Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

people are complex ...

I think there are types of confidence as well that all go towards the total package. Your dick is only part of it and, to my mind, the LEAST important of part.

I am confident i am smart and able to mentally handle different situations because I made sure i finished school and i study and read and question and so on.

I am confident I can handle myself on the street because I have been doing martial arts for 10 years (prior to this even my “friends” used to beat the shit out of me)

I am confident I can handle myself emotionally because I have come through some badass trials and I have the strength to pick myself up, rebuild my life and carry on.

I am confident I am a good person because I have a strong moral code and follow simple rules like “don’t screw others” and karma > money” etc.

And finally thanks to PE i am now confident about going to the trough at a packed pub when i am pissed and not having some little drunken weiner. Erect was always fine and my girls loved me in bed but flaccid (especially drunk) freaked me out, especially when the toilets were busy and I had to share the trough. No longer.

These are all different facets of yourself and all contribute towards your self image. A man may be hung like a horse but dumb as a post and lacking confidence because of it. So many elements make you what you are.

You are in control of your own destiny. If there is something you don’t like about yourself you have the ability to change it, all it takes is the choice to do so and a shitload of hard work (its never fucking easy is it??). But then as soon as you accomplish your goal there is no greater feeling than enjoying the rewards that you sweated and bled to earn. I am glad PE showed me a way to change a part of myself i felt was less than i wanted.

and tug_monkey …

I’ve never been more free in my life, and it feels good.

… i am happy for you my man :)

I think that it doesn’t’t matter how big your dick is, how much money you have, your looks or any of that material crap, It’s how you feel about what you have. If you are unsatisfied with yourself, your image, your career or any thing in your life it can bring your confidence level down. How ever if you work to change what you are not happy with about yourself or learn to accept yourself as you are your confidence will only increase.

I have been told that I was not smart enough, athletic enough, cool enough, or good enough looking most of my time growing up. I was born with a birth defect ( a cataract in one eye) that has effected my vision and distance perception. My parents were protective of me and I never was allowed to play the sports other boys my age did. I got picked on for that and many things as a child and it has affected my self image and confidence for a long time. Then I was in a bad car crash at age 19 and almost died. I broke both my legs and jaw. I was told that if I ever walked normally that would be the best I could expect. but somehow I decided that their best was not good enough for me. I wanted to change my whole self and do something I never did before. So after I could walk again and was back to work I joined a gym and started lifting some weights and working on running (I was not supposed to be able to do that remember) After finishing my first 5K race in July 1996. My confidence was swelling and I started to set new carrer goals for myself and I achieved most of them. So after a few years in a rut I made more goals and went to college not sure if I would pass, but Two years later I got an associates degree and received an award for academic honors all while still working full time. Now I am out to improve my body some more as I am not completely comfortable with it yet. I want a smaller waist, more muscle and a longer thicker dick. As Morlock said we have the ability to change what we don’t like about ourselves it just takes courage and determination. then once you are proud of the change you made to what ever you didn’t like about your self your confidence will improve.

A balancing Act

I think all the things mentioned above in all the previous posts— Looks, money, smarts, etc carry their weight and contribute to the overall attractiveness of a person. Self confidence in yourself is of course— very important and can be the difference between getting it up and not getting it up when you get to the bedroom.

However I would like to say for the record that while all those things are great and can certainly attract a fair share of women your way—if you don’t have the right equipment down there, most women will be disappointed at the moment of truth even though they might never ever ADMIT IT to you! There was a recent survey submitted on one of these threads that revealed that most women (all other things being equal) would rather have a homely guy with a big dick than a drop dead gorgeous guy with a small dick. Of course, a big dick is not all a woman looks for but it is part of a complex equation where all things come together to form a total picture. Whether or not you have a big dick is only part of the total equation but from a sexual stand point of view —its a BIG part of that equation!!!

Bear in mind that all these things form a chain of variables in which a woman will weigh and assess your worthiness. A chain is only as good as its weakest link and I don’t think it so much a matter of having all those other things to compensate for a lack of size. Sex is a very important element of any relationship and I hate to be the one to say it but someone has to to say it—-the chain will break at its weakest link.

In the end result and final analysis, sexual pleasure will be deemed in varying degrees of importance by different women, you may find that you dont need any size at all if you are with a woman that views you in the bedroom as if you were her lesbian lover ( even though you are a man) but if you encounter a woman that believes sexual intercourse with a man is a very important part of sex and wants the feeling of being filled by her man, then remember that— 5”is still 5”, 6”is still 6”, 7”is still 7”—if you catch my drift here.

Once again—Don’t get me wrong here, all those other things can certainly contribute to your overall confidence level but your confidence level will not get the job done in the bedroom, it will only make you appear as if you can get the job done but if you are not properly equipped to get the job done—then what good will your confidence level do you??? besides make you feel good—-but the big question is—will the woman feel good???—You either have it or you don’t—-I hope that is not insensitive to those that are desiring more size but I call a spade a spade and tell it like it is, i.e., money is great, drop dead gorgeous looks are great, intellect is great but there is nothing that can really substitute for the pleasure of a penis that fully fills your woman and gives her a feeling of being totally filled. Peace.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 09-04-2003 at .

I agree with Sunny and Miguel27

Sunny ought to know,,,,,nuf said

anyone who has had many deep relationships would know this is a no

Yes, it “helps” confidence but if one goes too far, one such endowed who
brags will only chase away the girls.

I sense a “jerk” mentality and the world of women just is not that way, at all.
and I am eliminating that 1% of the female population who are “size queens.”

Size queens have their own psychological disorders, hehehehe, unless they
have had three kids……………..then,,,,,,,,,,, well…………….they still look at the
total man, not one physical attribute.

Originally posted by tug_monkey

While having a bigger dick may make you less reluctant when pulling off your shorts, how many women know about your dick size prior to sex? If one is afraid of embarrassment, then perhaps many want a large dick to improve self esteem. But even in this case, is a big dick enough to do it?

If you’re at least average OR (the key, I believe) feel good about your penis & your body, then added size won’t matter. But if you’re not happy about your penis (even if it’s above average), then more size might help you feel better about life.

And you asked “…how many women know about your dick size prior to sex?” tug, you’d be surprised how that kind of news can spread like wildfire. I’m not saying that women would know if you’re a new guy in a new town, etc., etc….but if you’ve been a local for awhile, trust me - word gets around. The couple guys I grew up with who had horse cocks - the whole town knew about them, especially all the gals at the high school. Women talk….women talk….women talk.

If you have a big fat python cock, women know. If you have a tiny, twitching nub, women know. They talk & talk.

My one buddy, with the 10” cannon, never needed to woo any chicks - he could snap his fingers. They all wanted to see it & suck it. Some gals were too scared to let him in, but they all wanted to see his legendary wang & to suck him off. He was one lucky (and busy) bastard, let me tell you.

OK guys I can’t beleive that I opened up like that and really said what I felt and shared my life experiances like that but it felt good.

I kind of a agree that if you know you can’t satisfy your lady with the size tool you have all the confidence in the world is not going to change that. I don’t think that has been a problem for me before, atleast not to my knownege. I haven’t had that many partners, so I don’t feel like an expert in the sack. I would like to think I am pretty good. I am one of those guys that needs to be in love to enjoy sex though. I found that out the hard way.

I am kind if shy with women so I was thinking that if I could add some size to my dick it may make me feel more confident about using it. Also if I like the way my body looks I will feel better showing to a woman and maybe they would be more attracted to me as well. This will take hard work to achieve but I know it will be worth it and that I can change anything about myself if I get pissed enough.

I came here with an 8 NBP” x 6.5 prick and was a total wreck whereas confidence was concerned… I would be in the camp that says size is very little related to self confidence…

A man with 5” BPEL x 4.5 girth can have an abundance of self confidence and know damn well that he is not at the upper end of the scale while someone with a much larger penis can be all fucked up… I know this for a fact because I have a good friend who has approx 5” BPEL and he has so much self confidence I’ve actually watched him BRANDISH his willie in front of total strangers *AND* end up taking a girl home and fucking it (and yes, I have pictures of just that)!

While I would agree with those who say that having a large penis would “help” to boost ones confidence I would stop right there. Confidence IS NOT produced by the penis like tear ducts create tears. It well may be one reason why someone has or has not self confidence but it can hardly mean more then that.. I see it no differently then thinking: “if only I had that car, job, girlfriend, house or whatever”…

Also I must mention that a girl could easily choose to have sex with a guy with a small penis rather then a large one, knowing exactly what each guy was packing in his pants… Imagine what the big guy would think of himself knowing that all his size was ‘worthless’ in doing what hype has programmed him to think it would do…

I think it’s awesome that these exercises actually work (albeit in my case SLOW)… I think people might be setting themselves up for disaster if they are banking that having a bigger dick will make their outlook on life change. If your attitude is wrong then address it because there are way too many examples of people who have been dealt a less then fair hand of cards who soar like eagles…

I say these things because I know from many PM’s and compliments that I’m right where so many would like to be… My confidence (sexually) for the most part has been shit… True, I had a problem with cumming to soon but that can hardly be compared to everything being smaller yet working as it was ment to…

My confidence improved greatly once I faced the horrors of my wifes affair and realized if the tables were turned, it could have been me who cheated.. Building up my staying power to the point where I always outlast my wife has helped me a great deal as well, in fact some times after sex I gloat so badly that I have a hard time going to sleep…

In the end I suggest that if we are happy and self confident with ourselves currently and strive to improve on what we have then we are the best we can be…


I Think all I really want is to be the best I can be. That means doing something to change what ever it is about myself that I don’t like and accepting the things I can not change.

Like I can go on a diet if I feel I am FAT. I can work out if I feel I am unfit. I can never have perfect 20/20 vision no matter what so I accept that I need glasses or conacts and am thankful that I can see well enough to drive a car and lead a normal life like those that do. and I am thankful that my glasses are not like coke bottles too…

Originally posted by sunshinekid
Ok, so I'm treading into shark infested waters here, but then no one ever accused me of being the brightest bulb in the box.

Guys, confidence doesn't come from a big dick, or lots of money, or fast cars, or any of that other crapola we are led to believe. Confidence comes from believing in yourself. It doesn't matter if your dick is small, medium, large or extra large, it comes from what you see in yourself. Now, if by having a large to extra large does that for you, so be it. But it isn't because of the dick you are now confident, it is a personal perception issue. I have known, and been with guys of varying sizes, most of them were confident to begin with. I've known guys who were large to extra large who didn't believe in themselves, so what did the dick do for them? Not a damn thing.

Confidence is between the ears, not between the legs.

Very well said sunshine.

Think about this.I was reading an interview with a big bodybuilding star called Dorian Yates,he has won the Mr Olympia contest more than 5 times.They asked him a question about insecurity and bodybuilding.He replied, “bodybuilding is all about insecurities, you take a skinny 50kg insecure kid, that kid gets himself to 90kg, and what do you have……a 90kg insecure kid”

Originally posted by miguel27
OK guys I can't beleive that I opened up like that and really said what I felt and shared my life experiances like that but it felt good.

Thanks Miguel. If you want my opinion you have a very healthy attitude towards life.
Continued success to you.

Hey supersizeit when’s the book coming out? That was some good insight.


It is wonderful to see so many open minded and intelligent people sharing information around here.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.


Having a big dick is great once you close the deal with the chick, but it’s the rest of you that has to close the deal before she even can see you big cock. Believe me when I tell you there is no nice way of bringing the point up that your hung so you have to get the deal done before she will know.
Tight jeans help!


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally posted by jojo
Hey supersizeit when's the book coming out? That was some good insight.


Thanks JoJo ;) I just try to tell it like it is. The ironic thing about all this is that I sometimes sense there are people on this site that feel guilty for being well endowed and come to the psychological rescue of those less endowed and then there are some who will tell you that size does not really matter and they proceed to defend this philosophy and post their message as members of Go figure :whatever:

I believe that your confidence level is how you ultimately perceive yourself regardless of all tangible and material things, it explains why some people that are well endowed and have money and all that other good stuff are still miserable or have low self esteem. However by setting attainable goals for yourself and understanding how important each element of attraction is to women—you can take pride in knowing that you are doing everything within your power to make a better life for yourself and feel better about yourself and as you you make progress and begin to attain all those goals—you will find that this can only increase your confidence level regardless of what level it was before you began your journey.

This site is great because its not just about having a bigger penis—its about life itself and the struggles and trails that we all go through. Here we can intimately share the details of our lives and still remain somewhat anonymous.
Ultimately Thunders is really about becoming a better person by sharing your experiences and learning from the experiences of others.

Should you happen to acquire a big dick in the process—then thats the big bonus!!!

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 09-05-2003 at .

When you’re talking to a girl in the club you can flash her the brand tags/logo’s on your expensive clothes and shoes, the keys to your sports car and your own home/villa and show off your fat wallet but you can’t rub them against a girl’s ass like you can with a big dick.

The confidence I get from having a major bulge around girls and knowing girls will be impressed when I get to dropping my pants can’t be replaced by the confidence you get from having a good job or whatever.


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