Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

Ok, i am going to say my peace on this. My new penis size keeps me going to the bathroom atleast 5 times a day just to hold it, i walk around with a higher aura of confidence just because i know that have increased the total volume of my penis by 40 percent in the last 7-8 weeks. At the rate i am going now i will have surpassed my goal by the summer. Now all i have to do is stop myself, which i find is becoming harder and harder to do….The difference of having a larger penis is something that cannot be described unless you have accomplished it, it does affect your personality whether conscious or subconscious, it has for me, i feel like i can take on any woman no matter how much bigger than me she is. For me, since puberty i have not had a problem with the ladies, i find myself turning them down b/c i dont want to be a hoe.

I have found what works for me….It is very different from what some of the norms that are practiced here…I know its far away, but in about 2 months, maybe less, i will post my complete story, what i have learned, and how i made the biggest difference in pe career after 4 years of knowing about pe.

Thank you for having me and reading

Most women respond to a big, genuine smile and a man focused on them and not the size of his dick. Some do check out your package, but not many. My goal in PE was to gain back solid erections during intercourse. When I hit puberty I felt my dick was too small. I didn’t have a clue I was well endowed. That came later. It’s been an asset with my lady, who can take it all. I guess I lucked out as far as deep penetration is concerned.

Current size: 10.50”x7.25”

Originally Posted by lt1fortified

I have found what works for me….It is very different from what some of the norms that are practiced here…I know its far away, but in about 2 months, maybe less, i will post my complete story, what i have learned, and how i made the biggest difference in pe career after 4 years of knowing about pe.

Great to read about your success lt1fortified!

I think that the fact the everybody responds in different ways to different stimuli is what makes PE so intriguing (apart from getting a bigger dick of course!)

I know that I, for one, will be waiting for your routine.

Of all the people here that say confidence comes in the form of a big dick, I have a question:

Have you actually gotten a big dick, or is it just speculation that an increase in size will make you more confident?

It sounds as though the majority of it is speculation, save for a couple of people. All of the guys that have plenty of cock already, seem to say something different. I’m willing to bet that the “confidence” gained isn’t real confidence; like getting a fancy new car. After gaining, you may have the balls to approach one or two more women, but will quickly revert to old behaviours when the true insecurities, that use to prevent these actions, surface once again.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Tug, my point EXACTLY…I have nothing against those who hope or think a bigger dick will fill in the missing piece of the puzzle and that supreme confidence will soon be oozing from every pore of their bodies…but a big dick doesn’t make a man complete…I know it helps in PE to think “if I only had a big dick, THEN I’d be the confident badass I know is inside me”…but like I stated, the true confident badasses don’t think that way, and are at clubs around the world as I type this, picking up chicks and getting laid, whether they have a 5 inch dick or a 10 inch dick…it’s all in the state of mind…

what’s the difference between this thinking and the guy who thinks “if I only had a six pack (abs), or bigger muscles, I’d be “The Man” at the pool, or wherever”?…they bust their ass at the gym, many take massive amounts of steriods and supplements, get the body, and then spend the entire time at the pool checking out the “competition,” wondering how they stack up…still with little or no confidence…watch guys that are juiced up, they wear clothes way too small to show off their efforts, and then worry about the other “buff dudes” to see how they compare…it’s very intereting to watch and can easliy be compared to PE

If more guys on this board would work on a positive mental picture of themselves with whatever they have between their legs, they would be well on their way to true confidence…maybe that’s a new forum this board needs…the psychological side of penis enlargement…Mods, what do you think?…I’ve listened to subliminal and hypnosis tapes about positive thinking, total self confidence, etc…and they do have some effect…maybe get some feedback from some of the women on this board…kind of a group therapy thing…

Anyone who thinks a big dick AUTOMATICALLY brings tremendous confidence is meerly speculating IMHO…There may be someone on this board who had nice gains and is now on top of the world with confidence, but I’d be willing to bet that other things happened to influence it more, such as finding the right woman (or man, as the case may be) who respected them for who they are and made them feel good about themselves…that’s the best cure for penis envy, BTW…

Guys, work on your self esteme and confidence as well as your johnson…you’ll be a better man for it…


I know one thing…my confidence in bed has greatly improved! A bigger dick does allow you to have better sex. I know this from experience. My 7 + inches does a lot more than my former below average 5.75 inches.

Originally Posted by Ophiosaurus
I know one thing…my confidence in bed has greatly improved! A bigger dick does allow you to have better sex. I know this from experience. My 7 + inches does a lot more than my former below average 5.75 inches.

Yes, but have you noticed an increase in overall self-confidence either from the improved sex or the larger dick itself?

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Originally Posted by lt1fortified

Ok, i am going to say my peace on this. My new penis size keeps me going to the bathroom atleast 5 times a day just to hold it, i walk around with a higher aura of confidence just because i know that have increased the total volume of my penis by 40 percent in the last 7-8 weeks.

but in about 2 months, maybe less, i will post my complete story, what i have learned, and how i made the biggest difference in pe career after 4 years of knowing about pe.

As one who has seen absolutely no gains yet, reading a post like this makes me uncomfortable. I was forced to take a three week break so that may explain my lack of gain.

I will take you at your word for it but such gains in 7-8 weeks make me very skeptical. But, then, I’m only a newbie, so my experience is limited.

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5

A bigger dick will improve my self-confidence in every part of my life I know this.

But I have suffered a lot due to my small one and I know if I can solve this problem my perspective of life will change, I will have more courage, not only with girls but I will feel more “adequate” to live a life with less fear.

I simply know it.

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

I have to share this with you guys. My college roommate taught me more about how to get a chick into bed than all the books and manuals I ever read. He was short, overweight, not particularly good looking, and tended to have bad breath. And he wasn’t well endowed either. What he did have was self-confidence, a great sense of humor, and a quick wit. I agree with those who say the answer to success with the women is between your ears and not between your legs.


Originally Posted by horsehung
I have to share this with you guys. My college roommate taught me more about how to get a chick into bed than all the books and manuals I ever read. He was short, overweight, not particularly good looking, and tended to have bad breath. And he wasn’t well endowed either. What he did have was self-confidence, a great sense of humor, and a quick wit. I agree with those who say the answer to success with the women is between your ears and not between your legs.


Well, he never had a hang-up with a small dick to harm his confidence, now did he? And even if he did have a small dick, he chose to “not be shallow” and not see that as a handicap. I chose differently. I chose to see my small dick as a handicap, which leads to low self-confidence. It’s all in what self-confidence harming deficiency you see yourself in. Since he did NOT have a self-perceived deficiency which harmed his self-confidence, his self-confidence was OK.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Originally Posted by chickenchoker
Yes, but have you noticed an increase in overall self-confidence either from the improved sex or the larger dick itself?


Pre PE I was already pretty confident, except when it came to the bedroom. But I can say that I do have more confidence overall now. You just feel better about yourself and it is on less thing to bring you down.


avovet8,could you tell us your flaccid length before pe and now?

Guys without a doubt confidence is a huge factor meeting women. If you know you are good looking and they should be into you, you approach women seriously. So many guys approach women because they feel it is the normal thing to do, but they dont’ really have confidence to back it up.

PE adds so much to confidence because the ultimate goal for us guys is to lay the girl. We want to be able to give her a good fuck, and knowing we can makes the ultimate goal much stronger. It is like cutting your hair, brushing your teeth etc, all of those things won’t genetically change you but they will give you confidence.

Hell even having yoru apartment clean and ready to bring a girl home can massively raise your confidence. When a girl senses confidence in you, she knows you have reason to be confident. I never have believed you can fake confidence. Women can sense that a mile away imo, even if you somehow have tricked yourself.

If anyone disagrees with me on this I will bring up some analogies so you can see what I mean:) .

Ezekiel 23

20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

Rondof, Confidence is indeed the main factor in meeting women. Main factors in this are self respect, not putting women on a pedestral and no need for approval. Having a big dick is just one piece of the complete you. Like having a good job/education, great friends, nice relatives, good looking body/house etc. All these things together make you who you are and is where the biggest part of the confidence comes from. Actually these things are imo much more important than the big dick.

Now I understand that some men are insecure in contacts with women because having a little dick, but this is imo mainly because they FOCUS on it. Men should not focus about dick size. Then other things will be the ground of confidence and won’t let the little dick become important in their social life.

The Big Dick plays later a factor when other things become important. Then confidence could incline because you’re big dicked. However even then, if you have a lot of self respect you will not need to let a small dick matter in you’re confidence. If she remarks something you could always say and project something like “hey I don’t care what you’re thinking, I’m a great overall guy, either you could enjoy yourself with me or go to some bigdicked bastard, who has no personallity, no job, lame friends, dull relatives, in other words no life.” I bet she will think twice and you still have your self respect.

Any other thoughts about this?


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