Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

Size’s Database has that kind of info on over 100 members.

Confidence is something of a tricky thing to define and ascertain its root. It also ebbs and flows from situation to stituation.

For example, I like to play pickup basketball and with my regular crowd I’m one of the better players and am full of confidence when we play. There’s another group with which I also play, though not quite as often, where the skill levels are much higher. I have less confidence then and subsequently don’t play as well. It’s the same me, same body, same height, same dribbling and shooting skills, but because the confidence is not there I don’t play as well, even setting aside the better skills of the other players.

So that it shows that confidence is mental not physical. But the physcial (be it basketball skills or penis size) can affect the mental, thus your confidence and subsequent performance.

I think confidence is determined by a combination of your genes, how you were raised, peer influences, and your own life experiences. I believe it can vary from between different parts (career, appearance, athletics, hobbies, etc) and different times of your life, though there tends to be a spillover effect.

I think our confidence is circumsribed by our limits but our limits are circumscribed by us. We may not all be capable of winning gold medals but we are all capable of surpassing those limits and in cases substantially surpassing them, transforming ourselves (and gaining more confidence) in the process. Of course, it takes incredible hard work and a number of set backs along the way.

That’s one reason that makes PE interesting for me (this coming from a slow grower) — the fact that with hard work intelligently applied, that it is possible to exceed a limit (your god-given penis-size) that society by and large has concluded cannot be altered.


I really enjoyed your post which has given me new insight on confidence. You’ve taken the middle road stating that confidence comes in many forms and can also vary from situation to situation. I say middle road because your description doesn’t describe confidence as a single universal absolute, but something that has many variables and many exceptions.

I enjoy PE for the same reason you stated; it reinforces the idea that change is possible and is only a matter of choice and hard work.

How would you suggest one go about improving his confidence in any one area?


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Re: The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

Originally posted by tug_monkey

So here it is: Does a big dick equal big confidence? I want to hear your stories and reasoning.

Nope. I’ll still be afraid and have no confidence (figure she’s taken, why should I bother, I’m ugly, etc.) even if I was 10” .

If I had 10” of meat, I’d just be satisfied in terms of PE. I will still not have confidence to talk to girls; but that’s just me.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Re: Re: The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

Originally posted by Wt282
If I had 10” of meat, I'd just be satisfied in terms of PE. I will still not have confidence to talk to girls; but that's just me.

If you had 10 inches…

You wont have to worry about approaching girls all that much because once you somehow get the word out (Do the one that seems like she has all the friends and is the biggest gossip)—All the girls will be approaching you!!! —and thats a proven fact! :chuckle:

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


I don’t know about you guys, but my confidence has done a complete 180 since I started PE. My body was in better shape 3 years ago, than it is today, but I’m also 3.5” longer in penis length. So for some guys, a big dick does equal big confidence.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Re: Re: Re: The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate

Originally posted by supersizeit
If you had 10 inches…

You wont have to worry about approaching girls all that much because once you somehow get the word out (Do the one that seems like she has all the friends and is the biggest gossip)—All the girls will be approaching you!!! —and thats a proven fact! :chuckle:

You ain’t lying!
Word about your wang travels fast - be it large or small. I agree 100% - if a guy’s packing “10”, news travels in advance of him….no doubt.

Excellent thread guys. While I agree with most everything that has been said, there are still areas that are untouched. Before i get into that let me give a brief history for better clarification.

I always had a small dick. It was a constant embarassment in school. I even went so far as to be excused from class to go to the restroom to insure that no one saw my dick.

Not to brag, but I was one of the nicer looking guys in school and was always surrounded by the best looking girls. However my size always stopped me from being anything but friends with them. I was only around three inches erect length in school. Flacid was nothing much but the head visable and very little else.

Eventually I realized that I could not live by myself forever and decided to take a chance. I got married and to say that it was a disaster would be an understatement. The whole marriage was awful. I would say that 90% of the problems stemmed from the bedroom. The last 6 months that we were married she had an affair. No, I do not blame her. She felt she deserved more and who was I to stand in the way. The thing that really hurt was that she told OUR friends about her new lover and his hung size.Needless to say that does NOT boost my confidence at all.

Skip ahead to PE. I tried pe before we divorced but saw absolutely no growth. I was 3 3/4 at the time i started pe. (app.41/2BP). I bought several programs but was no growth. YGuy actually talked me into joining Thunders Place and has been a constant help ever since. I have gained up to 61/2 BPEL since coming here.

I still feel very timid and out of place. Maybe unaccepted is a better word. Not to be hurtful,rude or cruel in any way, the thing that bugs me most is asking for help and not getting it. Thats what makes me feel like I’m not worth the bother. Not to sound negative, but I’ve actually even waited months for replys tp PM’s which were read and never replied to. If I wasn’t seriously wanting help I wouldn’t ask in the forums or PM’s. Either way I will continue to pe although it takes longer when you keep making blunders and mistakes. I may never feel accepted here or any other forum but I am trying to accept myself and hopefully one day have SOME confidence.

Not accepted? Perhaps you could kill someone, they seem to have supporters.

It would seem to me that people generally like people; my suggestion is to be louder- you will then have supporters and “enemies.” Voice your opinions and make suggestions more often. You will have those that agree and disagree with you. Hopefully you will have your and others opinions changed for the better.

Oh well, I hope this helps. If it doesn’t: cope.

I apologize.


After reading your posts, there is a definite shift in attitude as a result of your gains. I completely believe that you did a 180 and are now a more confident individual. Does that mean that a larger dick will make one more confident? I now believe that in most cases it would. HOWEVER: it may only make one more confident in certain situations and depending on the person have different magnitudes of success.

As tallythawacker stated, confidence comes in many shapes and many forms and changes from situation to situation. Example: A guy with a really nice car may feel completely confident approaching women in orange county, but may feel out-of-place and self-concious approaching the same women a much poorer area. Did the car improve his confidence? Yes and no. I believe that there is a permenant solution for that man, but it takes much searching and tons of hard work.

I assert that perhaps the root of your insecurities and lack of confidence stemed from your penis size. Upon increasing your size, the low-confidence and insecurities about your size were removed and many areas of your life were positivly changed. My personal shift in confidence didn’t come from my penis size, but was largly stemed in fear of judgement from others, fear of not being accepted and fear of failure. Today I stand a more confident individual having reckognized this as being the TRUE root of my lack of confidence, then working hard to change it.

After reading all of these posts, I must say that I have been given new insight into confidence. From what I gather, confidence is nearly impossible to fake (to fake it would imply that you are fairly confident already), so in order to become confident, one must change him/herself. But what do we change? In order for the change to be effective, we must search for the root (or roots) of our insecurities and then with this new realization, and months/years of hard work, change ourselves to remove the afformentioned fears.

C Guy,

Your story was very touching. I’m sorry that you experienced all of those things, but in a way they were an incredible gift. They prodded you onto the path of self change; a path that will eventually lead you to the place without fear, insecurity or doubt; a place where you will truly be *free* for the first time.

PM me anytime. I pride myself on ASAP responses, so don’t be shy to ask questions as I’d be more than happy to help.

Best of luck with your PE.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

C Guy,

A lot of these guys here may wonder why us previously small guys put so much emphasis on penis size because they have no idea what its like to have this type of handicap and that’s exactly what it is.

If you were born, let’s say, with no legs or if you lost your legs at a young age, your whole world would be consumed to trying to be normal in mobility and stature ( height ) to the point where other weaknesses in your psyche would either be dealt with easily since they aren’t as weak relatively speaking compared to your handicap OR you can attribute not being able to overcome those other weaknesses to your lack of confidence stemming from your handicap.

Some guys here don’t realize the incredible difference in volume between a 5 inch penis and a 7 incher if the girth were to increase proportionately.
Check this out: based on volume calculations, my starting volume from a dick of 5”BPEL x 4.5”EG will DOUBLE by the time I reach 7.07”BPEL x 5.35”EG, and that’s a proportionate gain of length and girth.

Hey people, that’s TWICE THE MEAT:eek: STUFFED INTO A CUNT for what a lot of folks look at as only a 2.07” increase in length, failing to take into account the contribution of the proportionately added girth!

Do you think TWICE THE MEATAGE would result in a significant increase in female sexual response? You bet! Like maybe twice the poon juice, twice the moan volume ( loudness ), etc. etc.

Of course, we have to take into account pussy entrance elastic thresholds.
A pinprick will still be a pinprick to a cow pussy even if the prick’s volume were doubled but there is a certain point in the elasticity that if it were finally breached, she would start moaning in pleasure. You’ve seen those Amber Lynn videos in the 80’s where she just goes through the motions fucking Ron Jeremy ( 9.25 x 5.75 - guessing ) and then another video where she fucks Dick Rambone ( 10.5 x 7+ - guessing ) and she’s actually enjoying that bigger volume.

Some guys say,”Well, there’s plenty of 5 inch penises in the world that have satisfactory sex lives, so why can’t you think the same way?”
For example, if you lived in China…I guess when the normal dick around you is 5 inches you wouldn’t care so much about it. RWG over here says he knows of a 5 inch friend of his with a shitload of confidence. That’s OK and it’s probably not the norm. You and I have chosen to see this as a handicap based on our values, experiences ( like that immature bitch ex-wife of yours - Hey, flash her your “new” dick once you hit 7 x 6 inches, that bitch…!), and perceptions in our eyes as well as in women’s eyes, including in the porno industry.

A lot of posters here have twice the volume of what our starting volumes were and would only and finally see that as a handicap if their own dicks would shrink to half the volume. Let’s see what that does to their confidence.

In summary, to put a nail into this thread, let’s just say those who us who perceive lack of adequate penis size to be a handicap will get a solid boost in self-confidence once we increase that size to an “acceptable” level.
Those here who do not have penis-size inadequacy issues - don’t see it as a handicap - but still have a self-confidence issue have to look elsewhere to resolve that.

Thank you C-Guy for having a starting length smaller than mine and surpassing me. You can walk around today and say,”Today, I gave chickenchoker great hope and strength”. You can add that to your confidence, BUDDY!

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Last edited by chickenchoker : 09-21-2003 at .

Thank you chickenchoker. You summed up my feelings perfectly. I even read a post when I first came to here wherea guy said that if he saw a post with the word desperate in it he didn’t even take the time to read it. Well for me, I WAS DESPERATE! Desperate enough to do something about it. Desperate enough that it has cost me well over a $1000.00 in Dr. bills alone in the last 3 months from trying too hard or doing the execises improperly. Not complaining as I take full responsibility for my pe, but this could have been avoided if i had gotten the answers to the questions that i was asking. Oh well, I guess its still true….Live and Learn. You can be assured that I will not make the same mistakes again. I can only hope that if I get asked for help or advice that I can give it freely and timely. I understand the importance that being small has for some of us. And by the way I sincerly hope you catch up with my gains quickly bro. Thanks again

Man guys— these post are all really inspiring and really make you think, one only needs to look at post like the ones above when you feel lazy about doing your PE and need a little motivation. I went out with this really hot babe a few nights ago and we were discussing sex and sexual pleasures. She began to tell me about how awful it is to be with a guy who might look good and be a a nice guy/have money but not enough meat between his legs—then she started relating stories to me about past lovers she had that she could not help but laugh when she saw their manhood for the first time and actually showed me the size by holding her hands out.

I have not been intimate with her yet (second date) but somehow she felt very comfortable saying all this to me because she had sat on my lap and squealed in delight when she felt my hard on under her leg and I purposely made it pulse and throb ( I knew those kegels would come in handy some day) I began to feel really sad in a way because I started to wonder what it must be like for a guy to be under-endowed and I felt fortunate and blessed that I was a natural 7” before starting PE and never had to deal with such issues. She saw me staring off into space and in deep thought and she asked whats wrong? I told her that this is no real laughing matter—there are guys out there whose lives are severely traumatised by what you think is so funny and I almost wanted to tell her that I was a senior member on a penis enlargement site called Thunders but I kept to myself and just thought that I am proud to be a member of this site and help in any way that I can—

I think of all you as my fellow brothers. Its great—how we can all share the most intimate details of our lives. We brothers learn techniques together, we experiment together and give each other emotional support/motivation and regardless of how big or how small—we all strive together for a common goal— A BIGGER PENIS—
One of things that really stands out about this site is that we don’t just want a bigger penis—we all know that there is other elements of LIFE in this forum and we all want a better LIFE. We are a virtual community that helps each other in all other non-penis related areas of life too. Man— I love you guys! :p and the sisters here too! :p Thanks for being a part of my life and sharing!

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since



Do me and C-Guy a favor. When you do nail her, give her one good thrust for C-Guy and another good one for me, okay bro? That’s 2 for the little guys!! So when I hear 2 good squeal-in-delights, I know that’s you doing her with us in mind.

YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! :buttrock:

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Last edited by chickenchoker : 09-21-2003 at .

Thanks for the sentiment Chickenchoker. :p All the growth that I have here whether it be penis growth or personal growth and for that matter— all the growth that anyone on this forum has here is partly due to the collaborative effort of everyone that contributes and shares (that means you guys) and partly due to believing that it can happen and believing in your self—without those things you have nothing.—therefore it only stands to reason that all you guys are with me in spirit in my PE journey and at all times and the squeals that I get out of the women are your squeals too. When you guys get those squeals of delight—they are mine too. We are a brotherhood man! :p

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since



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