Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tell me about your permanent clamping gains

Oh ok. The thread was about clamping gains and I was going on about routines and discoloration.

Anyway I do think id gain well clamping because the expansion I get is amazing but I do worry about discoloration.

Any and all info is good. Along those lines I played around with a clamp today, and had a hell of a time getting it off. I should practice with a wooden dowel or something. Or maybe Air Clamp would be best for me.

I’m not focusing on girth at the moment but I did play around with my clamp last night, and it’s one of those exercises that really feels like it’s working, if that makes sense?

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Those are excellent gains, Beretta92. CONGRATS!

Thanks for the extra details, guys.

Thanks man! I don’t see them as really huge gains, but I do attribute them to my much more intense routine(s) since re-starting PE after a nearly 4 year break. I had lost half the original girth I gained before the break, but I did keep all but .1” of the length. I am focusing heavily on girth at this time, so I have seen ZERO length gain in 6 or so months back at it. That’s fine with me, lengthwise I am fine for the wife already, she is nice and petite.

I wanted to comment further on clamping, as there seems to be some who are a little cautious/scared. Now this is just my opinion, as I am not really a clamping “vet”, but do consider myself a well-seasoned, almost a general PE vet. Don’t be so worried about people starting clamping and then disappearing from here. It is probably not what you think. Also, the discoloration is not that big of a deal if you are CONDITIONED and SMART.

If you are conditioned enough, where you can do a pretty intense jelq session and not end up with much redness/discoloration or red spots, clamping my way should not be too bad for you. I can’t emphasize enough, using the Air Clamp is the best way to approach clamping (my humble opinion). Yes, keep the sets under 10 minutes. I actually am doing about 7 minutes max, each set now. It just starts to go a little purple, it’s time to deflate and let it refresh with new blood, then a second set (maybe). I do my jelqing and pumping set(s) before clamping, clamping is the last exercise in my routine. I get awesome expansion because of that, and the combination of jelqing, pumping, and clamping every workout makes my flaccid huge all day, and without fliud buildup. I got a little fluid buildup at first when developing the routine, but being used to it now, as well as not exceeding 5hg in the pump, has settled me into something great.

I think anyone starting out clamping (only once they are conditioned/ready for it) should begin with the Air Clamp. It seems to be easiest and safest, especially for someone just getting into it and not being used to it. The Cable Clamps are much more of a bitch to use, though temptingly inexpensive. I think there may be some benefit in Cable Clamps for me down the road, perhaps adding a second clamp other than another Air Clamp for further expansion, but not likely until I hit a major plateau, if/when that happens, I’ll look into it.

As far as discoloration goes, I have none from clamping. It is a little redder, or a little darker for about half the day following my routine, which is in the morning, but that’s it. I only have that slightly darker ring, just behind the glans. The ring that is so common with PE’ers in general. I have had this for years, and it is not from clamping. It is from my early days of PE, when I went from 5.5BPEL to 6.6BPEL and 4.375EG to 4.9EG. Slight stretch marks remain in/around that area also. We will see how or if that changes as I have now surpassed my previous record size (though I am hesitant to report the measurments until my next measurment date of 4/1/09)

Hey check out my comparison pic link at the the bottom, I think it is very relative to this thread.
I have a very hard tunica so other then the newbie routine and some time trying to jelq I have done all clamping. I’ve gained almost and inch length and .6 inches in girth.

I did a lot of research before I started clamping and I have seen some extreme discoloration, however if you stick to one clamp and pay attention and use common sense the majority of people will not suffer from excessive discoloration. If it gets too bad you can always stop and the discoloration will slowly fade away.

Starting: (2/1/06) (nbpel=7.8) (bpel=8.15) (eg=5 3/16)

06/29/07: (nbpel=8 1/2) (bpel=9) (mid eg=6) (base eg 6.25)

Comparison Pictures, 8in to 9in= My Comparison Pic thread.

Originally Posted by ThePapSmearster
Hey check out my comparison pic link at the the bottom, I think it is very relative to this thread.
I have a very hard tunica so other then the newbie routine and some time trying to jelq I have done all clamping. I’ve gained almost and inch length and .6 inches in girth.

I did a lot of research before I started clamping and I have seen some extreme discoloration, however if you stick to one clamp and pay attention and use common sense the majority of people will not suffer from excessive discoloration. If it gets too bad you can always stop and the discoloration will slowly fade away.

Any of those length gains attributable to clamping?

6 X 5(Jun 2002) ----> 8 7/8 X 6 (OCt 2009) -----> 9.75 X 6.0 (Goal)

'I think you will find that the one thing all big gainers have in common is tenacity.' ~Bib

ThePapSmearster - thanks for the link to your comparison pictures. Excellent work! and real interesting/motivating thread.

beretta92 - interesting that you do pumping and clamping in your workout. I am a pumper. Would you mind writing up how you combine them in a typical workout? (how long do you pump before clamping etc?)

Originally Posted by sta-kool
ThePapSmearster - thanks for the link to your comparison pictures. Excellent work! and real interesting/motivating thread.

beretta92 - interesting that you do pumping and clamping in your workout. I am a pumper. Would you mind writing up how you combine them in a typical workout? (how long do you pump before clamping etc?)

Sure, no problem. In summary, my current routine consists of a 3-set jelq session, 60 or so reps per set. 80+% erection, slow and intense, including “jelq-squeezes”. Brief break with some stretching and bends, then I pump for 10-15 minutes. Lower HG, never exceeding 5hg. Occasionally I will add a second pump set of about 5 minutes, especially when I am close to my day(s) off PE for the week. Then I rest briefly, doing some squeezes and bends to get blood circulated again (by this time I am pretty plump). Then i get the clamp going. Get a 75% erection, attach the velcro Air Clamp, then stroke my dick to 100% erection, then kegel hard while clamping it to full pressure. I get 1/4”+ more than my normal EG once clamped. Within about 6 or 7 minutes, my dick starts to darken, red/purple in color, and slightly cooler. Then it’s time to release the pressure valve, while keeping the velcro clamp on at the base. I do some light stretches/squeezes until the color returns to normal, and my dick is full body temp again, usually only takes a couple minutes. Then I repeat the first description, but only maintain this second set for about 5 minutes. This time I usually get another .1” expansion. Then it’s off, and into the shower for “cool down”. When out of the shower, color is back to about normal, and I put on a cock strap when getting dressed. I maintain this for a few hours to remain plumper. The increased flaccid hang/plump lasts all day. I only get slight fluid buildup the first day after a rest day or two. By the second day of a 5 on, 2 off week, I get no fliud buildup. Sometimes I go 2 or 3 days on, 1 off, depending on the wife’s work schedule. :)

I have considered mixing up when I clamp/pump, but it seems I get the most expansion with clamping if I do it after a pump session. It might be something to experiment with down the road though. Good luck man, don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions about my routine, and how it is working. I am getting more and more optimistic as I see my EQ improve, and gains come. Sometimes I can’t believe I am gaining, like it is some kind of mistake, but sure as shit, it is happening!

I highly recommend the Air Clamp. Just take it easy at first, slowly ramp up the intensity. It takes a few months until you can handle more than a few minutes, but then the gains start coming….

Beretta92 - thanks. Right now on pumping day I also do squeezes and ULI’s before I pump. Would be simple enough to swap in clamping and reverse the order.

Thanks for the detailed description Beretta92, I do have a few questions regarding it. What are these stretches and bends you do in those brief breaks during a workout. I assume the stretches are normal manual (flaccid) stretches, but I have no idea how you do the bends could you explain it to me?

And after your workout is done and color is back to normal you mention putting on a cock strap. I assume this is a cockring. Either way, how tight would you say it is? I have a cockring but its pretty damn tight and dont think its safe to wear for that long.

Originally Posted by ICANdothis
Thanks for the detailed description Beretta92, I do have a few questions regarding it. What are these stretches and bends you do in those brief breaks during a workout. I assume the stretches are normal manual (flaccid) stretches, but I have no idea how you do the bends could you explain it to me?

And after your workout is done and color is back to normal you mention putting on a cock strap. I assume this is a cockring. Either way, how tight would you say it is? I have a cockring but its pretty damn tight and dont think its safe to wear for that long.

The stretches and bends I do between my exercises are not really intense, rather to get blood well circulated and maintain/slightly increase expansion throughout the routine. I remain at least 50% erect throughout my entire routine, at least following my first jelq set. So the bends are kind of like those slinky bends. Grasp base, squeeze tight for some more expansion, carefully bend in various directions. Then a few squeezes just at the base, watch it expand and contract several times. Light 50% erect stretches, sometimes a little of a v-stretch here and there. Just to keep things moving. Keeps it pliable I guess.

Yes the cockstrap can be considered a cockring. It kind of looks like a leather wristband from the 1980s. It is designed for the cock though. Actually it came with the Kaplan pump I bought several years ago, and was recommended by Kaplan for the very thing I use it for. It has 4 snaps, and is about 1/2” wide, and 8-10” long. I am able to wrap around my cock and balls, and maintain more plumpness for several hours following my routine. It is not very tight though, just a little constriction. I can piss while wearing it, and I don’t get any coldness after a few hours.

I hope this helps! Good luck guys.

So, I really feel like I’ve hit a breakthrough clamping. After several months of nothing I decided to incorporate some bends, head squeezing, etc. And now I’m really feeling it. The next day I’m getting a huge killer flaccid that last almost all day, also I believe my base girth has slightly increased. OK now here is the question. Should I clamp the next day, take one day off, two? What do you guys think? I had originally waited till the red dots went away. Is this a good system?

If you are doing bends while clamped, I would be very careful that you don’t snap your dick in half. Sounds like it could be dangerous.

Originally Posted by Grocery Store
So, I really feel like I’ve hit a breakthrough clamping. After several months of nothing I decided to incorporate some bends, head squeezing, etc. And now I’m really feeling it. The next day I’m getting a huge killer flaccid that last almost all day, also I believe my base girth has slightly increased. OK now here is the question. Should I clamp the next day, take one day off, two? What do you guys think? I had originally waited till the red dots went away. Is this a good system?

This is how I gained through clamping. Mostly compressions (pressing back on the head along the shaft) as opposed to bending. Compressions can give an insane amount of pressure, so be careful if you try them.

I did these with no rest days. If you take rest days, the day after rest you’ll get red dots again and will have to take it slowly. With no rest days your dick is constantly used to the pressure and it seems like you can do basically anything without getting red dots.

This is my experience at least.


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