taking a break - gotta get right ...
OK - I have been going at this with pretty decent regularity for over a year solid now, and I have not even gotten better wood out of the deal.
NO - this is not a “sob story,” guys, just a plain admission that I am probably doing something wrong - or at worst, incompletely.
I have used a consistent routine of WARM UPS (rice sock & hot compresses) and LOTS of stretching (after I pee, watching the tube, etc.) and over 300 wet jelks pretty much daily. I have also done hundreds of dry jelks while stretching, and have done erect bends as well.
I began pumping at the beginning of the summer, and go at least 4X per week at 5-to-7 mmhg per session for 15+ minutes. I jelk halfway through each session, and have a good warm up/warm down as well. I have been using a wrapped rice sock during the pumping to keep the warmth present to allow for better stretch. I often get over the 6” mark in the tube (I have a clear ruler taped to the barrel), and fill the tube pretty well in width.
I don’t stay pumped well after the session, but do feel better and fuller.
I have not tried hanging because (1) the cost of a hanger is out of my range, and (2) my schedule and situation really does not allow for it.
I have noticed that I am venier and when I do get wood, fairly strong. However, I have seen no gains at all in size - length or width.
I came into this at 5.5” length and 4.5” girth, with a pretty good 8:30 LOT. I have kegeled until my ass has new wrinkles, and stretched until I almost have a new foreskin. I work out with weights in the gym and at home almost every day, and have upped my water intake to nearly 2 quarts daily, while cutting my caffine almost completely out.
I have been careful about supplements - staying away from crap and sticking with nutriceuticals and herbals and vitamins I can trust and know.
What I am going to do is take a break until the end of the month. I am going to avoid even stretching if I can, and give this pitiful worm a rest. I am going to study the hell out of these pages, and consult more diligently with my mentor, and come back after the first of the year ready to kick some serious size ass.
I am going to quit most supplements, except for the Arginine and a few others, and concentrate on better eating habits and more physical exercises.
This is not a matter of pride, more than enything. I do not like to admit defeat- and with so dam many “success stories” of amazing gains (I still want to know how some of you guys get MAJOR GAINS in a few months - what the hell is your secret, dudes???) I want my name to be there as well.
I may or may not be around (logged in) much, but I intend to study this site with great care, particularly the advice of the “pros.” (you know who you are)
Originally, my goal was 7.5 X 5.5 - but for right now, when I finally break the 6” barrier, it will be cause for celebration.
See you after the first of the year - your suggestions and recommendations are welcome. Will get an e-mail off to you soon avocet.
Thanks for your support, and for such a great site.
(PS - have a wonderful Hannukah season and a Merry Christmas)