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"To cum or not to cum" after your PE workout?


"To cum or not to cum" after your PE workout?

This question has been asked off and on since day one. How about if we try to point out the pros and cons of both sides here? Then the next time this question comes up, at least we will have one thread to link to.

  • How many guys here abstain from finishing off their workout with an ejaculation? Do you feel it has helped your gains at all?

  • If you delay, how long after your workout is your normal “wait time”?

  • Do you finish off your workout by getting and maintaining an erection without ejaculating? How long do you usually maintain your erection?

  • If you have done both in the past, ejaculate and not ejaculate after a workout, have you noticed any differences in your gains??

Thanks for your input !!!!

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One month I did all I could to not blow for the longest time, and it always seemed to keep a good circulation going (recommend taking l-arginine for that (was not used during this “experiment”)).
I experienced these gains:

Starting at 6 ENBP and 5.0 girth
.5 inch ENBP gain
.65 inch EBP gain
.2 inches girth gain

One month I just blew my load whenever I felt like it/whenever needed to decrease size (penis relax) for jelqing (never blew more than once per day).

Gains this month:
.15 inch ENBP
.2 inch EBP
relatively no girth gain

P.S. If you ABSOLUTELY MUST BLOW close in time to a PE exercise, I recommend blowing, and then soon after (less than 5 min) stroke yourself to another erection. Then proceed with the exercises.

My theory: It seems that blowing your load causes your penis cells to “eat up” all the NO (nitric oxide) produced to give you the erection in the first place. When you stroke yourself to another erection (NO released in penis again (less this time of course)), yet DONT blow, it seems the NO or NO-lasting-effects stay for a while, therefore decreasing the “harm” you have done by blowing your load at your first erection.

Hope this helps

Real good questions, T. I’d love to see us put this one to some kind of consensus.

I’m of the camp that likes to keep a pumped-up flaccid so I refrain at least 90% of the time. Ejaculating always causes my unitl to shrink up for several hours. Ironically, the pumped flaccid look comes back later. I do my routine early in the morning. I may or may not have sex at night.

Unlike Upgrading, I can’t offer a comparison of results from ejaculating or not.

In my total PE experience I’ve gained over 2 inches of length and over .5 of girth.

I always end my routine with a solid erection, this to make sure I haven’t done something during my exercises that might affect erectile function. I don’t pay too much attention to how long the erection lasts, so long as it does go up and is very firm, I’m comfortable.



Before I started pe 3 months ago I masterbated about 3-4 times a week. Now I haven’t masterbated in 6 weeks. I don’t seem to get the urge to anymore. The only time I ejaculate is with my wife and omg are the loads huge. The other day I pulled out and shot a foot over her head on the bed. I don’t know if not cumming has any effect on gains, but I really like this feeling of always being horny. I seem to always have good flaccids too.

Here goes

>>How many guys here abstain from finishing off their workout with an ejaculation? Do you feel it has helped your gains at all?

I do. I think it helps gains but I cannot be positive about that.

>>If you delay, how long after your workout is your normal “wait time”?

It least an hour, prferabley 2 or more.

>>Do you finish off your workout by getting and maintaining an erection without ejaculating? How long do you usually maintain your erection?

Yes, I usually do 20 min of edging, but no ejac for at least an hour sometimes not till that night (several hours)

>>If you have done both in the past, ejaculate and not ejaculate after a workout, have you noticed any differences in your gains??

I can’t really say for sure about gains, but I did ejac earlier and still had some of my routine to do later and I notice that the quality of the jelq was not as good. The cs would not pump up as well.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Well, what about doing PE right after ejaculation? That way the urge is taken care of, and you can work on the penis without that getting in the way… Anything wrong with that?

NIfty idea. For those who have long refractory periods, though, (time it takes to get hard again, or want to) this could present a problem for tight-scheduled workouts.



To ejaculate or not

I have noticed that I have a dramatically lower urge to masterbate since I started Power-Jelqing.

What I have noticed, that when I decide to ejaculate after a PE session my flaccid size remains pumped for at least 2 days.

Also the day after I have masterbated, the next PE session is usually superior to the other previous days of power-jelqing.

I think what oaktree is saying is important, I too wondered alot about this, and usually I do choose not to ejaculate.

however I have to say that I also noticed that at least sometimes, ejaculation seemed to leave me pumped up for longer, even though it sounds like a paradox I guess, and it might not look like that in the first few minutes after ejaculation.

so I always have this intuitive feeling that it might actually be beneficial in some way.

To answer thunders list.

I never ejaculate after a workout. I have no idea if this helps, all I do know is that holding off from ejaculation makes me more horny and prior to PE I noticed that doing this when having sex seemed to make my erections stronger if the session continued.

I try not to have sex on a workout day at all and currently workout sun-thur to make it less likely but I have had sex within an hour of a workout, which I found hard as I tend to push workouts. If I’m meeting someone and I know sex is likely I’ll take the day off.

I never finish workouts by getting and keeping an erection. I go straight from my exercises to a hot wrap. By the time I’m out of the hot wrap I’m down to 1/2” above my normal flaccid size but I continue to feel firm for hours.

I have no growth comparison between doing it this way and ejaculating after every workout. On the odd occasion I ejaculated after a session (soon after starting PE) I noticed that ejaculation followed by a hot wrap meant that my flaccid size was smaller.

When I’ve used the power jelq, a pretty infrequent occurrence, I’ve notice I tend toward greater erectness than with manual jelqing and if anything a greater desire to come.

The erections I get from jelqing are very different from the erections I have when I intend to have an orgasm. When I am jerking to cum my erections are harder and the pleasure is much different from jelqing.

I can jelq and stretch for days without ever feeling the need to cum though I know I am very horny. I get hornier by the day by not cumming.

When I decide to actually masturbate it is phenominal.

Bigger loads etc.

Sometimes I wonder if guys can actually have an orgasm without ever touching themselves. I mean by self hynosis or just focusing on cumming.

I have read that this is a possibility. I have tried to do this for years but

never made it to a full orgasm (just a lot of pre cum). I think that would be so cool if a guy could actually think themselves into having an orgasm. Some call it a psycho orgasms. Some feed back on this would be appreciated.

I like to do my workouts, then maintain an erection for about 20 minutes, and then sometimes I shoot!

1.) I’m from the school of no blow. And I feel that no ejac has done more for gains then yes ejac.

2.) At least 3 hours. That is if I’m not edging or successful at edging.

3.) Sometimes I edge, sometimes I don’t. If I do, I’d say about 15 mins.

4.) From experience, not blowing my load after gives me better gains. My penis seems to react positively to the workout, as opposed to blowing, where I almost always feel like I’ve been wasting my time doing the PE.

Pretty sure everyone knows this, but I’ll say it anyways. If you blow your load soon before a workout, jelqing is sub par. If not, and you’ve been holding off ejac for a few days, stretching/hanging may be sub-par due to getting hard easy.

1. I dont jerk it any time around PE. I don’t know if it helped my gains because I haven’t been PEing for long.

2. I jerk it upon awakening, and PE in the evening.

3. I usually (75% of the time) get an erection during my 10 minute warmdown shower. The rest of the time, I just admire my enormous flaccid/semi-erect state.

Thunder, good question. I’ve read that there are physiological changes that occur with ejaculation that may supposedly hinder PE growth if done right after a workout. But I’m not convinced about it.

It’s also hard to determine if post-PE nutting really does affect growth in any way. When I began PE, I was not ejaculating for at least a few hours after my workouts - because that’s what the guide explicity stated. My early gains (especially girth) were strong, but those were newbie gains of course. Did post-PE abstinence have anything at all to do with it?

I’ve followed no rule of thumb in regards to this controversy. There are times when I’ve had to wank it before a workout, as I kept trying to suppress wood and couldn’t do any productive stretching. Other times, I do the stretching (still rather flaccid), then the jelqing (getting firmer), then a few holds or a clamp (rock hard). To keep that erectile levels at the end of the workout, I might enlist the aid of porn - which also arouses me, resulting in the ensuing post-PE whackoff. And other times, I’m pressed for time, so I just “put it away” after the workout.

In general, I obviously don’t restrict myself in any way according to that theory. My gains haven’t been *phenomenal* but I am sporting 78% more wood.

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