Thunder's Place

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The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

All those who say the dick doesn’t make the difference in self-confidence don’t have a dick small enough.

As a kid I was smart, good looking, and extremely outgoing and self-confident.
Then puberty came, and with it came a small dick. For the past years I have been completely reserved, not outgoing at all. I feel nervous around women, I feel like I don’t belong there.

I haven’t been with any girl yet, and I can assure you if I had a big dick it wouldn’t be like that.

So, for some of us, a big dick is all that’s left to complete the package.
So yes, having a big dick can make you more confident. It really depends on the person and WHY the person is NOT self-confident to begin with.

Wow.what a big debate..

As a person lacking confidence in himself, I can tell you that a big dick does not equate to confidence. A big dick only equates to a big dick. Confidence is something you have to build up in yourself by other means than solely PE.

In my experience, PE can help a tiny bit with confidence, but only if you have loads of it in every other area to begin with. If you don’t have it to begin with, PE won’t do anything for it really. In fact, PE can actually have a retroactive effect.if you start out with PEing, thinking that a big dick will help with your confidence, and it actually doesn’t, you’ll end up losing even more confidence in yourself and end up feeling fake, empty, lame, and idiotic for thinking that something as shallow as having a big dick would help you build up your confidence.

Now I’m not saying PEing is bad for guys with no confidence.having a bigger dick is always good, even if you don’t use it.having it around for the future is always a wise option to’s just that you have to make a very distinct separation between your penis and yourself.that’s something I had to learn the hard way.something I’m STILL learning the hard

I think a bigger unit satisfies man within himself, it´s good to feel it with more flaccid size, no only when peeing in public places, but all the time you´re awake.

Now, when the moment calls for action, size and strength are of primary importance, of course.

Perhaps a larger dick helps to get along with women socially or romantically because one lives in a better mood.

I think the biggest confidence boost I’ve ever had is when my wife’s best friend said that, although I wasn’t as long as her husband (from their conversations), I had girth which she thought was far more important.

I’ve been on cloud nine since.

So, yes, having someone percieve you as having a big dick is a confidence booster.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

I say that when it comes to talking about it, you can either say with convincing confidence that you are big…

And I pity those who can’t talk about sex and size without confidence.

In proverbs, Solomon said that accepting your lot in life is a blessing. Confidence should come from knowing you are doing the best with what you have. I am not the tallest, smartest, or best looking guy, but I am thankful for what I have. Will a bigger dick make me more confident? I think it will make me more comfortable in my ability to give pleasure, but I have lived 43 years without a porn star cock and I can honestly say, looking back, I can’t see where a big cock would have made any difference in the outcome of my life.

It does give me confidence. Last night, I had a girl practically flip over my large unit, sex was a shock and awe thing to her, and I think she really liked it. Whatever condom she had wouldn’t fit down the last 2 inches. This sort of thing is a common experience, and whether it should or not, it DOES give you a feeling of power that is most enjoyable.

This is what i have to whip out:

Dangleman’s 1st Pics: what do you think?

Originally Posted by dangleman
It does give me confidence. Last night, I had a girl practically flip over my large unit, sex was a shock and awe thing to her, and I think she really liked it.
Dangleman’s 1st Pics: what do you think?


By "flip out" what exactly did she do? Better detail please. :)

Jaw dropped, gasp, expressed fear and told me to be careful. I LOVED IT.

Wow! That had to feel good dangle. My wife recently told me that I felt like a giant steel pole. You just cannot help but smile…………..

Guys all over the world associate big dicks with manhood, right or wrong, and nothing will change that, I reckon.

I personally believe having a big dick gives people a lot more confidence in every aspect of their lives.

A large dick gives confidence in one aspect on a persons life, but lacking a large dick certainly doesn’t imply that one lacks sexual confidence. A man can be confident in many areas of his life, sex being one……and an important one at that. Sexual confidence can only be increased when one posesses a large dick, yet having a large cock surely is know gurantee for great sex. Those who have been large from day one may not realize the boost of confidence that comes with large size, whereas a guy working at it in PE, making some gains definately gets a sure boost of confidence.

A big dick only gives me confidence in the bedroom, that is it. It does not help any other part of my life. In fact if I’m bulging too much and a dude will look at it i get nervous, because I don’t want a man gawking my bulge.

Of course, they don’t know you have a big dick until you use it, so it doesn’t really help you get a girl, unless the inner confidence helps you. What feels good, though, is the knowing that once you do get her in bed, she’s gonna gasp and think of you as a stallion - so you rack up extra points instantly, in addition to whatever skills you have re: pleasing her.


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