Thunder's Place

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The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

I’ve read a lot of posts around this forum relating to large units and its relationship to a man’s confidence. I am of the impression that confidence is something seperate from penis size. I have read similar views from other members. I have also read that some members feel that a large dick will supply the confidence necessary to talk to women.

So here it is: Does a big dick equal big confidence? I want to hear your stories and reasoning.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

I’ve found out that they don’t seem to conjoin very much.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I think that confidence can come from many sources, e.g. big income, great body/face, peoples appreciation of you, big intellect, etc. A big dick falls into these categories, however, the other ones outnumbers the big dick any time. Nonetheless, for some guys a big dick can make a difference. In my case though, I just want a bigger one for its own sake (started at 8.25”, currently at 10.25”, goal 12+”).


>>>Does a big dick equal big confidence?

Nope. Not in my opinion.

Big muscles, big shoulders, a full head of hair, a cut stomach, etc.. are physical attributes that could make someone confident.

Lots of money in the bank, a nice car, nice house or apartment, etc.. are also nice things to have which will give you confidence.

Being secure with yourself and knowing your limits will give you confidence. Your accomplishments at work and in your personal life, etc…

A big dick is something that can give you more confidence than you may already have, but I would not base my level of confidence on that alone. I just like knowing that alongside all the other things, a bigger dick can only help increase my confidence.

More than confidence, I want to ‘wow’ my woman with a bigger dick!


Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

I think a man with little confidence in the love dept BECAUSE OF A SMALL DICK can increase his confidence by both mental exercise and PE.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Originally posted by Priapos (started at 8.25”, currently at 10.25”, goal 12+”).


Christ, that huge? When do we get to see pictures? lol

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I haven’t got a big dick yet, so I might see thing differently if I get one, but it is my belief that a big dick is not capable of giving confidense in itself. I believe that gaining a bigger dick can cause a feeling of being able to meet up to certain social expectations and pressures. That feeling of thinking you are now being more excepted, desired, respected by society and individuals is what makes you feel reasured, safer and confident. So a big dick cannot give you confidense directly in my opinion, but the feeling of being wanted, excepted and desired can. If there were no other human’s alive but yourself, having a big dick would gain you no confidense becuase it isn’t the dick size bringing confidense. This does not mean you need others to give you a sense of confidense in life. It is gained from within and how you look at yourself, but outside circumstances such as social effects can be the factor which change your own view point of yourself, inabling you to see yourself in a new light, a light which was always in you but was undiscovered.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

I agree with luvadus. If someone has a small one and that is a MAJOR concern to them, growing bigger will probably help them more than someone who isn’t as concerned.

I’m not after a big dick for confidence, but because I want one and that it looks good to me. Of course, it only took me a couple of months to go from average to above average and that was nearly 4 years ago.

I used to be very “pee shy” in public restrooms because my flaccid size was small. Now I can pee anywhere, anytime. If that isn’t a boost in self-confidence, I don’t know what is.



Originally posted by Priapos
I just want a bigger one for its own sake (started at 8.25”, currently at 10.25”, goal 12+”).


<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

It sure don’t hurt having a big one, nice feeling to know that when you pull down your pants your not going disappoint anyone

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

All interesting points.. Let me fuel the fire:

I’ve known many people who were CERTAIN that a good job, a nice car, a muscular body, a pretty girlfriend, etc will give them confidence. After recieving these things, however, all of them have mainly remained the same. Hell, I’m evidence of this. Until I began to take steps in becoming principal centred (my life is centred around a set of core principals that will never change), I achieved the money and the muscles, but still noticed that I was having the same problems as before, one of which was my lack of confidence.

While having a bigger dick may make you less reluctant when pulling off your shorts, how many women know about your dick size prior to sex? If one is afraid of embarrassment, then perhaps many want a large dick to improve self esteem. But even in this case, is a big dick enough to do it?

Are there any stories to justify your points?


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause


All of this is about being “centered.”

The societies we live in tell us (over and over, every day, in every media) that a good body, money, nice car, house, attractive wife/lover will give us happiness and confidence.

Meanwhile, coming from deep inside where we actually live, are other, conflicting messages: “No! Life is more than that stuff; it’s about…. [fill in your own blanks here.]”

How you deal with your society and how you deal with your own inner voices determines how “centered” you are going to end up.

Is having a terrific car and a medium dick and a beautiful partner in a so-so city apartment enough to center you? Would a Malibu beach house, tiny dick, not attractive but ever-loving partner and a Jaguar with transmission problems do it?

It is all about you, looking out on it all.



Having a big dick in and of it self doesn’t guarantue confidence, but having a big dick and knowing how to use it or be willing to learn how use it to pleasure your partner like they’ve never been pleasured before will give you confidence.


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