Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

Here is the 6th screen shot, and then the other 2 pictures are the actual before and after pictures in question. They are completely unedited and in the exact same form as they appear on MNS. You can either DL them here or from MNS to check the properties yourself to verify that these are NOT before and after pics of a recent patient, they are more than 6 years old.

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"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

I’d also like to add that there are a number of threads with false pictures that have been deleted at MNS. The only reason the two threads that 8-ball has highlighted still remain are because they are relatively new and members of MNS are still posting in them. I suspect they will be taken down as soon as possible, but luckily 8-ball had the good sense to take screen shots. I had been suspicious that he was doing this for a while as there was always something suspicious about the new Elist phot’s that kept popping up. I suffer from poor scarring, so not quite a bit about scar healing. yet on so many of the Elist photos’ which were supposedly taken just days after surgery, the scars looked as if they’d been healing for many months. It just didn’t makes sense. Also many of the “posters” wouldn’t post erect photo’s and they all seemed to have been taken in a clinical setting. If you look at the average photo on thundersplace, have the time you can see people’s possessions in the background, which is evidence of an amateur and genuine photo. What is worrying is that Dr Elist was obviously prepared to give Chad photo’s of his past patients and obviously without their consent. But he does carry out and do experimental surgery on people in the Middle East, so I suspect that could be the source of these photo’s as there is little chance they’s check MNS. I was also told he trialled the implant (unsuccessfully) in Serbia, so again this could be another source.

I should also add, that when Chad stopped working with Dr Krakovsky, may threads of Krakovsy “patients” suddenly vanished, much the same as we are now seeing with Dr Elist.

To make things worse, some of those members of MNS who fell for this scam and went ahead with surgery with Elist are now having problems. 3 guys have had serious problems. And the surgeons I’ve spoken to think that the main problem with a silicone implant will be encapsulation which often takes years to occur. So we could be sitting on a surgical disaster time bomb thanks to Chad. The fact he is prepared to lie and mislead people for the sake of a few dollars makes me sick. What makes it worse is that he has been the victim of 2 botched surgeries, so know the panic and devastation caused when this kind of surgery goes wrong. Yet he’s prepared to let other men go through that so he can get his fat hands on some extra cash.


I sent you a PM a while back, would it be possible for you check it out?


The Elist disaster thread we’ve discussed here has also magically reappeared after a nearly 6 month hiatus from MNS (a really bizarre coincidence). Below is the link to it, you will see what Joey and I were talking about. One thing that really shocked me was the pictures of the grafts. Those fucking things look hard as a rock! Anyway, I have my opinions about it but I’ll leave that for everyone to decide on their own. There is no dispute that these pictures are horrendous though.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Hey guys. I’m trying to figure out what info on MNS is real to make some decisions. Based on my reading here, I know that the MNS site owner makes up names and personal stories to sway public opinion of readers accessing his site. Now I’ve noticed that one particular poster has dominated almost every thread and adds much of the same medical opinions that Btc used to mention. Does anyone know if London and Btc are the same? It’s hard to sift through what is real or not over there.

Originally Posted by Curiousmark
Hey guys. I’m trying to figure out what info on MNS is real to make some decisions. Based on my reading here, I know that the MNS site owner makes up names and personal stories to sway public opinion of readers accessing his site. Now I’ve noticed that one particular poster has dominated almost every thread and adds much of the same medical opinions that Btc used to mention. Does anyone know if London and Btc are the same? It’s hard to sift through what is real or not over there.

They are different people. I know LondonLad and he isn’t BTC.

The MNS forums have been down the last few days due to updates. It just got up and running today. So whoever is running MNS just updated the site but from what I’ve gathered wiped out all of the old posts. I think he also wiped all of the accounts, so one would have to re-register.

Coincidentally, I just got an email from Elist’s newsletter stating that he will now be holding conference calls for prospective clients as well as have prior clients there to provide answers from their experiences.

I definitely feel my paranoid logic going into overdrive, but this just seems a like some serious BS.

Originally Posted by Curiousmark
Hey guys. I’m trying to figure out what info on MNS is real to make some decisions. Based on my reading here, I know that the MNS site owner makes up names and personal stories to sway public opinion of readers accessing his site. Now I’ve noticed that one particular poster has dominated almost every thread and adds much of the same medical opinions that Btc used to mention. Does anyone know if London and Btc are the same? It’s hard to sift through what is real or not over there.

Is that a joke? I’m londonlad and too bad they deleted all my posts but if anyone actually bothered to read them you would know I am against surgery full stop.

I worked relentlessly to provide as much research and information as I could gather from every source possible, studies, surgeons, patients etc. I posted on almost each and every dumb thread simply because there was so much fakery and propaganda confusing people. If you compiled each of my posts, it would almost be a 300 page book with pros and cons (mostly cons and inconsistencies) of every surgeon and type of surgery known to man.

MNS was full of dodgy people but it was such a great resource if people used the search function properly.

Anyway it’s all gone now so new guys will not have all that valuable information any more.

I wish they could just restore at least the “Koreans do Sava’s technique” thread, there were also some other valuable threads where I gave my logical concerns about the silicone implant and other surgeries. It’s really sad that you think I was BTC or had an agenda after all my efforts :( but I sympathise as I am a born sceptic and anyone sane would be weary of the info on there.but mine? I’m truly offended! :)

Anyway don’t take a knife to your wang

Hi londong, and welcome to posting at Thunder’s. Have you perchance kept records of your encyclopedic posts concerning surgery? If so, these forums could be their new home.

If you have them and are willing to share let me know; and, I will find out what format the boss wishes to use.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Last edited by iamaru : 02-03-2010 at .

Hi iamaru

Unfortunately I didn’t keep copies of any of my posts :(

I basically joined the site about a year ago after reading all the stuff on there and then thoroughly discounted all the “mainstream” types of surgery as I found the risks far outweighed the gains in most cases and made my points clear. I then settled on a newer surgery for myself called PLGA scaffolds in Serbia which didn’t produce any real gains. So for just less than a year I had been posting almost everyday as it had become my home while I went through my ordeal. It seems sad as basically my life and thoughts were all written on the forums for a year and it’s all gone lol

There were other decent chaps on there that I debated with so my posts alone may not be of use without the whole site

There was some good research on FFT, Dermal Grafts, Alloderm, Lengthening, Macrolane, PMMA, Silicone implants, PLGA etc etc

There were also many like me who actually had surgery and were helping each other out emotionally too

Anyway if there is one thing I can sum up it’s this: there is no method anywhere close to risk free that can enlarge the penis without detrimental consequences, so taking a knife to or manipulating your one and only penis in any way is the most crazy thing we can do especially if we are within normal size range and have no medical issues. Reading other people’s “success” stories can swing us one way or another SO easily when our frame of mind is weak, but when you do it yourself you realise it’s not as easy as it seemed or the docs made it out to be. .We have to work on the mind. Full stop.

Ok no more preaching :)

Hi I haved moved over to here from mns, that site seams to have died, or been poisened. Does anyone know of a good doc for dermal girth who hasnt got any monetary ties with that surgeon, surely there must be some honest people left who just want to pass on there experiences and knowledge. The plga scaffold looked promising but that seams to have been pie in the sky. Anyone?

Hi (Pau1)(Pau1), and welcome to the forums!

We tend to be a tad anti surgery around these parts. Also one of the very best resources on line for info on the same. :rolleyes: Hopefully someone will point you in the right direction. In the mean time, have you ever given hands on PEing a shot? Why not browse around as long as you are in here.

START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Threads/Info (:

Running a Massive Co-Front.

“Good” girth surgeons don’t seem to exist, as of 2010. I’m sure eventually someone will figure out a way to safely and effectively increase penis girth through surgery, but current techniques usually lead to bad, if not disastrous, results.

The length procedure is safer, but there isn’t any evidence that it’s easier to gain length through hanging with a snipped lig than with an unsnipped lig.

Originally Posted by Pau1Pau1
Hi I haved moved over to here from mns, that site seams to have died, or been poisened. Does anyone know of a good doc for dermal girth who hasnt got any monetary ties with that surgeon, surely there must be some honest people left who just want to pass on there experiences and knowledge. The plga scaffold looked promising but that seams to have been pie in the sky. Anyone?

It isn’t so much a case of there not being good surgeons out there, but there aren’t good surgical options. There is no girth procedure available that produces satisfactory results. Let me qualify that statement, as obviously each of the varying girth procedures will have their fair share of success stories. The most complicated form a facial costmetic surgery is Rhinoplasty and has by far the highest amount of revisionary surgeries as a results of unhappy patients. Yet revisions amount to less than 10% of Rhino surgeries. There are many plastic surgeons who don’t peform Rhinoplasty, because this sub 10% of dissatisfaction is too high. Now compare that 10% with PE surgery patients. I’d say as high as 50% of patients are unhappy with their results. And it’s not because the surgery is particuarly compicated. It’s because it simply doesn’t work. If 50% of any type of facial surgery was carried out unsuccessful would anyone have it doen or would it even be allowed? This 50% figure may seem dramtically high, but I’ve been posting on PE forums for years and every now and again someone comes along and says they are about to have surgery. They get warned off it, but go ahead anyway and at least 50% of the time it ends in disaster. On this forum people will point you in the direction of 8-Ball’s story. But that isn’t the only one. Look up Solarwind, 1shotkill and Crashex (the owner of MNS). They all anounced they were having PE surgery and went on to regret it. In fact other than posters on MNS (which is a site owned by a guy who brokers these surgeries), I can’t think of anyone who has announced they are having surgery and have been pleased with the results.

The penis is a dynamic organ, so it’s very tough to get the length of the graft right. Also, whenever graft material is used, there will be reabsorbtion. But this isn’t always even, so not only does the graft shrink, but often leave uneven results. Every few years a new surgeon comes along (usually backed by MNS) with a new procedure or a new way of doing the old proceudre, but ultimately the same problems will reoccur. The PGLA scaffold technique is the only viable opition and it is pointless as the results aren’t sufficient to warrant the risk of having surgery. I don’t think anyone had gained more than 1cm with the technique and some have gained nothing at all.


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