It isn’t so much a case of there not being good surgeons out there, but there aren’t good surgical options. There is no girth procedure available that produces satisfactory results. Let me qualify that statement, as obviously each of the varying girth procedures will have their fair share of success stories. The most complicated form a facial costmetic surgery is Rhinoplasty and has by far the highest amount of revisionary surgeries as a results of unhappy patients. Yet revisions amount to less than 10% of Rhino surgeries. There are many plastic surgeons who don’t peform Rhinoplasty, because this sub 10% of dissatisfaction is too high. Now compare that 10% with PE surgery patients. I’d say as high as 50% of patients are unhappy with their results. And it’s not because the surgery is particuarly compicated. It’s because it simply doesn’t work. If 50% of any type of facial surgery was carried out unsuccessful would anyone have it doen or would it even be allowed? This 50% figure may seem dramtically high, but I’ve been posting on PE forums for years and every now and again someone comes along and says they are about to have surgery. They get warned off it, but go ahead anyway and at least 50% of the time it ends in disaster. On this forum people will point you in the direction of 8-Ball’s story. But that isn’t the only one. Look up Solarwind, 1shotkill and Crashex (the owner of MNS). They all anounced they were having PE surgery and went on to regret it. In fact other than posters on MNS (which is a site owned by a guy who brokers these surgeries), I can’t think of anyone who has announced they are having surgery and have been pleased with the results.The penis is a dynamic organ, so it’s very tough to get the length of the graft right. Also, whenever graft material is used, there will be reabsorbtion. But this isn’t always even, so not only does the graft shrink, but often leave uneven results. Every few years a new surgeon comes along (usually backed by MNS) with a new procedure or a new way of doing the old proceudre, but ultimately the same problems will reoccur. The PGLA scaffold technique is the only viable opition and it is pointless as the results aren’t sufficient to warrant the risk of having surgery. I don’t think anyone had gained more than 1cm with the technique and some have gained nothing at all.
I’m from Italy and should do a Rhinoplasty because my nose is broken and bending to the left doesn’t let me breath correctly. In Italy for this disease you don’t have to pay, just the ticket (if I’m not mistaken it’s about 60€). Anyway while all the doctor suggested me to correct the nose, I still don’t have the courage to do it. Here as far as I know this surgeon is just routine and very safe.
I’m tempted to penis surgery only for widening it, my case is different because due an’accident with a vacuum device I’ve lost elasticity to the skin of my penis, and also now my skin cover my glans and I really hate it. I can cut the too much long skin (circumcision), but I can’t tight it.
I’ve had some talk with few doctors, untill now no one convinced me. The story of reabsorbtion is not 100% true, and also there are some aspect very important.
I did several research, and I have talked with some guys who had this procedure, and trust me, it’s really difficult to find here in Italy a guy that will tell you “you know what? I had a penis enlargement surgery”.
The first important aspect is the aesthetic result. Lets’ say that a guy has a penis with 10 cm of circumference and a glans with 12 centimeters of difference, is pretty clear that you can’t enalrge it more then 2 centimeters otherwise you will end up with a shaft bigger than the glans. Some doctors will tell you this, other will not take care of this aspect and will try to just make it bigger as much as they can with horrible results.
So the first aspect is the aesthetic result.
Speaking of aesthetic, a big role is played by the type of tissue/prosthesis used for the surgery. The best result are obtained using semi-rigid implants, it’s true, but the biggest problem is that you will have a non biological implants around your penis, wich in my opinion is not good.
Alloderm is not supposed to be used for penis enlargement, and I know that there are chance that you body can absorbe it, not to mention the fact that that tissue is too soft.
I was tempted by the Perovic’s method, but the idea to have a surgeon out of my country just panic me.
Anyway there is a biological tissue called “intexen” that is used by years for the treatment of Peyron disease, and as well other treatment of the pelvic flor and vagina disease (prolapse).
At today I haven’t found a doctor that really conviced me, some doctor perform the operation with sovrapubic incision, other with subcoronal incision (I think subcoronal is better), no one conviced me, because no one examined my dick in erect state, and in my opinion this is very important. It’s not so difficult, the doctor just need to do an intracavernose injection to produce a chemical erection an see what can be done.
Just for the records, one guy, probably very lucky, did the implants with intexen but also got cut his suspensory ligaments. He is very happy, when flaccid is penis is 2 centimeters longer, and he gained 3 centimeters in circumference. He only has one problem, here in Italy when the doctor cut the suspendory ligament he apply a silicone spacer to prevent retraction, but maybe the spacer for his is too big, because when he has an’erection he can feel the spacer pushing on hi penis, which cause a little of pain. Now the doctor will cut hin again and will apply a much smaller spacer.
That’s what I know, and I liked to share with you