Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Great Big Dick, Big Confidence Debate


Thanks for the kudos! You’re a real gent!


Your story is very inspiring. Keep fighting the good fight. I’ll follow behind you.


From your first post, it would almost seem as though you’re equating a guys confidence to a womans respect. IMHO, the two are completely disjoined and a guy that is confident, and I mean truly confident, doesn’t need to be reaffirmed by anyone.

Now I agree that a large dick will ‘help’ you in the bedroom, but confidence is about more than just getting laid. In my experience, confidence is nearly irrisistable to women and men alike. While I believe that confidence is a necessary ingrediant for scoring dates, its useful for so much more than just that and will have positive impacts on all areas of life.


Yeah, women talk. Some of them are quick to laugh at a joke about a guy they know with a small dick but quick to lay on a guilt trip if you suggest one of their friends has fat ankles. I guess not having a penis, they simply don’t understand how sensetive some guys are about it. So with that said, I agree against my initial post. If you’ve got a rep, get ready for some serious sex.

I’ve even known a girl to burst out crying about dick size when she broke up with her boyfriend. She screamed “He had a huge dick!” I was really curiuos to know the size, but I didn’t ask. :D


I was scared too. When I started to post on this board in April, I was looking for a large dick to improve my confidence and self esteem. I was doing a good thing for the wrong reasons. I was hoping this thread would indicate to guys like I used to be, that confidence is not “between the legs.” I strongly believe as you do that to think that way is to set oneself up for disaster.

I’m glad to say that this thread has brought a lot of unexpected information and perspectives in the open and perhaps can provide useful footsteps for those among us that are lost.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Wow, lots of great insight here.

Confidence is a strange beast. Most everyone is confident about something… while they have nightmares about something else. The VERY rare and few that are universally self confident are blessed (assuming these mythical people actually exist)

For myself… God has blessed me in so many ways I cannot begin to say. Superficially I am taller, smarter, richer, look better, compete better than average (hopefully saying this is not offensive to anyone) however, one of my “shortcomings”, since puberty, has been penis size. I didn’t have my full natural size until around 19 and even then cannot remember seeing a smaller dick (gym showers). At a BPEL of 5.75” and a EG of 4.4” I had always felt SMALL. The reality was I had small penis syndrome (which is the psychological condition of feeling insecure about ones penis size). Now, if I had been born with a large or at least average size penis… but had ED or some other sexual problem I could easily have THAT syndrome. The fact of the matter is MOST people are insecure about at least ONE thing (usually much more). Naturally, we compare ourselves to the “norm” to see where we place. If you (like myself) were born with a below average penis it is very understandable that we will focus our insecurities there. Actually, a smaller penis had a benefit for me, to help offset this shortcoming, I did EVERYTHING I could do to become a great lover. I have (bragging time) brought a woman to orgasm orally for the first time in her life and she had had a lesbian lover!!! (off my soapbox) anyway, I had basically accepted the fact that I would always have a small dick and that was that. Nevertheless, I was still insecure about it.

WOW, what a difference an inch makes…!!! Now, at 6.75” ELBP and 4.75” EG… I am actually AVERAGE. In fact, my last girlfriend said I was BIGGER than average!!! (yee haw) I could actually go in TOO deep :D The woman previous to her could not even take all of me :D (obviously she had a below average vagina depth) So, going from below average to no longer small… has given me a serious boost in confidence in my most vunerable place… my mental image of my dick! I even realized that a lot of my focus on bodybuilding was a way to offset my small dick mentality. Let me not forget to mention the substancial improvement in stamina (nice to be able to outdo most 20 year olds at the ripe old age of 42!)

Yes, yes, yes… I agree with the above posts that confidence is between the ears and not the legs… but lets face it, we are all here for the same reason, we want a bigger penis. Why? Many reasons, not the LEAST of which is feeling BIG! (confidence yes?)


Thanks for sharing that man, that was an inspiring post.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Great post NotEnough!

This raises a very interesting question:

How does one go about increasing one’s general confidence? If you have become more confident, how did you do it? If you are confident, why do you think that is so?


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

I wish I Knew the real answer to that question tug_monkey. I am not sure where I have gotten the confidence that I have or the corrage to make the changes that I have in my life so far. I guess I had It all along and didn’t realize it. then one day I must have gotten pissed because I viewed my life as a shitty waste and decided to find that confidence where ever it was hiding. And I amaze myself sometime with what I can do.

Origanily writen by tugmonkey
>a guy that is confident, and I mean truly confident, doesn’t need to be reaffirmed by anyone.>

I disagree, nobody is born confident, people are made through circumstance.I believe some people are confident from a young age maybe because there parents gave them that courage and self esteem but in most cases confidence is built.If women/girls give you confidence by building your self esteem you will naturally become confident.If you tried something one day and maybe somebody ridiculed you for it then that would make you more insecure of yourself.


What amazes me about your story is that YOU did it yourself. It’s easy to blame our environments on our shitty situations. Sometimes we are justified in doing this, but by listening to dialog between people, I feel that this blame is often an easy way out of responsability. We are not robots. Our choice dictates our actions. You chose to change and you did. I wish there were medals awarded for this type of hard work, because I would nominate you for one of them.


Although, I believe some individuals are more predisposed to being extroverted vs. introverted, tall vs. short, or confident vs. not-confident, I completely agree with you: our environment greatly impacts the person we eventaully become. But being adults we can shape ourselves as well, even contrary to our environment.

I’ll use myself as an example:

If I was fucking a girl and she commented on my size as small, I would make a joke like “but it’s sooo cute!” It wouldn’t hurt my feelings in the least or diminish my confidence. This is a fictional situation, but it describes my attitude perfectly.

I’m a fairly short guy and people constantly joke about it to my face. The jokes don’t bother me, I’m self-assured (read: assured by self, not someone else). I find the jokes funny, sometimes adding to them and then continue walking as if I were 6’5”.

I’ve still got quite a journey ahead of me, still, but I lack many insecurities I once did.

While I agree that: “if you tried something one day and maybe somebody ridiculed you for it then that would make you more insecure of yourself,” may be true for most, it isn’t true for all. To me, this is the line in the sand that seperates those that have true confidence.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Hey Tug, here’s an idea for the times people make jokes about you height; say something like “Dude you don’t have as much as an inch on me… mine are just differently distributed”. He’ll make a sour face and the girls will giggle away.

Thanks for the high praise! I did imply that I did it all my self which is true mostly but there was a time in my life that I wanted to end it all. I was a very depressed person at that time in my life but I was able to seek out help and get the help I needed to get me started on the way to be who I am today. it was then that it was proven to me that I was someone important and that I could be somebody great if I worked at. Yes I was in a Psych ward for a short stay and to a yearor so of counseling after that but it was the best thing that I could have done for myself at the time, so I am not ashamed to admit it. when I have told a few people that did not know me then they were shocked, as I seen come off as someone who is strong and can deal with adversity, and I have had a good share of it.

I still have some insecurities to deal with.
1. I am not happy with my body I have struggled with my weight since my early teens, loosing some or a lot then gaining it back in time. that is one that I am working on now.

2. Penis size, I guess I started puberty later than most of my peers and I always thought that I was smaller compared to other guys. I am hopping my time doing what I learn here will change that.

And those are just the ones that come to mind the most. I am very hard on myself in the ways that I compare myself to others. so I find that I am my own worst critic. I bet others can relate to that.

well I am getting Long winded so I will end with a quote that I picked up some where that I like and think about when I am thinking something is difficult.

“Take into account that great love and great
achievements involve great risk.”

Originally posted by xxm
Hey Tug, here's an idea for the times people make jokes about you height; say something like “Dude you don't have as much as an inch on me… mine are just differently distributed”. He'll make a sour face and the girls will giggle away.

Hehe :chuckle: You say—I have my inches where it really counts and wear a Thunders Tee shirt (7-11) at all times!!! :p

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Right on, jojo! Confidence comes form within yourself and can develop as you age. Important thing is having a dick and knowing how to use it to please your woman or lover.


We all need help at some point, but it’s always us that make the changes alone. It’s not easy, I know, but the results are worth the effort.

Keep fighting the good fight, brother.


LOL.. You know I’m going to use that joke right? Or how about this: “Cursed in height, but blessed in length… Funny how these things work, eh?”


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

When I was at 5” in length, I had NO confidence. Man what a difference it made when I finally made it to 6”. I finally thought, WOOHOO I’m average!!!

I’ll probobly get the big head when I make it to 7”, HOPEFULLY by the end of this year.

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Originally posted by tug_monkey

LOL.. You know I'm going to use that joke right? Or how about this: “Cursed in height, but blessed in length… Funny how these things work, eh?”

Go ahead use it, I have a whole bunch, being 5’7” myself… here’s another one: “Yeah, but when laid back I’m the taller one”


How long did it take you to get to 6”. I’m obsessed with knowing how long it took various members to gain, as an indicator of my own progress.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause


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