Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgery Forum?

View Poll Results:

Would you like a Surgery Forum added to Thundersplace?

YES! I think this is very important


Yes, I think it is somewhat important


I don’t actively desire one, but am not opposed to the idea


No, I am actively against the idea

Total Votes: 100. You may not vote on this poll

>17 “no opinion” votes<

Those look more like negative votes to me.

My tally looks like this:

- 35 “for” votes
- 30 “against” votes

Originally Posted by memento
Those look more like negative votes to me.

How can “I don’t actively desire one, but am not opposed to the idea” be construed as “opposed”? :confused:

I would parse this statement as a conjunction of two propositions: (1) I don’t support the surgery forum; (2) I don’t oppose the surgery forum.

Because it’s a status quo vote and currently we don’t have one.

Of course the only sensible way to hold a vote like this is to have a yes/no option only. You don’t go into a voting booth and vote 80% for one candidate and 20% for another (unless you’re in one of the weird european democracies) and we can’t partially create a forum.

Right now there are only 19 people who think this place needs a surgery forum badly.

Gotcha. I can see how subjectivity comes into play in interpreting the results (interesting how Westla sees it as “yes,” I see it as “no opinion,” and you see it as “no”). Since this isn’t being determined by a numerical vote, I suppose it’s not important that we agree on how we would “count” the votes — the meaning of the votes should be transparent enough, from the labels, to the guy making the decision.

God is on my side! MY SIDE!

[/Exercise in biblical exegesis.]

Break it down Para

35 for <= make me a forum
17 who gives a fuck <= don’t make a forum
13 no way <= don’t make a forum

Or maybe we should have a forum that’s just visible on Wednesdays if there’s a full moon.

So no we get to argue about interpreting Thunder’s interpretation? (:

Thursdays, mem, Thursdays.

Originally Posted by westla90069

8-Ball - I don’t see the relevance of the threads on Twat’s News. That forum and The Dive and others like them are for entertainment and not for PE discussions. That’s why I ignored them when I did my searches. How could their diversity of topics have any bearing on the validity of having a surgery forum? :confused:

I think you missed my point. A few people have said that a)PE surgery isn’t relevent enough to the forum and b)there doesn’t seem to be enough interest. I responded to point a) by showing some of the forums/threads that ARE allowed here. Clearly PE surgery is more relevent to PE than the stuff thet goes on at Twat’s news and a few others. This is a PE forum and we can’t discuss PE via surgery but we can discuss George Washington’s false teeth and in a “recent study” men were found to be genetically superior shoppers than women? This seems a little biased to me. I responded to point b) by showing that in this forum the vast majority of the threads have few (if any) replies and few views. I think a surgery forum could do as well or better. Sure the extreme post and view count of my thread is artifically inflated by the moderators keeping track of it, but half the threads in the Twat’s News forum never get even a single reply or 100 views. Certainly the moderator presence in my thread doesn’t account for such a big disparity.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf


I voted that I’m not against a forum but I’m kind of against surgery in general so I’m kind of hoping thunder feels the same way and doesn’t want the forum to seem like we support it. Thunders is about natural PE. I think the question does thunders want to stay pure or expand into all forums of PE. And honestly I rather discuss false teeth with twat than penis surgery. I can’t even read this thread because talking about surgery rubs me the wrong way and I find the whole thing pretty sick but that’s just my opinion and whatever thunder decides is cool with me but I would be lying to say I didn’t hope that we don’t start one but either way it’s not something I feel very strongly about.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ve tried to be as reasonable as possible posting here about my surgery experience, and since I think this surgery forum debate will end up going on and on here I will be the one to concede since I can tell this idea is not highly supported by the guys running the show here. Those who want to learn about it can view my thread which I will continue to update and I am always reachable with PM. If the moderators do change their minds just let me know and I will be willing to gather the information we need, but there’s no point in having this go back and forth, thanks to everyone for considering it.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

8-ball, sometimes being reasonable just doesn’t work. You did give it your best shot though.

Hey Bro

You have been great! It’s great to have you around again:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I was just checking into my forum to see if there was anything new, although there almost never is and I did see some funny posts in a thread by our old pal Crashhex called “8-ball Gandolph FUK”. I thought I’d post it here as it’s good for a laugh.

Originally Posted by Crashhex at

I didn’t talk about negatives because there were none! Stop talking shit, and including me in your topics, I have nothing to do with it.

Originally Posted by Crashhex at

And by the way, I got a perfect result, and it was pumped you dumb ass, I pump everyday. Good luck holding on to your dermal, kiss it bye. Remember, I told you so. Also, my thunder’s posts were not dodging, I was constantly on the defensive because of other members.If you read it closely I answer every lagitamite question with detail, and superior knowledge compared to your sorry ass. Remember I was the first willing to discuss and shed some light on the whole surgery option, don’t use me as a political levy.

And this guy wonders why he gets banned from forums and goes onto MOS whining about it, lol.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf


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