Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

This is a good thread guys, and supersizeit that was a nice thing to say to that chick personally I don’t think she’s good enough for you except for a quick fuck and a set of glazed tits.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by chickenchoker
The point is: Whatever you feel you are deficient in is the thing that deprives you of self-confidence, especially if you put a lot of emphasis in that particular thing. That may be because you can’t hold onto a job or if you have a small dick.

Once that deficiency is overcome, you gain self-confidence. If I grow a dick big enough to give me much confidence, I don’t care if the next guy at the urinal has a bigger one, because all I care about is that I no longer am deficient in that area - which I placed a lot of emphasis on.

Yes, this is the point. There’s no value in a natural 7 saying that dick size won’t matter. Not to him, obviously. As I’ve said, I’m tall - so height was never an issue with me. But a buddy of mine is only about 5-8, and whenever we talk about a certain guy (from work, an old school mate, an ex’s new boyfriend, etc.), he’ll always throw in, “How tall you think he is?”

At first, I never made the connection. And honestly, I never paid attention to height, but it slowly dawned on me why he always asked - because he has issues with height. Another buddy went badly bald at age 20. Obviously, the hair loss thing is a huge issue with him. When he looks at another guy, that’s the first thing he notices - the thickness of the guy’s hair.

And survey after survey has consistently indicated that most guys are dissatisfied with their weinies - to varying degrees. And, most significantly, most women are also dissatisified. Yes, the volume issue is huge. A long thick python delivers a much better “punch”, much more stimulation & sensations than an “average” peter. We know this. Women know this. And women know that we know.

That’s a lot of pressue to cope with.

CC and wad, I understand exactly where you are coming from and I do not disagree with your statements, just your conclusion…I don’t measure a man by the size of his dick…and anyone who does is shallow and petty…there are simply too many factors that go into confidence and ego, and I’ve never hear of one problem, by itself, overcome and then total self-confidence and mass ego resulted…work on your mind as much as your dick, because that’s where true confidence comes from…between your ears…


Originally Posted by wadzilla
But a buddy of mine is only about 5-8, and whenever we talk about a certain guy (from work, an old school mate, an ex’s new boyfriend, etc.), he’ll always throw in, “How tall you think he is?”

At first, I never made the connection. And honestly, I never paid attention to height, but it slowly dawned on me why he always asked - because he has issues with height.

Amazing. I’m only 5’5” and the only issue I have with my height is that I’m not that visible in singles bars when everyone is standing near the dance floor. I don’t have a height issue. I know if I had a big enough wang and I would whip it out, it would make a woman’s knees weak enough to drop them down to my height.
Just exaggerating, of course, but on its importance on a scale of 1 to 10, dick size is a 10 and height will never be even a 4 to me. NEVER!

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Originally Posted by Hughjorgan9
CC and wad, I understand exactly where you are coming from and I do not disagree with your statements, just your conclusion…I don’t measure a man by the size of his dick…and anyone who does is shallow and petty…there are simply too many factors that go into confidence and ego, and I’ve never hear of one problem, by itself, overcome and then total self-confidence and mass ego resulted…work on your mind as much as your dick, because that’s where true confidence comes from…between your ears…


Hey Hugh I have been preaching that for years, even with a big dick you still have to get the chick into bed with your other skills and if you don’t have any your not going to get laid even with your big dick. You have to be the Alpha male without being a conceited prick. And while having a big dick does help with your confidence so does being in great shape and being successful at what ever it is you do. I work with this guy at work and this guy has it figured out he’s 100% alpha all the chicks love him and he’s only slightly better than average looking and all the guys respect and like him. This guy really has chicks just throwing themselves at him it’s really amazing.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by chickenchoker
Amazing. I’m only 5’5” and the only issue I have with my height is that I’m not that visible in singles bars when everyone is standing near the dance floor. I don’t have a height issue. I know if I had a big enough wang and I would whip it out, it would make a woman’s knees weak enough to drop them down to my height.
Just exaggerating, of course, but on its importance on a scale of 1 to 10, dick size is a 10 and height will never be even a 4 to me. NEVER!

CC, that’s cool that you have no issues about your height, but that wasn’t the point I was making. I was trying to illustrate how people lack confidence when they perceive themselves as deficient in some area. I did not suggest that he *should* be self-conscious about his height, or you either, only that he IS, and it’s an issue with him.

A guy with a little weinie - and a complex about it - would obviously feel much better if he grew more dick.

And to the guy who equated a woman’s interest with a big dick with “shallowness,” are YOU so “shallow” that you would be happy with a woman with a sloppy, gigantic gaping canyon, in which you flopped around helplessly?

If that’s not as good as a firm tight slit, then YOU are shallow as well.

“And to the guy who equated a woman’s interest with a big dick with “shallowness,” are YOU so “shallow” that you would be happy with a woman with a woman with a sloppy, gigantic gaping canyon, in which you flopped around helplessly?”

That “guy” would be me, wadzilla, and I’ve been PEing for many years, thank you very much… so I know a thing or two about it and have had more than my fair share of conversations on boards with guys like you about this issue on the old PEforum…used to ba a mod as well…ask Dino…

to equate a large pussy to a small dick?…WTF?…I have been with hundreds of women, literally, so yes, I have been with tight and loose…to use your same line of thinking, then tight is always better, right?…wrong…too tight can hurt badly with rubbing and not being able to go very deep…experience is more of a factor, or as women put it, knowing what to do with it…I would agree with the porn actresses stating that “about average is best”…not too tight, not too loose…so to equate a “sloppy, gigantic gaping canyon, in which you flopped around helplessly?” in dick vernacular, would be to compare it to a 2” penis…and since I don’t fuck 50 year old hookers with 10 kids, I haven’t experienced a helpless feeling in a canyon…

not everyone can be the “guy with horse cock” that people talk about…I KNOW a couple of them and they are some of the most fucked up guys I know, with no self esteme…it may be impossible for you to comprehend, but it is not an ego boost to know that the only reason women want to be with you is because of your dick, not because of who you are as a person…when you are 18 and horny, that sounds like the greatest thing in the world, but as you get older, it wears you down…. conversly, I knew a guy in college with a 4 incher, (he actually made a joke about it to me) who dated two babes in college when I knew him, and he was a very cocky dude…(confident in his mind)

tell you what, Sparky…you keep thinking that a big dick is going to “complete you as a man” …meanwhile, the confident guy with a 5 inch dick is going to be banging all the babes at the local club…

maybe a dick makes the man to you…I measure a man by such trivial things as his honor, his values and his ethics…stupid shit like that…

Wadzilla and Chickenchoker, you have no idea the things I have seen and done, and a big dick had nothing to do with…confidence in myself put me there…not because I thought I had a big, or small for that matter, dick…

Good luck with your search for happiness…and a big dick…



I know that with any argument that has opposing parties who are very convinced of their argument, tempers can flare. I also know that there is usually a degree of truth in each argument and the tempers stem from mis-communication.

Wad, I understand that you’re saying that we’re all a little shallow insofar as choosing our mates.

Hugh, you are basically saying that in your experience, a large dick doesn’t equal large confidence.

They are two different things entirely and I’m sure we can see some truth in both of them.

Let’s keep it civil.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Thanks for the enlightenment, “Sparky,” I too have been with many women - not “hundreds,” but nearly a hundred. I never said that dick “makes the man,” but society often frames it that way. I also had a buddy with <5” who would screw anything that moved, and his size never bothered him. Great for him.

I don’t know what size you started with, or what your early experiences were, and I applaud you for your great accomplishment of being a MOD (I was one too, at MOS). <drum roll, please>

I just think that CC posted a good thread - perhaps you’re unable to tolerate any dissention from your views. But I will say this, I hope you’re not so naive to believe that every woman who wants you does so because of the wonderful, outstanding human being you are. I’m 39 and I’ve come to learn that most people (M or FM) are often using somebody, some way. It may not be dick size. But would you feel better if a woman were with you because of your looks? Your money? Or security for the future, etc.?

Dick size may have never been any issue with you (although, you’re obviously on a PE board - many, as you’ve stated). But it can mean more or less with different guys. If size is an issue with a particular guy, then growth will do MUCH to increase his confidence. I’ve magnified my unit by about 70% (total volume), and I’ve noticed a definite change in my confidence. Walking on top the world? No. But the weinie is no longer an “issue” with me.

So, call me shallow. :)

Wad and HJ

You guys are two of my favorite guys so please get along, your both kind of Alpha guys and you both have great stories and view points to share and the board is enriched by both of you. So make nicey nicey for Uncle Dino and I will take you both to get ice cream later :D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Can I come?


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Originally Posted by chickenchoker
C Guy,

…Some guys say,”Well, there’s plenty of 5 inch penises in the world that have satisfactory sex lives, so why can’t you think the same way?”
For example, if you lived in China…I guess when the normal dick around you is 5 inches you wouldn’t care so much about it. RWG over here says he knows of a 5 inch friend of his with a shitload of confidence. That’s OK and it’s probably not the norm. You and I have chosen to see this as a handicap based on our values, experiences …and perceptions in our eyes as well as in women’s eyes, including in the porno industry.

Just to clarify my “shallowness”, the above is a partial of post 71 of this same thread.

Basically, I chose to see my small dick as a handicap. Of course, to understand that you would have to read the entire post. Then, maybe I wouldn’t seem so shallow.

But yeah, I could be seen as shallow to some who can’t quite grasp where I’m coming from.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


Sure you can come, you want the banana split right

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Bigger penis bigger confidence, I think so 100%.

Looking to be a kiwi.

I vacillate. Most days I like my dick. Some days I think it is too small. My self confidence is rarely affected. The only time it is affected is when a guy rejects me because my cock is too small for him to consider. I know that shouldn’t bother me but it does. It is even worse if I know he has a huge cock and I want to have sex with him but I don’t qualify. His loss but my pain.

My confidence or lack thereof is related to other things than my dick. But a bigger one would be nice.

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5


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