erection. Do you feel this allowed only the length gains to be maximized or was girth enhanced by this as well?<

I think I got some head and upper shaft girth gains from staying wrapped. I do not know if it ever helped with length gains whatsoever. I tend to think it did not. Really not a lot of stress on the longitudinal bonds. In order to help with length, you would probably need to wrap at the base and become really engorged to stress the correct bonds.

>Do you think the wrapping as just described would be more or less effective than a stretching device of some type? <

More effective for girth. Less effective for length.

>you had mentioned 9” EL and I had just subtracted the 4.5” gain I had read about elsewhere. Are your measurements BP? <

I said my wife wanted me to stop when I reached nine. I did not because she was not real serious. At about 10.5 she became very serious.


Bib I must cmmend you as the top motivator for PErs. Whenever I do PE I always get the motivation/inspiration from veterans like you. I remember having read your routine of 9 hours of hanging /day. I was thinking of quantifying this a bit. If u do an average of 5 days hanging a week it comes to 45 hours of hang time/ week and 180 hours /month. Of course every one cant afford to put in that much time and effort due to time/privacy constraints. But I would a satisfied if my five hour/week hanging will give me gains in the long run. Your one month gain (1/4 ” I think) can be equated to my 9 month of effort (assuming other factors to be the same). Am I correct? Should I add more hang time/week? I do get sore after a work out hanging at 8 lbs. But the memeber is real sore when I hang the next day. BTW I use your starter model. Without hanging there is no soreness except when i have sex or when I pull it at the hang angle when visit the toilet. Your thoughts please.


>Your one month gain (1/4 ” I think) can be equated to my 9 month of effort (assuming other factors to be the same). Am I correct?<

No, I think there is a point where additional hang time is not really effective. I probably could have gained about the same with half or less work. However, I don’t know that for sure. Also, the most productive work is the at the beginning. IOW, the first hour is more productive than the second, second more than the third etc.

>Should I add more hang time/week? I do get sore after a work out hanging at 8 lbs. But the memeber is real sore when I hang the next day. BTW I use your starter model. Without hanging there is no soreness except when i have sex or when I pull it at the hang angle when visit the toilet. Your thoughts please. <

It sounds as if you are doing it right. You say you are very sore, do you have to reduce the weight from eight pounds? Hanging in this fatigued state is when I felt like I got my best gains. Later, you will find it progressively harder to get this feeling as your penis becomes stronger. You will have to hang more weight for longer time.

Also, make sure it is the ligs on top which are sore and not the skin only. But it sounds like you are doing good.


Bib, thanks again for the responses. After posting I did read in elsewhere your answers to most of my questions above. Thanks for replying anyway. I would not have been insulted if you instead just suggested that I read existing posts.

I also understand you statement to Mike regarding time needed for results. Once the connective tissue fails at a given hanging weight the remainder of the hang time is just to… well, what is it for? Healing while streched? That was my thinking on the staying wrapped for length. Not that the wrap or the pressure it creates causes lengthening but rather the prolonged period that the tissues would stay elongated and that time allowance for some healing in that state.

In that same vein, your comments in the thread “Healing and an appology” suggest that your theory is any adhesions formed between hanging (day to day) are quickly failed and therefore inconsequential. Of course the fear being the possibility that the failed tissues could heal in a SHORTER state, your theory (if correct) would appear to negate that concern.

BTW, my order was mailed today. Assuming normal Texas mail of 2 days for Houston to Decatur, how long should it take to ship my starter? Are you in stock or build to fill?


>Once the connective tissue fails at a given hanging weight the remainder of the hang time is just to… well, what is it for? Healing while streched? <

I don’t think you understand exactly what is happening. Maybe I don’t either. There is not a one event failure of the connective tissue. In order to get good gains, you need many micro failures. These failures do not occur at the same time, or at the same stresses. I will try to explain this some more in the thread “healing and an apology” just as soon as I can. Bear with me.

>That was my thinking on the staying wrapped for length. Not that the wrap or the pressure it creates causes lengthening but rather the prolonged period that the tissues would stay elongated and that time allowance for some healing in that state.<

I understand that and it may be valid. I simply did not try it (wrapping at the base) to where the elastin fibers were out of the picture, and the collagenous fibers were in the extended state. When I stayed wrapped, it was in the hanging position, and only the head and upper shaft swelled.

>In that same vein, your comments in the thread “Healing and an appology” suggest that your theory is any adhesions formed between hanging (day to day) are quickly failed and therefore inconsequential. Of course the fear being the possibility that the failed tissues could heal in a SHORTER state, your theory (if correct) would appear to negate that concern.<

Yes. If you hang several times per week, any adhesions would be pulled free and would not be a factor. The amount of stress needed to produce new failures should be far more than the stress needed to break fresh adhesions.

>BTW, my order was mailed today. Assuming normal Texas mail of 2 days for Houston to Decatur, how long should it take to ship my starter? Are you in stock or build to fill? <

If it is a money order, I try to get them out the next day. Right now, I am out of Theraband again. Mrs. Bib will have to go hunting again. Bless her. Also, I have shipped out everything I made before Xmas. So, I spent all day cooking f-ing plastic. Not in a good mood. So anyway, you should have it by early next week.


Thanks for your thoughts BIB. I came across another of your post where you suggested to alternate the hang direction if too sore. I have been hanging BTC all the time with the result that it is a real difficult thing to hang in the same direction with same weight. But I do manage with some effort next day. Now I will hang OTL or OTS till the time BTC hang position has healed. Is this strategy correct? Thanks in advance for your patience.


This is the kind of stuff I love. You are correct sir.

>I have been hanging BTC all the time with the result that it is a real difficult thing to hang in the same direction with same weight. <

Yes! Almost appears to be conterproductive to try to hang BTC? That is total fatigue. Try to hang straight out for a set and see how that feels. There should not be a lot of stress on the ligs at that angle. Also, manually stretch in the BTC angle from time to time, just to break any adhesions.

If you cannot hang straight out, then go to the OTS and OTL angles. Let me know how long it takes to go back to BTC. Should only be a couple days.

Good post.


I “believe” I understand. The speed of which the failures occur would be similar to when you store a near empty jar of mustard (or some other viscous fluid) upside down. At first, very little happens, then, slowly, drip by drip, the mustard flows down, eventually all of it doing so. The stress (gravity) did not change but the prolonged exposure did eventually cause all of the mustard to drip. Even if you “pop” the bottle, thereby creating momentary increases in force, not ALL the mustard moves but time and the lessor sustained force of gravity eventually completes the task.

In that same thought, the individual connective tissue strands would be slowly stretching and some breaking and as that happens the other tissues would bear slightly more load and stretch further and eventually fail one by one (or maybe a few at a time) according to the load vs. the strength of the tissue bearing the load vs. time under load.

I see what you mean about the wrapping and its swelling effect only on the uncovered area. You mentioned that the girth gains from hanging were on the first third of your length and that doing Uli’s created girth gains on the rest. You also said that you have both more mass and it swells more than pre-PE. Is the 2nd third the same general structure of tissue or does it grow and shrink more than the 1st third?

Mike, I look forward to getting my starter and contribute actual experiences such as you are able to do.

Regarding my order, thanks for the timetable. Unfortunately, I sent a check, hopefully the banks involved will process it quickly.

BTW, I bought 10#, 5# and 2.5# weight plates. I didn’t see any 1 pound weights. Is a 2.5# jump TOO much at a time? How do you suggest attaching the plates to the hanger? I realize there is a strap attached to the hanger but I doubt you suggest using it alone? Or, maybe you do?

attaching wieights

I use plate weights also with my Bib Hanger. I simply run a rope through the middle hole of the weights and then tie it together on around one side of the all the weights (stacked together). That way you have a nice stack of weights that are tied together and you can loop the S-hook through the rope that is holding the weights together. By the way, I also like to just use some sand-filled ankle weights (they use velcro to attach in a cuff around your ankle) and attach those to the hanger. the nice thing about the ankle weights is that they won’t cause a lot of noise if you drop them etc., and you can kind of have them laying around without raising so many questions. To add more weight to the ankle weights, I can just slip a 2.5 pound weight inside the “cuff”.

Hope this helps,

Bib, just to clarify in my mind…when people say you hung 9 hrs per day is that total time (including rest) or is it actual hang time? With rest time that would be 18 sets per day 5 days a week or 90 sets per week. Even at 1/2 of that it would take 45 sets per week or 180 sets to gain 1/4 inch (provided you are hanging properly and not just going through the motions). Is my logic reasonable or am I missing something?

I would be willing to keep track of my next 180 sets to see if this is valid. At least that way I could develop resonable expectations for myself as to the amount of gain I can expect vs the work. In fact I will measure and then report back after 180 sets (it may take me two months to get that many sets in so be patient). Or if you have a different idea I would be willing to listen.

Also a question if you don’t mind. What kind of flaccid gains did you see in length? Were they in line with your erect gains or did they come before erect gains?

Again, thank you for your time. I can only imagine the amount of time you give to answering everyones questions.

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