Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery

alodermom comes with more girth? how much on average?

It seems that belladerm is the best idea, silicone sounds good but not so

I wonder what gains would show on my penis for each. Would be happy with one inch of girth erect. Would take me to 7.5 and probably 6 flaccid.

But who does this on uk land, anyone know?

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

Most of the derms are done USA, there was a Lee hang Fu who worked out of Asia? Or was that America also.

Does anyone know of anyone doing anything similar in the uk?

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

Here is a link to a thread I read about a successful penis enlargment operation using a AlloDerm graft implant. I found it on a fitness forum. This guy had the operation in 2005 and has not had any complications. In a year his penis grew from 6.5" x 6" to 7" x 7.25".

My Penis Surgery Experience - UPDATE w/ PIX

Found somewhere based in London. This surgery has been on British television on Chanel four.

Has anyone heard of this place or the surgeon and had any work done there.

Called them and spoke to a lady on the phone they don’t do phone consultations but she was polite enough to answer any questions, although towards the end of the conversation she did seem to be getting bored and rushed things a little. Have a look at this procedure that they
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Dear Sir

Thank you for your enquiry regarding the male enhancement procedure and please find attached the detailed information.

After reading this information the next step is to meet with the surgeon for a consultation.  During this consultation you will be able to discuss the specific details of the procedure you are interested in, your thoughts, concerns & expectations.  The surgeon will also review your medical history, undertake an examination and recommend which treatment will be best for you.

At the London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery our consultations are carried out only by the surgeon who actually performs the procedure, you will therefore be gaining the benefit of his direct experience and expertise.   A consultation costs a one-off fee of £100.00 and should you wish to return for further discussions, this is without any further charge.

Our Harley Street clinic is easily accessible by road or public transport and we are just a short walk from either Oxford Circus or Bond Street tube stations.

If you would like to book a consultation or require any further information, please contact us on 020 7636 4272 or visit our website at LCAS - Top Leading Aesthetic Surgery in London, Harley Street.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

The LCAS Team

Cosmetic surgery is not about an unrealistic quest for perfection: it is about improving what you have and making the very best of yourself.

Liz Gray
London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery�
15 Harley Street�
W1G 9QQ�
Telephone : 020 - 7636 - 4272�
Facsimile : 020 - 7436 - 1677

You have to return for injections which sounded odd.


Increasingly, men are wishing to improve both their physical appearance and the sexual experience of their partners through penile enhancement.  Penile size can be significantly enhanced in both length and width without effecting sexual performance or sensitivity by well-established surgical techniques called Penoplasty.
We believe that the Penoplasty technique, pioneered in the UK by Dr Roberto Viel and Dr Maurizio Viel at the London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery, is justified when the psychological benefits outweigh the risk and cost of the procedure.  Specifically, the degree of male sexual pleasure is not increased by this procedure, however, given that the female vagina is only sensitive in the lower third area, it is more important to increase the width or girth of the penis rather than the length.  This technique may then enhance the overall satisfaction of the lovemaking for the patient by improving the sexual experience of his partner.  These procedures do not interfere with the normal functioning or sensitivity of the penis.
Before your surgery:
In the week before, you should not take any medications containing aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid), since these products affect the bloods clotting mechanism and therefore may lead to excessive bleeding during and after surgery, hence resulting in increased bruising.  Taking high doses of vitamin E preparations, eating large amounts of garlic and consuming alcohol can also produce the same result and should be avoided.  If pain medication is necessary, we recommend you take ibuprofen/paracetamol.
It is in your own best interests to stop smoking, at least two weeks before and until 2 weeks after surgery.  It is well known that smoking causes narrowing of the blood vessels, which leads to a decreased blood supply to the skin, thus slowing and interfering with the healing process.
Be sure to inform your surgeon of any medications you take, as well as possible allergies including (drug, latex, plasters and so on).
Your surgeon will decide whether preliminary examinations are necessary, such as blood tests, an electrocardiogram, or x-rays of the lungs.  If this is the case, these tests should be performed several weeks before the surgery.
If you are having lengthening of the penis, you must shave your pubic area before your operation.

Your Penoplasty operation:
Penoplasty can increase the size of the penis by increasing either length or girth/width or both.  To increase the length, an incision will be made above the base of the penis. Through this we can release the penile suspensory ligament, thus allowing the penis to be brought forward, thereby lengthening it externally by typically 1-2 inches.  It is difficult to predict the exact amount of gain as this is different in every male and depends on the anatomical structure of the penis and pubic area.  This increase in length is in the flaccid position only and some men may find that the angle of the erection may be slightly lower.  Many men have circumcision performed at the same time, as this avoids swelling of the foreskin, which can last for several weeks.
The increase in girth, involves a small amount of liposuction of the stomach or thigh areas to collect fat, followed by re-introduction of the fat by injection along the shaft of the penis.  The usual increase in girth (circumference) is usually between 1 to 2 inches.  The fat injection procedure avoids incision scars and because it is a simpler technique, the recovery time is shorter.  Possible post-operative fat re-absorption and nodule formation can be minimised by limiting the amount of fat injected at one time. The girth enlargement is restricted to being slightly bigger than the tip.  The enlargement of the penis will be evident in both the flaccid and erect states.
It is a requirement under the Human Tissue Act 2004, that all patients wishing to have their fat stored have a detailed blood test prior to the procedure.  This blood test must include the standard profile of a Full Blood Count, Biochemistry Profile, ESR & INR together with the legislation requirements of; HIV 1& 2, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C & Syphillis.  Each patient will be asked to sign a consent form for this test to be completed & will be offered the counselling services of Number One Healthcare, should this be required.
To ensure a natural appearance, we can increase both the length and girth at the same time, although it is possible to have either the lengthening or enlargement (girth) only.  The increase in length will be permanent however with the girth enhancement because a percentage of the fat will be naturally absorbed, top-ups over time will be needed.  We will store some of the patient’s fat in our bank freezer for up to two years for future enhancements.  The functioning will be completely normal both in terms of erection and urination.  
Penoplasty is a day case procedure, and will be performed at our Harley St clinic under local anaesthetic with IV sedation (this is not a General Anaesthetic).  The operation usually takes between 45 minutes and 1 1/2 hours, depending on which procedure you are having.

After your operation:
Enlargement Procedure
The Enlargement procedure can be performed under either sedation or local anaesthetic & you should discuss with your surgeon which method is best for you.
You will have one small dissolvable stitch to the abdomen (where we have collected the fat) and one further dissolvable stitch to the base of the penis (where the fat was injected).  Dressings will be applied & these need to be left dry & intact for the first week.  After this time, you may remove the bandages at home. Massaging your penis daily using Vaseline is recommended to help resolve the asymmetry of the penis and prevent lumps occurring.
During the first 2-3 weeks after surgery you may experience a slight amount of discomfort but this is normally controlled with oral pain relief.  You may also experience a small amount of bruising and some surgical swelling, which will subside again after approximately 2-3 weeks.
Lengthening Procedure
The lengthening procedure is performed under local anaesthetic with IV sedation & you will remain at the clinic for about 2 hours after surgery to allow us to monitor your recovery from the sedation.  It is necessary to arrange for someone to come and collect you, as you are not permitted to drive or take public transport for 48hrs after having sedation. It is recommended that you refrain from work for at least 1 week after surgery for rest and recuperation.  
You will have deep dissolving sutures in the underlying muscle and tissue and some skin sutures the pubis.  You will need to return to the clinic after one week for the dressings to be changed and again after a further week for the stitches to be removed. It is important to avoid having an erection while your stitches are in place.
It is also vitally important that your hands are washed thoroughly after each visit to the lavatory to avoid cross contamination and infection to the wound and always ensure that clean underwear is worn daily.
Once all of the stitches have been removed and the wound is fully closed, you may apply traction to your penis to prevent retraction of your penis after surgery.  This can be completed twice daily using a penile extender, which can be purchased from LCAS.  It can take between 3-6 months to achieve maximum length gained from elongation.
At the follow-up visits you will be examined to ensure that the healing process is proceeding satisfactorily.  Further post-operative visits may be scheduled at your convenience to ensure that both you and your surgeon are totally satisfied with your results.

Full post-operative instructions for both procedures are detailed at the end of this information sheet.
All surgery carries risks and uncertainties:
Like all operations, Penoplasty is not without complications, they are rare but can occur.  These include infection, bleeding, numbness to the affected areas, scarring, collection of blood under the skin, known as haematoma or blood clot; although this occurs in less than 1% of patients and drains and heals spontaneously.
In some cases with enlargement surgery the penis may be asymmetrical or lumps may occur due to the position of the fat.  Gentle massage should normally resolve this problem.  
There are no known effects of sexual performance
Your key sexual organ is your brain and nobody can predict how you will react after surgery.  We have however, found that most men feel more confident about themselves and this can enhance their sexuality.
Penoplasty is now an established cosmetic procedure, having been performed for the last 10 years.  It is both a safe and effective procedure and, with no foreign material or implants introduced, the complications are rare.  The London Centre for Aesthetic Surgery alone performs approximately 200 per year and is a recognised centre of surgical excellence in the UK.
Penis Enlargement with GPS Recover system:
The GPS System is the most advanced procedure available that can ensure better fat survival, thus ensuring your results are longer lasting.  A blood test is taking during your penis enlargement procedure & the sample placed into a centrifuge machine.  The centrifuge machine spins the blood separating just the platelets.  These platelets are then injected directly into the fat tissue & the fat tissue re-injected into the patient’s required area and/or frozen for later use for up to 2 years.  
Cost of Procedures from:
Enlargement & Lengthening together:​£5850
Full Procedure with Circumcision​£6350
To complete the Enlargement procedure, patients will need to return to the clinic to have their fat transferred at a cost of £100 per visit

If you have any further questions or queries about this procedure, please feel free to call and speak to either Dr Roberto Viel, Dr Maurizio Viel or any of our nurses.  Please note that it is necessary to attend a consultation prior to your operation, this is also the case with existing patients, it may also be necessary to have repeat blood tests.

Rest for 48 hours after surgery.
Take all antibiotics as instructed.
Avoid aspirin and alcohol for 48 hours.
Dressings to be left dry and intact for one week, after one week you may remove the bandages at home.  Massage the area where the fat has been removed from using moisturiser.  This area may feel sore, hard to the touch & you may have some bruising.  This is normal & will subside in approximately 2-3 weeks.
Loose boxer shorts must be worn for one month so that penis can hang straight down.  
Gentle massage to the penis may be commenced after the first week using the thumb and first two fore fingers, starting at the base of the penis, massaging up the shaft to the head of the penis.  This is to prevent the formation of any fatty nodules.  You may use oil or Vaseline to avoid friction.  Massage should be carried out 4 times a day.
Your stitches will dissolve between 7-10 days.
No intercourse or exercise for 2-3 weeks.
Return to the clinic in 4-6 weeks time for your first fat top-up injection.
Please note, that your fat will be stored for 2 years only.
Contact the Surgeon/Clinic if you have increased pain, bleeding, fever or marked swelling.

Rest for 48 hours after surgery & we recommend refraining from work for at least one week.
Take all antibiotics as instructed.
Avoid aspirin and alcohol for 48 hours.
It is normal to experience some discomfort to the area for the first 2-3 weeks.  You may also notice spot bleeding on your dressings & ice-packs can be applied on top of the dressing.  If however, this bleeding is either excessive or lasts longer than 24 hours, you should immediately contact the clinic.
Dressings to be left intact and dry for one week, when you will need to return to the clinic for these to be changed, the wound cleaned & new dressings applied.  These dressings will then need to be left intact & dry for a further week.  You must not bathe or shower during this time.
You will then be required to return to the clinic again at the end of the second week for the stitches to be removed.  
Once the wound is fully closed you may commence the stretching exercise.  This is important to prevent contracture of the scar.  It involves pressing the Y shaped scar on your pubic area with two fingers and stretching out the penis with your other hand at a 30-degree angle.  You must do this for a period of ten minutes, four times a day.
No intercourse for 6 weeks & no exercise for 4 weeks.
Avoid an erection for 2 weeks after surgery to prevent wound breakdown.  If an erection does occur (nocturnal, morning) ice packs should be applied.
It is vitally important that your hands are washed thoroughly after each visit to the lavatory to avoid cross contamination and infection to the wound and always ensure that clean underwear is worn daily.
Contact the Surgeon/Clinic if you have increased pain, bleeding, fever or marked swelling.
15 Harley Street, London, W1G 9QQ
Tel: 020 7636 4272  Fax: 020 7436 1677  email:   LCAS - Top Leading Aesthetic Surgery in London, Harley Street

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

Last edited by 17ml : 01-07-2011 at . Reason: Space

Come on guys let’s get this thread going.

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

It looks to me this is the same old procedure carried out elsewhere. And in fact, this procedure has been considerfably improved elsewhere. This London clinic is still injecting fat, now there are much better procedures. Most of the fat will dissolve after a while.

It seems methods of fft are changing, does anyone know if they have heard of this method before?

Dr. Giunta’s proprietary method of Free Fat Transfer (FFT) for girth enhancement has recently improved with his use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP Technique)—continuing to set new standards in Phalloplasty fat retention. He now approaches almost complete retention of fat tissue grafts in penis girth enlargement. With this new addendum to his already successful technique, Dr. Giunta can offer additional help for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) patients with penile implants (see below) and can reduce the need for subsequent fat “refills” to maintain the desired volumetric gains in penile shaft thickness.

What’s Free Fat Transfer (FFT) All About? And Why Is It The Safest Method For Penile Girth Enlargement?

For many decades, the use of autologous fat (fat originating within an individual) in what is commonly termed “Free Fat Transfer” as a graft medium, has enabled surgeons to perform volume-enhancing procedures including augmentation of the lips, buttocks, facial work, and of course … Penile girth enhancement. Autologous fat has many, many advantages over other volumetric fillers for such cosmetic work in that it is never rejected—because it’s the patient’s own tissue—it’s soft and pliable; is readily available in most patients … And perhaps most important lacks any risk of foreign disease transmission.

Contrary to previous skepticism by the medical community the last several years, FFT has now been accepted as being one of the best available graft/filler materials for surgical procedures that require volumetric fillers. Failures of fat transfer techniques in the past largely were attributable to a lack of consistent transfer standards and equally on methods to transfer the adipose tissue (fatty material) without considerable damage to the cellular structure. With the development of better fat harvesting instruments, low pressure cleansing, additives, and consistent techniques, Free Fat Transfer has become, in many cases, the preferred method of choice for many cosmetic procedures.

Patient had original girth enhancement surgery on October 20, 1995.
Patient photo is a postoperative example of fat retention using Dr. Giunta’s FFT technique for girth enhancement.  Photo was taken on February 8, 2007 and shows that after almost 12 years, the patient has retained the fat that was used in the original girth enlargement.
So, how safe is Free Fat Transfer as a graft medium?

It is very low risk as compared to other methods of girth enlargement of the penis. Serious complications such as ED or loss of sensation are virtually unheard of. Minor infections and lumpiness are also very rare (less than 4%) and easily dealt with. It is a safe, effective choice for those individuals considering penis enlargement. The lack of rejection and foreign disease transmission alone are significant criteria for selecting FFT Phalloplasty versus all other methods. Overall, when considering the factual data from penis enlargement cases comparing fat transfer versus other methods of penis enlargement—none can compare to the safety, economic benefit to the patient (it is usually less costly than other techniques that require expensive cadaver tissue), and success rate of using fat in girth enlargement of the penis.

Giunta’s PRP Technique—

Dr. Giunta’s Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) technique parallels the widely recognized method of increasing the rate of fat graft survival by improving the conditions and biochemical environment of the adipose tissue at the graft site. There are, of course some differences in Dr. Giunta’s technique from that of traditional PRP concentration and much of this is proprietary. However, traditional PRP is now a widely accepted method of improving wound healing, and is considered a medical procedure subset that is used in conjunction with standard surgical procedures, not just those of cosmetic or plastic origin.

PRP consists of highly concentrated plasma from the patient that is rich in bioactive proteins and human growth hormones (factors PDGFaa, PDGFbb, TGF-b1, TGF-b2, VEGF and EGF) that can speed and ensure the healing process. These plasma concentrates—most at 500-600% of normal plasma levels—affect cellular processes including, but not limited to; cell propagation, angiogenic formation (capillary and venous formation) collagen formation, and cellular matrix production. All of these things enable the FFT grafts to “take” and become homogenous with the surrounding tissue.

The commonly accepted method of harvesting/isolating Platelet Rich Plasma is by using centrifuge separation of the patient’s blood into the three levels defined by spin separation. Once the enriched and concentrated PRP is collected, Dr. Giunta introduces it into the harvested adipose tissue, then leaves it to incubate for a period of time to release growth factors and other compounds into the mix in the appropriate amounts. Finally, it is reintroduced in the penile shaft where it will aid in the fat retention and healing processes. This further increases the fat retention rate (and graft growth) to reduce even further the need for subsequent “refilling” of the surgical area to maintain the desired thickness volume.

Why No One Else Has Dr. Giunta’s PRP Free Fat Transfer Technique—

It is well known that in the art of Free Fat Transfer, technique is everything. While FFT represents perhaps the safest (it has minimal reported complications) method of volumetric enhancement for Phalloplasty, most limitations and complications arise from the ensuing steps to achieve fat transportation by surgeons who haven’t yet mastered the intricacies of FFT technique.

For instance, poor harvesting or pressure harvesting can lead to fat cellular membrane damage, resulting in some areas where the fat graft is introduced that show fat retention—while other graft areas die and are reabsorbed by the patient’s own body, delaying healing at the receptor site. This can lead to lumpy, distorted penile shafts (palpable nodules or cystic accumulations). Dr. Giunta has performed over 4,400 Phalloplasty procedures, most employing his FFT girth enhancement technique.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Who Have Penile Implants—

Patients who have penile implants traditionally experience a reduction in the length and girth of the penile shaft due to the implant material(s). Sadly, this is a complication of having penile implants. Fortunately, however, Dr. Giunta’s FFT technique using Platelet Rich Plasma can effectively reverse some of these losses, depending on the implant type and patient, and can add both length and girth to the patient who has penile implants.

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer
I feel bad for anyone, including those on this forum that feel so desperate, you actually get surgery done. I’m not passing judgement, I’ve actually considered it myself and statistically I’m average (ex-girlfriend who I broke up with went around telling people I had a small dick, I believed it and became insecure about it, so I looked into surgery), but I’ve just read so many of these horror stories, after reading the success stories of natural PE, which doesn’t require a huge investment of money (but a lot of sweat equity), it just doesn’t make sense to me.

I didn’t read all the posts on this thread, but to anyone who was left very disappointed in their procedure, my heart goes out to you. One thing I’ve learned in life, unless surgery is a medical necessity, it’s probably not worth having done. Surgery is not a magic bullet, so please think long and hard about it before you get it done.

I understand where you’re coming from. But I think a lot of guys who consider surgery are where I am.

I’m considering surgery at this point. It’s odd that I didn’t care a whole lot before starting PE, or at least told myself I didn’t. But after trying jelqing, stretching, pumping, clamping, and hanging, and not seeing the results I desired… this is what I’m looking at.

It’s a self-perception thing. I’m happy with my body for the most part. I’m happy with myself as a person. I’m pursuing furthering my education to put myself in a better situation in life. I lead a pretty normal life. But I’ve never been happy with the size of my penis. It doesn’t matter if people tell me it’s “bigger than average”, it’s “really big”, women tell me “i’ve never seen anything that big”. That simply means nothing, because when I look in the mirror, the guy in the mirror says it’s not what it should be.

I think that’s where a lot of guys are mentally, when they’re considering surgery. And when “natural” methods don’t work, what else do you have? Know what I mean?

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

Originally Posted by BTBassist
I understand where you’re coming from. But I think a lot of guys who consider surgery are where I am.

I’m considering surgery at this point. It’s odd that I didn’t care a whole lot before starting PE, or at least told myself I didn’t. But after trying jelqing, stretching, pumping, clamping, and hanging, and not seeing the results I desired… this is what I’m looking at.

It’s a self-perception thing. I’m happy with my body for the most part. I’m happy with myself as a person. I’m pursuing furthering my education to put myself in a better situation in life. I lead a pretty normal life. But I’ve never been happy with the size of my penis. It doesn’t matter if people tell me it’s “bigger than average”, it’s “really big”, women tell me “i’ve never seen anything that big”. That simply means nothing, because when I look in the mirror, the guy in the mirror says it’s not what it should be.

I think that’s where a lot of guys are mentally, when they’re considering surgery. And when “natural” methods don’t work, what else do you have? Know what I mean?

Let’s say you have the surgery and everything goes well, which is very unlikely to happen. Odds are you’ll end up having some type of complication or not the results you expect or something else, but, let’s say everything went great and you gained both in length and girth with no erection problems, infection, pain, discomfort, loss of size, etc… do you think you’ll feel happy about that new size?

You are currently big, you are, and you know it, so, after this hypothetically-everything-went-great-surgery, you’ll be bigger, but how big do you need to be to feel good about yourself? What if after this surgery you still feel small?

Have you thought about the fact that maybe is all in your head? That no surgery will help you feel better about the way you feel when you look at yourself, no matter how big you end up afterwards? Just saying, think about it.

Originally Posted by Greenoman
Let’s say you have the surgery and everything goes well, which is very unlikely to happen. Odds are you’ll end up having some type of complication or not the results you expect or something else, but, let’s say everything went great and you gained both in length and girth with no erection problems, infection, pain, discomfort, loss of size, etc… do you think you’ll feel happy about that new size?

You are currently big, you are, and you know it, so, after this hypothetically-everything-went-great-surgery, you’ll be bigger, but how big do you need to be to feel good about yourself? What if after this surgery you still feel small?

Have you thought about the fact that maybe is all in your head? That no surgery will help you feel better about the way you feel when you look at yourself, no matter how big you end up afterwards? Just saying, think about it.

Oh yea, I’ve definitely thought about that. The truth is, I just don’t know the answer to that question. I do agree that there’s a bigger issue, but I don’t know what to do with that, personally.

I guess I’m just trying to explain why some guys are willing to resort to having a laser used to cut them for a larger penis. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong to feel that way.

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

Originally Posted by Sultan
Here is a link to a thread I read about a successful penis enlargment operation using a AlloDerm graft implant. I found it on a fitness forum. This guy had the operation in 2005 and has not had any complications. In a year his penis grew from 6.5" x 6" to 7" x 7.25".

My Penis Surgery Experience - UPDATE w/ PIX

Yeah, this guy used to post here under the name TheThickOne, and his surgery wasn’t actually much of a success. He was exagerating his girth by about 1.5 inches and he actually lost length in the procedure, as many do. He would pump a bunch of fluid into his dick with a vacuum pump, then post grainy close up pics and claim his pumped up girth as his official measurement. That’s why his pics looked so unimpressive despite his ridiculous claims. He and I used to be in contact and he shared all of this with me, I only feel the need to come out now and say this because some people (myself included) went out and had the surgery due to his growing recomendation and got butchered.

The truth is, this guy got shitty results, in real life he was really depressed and fucked up about it, but he came here and made up a bunch of crap to live out a fantasy. At this point, it seems almost everyone posting good results is either a marketing shill for the surgeon, or just a liar who wants attention and validation.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

Originally Posted by 8-Ball
The truth is, this guy got shitty results, in real life he was really depressed and fucked up about it, but he came here and made up a bunch of crap to live out a fantasy. At this point, it seems almost everyone posting good results is either a marketing shill for the surgeon, or just a liar who wants attention and validation.

Thanks for the scoop. I agree that most claims of success from grafts are phonies. Guys that really desire a quick fix (surgery) are more likely or more willing to believe these claims/ testimonies (myself included). Not everyone is a liar, and it is not difficult to distinguish the shills from the honest guys.

I do not mean to say all surgeons are worthless. There are a couple out there that are doing good work right now. But as far as grafting goes I do not consider it as a viable long term option like I once did.

PE surgery


Looked around for the mini forum, cannot find, it Mods please put in there

I have been looking up PE surgery and the option for subcutaneous silicone implant seems a safe option, although it’s quite expensive. This is something I probably will have done when I can afford it, who’s an ‘expert’ on PE surgery?

You are 7.6x5.4. I hope no doctor would perform such a surgery on you because it would be nothing short than unethical.


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