Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tell me about your permanent clamping gains

Clamping for me has been an effective PE tool. My mid-shaft girth started at 4.75 and currently is 5.1-5.25. My base girth started at 5 inches and now is over 6. Much of this base increase however I feel is due to the BIB. While clamped my mid-shaft measurement is 5 10/16th.

My recommendation is to measure while clamped. I believe there are two things that occur during clamping that cause gains. The first is the overall penis expansion that occurs while in the clamp. The second is the additional expansion that occurs along where the clamp is placed. There are many alternatives to create the second variable up and down the shaft. Squeezes, additional clamps, or other techniques can be effective.

Here is what I feel. The goal of clamping is to increase the maximum girth along a specific area of the penis. For this reason it is helpful to take more than one measurement. Even if one is taken however this should be sufficient.

The bottom line is, if I am seeing the maximum amount I clamp to increasing, I know gains will come. This is in 1/16 steps but it is growth. Once a new record is being achieved while in the clamp, progress will follow.

In saying this, please note the most important thing for me in PE is not getting injured. No one can monitor our bodies reactions and comfort but ourselves. I have hung heavy weights with the BIB, and clamped to what many would consider extreme. To me, I have never pushed my penis past what it could recover from in my 2 years of PE. So, safety first is my recommendation.

I am still learning much about clamping as time goes on. Personally a heat lamp helps my expansion and I would recommend this.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Thanks for your input airshy. You say you clamped what many would consider extreme, did you take rest days though?

Yes I have tried many different rotations. There is a cumulative effect to fatigue as we all know. There is also an adaptation to training and stressors.

Because of this I have my own rhythm of the feeling of what good expansion is (not ridiculously pushed the max) and how to sustain this for days at a time without fatigue. There comes a point one can reach quickly in clamping if they go to hard they will be resting more than they are training. For me constant expansion daily is better to really gain in girth. When rest is needed however, rest.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

I’ve been clamping for little over 2 weeks now & wow have I gotten some good results, I’ve been jelqing for over a yr now & pumping for a month, gotten some nice results in this time but no major solid girth gains, until I started clamping.

Normally after pumping I would notice some nice girth results, but they would not be solid more soft girth inches. But after dropping pumping & going with clamping the girth gains have stayed & there solid, It’s just blowing my mind :D .

Also on a side note, I enjoy clamping so much more then pumping & I’m not getting any lost sensitivity with clamping :D

Current routine (1 day on, 1 day off)
10minute warmup, heat sock
10minute clamping. *Cock ring
20-30 minute jelqs. 80-100% erection
5minute cool down.
Kegels(I’ve been lazy to them lately!)
2minutes keeping a hard erection.

How are your rest days? And clamping with a cockring, is the cockring as tight as a regular clamp?

Guys I’ve literally just started at 7.5 BPEL and around 5 inch lower shaft girth and I’m clamping this thing like I don’t even care, but I need guidance please.

How much pressure is too much?

Can I damage it by over-pressuring or will pain kick in and tell me to stop?

I’ve been bodybuilding and power lifting for around a decade so I’m very worried that my admitted overly elevated levels of motivation can push me to damage and/or injury.

Please, someone with experience achieving permanent girth gains through hardcore clamping, tell me how you know when to let it breathe. :D jk

Seriously tho please tell me how to not brake my d1ck

I started PE many years ago, and unfortunately I’m really bad at keeping record of my routines, so I can’t say for how long I’ve been clamping seriously. I’m also pretty inconsistent and there are long periods now and then during which I don’t do PE.

Anyway, my pre-PE girth was 12.7 cm, and I believe I was somewhere at 13.5-14 cm when I started clamping. I’m now at 14.7 cm, so my total girth gain at this point is 2 cm, (or .8 inches) but I can’t really say how much of it is from clamping alone.

I had huge problems with discoloration initially, but I was able to reduce that a lot by incorporating the rule that I always jelq at least 20 minutes before my first clamping set of the day. This makes my penile tissue seem more elastic, and in addition to the reduced amount of discoloration, jelqing before clamping also allows my penis to expand a lot more during the clamping session. I also apply heat (rice sock) at the beginning of the set, but that doesn’t soften the tissue nearly as much as jelqing. Nowadays I regard 16 cm and up as a good clamped girth for me, and I’ve at times expanded to at least 16.4 cm (or 12%) without significant fluid buildup betwen the tunica and skin. Directly after removing the clamp, my EG may be up to 16 cm.

When I first took up clamping I read somewhere that you should increase the length of the sets until you were at 20 minutes, so that’s what I did, and I’ve stuck with that even though I’ve later noticed that others seem to do shorter sets. Sometimes I do a shorter set but normally it’s 20 minutes. I use a cable clamp.

A more recent addition to my clamping routine is cooling down the penis with an ice pack for the last 3 minutes of each set. I did this after reading a thread about cooling down while in a stretched state for better gains, but I noticed that this further reduces my discoloration. Because of this, I’ve also started applying the ice pack to the base of the penis for a few minutes after removing the clamp.

Originally Posted by Likeness79
I started PE many years ago, and unfortunately I’m really bad at keeping record of my routines, so I can’t say for how long I’ve been clamping seriously. I’m also pretty inconsistent and there are long periods now and then during which I don’t do PE.

Anyway, my pre-PE girth was 12.7 cm, and I believe I was somewhere at 13.5-14 cm when I started clamping. I’m now at 14.7 cm, so my total girth gain at this point is 2 cm, (or .8 inches) but I can’t really say how much of it is from clamping alone.

I had huge problems with discoloration initially, but I was able to reduce that a lot by incorporating the rule that I always jelq at least 20 minutes before my first clamping set of the day. This makes my penile tissue seem more elastic, and in addition to the reduced amount of discoloration, jelqing before clamping also allows my penis to expand a lot more during the clamping session. I also apply heat (rice sock) at the beginning of the set, but that doesn’t soften the tissue nearly as much as jelqing. Nowadays I regard 16 cm and up as a good clamped girth for me, and I’ve at times expanded to at least 16.4 cm (or 12%) without significant fluid buildup between the tunica and skin. Directly after removing the clamp, my EG may be up to 16 cm.

When I first took up clamping I read somewhere that you should increase the length of the sets until you were at 20 minutes, so that’s what I did, and I’ve stuck with that even though I’ve later noticed that others seem to do shorter sets. Sometimes I do a shorter set but normally it’s 20 minutes. I use a cable clamp.

A more recent addition to my clamping routine is cooling down the penis with an ice pack for the last 3 minutes of each set. I did this after reading a thread about cooling down while in a stretched state for better gains, but I noticed that this further reduces my discoloration. Because of this, I’ve also started applying the ice pack to the base of the penis for a few minutes after removing the clamp.


What I have been doing is using a standard hose clamp for automotive cooling systems and clamping at the highest pressure I can get I.e. As erect as possible. I did this about once every 3 days for around a week.

I then read a thread where a guy said he advises clamping at the highest pressure possible and then pushing the head down I.e. Towards the base I.e. Compressing the tubular shape vertically and I tried it.

The pressure is insane. I can feel the tunica or perhaps the fascia around the tunica or both sort of stretching. It feels kind of similar to the pump we get from volume training with weights or the stretched feeling that comes from lifting heavier weights, but not quite the same. It feels significantly more like the stretching is caused by pressure buildup within the anatomical system as opposed to stretching caused by a weight pulling along the ligaments and muscle fibres.

I’ve lifted weights for a decade and never felt anything like this. I’m just going to go slow for the week and then start pushing it a bit harder.

I also had a look at the blood supply in and out of the penis and what I discovered which is relevant to PE I will list below;

1 - the arteries that bring blood into the main body of the penis run in the centre of those bodies I.e. The main blood supply into the penis is supplied from a pair of arteries which run parallel to the length of the penis, deep inside the 2 cylindrical tubes on either side of the urethra, and presumably those arteries have a series of branches which branch off into the “2 cylindrical tubes” and supply blood either through flow/pump from the heart through biological one way valves, or osmosis. I don’t yet know the exact mechanism that the blood from the arteries enters the “2 cylindrical tubes” nor do I know the mechanics behind why the blood does not flow back into those arteries other than assuming that the blood pressure from the hearts pumping action prevents reverse flow in those arteries. Given that we are all talking about over-pressurizing that very system I intend to research the details of the “one way valve” mechanism because it seems logical that over-pressurizing such a system could lead to problems.

2 - the veins which take blood towards the heart away from the penis I.e. Out of the “2 cylindrical tubes” lie almost on the periphery of the penis, and run again parallel to the length of the penis. This means that clamping the outside of the penis conveniently collapses those veins and prevents blood flowing through them. There is a cluster of veins which run parallel to the length of the penis and run between the “2 cylindrical tubes” and the urethra. This cluster of veins seems to become similarly collapsed and blocked during clamping because the “2 cylindrical tubes” and the spongy tube surrounding the urethra swell so much that they squeeze this cluster of veins from 3 sides.

These 2 points leave us with a system whereby clamping the penis collapses the structures on the periphery - I.e. Blood removing veins - significantly more than it collapses the structures deeper inside the penis - I.e. The blood delivering arteries. This leads me to conclude that clamping is somewhat ideal for increasing intrapenile blood-pressure, but to conclude similarly that until one understands fully the biological mechanism that prevents reversed blood flow back up the arteries one should certainly be cautious.

I will update this post once I find the answers to that question regarding the structure and function of the “one way valve”.

Here is an anatomical sketch in which is clearly visualized the main bodies of the penis as well as the relative size and positioning of the above-mentioned arteries and veins, which I trust most of you will find quite illuminating.

Also attached is a picture of a girl I have been talking to, just because she is kinda hot.

(26.8 KB, 331 views)

Regarding indicators as to the effectiveness of the exercise; 1 - the high intrapenile pressure can be felt when vertically compressing the tightly clamped erect penis - Note; clamp tightly at the base and jelq to as hard an erection as can be achieved, then tighten the clamp as far as safely possible. 2 - the penis takes on a slightly purple hue due to slightly deoxygenated blood being trapped inside it. 3 - the stretching of various penile tissues can be felt assumably via proprioceptors within or around those tissues. 4 - someone mentioned they would use a similar technique until “red dots” appeared under the skin of the penis. I believe this would indicate burst blood vessels which may or may not aid in the upregulation of cellular expansion or volumization of the structure itself (I don’t really know what term to use here) due to increased intracellular mechanisms - in bodybuilding there is a term “sarcoplastic hypertrophy” which may be related, or may not, or may share similar biological mechanisms with penis enlargement achieved by the over-pressurization of biological structures via various methods of forcing higher than average volumes of various fluids into those structures, or other methods to over-pressurize such structures.

I would advise again that caution be exercised when attempting this or any similar technique until the “one way valve” mechanism is fully illuminated. Be advised this is significantly different to pumping as the pressure with this “clamp-and-compress” technique is raised due to blood not being able to exit the penis whilst pressure within that blood is increased - remember, fluids can be, for all pragmatic intents and purposes, considered incompressible here - whereas in pumping the intrapenile blood pressure is increased due to a vacuum essentially “sucking” more blood into the penis I.e. There is nowhere near as much back-pressure applied to the “one way valve”. Pumping may be a safer way to achieve such levels of elevated intrapenile pressures.

NOTE: At this point in time I would advise against this exercise as I feel that there may be a risk of damage to the “one way valve” which in all frankness could lead to difficulty maintaining erections in future. If you do proceed with this exercise I would advise to make sure the clamp itself is sufficiently tight that it alone will fully prevent the rearward flow of blood back up the arteries so that not rearward pressure will be applied to the “one way valve” mechanism.

I myself will likely give this exercise a break until I have done more research and may opt for a pump rather than a clamp in future.

Last edited by Mdmg : 07-08-2015 at .

The arteries that supply blood to the penis during erection are called the Helicine arteries of the penis.

Here is the Wikipedia page for that structure explaining how their integral valves prevent blood flowing back up them. Keep in mind this is at normal operating pressures and it may be different at the higher pressures we are trying to achieve. … teries_of_penis

An explanatory quote:

"The valves (of the helicine arteries of the penis) prevent backflow in the now-tortuous route through the cavernosa."

Further research is needed to ascertain if these valves are suited to handle above-normal pressures for any amount of time, or an extended amount of time. I can imagine the failure of these valves would not result in anything very good.


The valves in the penis (both in the veins and in the arteries, which must be shut at various times to maintain erection) are NOT suited to over-pressurization and their failure - due to age or whatever reason - is one of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction. (Male Reproductive Dysfunction, Dec 1, 2005, by Basu, page 49, first 2 paragraphs under the heading “Erectile Failure”)

What this says for clamping I do not know. The clamp may be tight enough so as to function in place of those valves. It does, however, appear to be a risky proposition, and a vacuum pump may be a safer option.

For the record I am now thinking whether that stretching feeling may have been the valves themselves, and not the tunica or the fascia.

NOTE regarding the structure and function of the valves of the Helicine arteries of the penis;

From what I gathered (I stopped paying close attention after reading that the failure of these valves was a known and common cause of erectile dysfunction) the valves system is a muscle around the artery which contracts and in that contraction collapses the artery and prevents the backflow of blood. In a sense the valve system itself is a circular clamping muscle around a circular tube. Whether those clamping muscles can be trained to become stronger in order to cope with higher intrapenile pressures or will become stretched and/or fail from higher than normal intrapenile pressures or will not change at all I do not know and I may look further into that though I am not very hopeful such a subject will have much literature on it.

Given that a similar fluid over-pressurization is used by bodybuilders to great effect (sarcoplasmic hypertrophy as opposed to myofibrillar hypertrophy) one may be tempted to assume that the same process will be effective for penis enlargement however the tissues and other systems involved are very different so it is likely erroneous to make such an assumption.

Last edited by Mdmg : 07-08-2015 at .

Can someone with experience clamping read the insane amount of stuff I’ve posted which is mainly technical and give us an experience-based perspective please?

Truthfully, I don’t know who is qualified medically to comment on it. I imagine there are several clampers who will say they don’t have any problems. But I still have reservations about it, for the same reasons you’ve stated. The valves are a concern for me.

Originally Posted by Mdmg
Regarding indicators as to the effectiveness of the exercise; 1 - the high intrapenile pressure can be felt when vertically compressing the tightly clamped erect penis - Note; clamp tightly at the base and jelq to as hard an erection as can be achieved, then tighten the clamp as far as safely possible. 2 - the penis takes on a slightly purple hue due to slightly deoxygenated blood being trapped inside it. 3 - the stretching of various penile tissues can be felt assumably via proprioceptors within or around those tissues. 4 - someone mentioned they would use a similar technique until “red dots” appeared under the skin of the penis. I believe this would indicate burst blood vessels which may or may not aid in the upregulation of cellular expansion or volumization of the structure itself (I don’t really know what term to use here) due to increased intracellular mechanisms - in bodybuilding there is a term “sarcoplastic hypertrophy” which may be related, or may not, or may share similar biological mechanisms with penis enlargement achieved by the over-pressurization of biological structures via various methods of forcing higher than average volumes of various fluids into those structures, or other methods to over-pressurize such structures.

I would advise again that caution be exercised when attempting this or any similar technique until the “one way valve” mechanism is fully illuminated. Be advised this is significantly different to pumping as the pressure with this “clamp-and-compress” technique is raised due to blood not being able to exit the penis whilst pressure within that blood is increased - remember, fluids can be, for all pragmatic intents and purposes, considered incompressible here - whereas in pumping the intrapenile blood pressure is increased due to a vacuum essentially “sucking” more blood into the penis I.e. There is nowhere near as much back-pressure applied to the “one way valve”. Pumping may be a safer way to achieve such levels of elevated intrapenile pressures.

NOTE: At this point in time I would advise against this exercise as I feel that there may be a risk of damage to the “one way valve” which in all frankness could lead to difficulty maintaining erections in future. If you do proceed with this exercise I would advise to make sure the clamp itself is sufficiently tight that it alone will fully prevent the rearward flow of blood back up the arteries so that not rearward pressure will be applied to the “one way valve” mechanism.

I myself will likely give this exercise a break until I have done more research and may opt for a pump rather than a clamp in future.

The worries I’ve had about clamping are mostly about whether the tunica can handle the extreme pressure applied and expand safely, but I understand your point about the artery valves. Obviously the reason for the effectiveness of clamping is precisely the fact that the clamp will compress the veins more than the arteries, but that also might cause the risk that blood will flow backwards within the artery rather than out through the veins when pressure diminishes. However, I rarely experience decreased erection quality after clamping. In fact, my erections are usually more frequent during periods of clamping. I have occasionally during periods of intense and frequent clamping suffered from priapism-like symptoms in mornings after heavy drinking, which I assume was a result of acute trauma to the veins rather than arteries. This happens rarely though, and when it does, some time off from clamping will make it go away.

I think most people would agree that pumping is safer than clamping, but also much less effective due to the reason that clamping causes internal pressure of the corpora which means the expansion must involve the tunica. During pumping, the pressure on the tunica is diminished when fluids leak into the tissue between the tunica and the skin, causing swelling. I believe this fluid buildup happens faster than tunica expansion because of the toughness of the tunica.


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