Thunder's Place

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Third anniversary: PE maturity

Third anniversary: PE maturity

Three years have passed. Three years training and following the PE forums have brought me a bit of knowledge, confidence, experience, in other words, maturity.
The most remarkable thing I noticed is how easier it is to grow after the second year: the ligaments start to respond pretty well (even with the mild, businessman approach I’ve used), and every workout seems to bring a tangible improvement.

But there are many more differences between a novice and a PE veteran :
First of all, a PE veteran is more relaxed: he knows it doesn’t matter if he misses a workout, or even 10 sessions, because he knows that the penis grows during the rest periods, and it’s good to have long rest periods for growth. He knows that PE is no harm to sex life, but just the opposite.

A PE veteran is relaxed because he has achieved or, more often, surpassed his goals. He knows that, given time, it’s even easier to make the balls hang lower, to match the new appearance.
When he sees very hung guys, he knows that, for the most part, they knew the secret earlier and trained more, they’re not only lucky !
A PE veteran doesn’t measure often: he just notices that “reference objects” in the bathroom keep getting smaller in comparison, while he just looks the same at the mirror.
More than that, a PE veteran knows how to balance PE with the rest of his life, knows when to stop and when to train harder, and never injures himself.
He know that his confidence benefits all his life and his relations, and it’s good !

Time to stop training ? No, I’m going on.
Next goals ? To cover the bellybutton totally limp (not far from that) and of course double digit BPEL (almost there).

Pardon my self-interview. All the best


Your observations are right on the money. They reflect exactly how I feel about PE at this stage of my life after being in it now for over 3 years. Welcome back!


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Great read MK, how have your gains progressed over the years?

Start Date - March 15, 2004 BPEL: 6.0" EG (midshaft): 5.0" EG (bottomshaft): 5.5" FL: 3.0" x 3.5"

MK9, congratulations on the 3rd year PE anniversary. You stated some good points,I just had bi-hernia repair four weeks ago and was concerned about my stoppage in PE for about 8 weeks. Or do you think I should take longer. I don’t want to injury myself.

MK9, thanks much for writing your thoughts down. I hope I will be doing the same in 3 years with some kind of gain.

I really like that you wrote you didn’t measure often, I am trying to take that kind of approach, being consistent with workouts, intensity without insanity.

Thanks again..


Thanks to everybody for the kind words ! I’ve actually tried to concentrate the essentials in a readable message, but there are many more aspects on which I could talk: feel free to ask …

To Thunder: your forum is the best !

Peforeal: two things I envy on you: the Hawaii location… and that GIRTH - and you started thinner than me…

I should be 7.75” by now: no way. But I must say that even with my 5.50” flaccid girth, I rarely see bigger ones.

Camaro: my growth curve has been, like for others, quite steep in the first year (from 7.50” to 8.5”), slower for the second year (up to 9 inches, but good girth gains), and great in the third year (9.75” , 6.25” girth). My routine is mostly dry jelqs, stretches (but I could do more of them), helicopter shakes, Horses, and massages to the corpora cavernosa.

Poppa: health first !! Don’t bother for the time off. Also - this is for everybody - don’t bother if it gets smaller if you get a bit depressed: it happens to all . Fight depression and you’ll get much bigger…

Sixerman: you’re perfectly right - take your time and be consistent: I’ve read posts from a few who trained for 5 years, and all of them had 10” or more! So Sixerman, in 3 years I’ sure you’ll have some KINDDDDD of gains!

Thanks again


SixerMan: let me rectify my post - I’m not saying that everyone should have a ten incher with 5 years PE. I’m saying that 2 - 2.5 inch gain is quite realistic in that time. And it’s not bad ….


Lol. No sweat @ whatever gains, I am going to focus on the workouts and rest periods, and try to enjoy it as a hobby.

thanks again.


What an inspiring post. I am approaching my one year anniversary of PE. I dont think you could have said more profound words to a forum full of guys (well at least some) who are at times impatient and aggressive (me included).

I look forward to reading your posts.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

MK9 —- Good stuff and a big congrats to you! I have been on and off for 4 years May 2000 and really consistent for almost a year! I hope to achieve even halve of what you have gained. I am at roughly a 1/2” some of you guys are just blessed. I also noticed you dry jelq did you ever wet jelq and then found out dry jelqing worked better or? I have not ever dry jelqed but it looks as though I should try it based on your Great Gains.

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

Yes N2growing, I did wet jelqs the first year, then I switched to dry: I think they’re more effective (but you have to be uncut…). Keep up with the good work !


Could to see you posting and still making excellent ones at that :)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

MK9, many thanks for your inspiring post and congrats on your gains!

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