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Stretching while sore

Stretching while sore

I haven’t seen any threads on this. I was wondering what you guys think about stretching while sore or achy.
Not a painful sore though, but a good feeling of soreness. Whether it is in the ligs or the tunica, I get it in the ligs and the top side of the shaft towards the first quarter of it coming out from the base.

When I stretch like this, I feel the stretch is more productive, but that is just the way it feels, because I feel it more, I was wondering who takes a day off, or does a light day, or just keeps going like normal. EQ excellent and No negative PI’s.

Sometimes before I am sore in the ligs I get a lig pop, doesn’t hurt, actually feels good. Just because it feels productive to me doesn’t mean it’s not counter productive, so any information from what you guys think would be nice, thanks.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

I sometimes get this feeling and I just do light stretches and avoid doing SD. I’m not advocating “stretch when sore” this is just what I do. If you have sore legs because you worked hard at the gym you don’t spend the next day with your feet up (at least not all day), you just take things a little easier.

Just remember the dorsal veins pass through the suspensory ligament and up into the abdominals so it could be this that’s sore from being stretched and not the lig. Impossible to pinpoint though. Just dont hurt yourself. :)

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
I sometimes get this feeling and I just do light stretches and avoid doing SD. I’m not advocating “stretch when sore” this is just what I do. If you have sore legs because you worked hard at the gym you don’t spend the next day with your feet up (at least not all day), you just take things a little easier.

Just remember the dorsal veins pass through the suspensory ligament and up into the abdominals so it could be this that’s sore from being stretched and not the lig. Impossible to pinpoint though. Just dont hurt yourself. :)

True, but when I am sore from the gym I usually stretch and it feels good. But on the injury note, I have been either skipping the day or doing a light day when sore, really don’t feel like another injury, just looking for people experiences with this. :) Thanks for the advice TS.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Hey newnew,

When I’m sore I stretch. Wether it’s soreness from jelking/clamping, I just keep on stretching every day any time I can.
Theres no bloodflow involved, no pumping up the penis. It feels allright and doesn’t increase soreness, just length.
IMHO? There are no negative PI’s involved in stretching but……….. go with the feeling. Pain is no gain.

Maybe a poll on the subject is an idea?


I stretch when I am sore the way you’ve described it. Don’t really know if it’s good or bad, but since I’m doing it obviously I don’t think it’s bad. I just take it as a sign that the stretching is working.

Question for yah: What is a lig pop?

22.01.08 NBPEL: 5.91/15cm, BEG: 4.29/10.9cm, MEG: 4.53/11.5cm

03.09.09 NBPEL: 6.26/15.9cm, BPEL: 7.09/18cm, BEG: 4.49/11.4cm, MEG: 4.92/12.5cm

Knine have you had any gains while stretching while a little sore, I usually just wait until I’m not sore, but have been curious to stretch while sore. (Sore as in the good feeling)

Chande11 how is your EQ and any negative PI’s?
The lig pop thing, I heard members here talk about it in some threads, didn’t get too much into it, but sometimes when I stretch up I get a pop feel in the ligs, it’s not really audible, but I do my routine in the shower as of late and it’s tough to hear, but I felt it a few times over the last month or so. I’ll be looking into it more but I am sure there will be no definites on anything positive or negative from it.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Newnew: No negative PI’s, I’d stop if I got any. Actually, these few weeks I’ve been doing it my penis in flaccid state has increased a lot in length, so my limited experience is solely positive. As for the EQ it is better than ever, but I started kegeling and manual stretching (which produces the soreness) at the same time, so I guess stretching while sore could be negative but the BC-training is compensating for it. However I don’t think it is. Though to say what about it would effect EQ either way except if one is so sore that getting an erection is unpleasant, in which case one obviously shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.

Lig pops sounds scary. Is it the ligaments snapping/tearing? I’ll probably freak out if I get one, but a bit less now that I know it’s common:) .

22.01.08 NBPEL: 5.91/15cm, BEG: 4.29/10.9cm, MEG: 4.53/11.5cm

03.09.09 NBPEL: 6.26/15.9cm, BPEL: 7.09/18cm, BEG: 4.49/11.4cm, MEG: 4.92/12.5cm

Soreness is usually a bad sign.

November 08: BPEL = 6.2

August 09: BPEL = 7.0

Originally Posted by Lambros

Soreness is usually a bad sign.

Not talking about a painful sore though, other members have mentioned a worked feeling or dull ache that feels quite pleasant.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

“Knine have you had any gains while stretching while a little sore, I usually just wait until I’m not sore, but have been curious to stretch while sore. (Sore as in the good feeling)”

I can’t tell, I stretch as often as I can, sore feeling or not. I do grow but I might grow more or faster doing the exercises when I’m not sore, I really don’t know.
Fact of the matter is that I keep getting longer and that’s what counts for me.


Then thats a good think, but I am still curious if this is productive or counter productive, you can still gain, just maybe not as much, I don’t know. But at least gains are coming.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

There is good sore and there is bad sore. The difference is if you are experiencing fatigue or if you are injured.

I don`t mind the soreness my self personally, but you got to feel what is best for yourself.

If it is fatigue, I don`t think it is dangerous.

I wouldn’t say fatigue, just like an ache, but it feels good. If there is ever a painful sore I would back off immediately, I really don’t stretch when sore, but was thinking about it since it feels good, today I am a little sore in a good feeling way and just doing some piss pulls feels pretty good, so I’m still not sure what I will do, just looking for other people’s experiences at this moment.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

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