Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The (statistical) Truth About Cock Size

Here is a link about a female penis size discussion of, well, sexually very active women as it seems..

http://www.stri … ight=penis+size

Amazing, everyone has had at least one 9+ incher and 8”+ boyfriends are very common as well.

Originally Posted by Taugenichts
Here is a link about a female penis size discussion of, well, sexually very active women as it seems..

http://www.stri … ight=penis+size

Amazing, everyone has had at least one 9+ incher and 8”+ boyfriends are very common as well.

Haha, 3.5% prefer 11+ inches…that`s pretty funny.
Look at these statistics from the Lifestyle survey :

8.00" to 8.25"
0.3 %

8.25" to 8.50"
0.3 %

8.50" to 8.75"
0.1 %

8.75" to 9.00"
0.1 %

Hell, even 7 inch dicks are rare ! Yet 35.5% of the ones who voted prefer 7 inches…

7.00" to 7.25"
1.0 %

7.25" to 7.50"
1.0 %

7.50" to 7.75"
0.9 %

7.75" to 8.00"
0.8 %

Yet so many people have had these "huge" dicks, and love them. I think I know why.
It has been proven scientifically that womens perception of size, and measurements are worse than it is for us men. Maybe that`s why they suck at parking cars, because they have gotten used to the fact that ———————————————————- is 10 inches…

One time I got drunk, and told everyone ( including my girlfriend ) that my dick was 18cm(7.08 inches) long and 13cm (5.11) in circumference .
I then told her some days later, that it was weird that I said this, when it´s not true. She just looked at me, a little bit surprised, and said " it`s not true ? " and we kinda just laughed about the whole thing. She has no idea about how much I worry about my penis size.

As you can see I am not anywhere there that size, but she basically had no idea.
When 3.5% of women on a forum say they love the 11 inch long dicks it`s gotta be one of the following reasons :

a) They saw a big dick ( 7-9inches) and assumed it was 11, because it was big.
b) They are just bullshitting, and think it`s fun to ruin a poll.
c) They just have no idea about the size of a mans penis.

So…when a girl says she had a lover with a 10 inch dick, it was probably more like 7-8 inches.

April 2008 : BPEL = 13.6 cm NBPEL = 12.7 cm ( measured girth wrong I think, so I won´t put it up here before next time I measure)

May 2008 : BPEL = 14.2 cm NBPEL = 12.8 cm

June 2008 : BPEL = 14.7 cm NBEL = 13 cm MSEG = 10.9 cm

I overheard my mom talking to my sister about how anything less than 6” is a micropenis. After I explained to her that the average is less than that, she almost shit a brick. And this is someone that’s had probably over 100 sexual partners.

So yeah, they don’t know what they’re talking about.

Originally Posted by Ztalin
I overheard my mom talking to my sister about how anything less than 6” is a micropenis.

If that were true then about 55% of men in the US (probably Australia, too) would have micropenis….

I think most women are simply taking their measurements from the bottom side which is where they typically see the penis. It isn’t as if they stand over our penis looking down as we do. Completely different angle and completely different number when measuring. I bet if we all measured that way we would end up with numbers similar to what some women are claiming as being ideal/average/huge and see that they would map back to what we have already established from the statistics.

- Chris

OK now lets go to testicles. Does anyone here have testicles?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

The recent line of discussion reminds me of when I was a kid and the first time I ordered a ‘footlong’ hot dog at a restaurant. I’m all eager for the superdog, the franken frank, the weinerator - only the waitress brings out this little thing, maybe an inch longer than a regular hot dog, six inches tops. I am fallen, I am crushed, I complain! This cannot possibly be a foot long, I state with as much bravado as my six-year-old self can muster.

“Sure, sweetie, that’s a foot long.”

I submit, gentlemen, that therein lies the root of our discontent: women see six inches and think that it is a foot, just as my waitress did, lo those many years ago.

Every woman who has guessed my size has overestimated it by at least an inch. Combine that with the one-upmanship urge women get whenever they’re in a group together, and those estimates get even bigger.

Not that I’ll correct them or anything.

I’m personally bumping up the length figures by about .6-.75” for my own reference purposes. Why? Because when we do bone pressed we’re jamming the ruler into the little crevice between wang and bone and measuring at erection levels that we are only able to keep at for very brief periods of time (ie completely maxed out such as at right before orgasm). However, the survey probably just measure to “the body” at the pubic bone location (as opposed to “the body” at perineum or side of penis, etc). “The body” to me means not bone pressed — meeting the body but not pushing it in as far as it can possibly go to the point of near pain (as we generally do). My difference between NBP and BP is .5” or so. Secondly, I suspect the average erection level was more like 80-90% rather than the what I would call 105% we generally do for our BP measurements. Thus, as I say, I’m bumping up all the figures by at least .6”. In my mind, I’m replacing the 5.77 with 6.5 etc :)

Originally Posted by Taugenichts
Isn´t it more logical that men come here because their penis is small and they want it to become larger?

Yes, at first. But then they get bigger.

vkn1, didn’t that self reported study (definitive penis size survey) find an average of 6.4” bone pressed? And we know that study’s inevitably going to be higher than the true average because

1) people lie
2) if they arne’t lying, they’re often in denial

And I’m sure that they jam the ruler just as hard as we do and measure at full erection for heir own self satisfaction.

I agree with your points, but you’re probably rounding up too high. I’d say that closer to 6” bone pressed is probably more accurate.

Gentlemen, I find the only accurate measurements are those that I do concerning my own growth. They are the only ones that I can insure.

I had a professor who once said that “Statistics are like bikinis. They can reveal a lot, but they hide some pretty important things too.” That’s been over twenty years and I’ve never forgotten that funny truth or evaluated any stat evidence without considering it.

Originally Posted by vkn1
Thus, as I say, I’m bumping up all the figures by at least .6”. In my mind, I’m replacing the 5.77 with 6.5 etc :)

My fat pad ranges between .25 and .33 depending on the day.

There is a lot of variety in fat pads, again the most common fat pad number I have seen reported at thunders ranges between .25 and .5.

So I too think you may be way off *if* we assume lifestyles was NPB (I think it was either BPEL or sort of BPEL)

(Additionally for what it is worth, fat pad does not seem to be 100% correlated with fitness level. That is, some lean thunder’s members report thicker fad pads)

Danwilkie — I agree with you completely. For our purposes, consistent measurement to keep track of PE gains is what’s important.

Obsessing over the exact millimeter accuracy of a size survey seems kind of pointless.

On the other hand as a source of *general* knowledge, seems like Lifestyle study is one of the most “scientific” of the studies.

So I do cite it on Thunders in the following two instances:

1) — Misguided Size Anxiety - a member is frozen with fear (won’t approach women, etc) because he thinks his unit is “too small” (when it isn’t).
2) — Bizarre Size Inflation - a member claims that the penises seen in porn movies are “average” and “common.”

That’s why I appreciated Priapologist running the numbers.

I heard that sometimes if a woman likes a guy, she will add 1-2” on purpose.


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