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Trying to make sense of more methodical routines posted in recent years...

Trying to make sense of more methodical routines posted in recent years...

So… I’ve been on a several year PE break after starting and stopping for YEARS with zero luck after some very early newbie gains. I’ve come back planning to do the usual manual stretching and pumping but came across some threads by folks like Kypra, 5.5Squared, Longerstretch etc. and… my mind is blown.

So much of my approach in the past has boiled down to "this looks good, let me try it out and see if it works for me." It’s REALLY refreshing to see a more methodical approach backed by mechanisms that are scientifically demonstrated and dynamically adjusted with measurement.

The problem is, I don’t know if it’s my post-COVID brain fog or I’m just dumb, but I can’t really wrap my head around what exactly they’re saying. It’s a bit overwhelming for me going through threads that are now several years old and filled with dense studies and scientific jargon, and also quite long and non-linear (filled with links to other threads with hundreds of replies). So I just wanted to ask folks here if they knew a good starting point or a simplified explanation? This is more of a knock on my own intelligence than the original posters by the way, as they are clearly very generous with their time and energy and have already benefitted many.

I think I’d be interested in trying FIRe hanging as discussed here, but let me know if these mechanisms can be applied with other techniques: Hanging with FIRe
Also, I’m not very handy with DIY projects, so if you have any recommendations on devices I can get that are pretty dummy-proof and hard to wreck myself with, I’d be forever grateful!

Thanks everyone!

Looks like viksenpai had nearly the exact same thoughts as me! I’m going to read through that thread instead as he phrased everything much more clearly than me. Back after 10 years, but…

I have been doing PE off and on for about 15 years. The main reason I do it (when I do it) is because it feels good. The main reasons I’ve never stuck with it are my penis is “big enough” (7x5.5) and I haven’t had the time and privacy to be really dedicated.

But things have changed on the time/privacy front and I’ve decided to start again and stick to it to see where it takes me. In the past I did weights and pumping. This go round, I started with weights but got more interested in pumping after reading a thread on “condom pumping.” I tried as best I could to piece together a routine from the many posts. It wasn’t easy because most people aren’t too specific about exact times at which pressures. Nevertheless, after some trial and error I worked out a routine I’ve been using for about a week now.

Judging by early appearances, it seems to be working. I will keep at it for a month and if I am seeing what I think I’m seeing, I’ll post the routine and the results so far.

Interesting! Yeah, I would probably be in the same boat if I were you haha. Hmm, the threads I was looking at seemed to be centered on vacuum hanging. Is condom pumping a thing now too? Ugh, so much to catch up on.

I’ve been interested in something more passive like ADS because I’ve been super busy lately, but I read about 20 pages into an old thread and everyone started questioning OP’s claims. It’s so hard trying to figure out what works after the newbie gains wane…

Originally Posted by 4thewind
Interesting! Yeah, I would probably be in the same boat if I were you haha. Hmm, the threads I was looking at seemed to be centered on vacuum hanging. Is condom pumping a thing now too? Ugh, so much to catch up on.

I’ve been interested in something more passive like ADS because I’ve been super busy lately, but I read about 20 pages into an old thread and everyone started questioning OP’s claims. It’s so hard trying to figure out what works after the newbie gains wane.

I agree. It’s a lot to try to sift through and there are always counterpoints to every option. I have never been a big fan of jelqing as the main event. I do a few for warming up and when the mood strikes, but I don’t trust the consistency. X pressure in the pump or X weight on the hanger is accurate and repeatable so it appeals to me.

Since the post you responded to, I read another thread on incorporating rest periods. That’s something new to me. As I remember it, the old philosophy was never miss a day, never let it “turtle” etc. But the idea of leaving it alone on a regular basis seems sensible so I’m going to adapt the routine to allow that.

Good luck!

The most simplified version is:

Stretch under heat (aiming for 38.9 to 43.3 C to reach the therapeutic range), with a cool down period at the end to “solidify” everything. The weight/tension/stress used during the warm-up, heated/main and cool down stages are based on your flaccid girth (use kyrpa’s calculator for this). Progress is measured by comparing your BPFSL prior and post session, which calculates your strain.

Originally Posted by IndyMan
The most simplified version is:

Stretch under heat (aiming for 38.9 to 43.3 C to reach the therapeutic range), with a cool down period at the end to "solidify" everything. The weight/tension/stress used during the warm-up, heated/main and cool down stages are based on your flaccid girth (use kyrpa’s calculator for this). Progress is measured by comparing your BPFSL prior and post session, which calculates your strain.

Sweet, thanks for this! So um, are there any dummy-proof kits to try this heated vacuum/US stuff? I’m always worried about DIY projects when it comes to deliberately adding tension or heat to my dick because I am quite terrible at them and don’t want any catastrophes.

I find regardless of method or approach, the two most important factors in achieving PE success (which in my opinion is a minimum permanent 0.25" gain in girth and/or length) are COMMITMENT (some would call discipline) and PATIENCE. These seem like common sense but if you really break it down, it is so fundamental to the core of PE.

The commitment is kind of like the gym. The routine, the recovery, the supplements, and a set time or set goal before taking a break or retiring. The commitment to reading as much on the subject to not only get the most out of your routine(s), but to avoid any unnecessary setbacks.

And patience. The patience of knowing that the time it takes to achieve gains varies person to person, and to avoid the temptation of over-conditioning, which may not only set you back, but potentially injure your penis in the process. Or when your physiological indicator (P.I.’s) bells are ringing, having patience with the process, knowing you will have to sometimes modify your routine, dial back frequency or intensity, even pause for some time if it means preventing injury. Patience in accepting the reality that your goals may not take months, but years to achieve.

Regardless of how methodical the routine is or how well planned out your program is, it becomes meaningless without the aforementioned traits. Admittedly, the reason I haven’t been more successful is that I struggle with both those traits, patience & commitment. As a matter of fact, since I had started so thin, I had little patience in the girth department and instead got filler injections. Sure some might call that taking short cuts, but it worked for me and I have no regrets. As for length, I actually did have a good stretch of patience & commitment and was able to jelq my way to a 1-inch gain in erect length, but failed to appreciate the concept of "cementing gains" and have lost it all since. I’m starting that same routine this Summer although I wonder if age & attrition will make retrieving those gains considerably more challenging? Guess we’ll see.

But yea, patience & commitment, those are my 2 cents :)

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Originally Posted by IndyMan
The most simplified version is:

Stretch under heat (aiming for 38.9 to 43.3 C to reach the therapeutic range), with a cool down period at the end to "solidify" everything. The weight/tension/stress used during the warm-up, heated/main and cool down stages are based on your flaccid girth (use kyrpa’s calculator for this). Progress is measured by comparing your BPFSL prior and post session, which calculates your strain.

I’ve been a long time lurker, before joining to post my story (which is largely based on my work on IR research).
I must say I still am kind of amazed to see how many users support this approach. While it may certainly work, I’ve always considered this approach, based on heat, as ‘annealing’. You’re basically cooking your penis to dismantle the collagen matrix, causing plastic deformation.
To me, it’s like those people in Asia breaking their leg bones, recovering and healing under elongation, to achieve a few more cm in height.

I have the uttermost respect for people doing it, I want to be clear. To me, it really is way too dangerous.
From a scientific point of view, I would never consider it; the aim should be to trigger new cellular growth, not using heat to cause damage to inner tissues.

Originally Posted by Determined2Gain
I find regardless of method or approach, the two most important factors in achieving PE success (which in my opinion is a minimum permanent 0.25" gain in girth and/or length) are COMMITMENT (some would call discipline) and PATIENCE. These seem like common sense but if you really break it down, it is so fundamental to the core of PE.

The commitment is kind of like the gym. The routine, the recovery, the supplements, and a set time or set goal before taking a break or retiring. The commitment to reading as much on the subject to not only get the most out of your routine(s), but to avoid any unnecessary setbacks.

And patience. The patience of knowing that the time it takes to achieve gains varies person to person, and to avoid the temptation of over-conditioning, which may not only set you back, but potentially injure your penis in the process. Or when your physiological indicator (P.I.’s) bells are ringing, having patience with the process, knowing you will have to sometimes modify your routine, dial back frequency or intensity, even pause for some time if it means preventing injury. Patience in accepting the reality that your goals may not take months, but years to achieve.

Regardless of how methodical the routine is or how well planned out your program is, it becomes meaningless without the aforementioned traits. Admittedly, the reason I haven’t been more successful is that I struggle with both those traits, patience & commitment. As a matter of fact, since I had started so thin, I had little patience in the girth department and instead got filler injections. Sure some might call that taking short cuts, but it worked for me and I have no regrets. As for length, I actually did have a good stretch of patience & commitment and was able to jelq my way to a 1-inch gain in erect length, but failed to appreciate the concept of "cementing gains" and have lost it all since. I’m starting that same routine this Summer although I wonder if age & attrition will make retrieving those gains considerably more challenging? Guess we’ll see.

But yea, patience & commitment, those are my 2 cents :)

I fully agree that commitment and patience are critical for any type of success in PE. The real challenge is knowing that I may try something for 6 months, get absolutely nowhere, and then just go on to try something else. At least with the gym, I am almost 100% confident I’ll EVENTUALLY be able to bench 250 pounds if I start by benching 135 pounds and slowly add a small amount of weight over time. Obviously there are are plateaus and other issues with weightlifting, but the bottom line is the path to get there is more or less clear. In PE there really are a hundred ways to get there, so it’s overwhelming figuring out where to look next once you’ve gotten beyond the newbie gains, and tried several other more advanced strategies with little success.

Originally Posted by Solvay1927
I’ve been a long time lurker, before joining to post my story (which is largely based on my work on IR research).
I must say I still am kind of amazed to see how many users support this approach. While it may certainly work, I’ve always considered this approach, based on heat, as ‘annealing’. You’re basically cooking your penis to dismantle the collagen matrix, causing plastic deformation.
To me, it’s like those people in Asia breaking their leg bones, recovering and healing under elongation, to achieve a few more cm in height.

I have the uttermost respect for people doing it, I want to be clear. To me, it really is way too dangerous.
From a scientific point of view, I would never consider it; the aim should be to trigger new cellular growth, not using heat to cause damage to inner tissues.

Interesting. It’s nice to see this contrasting perspective because there sure seems to be a LOT of hype around it. It felt like I really needed to wrap my head around swaths of technical info to even attempt to get this going safely. Surely "therapeutic ranges" of heat wouldn’t be enough to cook your johnson though right?

Originally Posted by 4thewind

Interesting. It’s nice to see this contrasting perspective because there sure seems to be a LOT of hype around it. It felt like I really needed to wrap my head around swaths of technical info to even attempt to get this going safely. Surely "therapeutic ranges" of heat wouldn’t be enough to cook your johnson though right?

Of course, but the problem (with so many users getting their hands on US and FIR therapy devices) is the lack of sufficient expertise and/or control to maintain the temperature in the expected therapeutic range.

Not to mention that the same therapeutic range changes a lot in different parts of the body - god forbid that you mistakenly focus US on your testicles.

Time under adequate tension. Heat helps. I believe its important to see what force and time is needed for you to achieve adequate stretch and then hold that for a period of time.

Heat is nothing new. It is a basic concept for tissue stretch and VERY important. All of my injuries ( minor) have come from being cold.

Don’t over complicate things. Enough force and time to get adequate stretch. Hold the stretch. The most time per day you can devote to it and take time off.

Hey man I’m new here n also looking for a routine I’ve been jelqing but loo hopefully get a .5-1” girth. Currently 7.5x5 any pointers y’all?

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