Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

taking a break - gotta get right ...

taking a break - gotta get right ...

OK - I have been going at this with pretty decent regularity for over a year solid now, and I have not even gotten better wood out of the deal.

NO - this is not a “sob story,” guys, just a plain admission that I am probably doing something wrong - or at worst, incompletely.

I have used a consistent routine of WARM UPS (rice sock & hot compresses) and LOTS of stretching (after I pee, watching the tube, etc.) and over 300 wet jelks pretty much daily. I have also done hundreds of dry jelks while stretching, and have done erect bends as well.

I began pumping at the beginning of the summer, and go at least 4X per week at 5-to-7 mmhg per session for 15+ minutes. I jelk halfway through each session, and have a good warm up/warm down as well. I have been using a wrapped rice sock during the pumping to keep the warmth present to allow for better stretch. I often get over the 6” mark in the tube (I have a clear ruler taped to the barrel), and fill the tube pretty well in width.

I don’t stay pumped well after the session, but do feel better and fuller.

I have not tried hanging because (1) the cost of a hanger is out of my range, and (2) my schedule and situation really does not allow for it.

I have noticed that I am venier and when I do get wood, fairly strong. However, I have seen no gains at all in size - length or width.

I came into this at 5.5” length and 4.5” girth, with a pretty good 8:30 LOT. I have kegeled until my ass has new wrinkles, and stretched until I almost have a new foreskin. I work out with weights in the gym and at home almost every day, and have upped my water intake to nearly 2 quarts daily, while cutting my caffine almost completely out.

I have been careful about supplements - staying away from crap and sticking with nutriceuticals and herbals and vitamins I can trust and know.

What I am going to do is take a break until the end of the month. I am going to avoid even stretching if I can, and give this pitiful worm a rest. I am going to study the hell out of these pages, and consult more diligently with my mentor, and come back after the first of the year ready to kick some serious size ass.

I am going to quit most supplements, except for the Arginine and a few others, and concentrate on better eating habits and more physical exercises.

This is not a matter of pride, more than enything. I do not like to admit defeat- and with so dam many “success stories” of amazing gains (I still want to know how some of you guys get MAJOR GAINS in a few months - what the hell is your secret, dudes???) I want my name to be there as well.

I may or may not be around (logged in) much, but I intend to study this site with great care, particularly the advice of the “pros.” (you know who you are)

Originally, my goal was 7.5 X 5.5 - but for right now, when I finally break the 6” barrier, it will be cause for celebration.

See you after the first of the year - your suggestions and recommendations are welcome. Will get an e-mail off to you soon avocet.
Thanks for your support, and for such a great site.


(PS - have a wonderful Hannukah season and a Merry Christmas)

If you can find the time hang, make a hanger. The break will only help you good luck Bro!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

You got great ideas on settling back and seeing what works for others, etc. It’s obvious that you are a slow gainer and I think, from what I have read over the past couple months, that you are overtraining.

I’m one of those guys that are a part of the “amazing” stories. Although I ordered a 5 month supply of pills and it came with a bottle of volume pills. I’ve been taking the pills 3 times daily, the volume pills I started after the first month and only take one of those daily and also take a 500mg tablet of L-Argenine after each PE session since a few weeks ago. Only PE’ing 5 days a week have shown my best gains, that rest time is great. I have never overdone my workout, but came close a couple of times. I prefer dry jelqs to lubricated jelqs even though it’s easier to do a more intense lubricated jelq. My sessions don’t usually last much over 30 minutes and if any pain becomes a factor I step back and ease it down. If at any time I encounter a second pain during the workout I’ll quit it and take some days off, but that hasn’t happened yet.

I sort of have a situation that may or may not be common though. When I was 18 years old I’d measure myself by pressing my wrist to the base of my member and measure how far out my middle finger it came. I used to be a little over 6” long when I was 18-19 years old. When I started the pills and exercises I measured 5.5” BPEL (about 5” using my old method) which is a little over a full inch less due to the measuring methods. So I used to have more and that may be a factor. I’ve gained 0.7” of that back in 7 weeks, and 0.55” in girth but don’t know what my girth was when I was younger.

Good luck with your research and enjoy the time off. Since you’ll have so much extra free time you may want to pick up an extra hobby. ;)

started 10/22/2003: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.0" 4/12/2004 BPEL: 6.875" EG: 5.2" 30-min exercise workout and pills

Take a break and reevaluate things. I lasted 7 weeks on my PE break and thought some things over. I altered a few things, and came back with a slightly different approach. Its only been a week since I started back, so we’ll see where it leads.

You might as well do some reading here, and maybe you’ll find something for yourself that you can either tweak or try differently. And you’ll need to pick up another hobby for a weeks, to keep your mind off those PE urges.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Wan2Bebig, greetings:

I have read your post with interest because your experience, stats, and goals match mine closely. I’m pretty convinced that hanging is highly effective for length gains, and that you might do well to make it part of your routine after your rest. I hope you will keep us informed about your progress when you resume — in my view, the most pressing, unanswered question about PE has to do with the relationship between recovery period and gains, and how to detect when enough is enough. Good luck, and we hope to hear from you by and by.

W2B, what do you want the most? A big dick or a big body? Cut your weight training in half or more. Focus on hanging. Use anything that’s comfortable to hang with it doesn’t have to be a Bib or whatever. I am now using the cable clamps to hang with. Just last night I very comfortably hung 15#s by wrapping with bathroom tissue, then with theraband, pipe insulation and clamped the cable clamp down over that and hung a 10# and a 5# weight together from a small chain hooked to the clamp. Sounds a little involved, but it’s not. It goes on quickly and easily. Just remember to keep your extra skin pulled back while you wrap so when you hang you’re not stretching just skin. I “started” about three years ago with just shy of 6” erbp and now I’m just shy of 7” erbp. I’ve started and stopped my PE efforts many times out of discouragement, but just could not give up completely. I’ve actually spent more time reading, posting and thinking about PE than I have actually doing it. Oh yeah I was also 4.5” eg and am now closing in on 5” eg. VERY VERY s - l - o - w progress. The gains came after I realized I wasn’t truly giving it any serious effort and I then started hanging hard and jelqing/squeezing hard. But I guess my dick needed the conditioning that came with the minimal effort I originally started with in order to handle the beating it’s getting now. This PE stuff does work, but it’s alot of work. It really is.

Jim aka Stretchin’

Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

Re: taking a break - gotta get right ...

Originally posted by wan2Bbig

I work out with weights in the gym and at home almost every day,

This is somewhat off-topic but if your lifting goal is to gain muscle mass then you are likely over training. See for more on that, they have lots of (scientifically cited) articles on natural bodybuilding you can study along with the PE articles here. This is just speculation but given that you are probably over training your muscles this may be a tendency that has lead into PE as well, if that’s possible.

I really don’t know much… but I would recommend to stop worrying so much. Its like watching a pot of water boil, doesn’t really work. I’ve been doing jelqing and whatever it is where you grab at the base, kegel to get blood in, and push up… anyways… Ive been doing those on and off in the shower, no measuring, no obsessing, etc, and now a few weeks later, the damn thing looks alot thicker. Before, when I measured alot, set goals, and exercised for hours, nothing seemed to happen. Alot of the guys on here certainly won’t agree, but thats just how I see it.

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